Search formula not working on Linux machine - linux

I have a strange behavior: an agent called via an AJAX request should search documents to display in a calendar. For that reason I compute a search formula and then run the search method of my database in Lotusscript. This is the formula:
form="mholiday" | form="mserviceevent" | (form="mereignis" & co_status!="9") & #texttotime(#text(startdatetime)) >= [29.09.2014] & #texttotime(#text(enddatetime)) =< [10.11.2014]
Everything's fine on Domino on Windows but fails with "formula error" on a Linux machine. Am I missing something?
If I omit the term with the dates everything is fine, so this is the part that causes the error.

Try it with #ToTime() and #Date() instead. That might help to get away from local settings' influence on server:
... & #ToTime(startdatetime) >= #Date(2014; 9; 29) & ...
#ToTime() doesn't convert the field if it's a date time value already.
#Date doesn't depend on local settings whereas [29.09.2014] probably does.

I don't think it's a Linux problem, I think it's a data problem. It sounds like either a date format problem or a problem with the UNK table, used by full text search.
If the first document created on that server that had a field called "startdatetime" had a text value, then any search expects "startdatetime" to be a text value, even if there is another field in the database called startdatetime that is a date or the startdatetime field is subsequently changed to be a date. To confirm this, you can use the search bar and select the field. The operators it offers will confirm if it's expecting a date or a text value. See this answer for details on how to resolve "Query is not understandable" - Full text searching where field types have changed.
Alternatively, it may be a problem with the date format, as Knut says. In which case a test for 9/9/2014 would work but 29/9/2014 wouldn't.


Issue of Reading and Converting Date of Google Calendar Events when language is set to Arabic in C#

I am Using Google APis .net client library to read calendar events.
I have following line of code
newRow["Start"] = pEventItem.Start.DateTime.HasValue ?
Convert.ToDateTime(pEventItem.Start.DateTime) : Convert.ToDateTime(pEventItem.Start.Date);
Where PEventItem is of type Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.Data.Event and NewRow[...] is of type DataRow. The Value of pEventItem.Start.Date is "2019-06-24" (as seen in debug window)
The above line of code works perfect, But fails when UI language / Culture is set to Arabic (SaudiArabia) The same Convert.ToDateTime throws error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime".
btw, How i am changing the UI language is as below for your information.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(ChangeLanguageTo);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(ChangeLanguageTo);
I tried to set 2nd parameter of the Convert.ToDateTime function in an hope that it will convert date correctly...
CultureInfo enUsCulture = new CultureInfo("en-us");
newRow["Start"] = pEventItem.Start.DateTime.HasValue ? Convert.ToDateTime(pEventItem.Start.DateTime, enUsCulture) : Convert.ToDateTime(pEventItem.Start.Date, enUsCulture);
Well Now it does not throw exception, but the returned date is incorrect. value retuned is {21/10/40 12:00:00 ص}
while The actual date pEventItem.Start.Date is "2019-06-24"
I also tried invariant culture also, but result is same, converted date is wrong. What could be the issue?
There are a few things going on here.
Firstly, if you use EventDateTime.DateTime (e.g. via pEventItem.Start.DateTime) you don't need to call Convert.ToDateTime, because that's already a DateTime?... you can just take the Value property to get a DateTime from a DateTime?. However, I should warn that that can perform time zone conversions that you may not want. (We can't fix the library to avoid those, as it would be a breaking change.) Instead, you may want to parse EventDateTime.DateTimeRaw, which is the original string value returned by the API.
When parsing, I'd suggest using the invariant culture using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture (instead of creating an en-US culture), and parse using DateTime.ParseExact, specifying the format you expect based on whether you're parsing a date or a full date/time.
In terms of "the returned date is incorrect" - I believe that's really just the formatted value that's using the default culture, including the calendar system. We can see that at play in the code below, which constructs the DateTime directly (so can't be affected by any text parsing etc). When formatted using the invariant culture, it shows as 2019-06-24, but when formatted with ar-SA, it shows as "1440-10-21" due to the default calendar system for that culture being System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar:
// Note: when a calendar system is not specified,
// it's implicitly Gregorian.
DateTime date = new DateTime(2019, 6, 24);
Console.WriteLine(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Console.WriteLine(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", new CultureInfo("ar-SA")));
So what you're seeing in the debugger is the correct date - but formatted in a way you weren't expecting.

