Dependent Types: How is the dependent pair type analogous to a disjoint union? - haskell

I've been studying dependent types and I understand the following:
Why universal quantification is represented as a dependent function type. ∀(x:A).B(x) means “for all x of type A there is a value of type B(x)”. Hence it's represented as a function which when given any value x of type A returns a value of type B(x).
Why existential quantification is represented as a dependent pair type. ∃(x:A).B(x) means “there exists an x of type A for which there is a value of type B(x)”. Hence it's represented as a pair whose first element is a particular value x of type A and whose second element is a value of type B(x).
Aside: It's also interesting to note that universal quantification is always used with material implication while existential quantification is always used with logical conjunction.
Anyway, the Wikipedia article on dependent types states that:
The opposite of the dependent type is the dependent pair type, dependent sum type or sigma-type. It is analogous to the coproduct or disjoint union.
How is it that a pair type (which is normally a product type) is analogous to a disjoint union (which is a sum type)? This has always confused me.
In addition, how is the dependent function type analogous to the product type?

The confusion arises from using similar terminology for the structure of a Σ type and for how its values look like.
A value of Σ(x:A) B(x) is a pair (a,b) where a∈A and b∈B(a). The type of the second element depends on the value of the first one.
If we look at the structure of Σ(x:A) B(x), it's a disjoint union (coproduct) of B(x) for all possible x∈A.
If B(x) is constant (independent of x) then Σ(x:A) B will be just |A| copies of B, that is A⨯B (a product of 2 types).
If we look at the structure of Π(x:A) B(x), it's a product of B(x) for all possible x∈A. Its values could be viewed as |A|-tuples where a-th component is of type B(a).
If B(x) is constant (independent of x) then Π(x:A) B will be just A→B - functions from A to B, that is Bᴬ (B to A) using the set-theory notation - the product of |A| copies of B.
So Σ(x∈A) B(x) is a |A|-ary coproduct indexed by the elements of A, while Π(x∈A) B(x) is a |A|-ary product indexed by the elements of A.

A dependent pair is typed with a type and a function from values of that type to another type. The dependent pair has values of pairs of a value of the first type and a value of the second type applied to the first value.
data Sg (S : Set) (T : S -> Set) : Set where
Ex : (s : S) -> T s -> Sg S T
We can recapture sum types by showing how Either is canonically expressed as a sigma type: it's just Sg Bool (choice a b) where
choice : a -> a -> Bool -> a
choice l r True = l
choice l r False = r
is the canonical eliminator of booleans.
eitherIsSg : {a b : Set} -> Either a b -> Sg Bool (choice a b)
eitherIsSg (Left a) = Sg True a
eitherIsSg (Right b) = Sg False b
sgIsEither : {a b : Set} -> Sg Bool (choice a b) -> Either a b
sgIsEither (Sg True a) = Left a
sgIsEither (Sg False b) = Right b

Building on Petr Pudlák’s answer, another angle to see this in a purely non-dependent fashion is to notice that the type Either a a is isomorphic to the type (Bool, a). Although the latter is, at first glance, a product, it makes sense to say it’s a sum type, as it is the sum of two instances of a.
I have to do this example with Either a a instead of Either a b, because for the latter to be expressed as a product, we need – well – dependent types.

Good question. The name could originate from Martin-Löf who used the term "Cartesian product of a family of sets" for the pi type. See the following notes, for example:
The point is while a pi type is in principle akin to an exponential, you can always see an exponential as an n-ary product where n is the exponent. More concretely, the non-dependent function A -> B can be seen as an exponential type B^A or an infinite product Pi_{a in A} B = B x B x B x ... x B (A times). A dependent product is in this sense a potentially infinite product Pi_{a in A} B(a) = B(a_1) x B(a_2) x ... x B (a_n) (once for every a_i in A).
The reasoning for dependent sum could be similar, as you can see a product as an n-ary sum where n is one of the factors of the product.

This is probably redundant with the other answers at this point, but here is the core of the issue:
How is it that a pair type (which is normally a product type) is analogous to a disjoint union (which is a sum type)? This has always confused me.
But what is a product but a sum of equal numbers? e.g. 4 × 3 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3.
The same relationship holds for types, or sets, or similar things. In fact, the nonnegative integers are just the decategorification of finite sets. The definitions of addition and multiplication on numbers are chosen so that the cardinality of a disjoint union of sets is the sum of the cardinalities of the sets, and the cardinality of a product of sets is equal to the product of the cardinalities of the sets. In fact, if you substitute "set" with "herd of sheep", this is probably how arithmetic was invented.

First, see what a co-product is.
A co-product is a terminal object A for all objects B_i such that for all arrows B_i -> X there is an arrow B_i -> A, and a unique A -> X such that the corresponding triangles commute.
You can view this as a Haskell data type A with B_i -> A being a bunch of constructors with a single argument of type B_i. It is clear then that for every B_i -> X it is possible to supply an arrow from A -> X such that through pattern-matching you could apply that arrow to B_i to get X.
The important connection to sigma types is that the index i in B_i can be of any type, not just a type of natural numbers.
The important difference from the answers above is that it does not have to have a B_i for every value i of that type: once you've defined B_i ∀ i, you have a total function.
The difference between Π and Σ, as may be seen from Petr Pudlak's answer, is that for Σ some of the values B_i in the tuple may be missing - for some i there may be no corresponding B_i.
The other clear difference between Π and Σ is that Π characterizes a product of B_i by providing i-th projection from the product Π to each B_i (this is what the function i -> B_i means), but Σ provides the arrows the other way around - it provides the i-th injection from B_i into Σ.


