Invalid use of function in Haskell with no type error - haskell
thats the image of the output ^ .
the declarations are here:
let add1 x = x + 1
let multi2 x = x * 2
let wtf x = ((add1 multi2) x)
(wtf 3)
No instance for (Num (a0 -> a0)) arising from a use of `it'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
Can anyone explain to me why Haskell says that the type of the invalid expression is Num and why it wont print the number?
I can't understand what is going on on the type system.

add1 multi2 applies add1 to a function, but add1 expects a number. So you might expect this to be an error because functions aren't numbers, but the thing is that they could be. In Haskell a number is a value of a type that's an instance of the Num type class and you can add instances whenever you want.
That is, you can write instance Num (a -> a) where ... and then functions will be numbers. So now mult2 + 1 will do something that produces a new function of the same type as mult2 (what exactly that will be depends on how you defined + in the instance of course), so add1 mult2 produces a function of type Num a -> a -> a and applying that function to x gives you a value of the same type as x.
So what the type wtf :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> a is telling you is "Under the condition that you a is a numeric type and you define an instance for Num (a -> a)", wtf will take a number and produce a number of the same type. And when you then actually try to use the function, you get an error because you did not define an instance for Num (a -> a).

(Re-written somewhat in response to comment)
Your line of code:
((add1 multi2) x)
means: apply the add1 function to the argument multi2, then apply the resulting function to the argument x. Since adding 1 to a function doesn't make sense, this won't work, so we get a compile-time type error.
The error is explaining that the compiler cannot find a typeclass instance to make functions work like numbers. Numbers must be part of the Num typeclass so they can be added, multiplied etc.
No instance for (Num (a0 -> a0)
In other words, the type a0-> a0 (which is a function type) doesn't have a Num typeclass instance, so adding 1 to it fails. This is a compile-time error; the code is never executed, so GHCi cannot print any output from your function.
The type of your wtf function is:
wtf :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> a
which says:
Given that a is a numeric type
and a -> a (function) is a numeric type
then wtf will take a number and return a number
The second condition fails at compile time because there's no defined way to treat a function as a number.