VBF syntax for SSRS expression cannot figure out proper construct

looking for help on what should be a very basic function. I am trying to get a SUM of a specific value, however I do not seem to get the syntax correct.
Here is what I have
=Sum(Fields!PriorYearSalesDollars.Value - Sum(Fields!PriorYearCost.Value
However I get an error when trying to sum. Is there another way to test this also? Each time I modify the expression I then have to save the report and upload to the report server and test again. If I do it through the preview function in visual studio it throws a generic error on the whole report. When running from report server, just this specific column shows #Error
This is the syntax that works after FIRST changing the column format to numbers where I accidentally did it as currency first. Not sure why currency didn't work, but this is correct.
=Sum(Fields!PriorYearSalesDollars.Value) - (Sum(Fields!PriorYearCost.Value) + Sum(Fields!PriorYearFrtCost.Value))

Node.js - Oracle DB and fetchAsString format

I am stuck on a problem and I am not sure what is the best way to solve it. I have a date column that I want to select and I want to fetch it as a string. Which is great, node-oracledb module has this option with fetchAsString mehotd. But it fetches the date like this for example 10-JAN-16 and I want to fetch it like this 10-01-2016. Is there a way to do that from the node-oracledb module, or I should modify the date after I get the result from the query?
UPDATE: I mean solution without to_char in the query and without query modifications
Check out this section of my series on Working with Dates in JavaScript, JSON, and Oracle Database:
The logon trigger shows an example of using alter session to set the default date format. Keep in mind that there is NLS_DATE_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT.
I only show NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT because I convert to that type in the examples that follow as I need to do some time zone conversion for the date format I'm using.
Another way to set the NLS parameters is to use environment variables of the same name. Note that this method will not work unless you set the NLS_LANG environment variable as well.

Cross Object References Workfront text editor

Hello I am attempting to link data that is connected to a task on a project report using the text editor.
So far I have this as my code:
displayname=Recvd Medical Rates
namekey=DE:Documentation Received Date
querysort=project:tasks:Document - Medical Rates:Documentation Received Date
valuefield=Documentation Received Date
I need to display data from a specific task within a specific custom form on a project report. I know there is no standard method of linking a project with a task, but the relationship is there and from my research It seems possible. I believe that I do not have the correct syntax.
Can somebody please help me with this. I have tried all types of combinations, I even tried adding the aggregator:
aggregator.namekey=Documentation Received Date
aggregator.valuefield=DE:Documentation Received Date
Either way I try and link the information the actual entered data will not display. So far the report knows that it is a date field; I know this because I am able click into the field on the project report and choose a date, but the date will not remain selected once I have chosen it leading me to believe that the field is somehow linked, but done incorrectly.
Please help.
The answer is below:
displayname=Plans and Benefits Received
valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("Plans and Benefits",{name}),{actualCompletionDate})
So how does it work? see below.
displayname=Plans and Benefits Received
^display name that you want^
^decides delimiter^
^Calls the nested or sub task^
^allows text editor mode to function^
^make data display as an iteration of original^
valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("Plans and Benefits",{name}),{actualCompletionDate})
^determines where the data is being pulled from^
^Format set to HTML^

HPQC ALM : what is the format for Date field in REST based query

I am trying to use REST call to HP QC ALM12. It works so far but hit a problem when trying to query based on a Date field. Wondering what's the correct syntax to specify a Date query. For example, for the field 'creation-time', how do I filter result within a period ? I have tried these but got HTTP 500 error:
{creation-time[>= '2015-01-01' AND <= '2015-06-01']}
{creation-time[>= '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z']
thanks for any help.
figured out the correct syntax, it is:
field_name[>=yyyy-MM-dd AND <=yyyy-MM-dd]
not quoted.
