get item index in Flot pie chart - flot

I'm Using flot.pie.js and flot.tooltip.js libraries to draw a Pie chart.
I need to Access the index of the Item that the mouse is on.
My data format is:
var data =
{data: 51, label: 'LabelA'}, // As first item
{data: 49, label: 'labelB'}, // As second item
I'm guessing I have to modify toolTipOpts:{content...}. Can anyone please describe the code of function that is passed to 'content' for this?

Pass a function callback to the content parameter. The flotItem parameter contains a seriesIndex property:
content: function(label, xval, yval, flotItem){
return flotItem.seriesIndex + '';
Example here.


How to show all x-axis tick values in Plotly?

I am using this library
to plot graphs in node.js. I have this code:
var data = [
x: xs,
y: ys,
type: "scatter"
var graphOptions = {filename: "date-axes", fileopt: "overwrite"};
plotly.plot(data, graphOptions, function (err, msg) {
to plot a graph with 5000 x-axis points. The problem is that in the rendered image, it x-axis values are not continuously increment by for each value I put. There is a rather large step, for example, if the x-axis labels are
['item1', 'item2', ..., 'item5000']
then it outputs with labels
['item1', 'item10', ..., 'item5000']
All the yaxis points are there, but I just want to see all x-axis labels.
Does anyone know what setting enables this? I assume that they did this by default so the text labels don't overlap each other, but in my case I want to see them all.
I am using Python, though I have encountered the same problem. When you are specifying the layout of your chart, you need to set tickmode='linear', at least it worked for me!
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
layout = go.Layout(
title='some title',
title='Xaxis Name',
Use layout.xaxis.dtick
Example here:
I run into the same problem and I managed to solve it: the trick is to define your values on xaxis as "categorical".
This is what my code looked like:
var layout = {
xaxis: {
tickangle: 35,
showticklabels: true,
type: 'category',
Plotly.newPlot(divname, data, layout);

Adding title text inside gauge Dojo

i need to insert a title (not a tooltip, a text on the top) inside the svg rendered by Dojo. How can i do that?
Here my Dgauge:
PD: The line
gauge.title = 'Test Report'
doesnt show the title
EDIT: The question is regarding a label at the top of the gauge, not the title attribute as I originally thought.
You can use a TextIndicator much like you did for the value label below the needle, but you can set a labelFunc property that defines a function called to set a label and displays whatever string is returned from it.
var labelText = new TextIndicator();
labelText.set('x', 73.3);
labelText.set('y', 55);
labelText.set('labelFunc', function() {return 'Test Report';});
gauge.addElement('labelText', labelText);
Here is a modified version of your fiddle with the title text in place.
Original answer remans below in case someone else needs it
Pass the title in when you create the gauge:
var gauge = new CircularLinearGauge({
title: 'Test Report'
}, dojo.byId("gauge"));
You can also use set to set it after the gauge is created:
gauge.set('title', 'Test Report'); //does work :)
The reason for this is that the gauge widget needs to set the text you give as the title on a specific element within the widget's template. gauge.title just sets the title property of the gauge widget, and the widget has no idea when or with what value that property is being set and thus is not able to make it show up as a title attribute on the gauge.
Finally i got a way to resolve this, and this is useful when you need to personalize your dgauge. Here the example:
What i did is basicly create a gauge, fill it with background white, and then add elements inside
var baseWidth = 400;
gauge.addElement("background", function (g) {
var auxHeight = baseWidth * objGauge.offsetHeight / objGauge.offsetWidth;
width: 400, height: auxHeight
//width: 400, height: 300
I dont know if is the best way, but works and i didnt find something similar in other sites
And what I think is great, this support multiple chart dgauges in only one SVG
I hope this will useful to someone else

How to manage event through a fill color with highchart?