Assigning constrained literal to a polymorphic variable

While learning haskell with Haskell Programming from first principles found an exercise that puzzles me.
Here is the short version:
For the following definition:
a) i :: Num a => a
i = 1
b) Try replacing the type signature with the following:
i :: a
The replacement gives me an error:
• No instance for (Num a) arising from the literal ‘1’
Possible fix:
add (Num a) to the context of
the type signature for:
i' :: forall a. a
• In the expression: 1
In an equation for ‘i'’: i' = 1
38 | i' = 1
| ^
It is more or less clear for me how Num constraint arises.
What is not clear why assigning 1 to polymorphic variable i' gives the error.
Why this works:
id 1
while this one doesn't:
i' :: a
i' = 1
id i'
Should it be possible to assign a more specific value to a less specific and lose some type info if there are no issues?
This is a common misunderstanding. You probably have something in mind like, in a class-OO language,
class Object {};
class Num: Object { public: Num add(...){...} };
class Int: Num { int i; ... };
And then you would be able to use an Int value as the argument to a function that expects a Num argument, or a Num value as the argument to a function that expects an Object.
But that's not at all how Haskell's type classes work. Num is not a class of values (like, in the above example it would be the class of all values that belong to one of the subclasses). Instead, it's the class of all types that represent specific flavours of numbers.
How is that different? Well, a polymorphic literal like 1 :: Num a => a does not generate a specific Num value that can then be upcasted to a more general class. Instead, it expects the caller to first pick a concrete type in which you want to render the number, then generates the number immediately in that type, and afterwards the type never changes.
In other words, a polymorphic value has an implicit type-level argument. Whoever wants to use i needs to do so in a context where both
It is unambiguous what type a should be used. (It doesn't necessarily need to be fixed right there: the caller could also itself be a polymorphic function.)
The compiler can prove that this type a has a Num instance.
In C++, the analogue of Haskell typeclasses / polymorphic literal is not [sub]classes and their objects, but instead templates that are constrained to a concept:
#include <concepts>
template<typename A>
concept Num = std::constructible_from<A, int>; // simplified
template<Num A>
A poly_1() {
return 1;
Now, poly_1 can be used in any setting that demands a type which fulfills the Num concept, i.e. in particular a type that is constructible_from an int, but not in a context which requires some other type.
(In older C++ such a template would just be duck-typed, i.e. it's not explicit that it requires a Num setting but the compiler would just try to use it as such and then give a type error upon noticing that 1 can't be converted to the specified type.)
A value i' declared as i' :: a must be usable¹ in place of any other value, with no exception. 1 is no such a value, as it can't be used, say, where a String is expected, just to make one example.
Longer version
Let's start form a less uncontroversial scenario where you do need a type constraint:
plus :: a -> a -> a
plus x y = x + y
This does not compile, because the signature is equivalent to plus :: forall a. a -> a -> a, and it is plainly not true that the RHS, x + y, is meaningful for any common type a that x and y are inhabitants of. So you can fix the above by providing a constraint guaranteeing that + is possible between two as, and you can do so by putting Num a => right after :: (or even by giving up on polymorphic types and just change a to Int).
But there are functions that don't require any constraints on their arguments. Here's three of them:
id :: a -> a
id x = x
const :: a -> b -> a
const x _ = x
Data.Tuple.swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
Data.Tuple.swap (a, b) = (b, a)
You can pass anything to these functions, and they'll always work, because their definitions make no assumption whatsoever on what can be done with those objects, as they just shuffle/ditch them.
i' :: a
i' = 1
cannot compile because it's not true that 1 can represent a value of any type a. It can't represent a String, for instance, whereas the signature i' :: a is expressing the idea that you can put i' in any place, e.g. where a Int is expected, as much as where a generic Num is expected, or where a String is expected, and so on.
In other words, the above signature says that you can use i' in both of these statements:
j = i' + 1
k = i' ++ "str"
So the question is: just like we found some functions that have signatures not constraining their arguments in any way, do we have a value that inhabits every single type you can think of?
Yes, there are some values like that, and here are two of them:
i' :: a
i' = error ""
j' :: a
j' = undefined
They're all "bottoms", or ⊥.
(¹) By "usable" I mean that when you write it in some place where the code compiles, the code keeps compiling.

Misunderstandment of map parameters in Haskell

I'm trying to create a function, which will multiply each element in a list called s by a parameter x.
First, I experimented around in ghci and found that fn1 s = map (* 2) s works. The I tried to make the function more general by including the factor x as a parameter fn2 x s = map (* x) s. However this leads to an error, when I call the function:
<interactive>:12:1: error:
• Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num [a]
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
• When checking the inferred type
it :: forall a. (Num a, Num [a]) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
After some additional experimentation I found that I can solve the problem by surrounding the * operator with ()
fn3 x s = map ((*) x) s
What I need help with is why the latter piece of code works while the previous does not.
Any help is appreciated.
This would happen if you forget to provide the x parameter when calling fn2, for example:
> fn2 [1,2,3]
The compiler sees [1,2,3] where x should be, and it also sees (* x) in the body of the function, and it reckons that [1,2,3] must be a valid argument for operator *. And since operator * is defined in type class Num, the compiler infers that there must be an instance Num [a] - which is exactly what it says in the error message.
The result of such call would be another function, which still "expects" the missing parameter s and once given it, will return a list of the same type as s. Since it's clear from the provided arguments that x :: [a], and you're using map to transform x to the same type, the compiler infers that s :: [[a]], and so the result of calling fn2 like that is [[a]] -> [[a]], which is what the error message says.
Now, the requirement of an instance Num [a] in itself is not a big deal. In fact, if you enable the FlexibleContexts extension (as the error message tells you), this particular error goes away, and you will get another one, complaining that there is no instance Num [a] for any a. And that is the real problem. There is no instance Num [a], because, well, lists are not numbers.