How to think about the lack of laws

I am a mathematician who works a lot with category theory, and I've been using Haskell for a while to perform certain computations etc., but I am definitely not a programmer. I really love Haskell and want to become much more fluent in it, and the type system is something that I find especially great to have in place when writing programs.
However, I've recently been trying to implement category theoretic things, and am running into problems concerning the fact that you seemingly can't have class method laws in Haskell. In case my terminology here is wrong, what I mean is that I can write
class Monoid c where
id :: c -> c
m :: c -> c -> c
but I can't write some law along the lines of
m (m x y) z == m x $ m y z
From what I gather, this is due to the lack of dependent types in Haskell, but I'm not sure how exactly this is the case (having now read a bit about dependent types). It also seems that the convention is just to include laws like this in comments and hope that you don't accidentally cook up some instance that doesn't satisfy them.
How should I change my approach to Haskell to deal with this problem? Is there a nice mathematical/type-theoretic solution (for example, require the existence of an associator that is an isomorphism (though then the question is, how do we encode isomorphisms without a law?)); is there some 'hack' (using extensions such as DataKinds); should I be drastic and switch to using something like Idris instead; or is the best response to just change the way I think about using Haskell (i.e. accept that these laws can't be implemented in a Haskelly way)?
(bonus) How exactly does the lack of laws come from not supporting dependent types?
You want to require that:
m (m x y) z = m x (m y z) -- (1)
But to require this you need a way to check it. So you, or your compiler (or proof assistant), need to construct a proof of this. And the question is, what type is a proof of (1)?
One could imagine some Proof type but then maybe you could just construct a proof that 0 = 0 instead of a proof of (1) and both would have type Proof. So you’d need a more general type. I can’t decide how to break up the rest of the question so I’ll go for a super brief explanation of the Curry-Howard isomorphism followed by an explanation of how to prove two things are equal and then how dependent types are relevant.
The Curry-Howard isomorphism says that propositions are isomorphic to types and proofs are isomorphic to programs: a type corresponds to a proposition and a proof of that proposition corresponds to a program constructing a value inhabiting that type. Ignoring how many propositions might be expressed as types, an example would be that the type A * B (written (A, B) in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A and B,” while the type A + B (written Either A B in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A or B.” Finally the type A -> B corresponds to “A implies B,” as a proof of this is a program which takes evidence of A and gives you evidence of B. One should note that there isn’t a way to express not A but one could imagine adding a type Not A with builtins of type Either a (Not a) for the law of the excluded middle as well as Not (Not a) -> a, and a * Not a -> Void (where Void is a type which cannot be inhabited and therefore corresponds to false), but then one can’t really run these programs to get constructivist proofs.
Now we will ignore some realities of Haskell and imagine that there aren’t ways round these rules (in particular undefined :: a says everything is true, and unsafeCoerce :: a -> b says that anything implies anything else, or just other functions that don’t return where their existence does not imply the corresponding proof).
So we know how to combine propositions but what might a proposition be? Well one could be to say that two types are equal. In Haskell this corresponds to the GADT
data Eq a b where Refl :: Eq c c
Where this constructor corresponds to the reflexive property of equality.
[side note: if you’re still interested so far, you may be interested to look up Voevodsky’s univalent foundations, depending on how much the idea of “Homotopy type theory” interests you]
So can we prove something now? How about the transitive property of equality:
trans :: Eq a b -> Eq b c -> Eq a c
trans x y =
case x of
Refl -> -- by this match being successful, the compiler now knows that a = b
case y of
Refl -> -- and now b = c and so the compiler knows a = c
Refl -- the compiler knows that this is of type Eq d d, and as it knows a = c, this typechecks as Eq a c
This feels like one hasn’t really proven anything (especially as this mainly relies on the compiler knowing the transitive and symmetric properties), but one gets a similar feeling when proving simple things in logic as well.
So now how might you prove the original proposition (1)? Well let’s imagine we want a type c to be a monoid then we should also prove that $\forall x,y,z:c, m (m x y) z = m x (m y z).$ So we need a way to express m (m x y) z as a type. Strictly speaking this isn’t dependent types (this can be done with DataKinds to promote values and type families instead of functions). But you do need dependent types to have types depend on values. Specifically if you have a type Nat of natural numbers and a type family Vec :: Nat -> * (* is the kind (read type) of all types) of fixed length vectors, you could define a dependently typed function mkVec :: (n::Nat) -> Vec n. Observe how the type of the output depends on the value of the input.
So your law needs to have functions promoted to type level (skipping the questions about how one defines type equality and value equality), as well as dependent types (made up syntax):
class Monoid c where
e :: c
(*) :: c -> c -> c
idl :: (x::c) -> Eq x (e * x)
idr :: (x::c) -> Eq x (x * e)
assoc :: (x::c) -> (y::c) -> (z::c) -> Eq ((x * y) * z) (x * (y * z))
Observe how types tend to become large with dependent types and proofs. In a language missing typeclasses one could put such values into a record.
Final note on the theory of dependent types and how these correspond to the curry Howard isomorphism.
Dependent types can be considered an answer to the question: what types correspond to the propositions $\forall x\in S\quad P(x)$ and $\exists y\in T\quad Q(y)?$
The answer is that you create new ways to make types: the dependent product and the dependent sum (coproduct). The dependent product expresses “for all values $x$ of type $S,$ there is a value of type $P(x).$” A normal product would be a dependent product with $S=2,$ a type inhabited by two values. A dependent product might be written (x:T) -> P x. A dependent sum says “some value $y$ of type $T$, paired with a value of type $Q(y).$” this might be written (y:T) * Q y.
One can think of these as a generalisation of arbitrarily indexed (co)products from Set to general categories, where one might sensibly write e.g. $\prod_\Lambda X(\lambda),$ and sometimes such notation is used in type theory.