I've got two series in an Highchart graph. Both are handling event like mousemove (to show tooltip) and mouse click.
Unfortunatly one of those series is an area serie which block any event to be triggered by the other one.
Let's say I've got those series with those plot options :
plotOptions: {
series: {
cursor: 'pointer',
point: {
events: {
click: function() {
alert ('Category: '+ this.category +', value: '+ this.y);
series: [{
data: [29.9, 51.5, 16.4, 19.2, 44.0, 16.0, 35.6, 48.5, 26.4, 4.1, 9.6, 54.4]
data: [39.9, 75.5, 120.4, 150.2, 130.0, 120.0, 140.6, 158.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]}
as seen in this JSFiddle
I can never click or see the tooltip on the red series points.
What I could do is to change the order of the series so the red one is over the blue one.
( like this). But I've got situations where I've got several area graphs over each other like that. In this case, change the order won't help.
Is there a way I can handle events through the fill area?
Ok I found a way that suit my need : manimulating SVG element order as indicated in this topic :
SVG re-ordering z-index (Raphael optional)
I'm using this code in the redraw event of the chart :
redraw : function(){
//get a reference on the first series svg element.
var svgSeriesParent = document.querySelectorAll('.highcharts-series')[0];
//loop on all the path drawn by highchart
var pathArray = document.querySelectorAll('path');
for (var pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < pathArray.length; pathIndex++) {
var pathObj = pathArray[pathIndex];
//if attribute fill is not "none", this is an area path.
if ($(pathObj).attr('fill') !== "none") {
//move the current fill path before the first series svg element.
svgSeriesParent.insertBefore(pathObj, svgSeriesParent.firstChild);
See the result in this JSFiddle
Limitation :
The fill area doesn't have the same svg group anymore thus, hidding / showing the series is broken : all the fill area are considered being part of the first series. (click in the legend to see it).
In my case I don't need to hide series so I'll go on with this solution.
The svg order manipulation is not complicated that's why I would expect highchart to manage this case : add a fillZIndex parametter doesn't seem difficult and could be pretty usefull...
Only what comes to my mind is using 4 series, 2 area and 2 lines and use index.

Is there a way to hyperlink the slices in a pie chart of a sharepoint(google visualization) web part?

I am working with Microsoft Sharepoint and Google Analytics - Visualization integration.
Currently I have a pie chart. My question is whether there is a way to hyperlink the slices in the chart, so that they could be linked to a specific object and is there a way of organizing the legend in the format of biggest slice to the lowest?
If you're using the Google Chart tools library you can have Pie charts that are selectable.
All you have to do is listen for the select Event on the Pie Chart. Than use the getSelection() method from Pie Chart to get the selected row. Than you go back to your dataTable and get the data you want based on the selected row.
function drawVisualization() {
// Create and populate the data table.
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Task', 'Hours per Day'],
['Work', 11],
['Eat', 2],
['Commute', 2],
['Watch TV', 2],
['Sleep', 7]
// Create and draw the visualization.
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('visualization'))
chart.draw(data, {title:"So, how was your day?"});, 'select', function(){
var row = chart.getSelection()[0].row;
var element = data.getValue(row, 0);
alert('You just selected: ' + element);
In my example I only alert the value selected. But you can use javascript to redirect the user to a different page:
window.location.href = '';

Choosing optimal layouts for resizeable windows in qooxdoo

I am trying to understand Qooxdoo.
So, window, using "VBox" layout is working, toolbar too, but the table component
working wrong.
extend : qx.ui.window.Window,
construct : function()
this.base(arguments, "tiny")
var layout = new qx.ui.layout.VBox();
// toolbar and buttons is hidden
// because only table works wrong
var tableModel = new qx.ui.table.model.Simple();
var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
this.add(table, {row: 1, column: 0, colSpan: 10});
this.add(table, {flex: 1});
var tiny_window = new tiny.MainWindow();;
tiny_window.moveTo(100, 100);
I've got this output:
"The property 'row' is not supported by the VBox layout!"
Table is shown correctly, but vertical resizing isn't changing
table vertical size.
So, what layout types I must use with table component, toolbar?
P.S.: I am already tried "Dock" layout. Here, error is similar: "The property 'row' is not supported by the Dock layout!: The value 'row' must have any of the values defined in the array 'flex,edge,height,width'". Maybe I need other way to define the table size?
just drop the line
this.add(table, {row: 1, column: 0, colSpan: 10});
it is only valid for a grid layout
The optimal layout in your case with only one item in the window would probably be