The case of the disappearing constraint: Oddities of a higher-rank type

All the experiments described below were done with GHC 8.0.1.
This question is a follow-up to RankNTypes with type aliases confusion. The issue there boiled down to the types of functions like this one...
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
sleight1 :: a -> (Num a => [a]) -> a
sleight1 x (y:_) = x + y
... which are rejected by the type checker...
ThinAir.hs:4:13: error:
* No instance for (Num a) arising from a pattern
Possible fix:
add (Num a) to the context of
the type signature for:
sleight1 :: a -> (Num a => [a]) -> a
* In the pattern: y : _
In an equation for `sleight1': sleight1 x (y : _) = x + y
... because the higher-rank constraint Num a cannot be moved outside of the type of the second argument (as would be possible if we had a -> a -> (Num a => [a]) instead). That being so, we end up trying to add a higher-rank constraint to a variable already quantified over the whole thing, that is:
sleight1 :: forall a. a -> (Num a => [a]) -> a
With this recapitulation done, we might try to simplify the example a bit. Let's replace (+) with something that doesn't require Num, and uncouple the type of the problematic argument from that of the result:
sleight2 :: a -> (Num b => b) -> a
sleight2 x y = const x y
This doesn't work just like before (save for a slight change in the error message):
ThinAir.hs:7:24: error:
* No instance for (Num b) arising from a use of `y'
Possible fix:
add (Num b) to the context of
the type signature for:
sleight2 :: a -> (Num b => b) -> a
* In the second argument of `const', namely `y'
In the expression: const x y
In an equation for `sleight2': sleight2 x y = const x y
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Using const here, however, is perhaps unnecessary, so we might try writing the implementation ourselves:
sleight3 :: a -> (Num b => b) -> a
sleight3 x y = x
Surprisingly, this actually works!
Prelude> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ThinAir.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :t sleight3
sleight3 :: a -> (Num b => b) -> a
*Main> sleight3 1 2
Even more bizarrely, there seems to be no actual Num constraint on the second argument:
*Main> sleight3 1 "wat"
I'm not quite sure about how to make that intelligible. Perhaps we might say that, just like we can juggle undefined as long as we never evaluate it, an unsatisfiable constraint can stick around in a type just fine as long as it is not used for unification anywhere in the right-hand side. That, however, feels like a pretty weak analogy, specially given that non-strictness as we usually understand it is a notion involving values, and not types. Furthermore, that leaves us no closer from grasping how in the world String unifies with Num b => b -- assuming that such a thing actually happens, something which I'm not at all sure of. What, then, is an accurate description of what is going on when a constraint seemingly vanishes in this manner?
Oh, it gets even weirder:
Prelude> sleight3 1 ("wat"+"man")
Prelude Data.Void> sleight3 1 (37 :: Void)
See, there is an actual Num constraint on that argument. Only, because (as chi already commented) the b is in a covariant position, this is not a constraint you have to provide when calling sleight3. Rather, you can just pick any type b, then whatever it is, sleight3 will provide a Num instance for it!
Well, clearly that's bogus. sleight3 can't provide such a num instance for strings, and most definitely not for Void. But it also doesn't actually need to because, quite like you said, the argument for which that constraint would apply is never evaluated. Recall that a constrained-polymorphic value is essentially just a function of a dictionary argument. sleight3 simply promises to provide such a dictionary before it actually gets to use y, but then it doesn't use y in any way, so it's fine.
It's basically the same as with a function like this:
defiant :: (Void -> Int) -> String
defiant f = "Haha"
Again, the argument function clearly can not possibly yield an Int because there doesn't exist a Void value to evaluate it with. But this isn't needed either, because f is simply ignored!
By contrast, sleight2 x y = const x y does kinda sorta use y: the second argument to const is just a rank-0 type, so the compiler needs to resolve any needed dictionaries at that point. Even if const ultimately also throws y away, it still “forces” enough of this value to make it evident that it's not well-typed.

What is '(Floating a, Num (a -> a))' in Haskell?