Haskell: function to find out by type definition

Also owing to all your help, I made some steps in understanding the type system in Haskell. What I still don't understand is a construction like this:
chk :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> b -> Bool
Why is the class constraint only on 'b', while you cannot compare different types?
Isn't a/b used to indicate different types anyway?
If I got this all wrong, can you show me a function that would typecheck like that?
Such a function would only be able to compare two values of type b for equality, no as involved.
If you look at the type, there is one implementation that seems to be the obvious one:
chk :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> b -> Bool
chk f x y =
let z = f x -- z :: b
in y == z -- comparison of two values of type b
You need to clearly separate in your mind the difference between type variables and normal variables.
The type (Eq b) =>... means that b can be any type, provided that values of that type are comparable. So b = Int would work, because we can compare Int values (e.g., 3 == 5 is false, but 2 == 2 is true). But b = IO Int would not work, since you cannot compare I/O operations for equality.
All of this has nothing to do with whether a == b; both a and b are types, not values. The type says that a can be any type, and b can also be any type (if it implements Eq). In particular, it's possible for a and b to be the same type, but it's also possible for them to be different types. Using different type variables says that these can be different types, not that they must be different.
Ler's see how we could deduce a sensible implementation of chk from its type.
Having two values, one of type a and one of type b, we can't do much with them. Both types are unknown. (They may be in fact the same type but we don't know that). We know we can compare two values of type b for equality, but there's only one such value at our disposal. We can compare it with itself but this doesn't make much sense. If we had another value of type b, we could compare the two.
But there are three arguments, one of type a, one of type b, and one is a function of type a->b. The only other thing we can do with them (apart from comparing a value with itself) is to apply the function to the value of type a. The result of this application has type b. But wait, this is exactly what we wanted, another value of type b to complete the comparison. And since the result of the comparison is of type Bool, this is exactly what we need to complete chk.
chk f x y = f x == y
And this is the one of two non-trivial ways to write this function. The other one replaces == with /=.
There are in fact a very limited amount of functions of this type and we can enumerate them all. If you only take into account total functions and require that equality is reflexive and symmetric, then there are only two other functions of this type:
chk0 f x y = True
chk1 f x y = False
If you drop these restrictions, you can write also:
chk2 f x y = undefined
chk3 f x y = y == y // may be different from just True
chk4 f x y = f x == f x
and perhaps a dozen more.

forall as an intersection over those sets

I have been reading the existential section on Wikibooks and this is what is stated there:
Firstly, forall really does mean 'for all'. One way of thinking about
types is as sets of values with that type, for example, Bool is the
set {True, False, ⊥} (remember that bottom, ⊥, is a member of every
type!), Integer is the set of integers (and bottom), String is the set
of all possible strings (and bottom), and so on. forall serves as an
intersection over those sets. For example, forall a. a is the intersection over all types, which must be {⊥}, that is, the type (i.e. set) whose only value (i.e. element) is bottom.
How does forall serve as an intersection over those sets ?
forall in formal logic means that it can be any value from the universe of discourse. How does in Haskell it gets translated to intersection ?
Haskell's forall-s can be viewed as restricted dependent function types, which I think is the conceptually most enlightening approach and also most amenable to set-theoretic or logical interpretations.
In a dependent language one can bind the values of arguments in function types, and mention those values in the return types.
-- Idris
id : (a : Type) -> (a -> a)
id _ x = x
-- Can also leave arguments implicit (to be inferred)
id : a -> a
id x = x
-- Generally, an Idris function type has the form "(x : A) -> F x"
-- where A is a type (or kind/sort, or any level really) and F is
-- a function of type "A -> Type"
-- Haskell
id :: forall (a : *). (a -> a)
id x = x
The crucial difference is that Haskell can only bind types, lifted kinds, and type constructors, using forall, while dependent languages can bind anything.
In the literature dependent functions are called dependent products. Why call them that, when they are, well, functions? It turns out that we can implement Haskell's algebraic product types using only dependent functions.
Generally, any function a -> b can be viewed as a lookup function for some product, where the keys have type a and the elements have type b. Bool -> Int can be interpreted as a pair of Int-s. This interpretation is not very interesting for non-dependent functions, since all the product fields must be of the same type. With dependent functions, our pair can be properly polymorphic:
Pair : Type -> Type -> Type
Pair a b = (index : Bool) -> (if index then a else b)
fst : Pair a b -> a
fst pair = pair True
snd : Pair a b -> b
snd pair = pair False
setFst : c -> Pair a b -> Pair c b
setFst c pair = \index -> if index then c else pair False
setSnd : c -> Pair a b -> Pair a c
setSnd c pair = \index -> if index then pair True else c
We have recovered all the essential functionality of pairs here. Also, using Pair we can build up products of arbitrary arity.
So, how does is tie in to the interpretation of forall-s? Well, we can interpret ordinary products and build up some intuition for them, and then try to transfer that to forall-s.
So, let's look a bit first at the algebra of ordinary products. Algebraic types are called algebraic because we can determine the number of their values by algebra. Link to detailed explanation. If A has |A| number of values and B has |B| number of values, then Pair A B has |A| * |B| number of possible values. With sum types we sum the number of inhabitants. Since A -> B can be viewed as a product with |A| fields, all having type B, the number of the inhabitants of A -> B is |A| number of |B|-s multiplied together, which equals |B|^|A|. Hence the name "exponential type" that is sometimes used to denote functions. When the function is dependent, we fall back to the "product over some number of different types" interpretation, since the exponential formula no longer fits.
Armed with this understanding, we can interpret forall (a :: *). t as a product type with indices of type * and fields having type t, where a might be mentioned inside t, and thus the field types may vary depending on the choice of a. We can look up the fields by making Haskell infer some particular type for the forall, effectively applying the function to the type argument.
Note that this product has as many fields as many values of indices there are, which is pretty much infinite here, considering the potential number of Haskell types.
You have to view types in either negative or positive context—i.e. either in the process of construction or the process of use (have/receive and this is all probably best understood in Game Semantics, but I am not familiar with them).
If I "give you" a type forall a . a then you know I must have constructed it somehow. The only way for a particular constructed value to have the type forall a . a is that it could be a stand-in "for all" types in the universe of discourse—which is, of course, the intersection of their functionality. In sane languages no such value exists (Void), but in Haskell we have bottom.
bottom :: forall a . a
bottom = let a = a in a
On the other hand, if I somehow magically have a value of forall a . a and I attempt to use it then we get the opposite effect—I can treat it as anything in the union of all types in the universe of discourse (which is what you were looking for) and thus I have
absurd :: (forall a . a) -> b
absurd a = a
How does forall serve as an intersection over those sets ?
Here you may benefit from starting to read a bit about the Curry-Howard correspondence. To make a long story short, you can think of a type as a logical proposition, language expressions as proofs of their types, and values as normal form proofs (proofs that cannot be simplified any further). So for example, "Hello world!" :: String would be read as ""Hello world!" is a proof of the proposition String."
So now think of forall a. a as a proposition. Intuitively, think of this as a second-order quantified statement over a propositional variable: "For all statements a, a." It's basically asserting all propositions. This means that if x is a proof of forall a. a, then for any proposition P, x is also a proof of P. So, since the proofs of forall a. a are the proofs that prove any propositions, then it must follow that the proofs of forall a. a must be the same as what you'd get if you mapped each proposition to the set of its proofs and took their intersection. And the only normal-form proof (i.e. "value") that is common to all those sets is bottom.
Another informal way to look at it is that universal quantification is like an infinite conjunction (∀x.P(x) is like P(c0) ∧ P(c1) ∧ ...). Conjunction, seen from a model-theoretical view, is set intersection; the set of evaluation environments where A ∧ B is true is the intersection of the environments where A is true and the ones where B is true.

Why in algebraic data types, if I can define a special `from` and `to` function for two types, the two types can be considered equality?

I'm reading this blog:
It says:
However, when I talk about equality, I don’t mean Haskell equality, in the sense of the (==) function. Instead, I mean that the two types are in one-to-one correspondence – that is, when I say that two types a and b are equal, I mean that you could write two functions
from :: a -> b
to :: b -> a
that pair up values of a with values of b, so that the following equations always hold (here the == is genuine, Haskell-flavored equality):
to (from a) == a
from (to b) == b
And later, there are many laws based on this definition:
Add Void a === a
Add a b === Add b a
Mul Void a === Void
Mul () a === a
Mul a b === Mul b a
I can't understand why we can safely get these laws based on the definition of "equality"? Can use use other definitions? What can we do with this definition? Does it make sense for Haskell type systems?
The term that the author is skating around, so as not to "mention category theory or advanced math", is cardinality. He defines two types to be ===-equal to each other if they have equal cardinality -- that is, if there are as many possible values of one as there are of the other.
Because if two types have equal cardinality, there exists an isomorphism between them. Mul () Bool may be a different type than Bool, but there are exactly as many members of one as the other, and one can trivially define a function to go from one to the other, or the other to the one. (Not that there is only one such isomorphism -- the point is, you could choose one.)
It's not a great approach. It works fine for finite sets, basically, but it introduces unfortunate side effects for infinite sets, like Add Int Int === Int. Still, for the basic description of addition and multiplication of types, it seems to serve.
Informally speaking, when two mathematical structures A,B have two "nice" functions from,to satifying from . to == id and to . from == id, the structures A,B are said to be isomorphic.
The actual definition of "nice" function varies with the kind of structure at hand (and sometimes, different definitions of "nice" give rise to distinct notions of isomorphism).
The idea behind isomorphic structures is that, roughly, they "work" in exactly the same way. For instance, consider a structure A made by the booleans True,False with &&,|| as operations. Let then structure B made of the two naturals1,0 with min,max as operations. These are different structures, yet they share the same rules. For instance True && x == x and 1 `min` x == x for all x. A and B are isomorphic: function to will map True to 1, and False to 0, while from will perform the opposite mapping.
(Note that while we could map True to 0 and False to 1, and we would still get from . to == id and its dual, this mapping would not be considered "nice" since it would not preserve the structure: e.g., to (True && x) == to x yet to (True && x) == to True `min` to x == 0 `min` to x == 0 .)
Another example in a different setting: consider A to be a circle in a plane, while B is a square in such plane. One can then define continuous mappings to,from between them. This can be done with any two "closed loops", loosely speaking, which can be said to be isomorphic. Instead a circle and an "eight" shape do not admit such continuous mappings: the self-intersecting point in the "eight" can not be mapped to any point in the circle in a continuous way (roughly, four "ways" depart from it, while points in the circle have only two such "ways").
In Haskell, types are similarly said to be isomorphic when two Haskell-definable functions from,to exist between them satisfying the rules above. Here being a "nice" function just means being definable in Haskell. The linked web blog shows a few such isomorphic types. Here's another example, using recursive types:
List1 a = Add Unit (Mul a (List1 a))
List2 a = Add Unit (Add a (Mul a (Mul a (List2 a))))
Intuitively, the first reads as: "a list is either the empty list, or a pair made of an element and a list". The second reads as: "a list is either the empty list, or a single element, or a triple make of an element, another element, and a list". One can convert between the two by handling the elements two at a time.
Another example:
Tree a = Add Unit (Mul a (Mul (Tree a) (Tree a)))
You can prove that the type Tree Unit is isomorphic to List1 (Tree Unit) by exploiting the algebraic laws fond in the blog. Below, = stands for isomorphism.
List1 (Tree Unit)
-- definition of List1 a
= Add Unit (Mul (Tree Unit) (List1 (Tree Unit)))
-- by inductive hypothesis, the inner `List1 (Tree Unit)` is isomorphic to `Tree Unit`
= Add Unit (Mul (Tree Unit) (Tree Unit))
-- definition of Tree a
= Tree Unit
The above proof sketch induces the function to as follows.
data Add a b = InL a | InR b
data Mul a b = P a b
type Unit = ()
newtype List1 a = List1 (Add Unit (Mul a (List1 a)))
newtype Tree a = Tree (Add Unit (Mul a (Mul (Tree a) (Tree a))))
to :: List1 (Tree Unit) -> Tree Unit
to (List1 (InL ())) = Tree (InL ())
to (List1 (InR (P t ts))) = Tree (InR (P () (P t (to ts))))
Note how recursive call plays the role the inductive hypothesis has in the proof.
Writing from is left as an exercise :-P
Why in algebraic data types, if I can define a special from and to function for two types, the two types can be considered equal?
Well, the better term to use here isn't "equal," but rather isomorphic. The thing is that when two types are isomorphic, they are basically interchangeable with each other; any program written in terms of A could, in principle, be written in terms of B instead, without changing the meaning of the program. Suppose you have:
from :: A -> B
to :: B -> A
and these two functions constitute an isomorphism, that is:
to (from a) == a
from (to b) == b
Now, if you have any function that takes A as an argument, you can for example write a counterpart that takes B as an argument instead:
foo :: B -> Something
foo = originalFoo . from
where originalFoo :: A -> Something
originalFoo a = ...
And for any function that produces an A, you can likewise do this:
bar :: Something -> B
bar = to . originalBar
where originalBar :: Something -> A
originalBar something = ...
Now you've hidden all uses of A inside the where subdefinitions. You could continue down this path and mechanically eliminate all uses of A entirely, and you're guaranteed the program will work the same as when you started.