In Haskell, I just know that
:type ((+)(1))
((+)(1)) :: Num a => a -> a
((+)(1) 2
But how about
:type abs(sqrt)
abs(sqrt) :: (Floating a, Num (a -> a)) => a -> a
Actually, I try many times but fail to use the function 'abs(sqrt)'. Then I have a few questions. What is the type(class?) '(Floating a, Num (a -> a))'? Is it possible to use the function 'abs(sqrt)'? How?
A type class is a way to generalize functions so that they can be polymorphic and others can implement those functions for their own types. Take as an example the type class Show, which in a simplified form looks like
class Show a where
show :: a -> String
This says that any type that implements the Show typeclass can be converted to a String (there's some more complication for more realistic constraints, but the point of having Show is to be able to convert values to Strings).
In this case, the function show has the full type Show a => a -> String.
If we examine the function sqrt, its type is
> :type sqrt
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
And for abs:
> :type abs
abs :: Num b => b -> b
If you ask GHCi what the types are it will use the type variable a in both cases, but I've used b in the type signature for abs to make it clear that these are different type variables of the same name, and it will help avoid confusion in the next step.
These type signatures mean that sqrt takes a value whose type implements the Floating typeclass (use :info Floating to see all the members) and returns a value of that same type, and that the abs function takes a value whose type implements the Num typeclass and returns a value of that same type.
The expression abs(show) is equivalently parsed as abs sqrt, meaning that sqrt is the first and only argument passed to abs. However, we just said that abs takes a value of a Num type, but sqrt is a function, not a number. Why does Haskell accept this instead of complaining? The reason can be seen a little more clearly when we perform substitution with the type signatures. Since sqrt's type is Floating a => a -> a, this must match the argument b in abs's type signature, so by substituting b with Floating a => a -> a we get that abs sqrt :: (Floating a, Num (a -> a)) => a -> a.
Haskell actually allows the function type to implement the Num typeclass, you could do it yourself although it would likely be nonsensical. However, just because something wouldn't seem to make sense to GHC, so long as the types can be cleanly solved it will allow it.
You can't really use this function, it just doesn't really make sense. There is no built-in instance of Num (a -> a) for any a, so you'd have to define your own. You can, however, compose the functions abs and sqrt using the composition operator .:
> :type abs . sqrt
abs . sqrt :: Floating c => c -> c
And this does make sense. This function is equivalent to
myfunc x = abs (sqrt x)
Note here that x is first applied to sqrt, and then the result of that computation is passed to abs, rather than passing the function sqrt to abs.
When you see Num (a -> a) it generally means you made a mistake somewhere.
Perhaps you really wanted: abs . sqrt which has type Floating c => c -> c - i.e. it's a function of a Floating type (e.g. Float, Double) to the same Floating type.
It is probably not possible to use this function.
What's likely happening here is that the type is saying that abs(sqrt) has the constraints that a must be of type class Floating and (a -> a) must be of type class Num. In other words, the sqrt function needs to be able to be treated as if it was a number.
Unfortunately, sqrt is not of type class Num so there won't be any input that will work here (not that it would make sense anyway). However, some versions of GHCi allow you to get the type of as if it were possible.
Have a look at Haskell type length + 1 for a similar type problem.
As ErikR has said, perhaps you meant to write abs . sqrt instead.