Abusing the algebra of algebraic data types - why does this work?

The 'algebraic' expression for algebraic data types looks very suggestive to someone with a background in mathematics. Let me try to explain what I mean.
Having defined the basic types
Product •
Union +
Singleton X
Unit 1
and using the shorthand X² for X•X and 2X for X+X et cetera, we can then define algebraic expressions for e.g. linked lists
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) ↔ L = 1 + X • L
and binary trees:
data Tree a = Nil | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) ↔ T = 1 + X • T²
Now, my first instinct as a mathematician is to go nuts with these expressions, and try to solve for L and T. I could do this through repeated substitution, but it seems much easier to abuse the notation horrifically and pretend I can rearrange it at will. For example, for a linked list:
L = 1 + X • L
(1 - X) • L = 1
L = 1 / (1 - X) = 1 + X + X² + X³ + ...
where I've used the power series expansion of 1 / (1 - X) in a totally unjustified way to derive an interesting result, namely that an L type is either Nil, or it contains 1 element, or it contains 2 elements, or 3, etc.
It gets more interesting if we do it for binary trees:
T = 1 + X • T²
X • T² - T + 1 = 0
T = (1 - √(1 - 4 • X)) / (2 • X)
T = 1 + X + 2 • X² + 5 • X³ + 14 • X⁴ + ...
again, using the power series expansion (done with Wolfram Alpha). This expresses the non-obvious (to me) fact that there is only one binary tree with 1 element, 2 binary trees with two elements (the second element can be on the left or the right branch), 5 binary trees with three elements etc.
So my question is - what am I doing here? These operations seem unjustified (what exactly is the square root of an algebraic data type anyway?) but they lead to sensible results. does the quotient of two algebraic data types have any meaning in computer science, or is it just notational trickery?
And, perhaps more interestingly, is it possible to extend these ideas? Is there a theory of the algebra of types that allows, for example, arbitrary functions on types, or do types require a power series representation? If you can define a class of functions, then does composition of functions have any meaning?
Disclaimer: A lot of this doesn't really work quite right when you account for ⊥, so I'm going to blatantly disregard that for the sake of simplicity.
A few initial points:
Note that "union" is probably not the best term for A+B here--that's specifically a disjoint union of the two types, because the two sides are distinguished even if their types are the same. For what it's worth, the more common term is simply "sum type".
Singleton types are, effectively, all unit types. They behave identically under algebraic manipulations and, more importantly, the amount of information present is still preserved.
You probably want a zero type as well. Haskell provides that as Void. There are no values whose type is zero, just as there is one value whose type is one.
There's still one major operation missing here but I'll get back to that in a moment.
As you've probably noticed, Haskell tends to borrow concepts from Category Theory, and all of the above has a very straightforward interpretation as such:
Given objects A and B in Hask, their product A×B is the unique (up to isomorphism) type that allows two projections fst : A×B → A and snd : A×B → B, where given any type C and functions f : C → A, g : C → B you can define the pairing f &&& g : C → A×B such that fst ∘ (f &&& g) = f and likewise for g. Parametricity guarantees the universal properties automatically and my less-than-subtle choice of names should give you the idea. The (&&&) operator is defined in Control.Arrow, by the way.
The dual of the above is the coproduct A+B with injections inl : A → A+B and inr : B → A+B, where given any type C and functions f : A → C, g : B → C, you can define the copairing f ||| g : A+B → C such that the obvious equivalences hold. Again, parametricity guarantees most of the tricky parts automatically. In this case, the standard injections are simply Left and Right and the copairing is the function either.
Many of the properties of product and sum types can be derived from the above. Note that any singleton type is a terminal object of Hask and any empty type is an initial object.
Returning to the aforementioned missing operation, in a cartesian closed category you have exponential objects that correspond to arrows of the category. Our arrows are functions, our objects are types with kind *, and the type A -> B indeed behaves as BA in the context of algebraic manipulation of types. If it's not obvious why this should hold, consider the type Bool -> A. With only two possible inputs, a function of that type is isomorphic to two values of type A, i.e. (A, A). For Maybe Bool -> A we have three possible inputs, and so on. Also, observe that if we rephrase the copairing definition above to use algebraic notation, we get the identity CA × CB = CA+B.
As for why this all makes sense--and in particular why your use of the power series expansion is justified--note that much of the above refers to the "inhabitants" of a type (i.e., distinct values having that type) in order to demonstrate the algebraic behavior. To make that perspective explicit:
The product type (A, B) represents a value each from A and B, taken independently. So for any fixed value a :: A, there is one value of type (A, B) for each inhabitant of B. This is of course the cartesian product, and the number of inhabitants of the product type is the product of the number of inhabitants of the factors.
The sum type Either A B represents a value from either A or B, with the left and right branches distinguished. As mentioned earlier, this is a disjoint union, and the number of inhabitants of the sum type is the sum of the number of inhabitants of the summands.
The exponential type B -> A represents a mapping from values of type B to values of type A. For any fixed argument b :: B, any value of A can be assigned to it; a value of type B -> A picks one such mapping for each input, which is equivalent to a product of as many copies of A as B has inhabitants, hence the exponentiation.
While it's tempting at first to treat types as sets, that doesn't actually work very well in this context--we have disjoint union rather than the standard union of sets, there's no obvious interpretation of intersection or many other set operations, and we don't usually care about set membership (leaving that to the type checker).
On the other hand, the constructions above spend a lot of time talking about counting inhabitants, and enumerating the possible values of a type is a useful concept here. That quickly leads us to enumerative combinatorics, and if you consult the linked Wikipedia article you'll find that one of the first things it does is define "pairs" and "unions" in exactly the same sense as product and sum types by way of generating functions, then does the same for "sequences" that are identical to Haskell's lists using exactly the same technique you did.
Edit: Oh, and here's a quick bonus that I think demonstrates the point strikingly. You mentioned in a comment that for a tree type T = 1 + T^2 you can derive the identity T^6 = 1, which is clearly wrong. However, T^7 = T does hold, and a bijection between trees and seven-tuples of trees can be constructed directly, cf. Andreas Blass's "Seven Trees in One".
Edit×2: On the subject of the "derivative of a type" construction mentioned in other answers, you might also enjoy this paper from the same author which builds on the idea further, including notions of division and other interesting whatnot.
Binary trees are defined by the equation T=1+XT^2 in the semiring of types. By construction, T=(1-sqrt(1-4X))/(2X) is defined by the same equation in the semiring of complex numbers. So given that we're solving the same equation in the same class of algebraic structure it actually shouldn't be surprising that we see some similarities.
The catch is that when we reason about polynomials in the semiring of complex numbers we typically use the fact that the complex numbers form a ring or even a field so we find ourselves using operations such as subtraction that don't apply to semirings. But we can often eliminate subtractions from our arguments if we have a rule that allows us to cancel from both sides of an equation. This is the kind of thing proved by Fiore and Leinster showing that many arguments about rings can be transferred to semirings.
This means that lots of your mathematical knowledge about rings can be reliably transferred to types. As a result, some arguments involving complex numbers or power series (in the ring of formal power series) can carry over to types in a completely rigorous way.
However there's more to the story than this. It's one thing to prove two types are equal (say) by showing two power series are equal. But you can also deduce information about types by inspecting the terms in the power series. I'm not sure of what the formal statement here should be. (I recommend Brent Yorgey's paper on combinatorial species for some work that's closely related but species are not the same as types.)
What I find utterly mind blowing is that what you've discovered can be extended to calculus. Theorems about calculus can be transferred over to the semiring of types. In fact, even arguments about finite differences can be transferred over and you find that classical theorems from numerical analysis have interpretations in type theory.
Have fun!
Calculus and Maclaurin series with types
Here is another minor addition - a combinatorial insight into why the coefficients in a series expansion should 'work', in particular focusing on series which can be derived using the Taylor-Maclaurin approach from calculus. NB: the example series expansion you give of the manipulated list type is a Maclaurin series.
Since other answers and comments deal with the behaviour of algebraic type expressions (sums, products and exponents), this answer will elide that detail and focus on type 'calculus'.
You may notice inverted commas doing some heavy lifting in this answer. There are two reasons:
we are in the business of giving interpretations from one domain to entities from another and it seems appropriate to delimit such such foreign notions in this way.
some notions will be able to be formalised more rigorously, but the shape and ideas seem more important (and take less space to write) than the details.
Definition of Maclaurin series
The Maclaurin series of a function f : ℝ → ℝ is defined as
f(0) + f'(0)X + (1/2)f''(0)X² + ... + (1/n!)f⁽ⁿ⁾(0)Xⁿ + ...
where f⁽ⁿ⁾ means the nth derivative of f.
To be able to make sense of the Maclaurin series as interpreted with types, we need to understand how we can interpret three things in a type context:
a (possibly multiple) derivative
applying a function to 0
terms like (1/n!)
and it turns out that these concepts from analysis have suitable counterparts in the type world.
What do I mean by a 'suitable counterpart'? It should have the flavour of an isomorphism - if we can preserve truth in both directions, facts derivable in one context can be transferred to the other.
Calculus with types
So what does the derivative of a type expression mean? It turns out that for a large and well-behaved ('differentiable') class of type expressions and functors, there is a natural operation which behaves similarly enough to be a suitable interpretation!
To spoil the punchline, the operation analogous to differentiation is that of making 'one-hole contexts'. This is an excellent place to expand on this particular point further but the basic concept of a one-hole context (da/dx) is that it represents the result of extracting a single subitem of a particular type (x) from a term (of type a), preserving all other information, including that necessary to determine the original location of the subitem. For example, one way to represent a one-hole context for a list is with two lists: one for items which came before the extracted one, and one for items which came after.
The motivation for identifying this operation with differentiation comes from the following observations. We write da/dx to mean the type of one-hole contexts for type a with hole of type x.
d1/dx = 0
dx/dx = 1
d(a + b)/dx = da/dx + db/dx
d(a × b)/dx = a × db/dx + b × da/dx
d(g(f(x))/dx = d(g(y))/dy[f(x)/a] × df(x)/dx
Here, 1 and 0 represent types with exactly one and exactly zero inhabitants, respectively, and + and × represent sum and product types as usual. f and g are used to represent type functions, or type expression formers, and [f(x)/a] means the operation of substituting f(x) for every a in the preceding expression.