Strange Haskell expression with type Num ([Char] -> t) => t

While doing some exercises in GHCi I typed and got the following>
ghci> (1 "one")
No instance for (Num ([Char] -> a0)) arising from a use of ‘it’
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
which is an error, howeve if I ask GHCi for the type of the expression it does not give any error:
ghci> :type (1 "one")
(1 "one") :: Num ([Char] -> t) => t
What is the meaning of (1 "one")?
Why does this expression gives an error, but GHCi tells it is well typed?
What is the meaning of Num ([Char] -> t) => t?
Haskell Report to the rescue! (Quoting section 6.4.1)
An integer literal represents the application of the function fromInteger to the appropriate value of type Integer.
fromInteger has type:
Prelude> :t fromInteger
fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a
So 1 is actually syntax sugar for fromInteger (1 :: Integer). Your expression, then, is:
fromInteger 1 "one"
Which could be written as:
(fromInteger 1) "one"
Now, fromInteger produces a number (that is, a value of a type which is an instance of Num, as its type tells us). In your expression, this number is applied to a [Char] (the string "one"). GHC correctly combines these two pieces of information to deduce that your expression has type:
Num ([Char] -> t) => t
That is, it would be the result (of unspecified type t) of applying a function which is also a Num to a [Char]. That is a valid type in principle. The only problem is that there is no instance of Num for [Char] -> t (that is, functions that take strings are not numbers, which is not surprising).
P.S.: As Sibi and Ørjan point out, in GHC 7.10 and later you will only see the error mentioned in the question if the FlexibleContexts GHC extension is enabled; otherwise the type checker will instead complain about having fixed types and type constructors in the class constraint (that is, Char, [] and (->)).
Haskell is a very flexible language, but also a very logical one in a rather literal sense. So often, things that in most languages would just be syntax errors, Haskell will look at them and try its darnedest to make sense of them, with results that are really confusing but are really just the logical consequence of the rules of the language.
For example, if we type your example into Python, it basically tells us "what you just typed in makes zero sense":
Python 2.7.6 (default, Sep 9 2014, 15:04:36)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> (1 "one")
File "<stdin>", line 1
(1 "one")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Ruby does the same thing:
irb(main):001:0> (1 "one")
SyntaxError: (irb):1: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting ')'
(1 "one")
from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
But Haskell doesn't give up that easily! It sees (1 "one"), and it reasons that:
Expressions of the form f x are function applications, where f has type like a -> b, x has type a and f x has type b.
So in the expression 1 "one", 1 must be a function that takes "one" (a [Char]) as its argument.
Then given Haskell's treatment of numeric literals, it translates the 1 into fromInteger 1 :: Num b => [Char] -> b. fromInteger is a method of the Num class, meaning that the user is allowed to supply their own implementations of it for any type—including [Char] -> b if you are so inclined.
So the error message means that Haskell, instead of telling you that what you typed is nonsense, tells you that you haven't taught it how to construct a number of type Num b => [Char] -> b, because that's the really strange thing that would need to be true for the expression to make sense.
TL;DR: It's a garbled nonsense type that isn't worth getting worried over.
Integer literals can represent values of any type that implements the Num typeclass. So 1 or any other integer literal can be used anywhere you need a number.
doubleVal :: Double
doubleVal = 1
intVal :: Int
intVal = 1
integerVal :: Integer
integerVal = 1
This enables us to flexibly use integral literals in any numeric context.
When you just use an integer literal without any type context, ghci doesn't know what type it is.
Prelude> :type 1
1 :: Num a => a
ghci is saying "that '1' is of some type I don't know, but I do know that whatever type it is, that type implements the Num typeclass".
Every occurrence of an integer literal in Haskell source is wrapped with an implicit fromInteger function. So (1 "one") is implicitly converted to ((fromInteger (1::Integer)) "one"), and the subexpression (fromInteger (1::Integer)) has an as-yet unknown type Num a => a, again meaning it's some unknown type, but we know it provides an instance of the Num typeclass.
We can also see that it is applied like a function to "one", so we know that its type must have the form [Char] -> a0 where a0 is yet another unknown type. So a and [Char] -> a0 must be the same. Substituting that back into the Num a => a type we figured out above, we know that 1 must have type Num ([Char] -> a0) => [Char] -> a0), and the expression (1 "one") has type Num ([Char] -> a0) => a0. Read that last type as "There is some type a0 which is the result of applying a [Char] argument to a function, and that function type is an instance of the Num class.
So the expression itself has a valid type Num ([Char] -> a0) => a0.
Haskell has something called the Monomorphism restriction. One aspect of this is that all type variables in expressions have to have a specific, known type before you can evaluate them. GHC uses type defaulting rules in certain situations when it can, to accomodate the monomorphism restriction. However, GHC doesn't know of any type a0 it can plug into the type expression above that has a Num instance defined. So it has no way to deal with it, and gives you the "No Instance for Num..." message.