This may be written in a point-free style, writing f' to mean the derivative function of type function f, thus:
(x ↦ 1)' = x ↦ 0
(x ↦ x)' = x ↦ 1
(f + g)' = f' + g'
(f × g)' = f × g' + g × f'
(g ∘ f)' = (g' ∘ f) × f'
which may be preferable.
NB the equalities can be made rigorous and exact if we define derivatives using isomorphism classes of types and functors.
Now, we notice in particular that the rules in calculus pertaining to the algebraic operations of addition, multiplication and composition (often called the Sum, Product and Chain rules) are reflected exactly by the operation of 'making a hole'. Further, the base cases of 'making a hole' in a constant expression or the termx itself also behave as differentiation, so by induction we get differentiation-like behaviour for all algebraic type expressions.
Now we can interpret differentiation, what does the nth 'derivative' of a type expression, dⁿe/dxⁿ mean? It is a type representing n-place contexts: terms which, when 'filled' with n terms of type x yield an e. There is another key observation related to '(1/n!)' coming later.
The invariant part of a type functor: applying a function to 0
We already have an interpretation for 0 in the type world: an empty type with no members. What does it mean, from a combinatorial point of view, to apply a type function to it? In more concrete terms, supposing f is a type function, what does f(0) look like? Well, we certainly don't have access to anything of type 0, so any constructions of f(x) which require an x are unavailable. What is left is those terms which are accessible in their absence, which we can call the 'invariant' or 'constant' part of the type.
For an explicit example, take the Maybe functor, which can be represented algebraically as x ↦ 1 + x. When we apply this to 0, we get 1 + 0 - it's just like 1: the only possible value is the None value. For a list, similarly, we get just the term corresponding to the empty list.
When we bring it back and interpret the type f(0) as a number it can be thought of as the count of how many terms of type f(x) (for any x) can be obtained without access to an x: that is, the number of 'empty-like' terms.
Putting it together: complete interpretation of a Maclaurin series
I'm afraid I can't think of an appropriate direct interpretation of (1/n!) as a type.
If we consider, though, the type f⁽ⁿ⁾(0) in light of the above, we see that it can be interpreted as the type of n-place contexts for a term of type f(x) which do not already contain an x - that is, when we 'integrate' them n times, the resulting term has exactly n xs, no more, no less. Then the interpretation of the type f⁽ⁿ⁾(0) as a number (as in the coefficients of the Maclaurin series of f) is simply a count of how many such empty n-place contexts there are. We are nearly there!
But where does (1/n!) end up? Examining the process of type 'differentiation' shows us that, when applied multiple times, it preserves the 'order' in which subterms are extracted. For example, consider the term (x₀, x₁) of type x × x and the operation of 'making a hole' in it twice. We get both sequences
(x₀, x₁) ↝ (_₀, x₁) ↝ (_₀, _₁)
(x₀, x₁) ↝ (x₀, _₀) ↝ (_₁, _₀)
(where _ represents a 'hole')
even though both come from the same term, because there are 2! = 2 ways to take two elements from two, preserving order. In general, there are n! ways to take n elements from n. So in order to get a count of the number of configurations of a functor type which have n elements, we have to count the type f⁽ⁿ⁾(0) and divide by n!, exactly as in the coefficients of the Maclaurin series.
So dividing by n! turns out to be interpretable simply as itself.
Final thoughts: 'recursive' definitions and analyticity
First, some observations:
if a function f : ℝ → ℝ has a derivative, this derivative is unique
similarly, if a function f : ℝ → ℝ is analytic, it has exactly one corresponding polynomial series
Since we have the chain rule, we can use implicit differentiation, if we formalise type derivatives as isomorphism classes. But implicit differentiation doesn't require any alien manoeuvres like subtraction or division! So we can use it to analyse recursive type definitions. To take your list example, we have
L(X) ≅ 1 + X × L(X)
L'(X) = X × L'(X) + L(X)
and then we can evaluate
L'(0) = L(0) = 1
to obtain the coefficient of X¹ in the Maclaurin series.
But since we are confident that these expressions are indeed strictly 'differentiable', if only implicitly, and since we have the correspondence with functions ℝ → ℝ, where derivatives are certainly unique, we can rest assured that even if we obtain the values using 'illegal' operations, the result is valid.
Now, similarly, to use the second observation, due to the correspondence (is it a homomorphism?) with functions ℝ → ℝ, we know that, provided we are satisfied that a function has a Maclaurin series, if we can find any series at all, the principles outlined above can be applied to make it rigorous.
As for your question about composition of functions, I suppose the chain rule provides a partial answer.
I'm not certain how many Haskell-style ADTs this applies to, but I suspect it is many if not all. I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this fact, but this margin is too small to contain it...
Now, certainly this is only one way to work out what is going on here and there are probably many other ways.
Summary: TL;DR
type 'differentiation' corresponds to 'making a hole'.
applying a functor to 0 gets us the 'empty-like' terms for that functor.
Maclaurin power series therefore (somewhat) rigorously correspond to enumerating the number of members of a functor type with a certain number of elements.
implicit differentiation makes this more watertight.
uniqueness of derivatives and uniqueness of power series mean we can fudge the details and it works.
It seems that all you're doing is expanding the recurrence relation.
L = 1 + X • L
L = 1 + X • (1 + X • (1 + X • (1 + X • ...)))
= 1 + X + X^2 + X^3 + X^4 ...
T = 1 + X • T^2
L = 1 + X • (1 + X • (1 + X • (1 + X • ...^2)^2)^2)^2
= 1 + X + 2 • X^2 + 5 • X^3 + 14 • X^4 + ...
And since the rules for the operations on the types work like the rules for arithmetic operations, you can use algebraic means to help you figure out how to expand the recurrence relation (since it is not obvious).
I don't have a complete answer, but these manipulations tend to 'just work'. A relevant paper might be Objects of Categories as Complex Numbers by Fiore and Leinster - I came across that one while reading sigfpe's blog on a related subject ; the rest of that blog is a goldmine for similar ideas and is worth checking out!
You can also differentiate datatypes, by the way - that will get you the appropriate Zipper for the datatype!
The Algebra of Communicating Processes (ACP) deals with similar kinds of expressions for processes.
It offers addition and multiplication as operators for choice and sequence, with associated neutral elements.
Based on these there are operators for other constructs, such as parallelism and disruption.
See There is also a paper online named "A Brief History of Process Algebra".
I am working on extending programming languages with ACP. Last April I presented a research paper at Scala Days 2012, available at
At the conference I demonstrated a debugger running a parallel recursive specification of a bag:
Bag = A; (Bag&a)
where A and a stand for input and output actions; the semicolon and ampersand stand for sequence and parallelism. See the video at SkillsMatter, reachable from the previous link.
A bag specification more comparable to
L = 1 + X•L
would be
B = 1 + X&B
ACP defines parallelism in terms of choice and sequence using axioms; see the Wikipedia article. I wonder what the bag analogy would be for
L = 1 / (1-X)
ACP style programming is handy for text parsers and GUI controllers. Specifications such as
searchCommand = clicked(searchButton) + key(Enter)
cancelCommand = clicked(cancelButton) + key(Escape)
may be written down more concisely by making the two refinements "clicked" and "key" implicit (like what Scala allows with functions). Hence we can write:
searchCommand = searchButton + Enter
cancelCommand = cancelButton + Escape
The right hand sides now contains operands that are data, rather than processes. At this level it is not necessary needed to know what implicit refinements will turn these operands into processes; they would not necessarily refine into input actions; output actions would also apply, e.g. in the specification of a test robot.
Processes get this way data as companions; thus I coin the term "item algebra".
Dependent type theory and 'arbitrary' type functions
My first answer to this question was high on concepts and low on details and reflected on the subquestion, 'what is going on?'; this answer will be the same but focused on the subquestion, 'can we get arbitrary type functions?'.
One extension to the algebraic operations of sum and product are the so called 'large operators', which represent the sum and product of a sequence (or more generally, the sum and product of a function over a domain) usually written Σ and Π respectively. See Sigma Notation.
So the sum
a₀ + a₁X + a₂X² + ...
might be written
Σ[i ∈ ℕ]aᵢXⁱ
where a is some sequence of real numbers, for example. The product would be represented similarly with Π instead of Σ.
When you look from a distance, this kind of expression looks a lot like an 'arbitrary' function in X; we are limited of course to expressible series, and their associated analytic functions. Is this a candidate for a representation in a type theory? Definitely!
The class of type theories which have immediate representations of these expressions is the class of 'dependent' type theories: theories with dependent types. Naturally we have terms dependent on terms, and in languages like Haskell with type functions and type quantification, terms and types depending on types. In a dependent setting, we additionally have types depending on terms. Haskell is not a dependently typed language, although many features of dependent types can be simulated by torturing the language a bit.
Curry-Howard and dependent types
The 'Curry-Howard isomorphism' started life as an observation that the terms and type-judging rules of simply-typed lambda calculus correspond exactly to natural deduction (as formulated by Gentzen) applied to intuitionistic propositional logic, with types taking the place of propositions, and terms taking the place of proofs, despite the two being independently invented/discovered. Since then, it has been a huge source of inspiration for type theorists. One of the most obvious things to consider is whether, and how, this correspondence for propositional logic can be extended to predicate or higher order logics. Dependent type theories initially arose from this avenue of exploration.
For an introduction to the Curry-Howard isomorphism for simply-typed lambda calculus, see here. As an example, if we want to prove A ∧ B we must prove A and prove B; a combined proof is simply a pair of proofs: one for each conjunct.
In natural deduction:
Γ ⊢ A Γ ⊢ B
Γ ⊢ A ∧ B
and in simply-typed lambda calculus:
Γ ⊢ a : A Γ ⊢ b : B
Γ ⊢ (a, b) : A × B
Similar correspondences exist for ∨ and sum types, → and function types, and the various elimination rules.
An unprovable (intuitionistically false) proposition corresponds to an uninhabited type.
With the analogy of types as logical propositions in mind, we can start to consider how to model predicates in the type-world. There are many ways in which this has been formalised (see this introduction to Martin-Löf's Intuitionistic Type Theory for a widely-used standard) but the abstract approach usually observes that a predicate is like a proposition with free term variables, or, alternatively, a function taking terms to propositions. If we allow type expressions to contain terms, then a treatment in lambda calculus style immediately presents itself as a possibility!
Considering only constructive proofs, what constitutes a proof of ∀x ∈ X.P(x)? We can think of it as a proof function, taking terms (x) to proofs of their corresponding propositions (P(x)). So members (proofs) of the type (proposition) ∀x : X.P(x) are 'dependent functions', which for each x in X give a term of type P(x).
What about ∃x ∈ X.P(x)? We need any member of X, x, together with a proof of P(x). So members (proofs) of the type (proposition) ∃x : X.P(x) are 'dependent pairs': a distinguished term x in X, together with a term of type P(x).
I will use
∀x ∈ X...
for actual statements about members of the class X, and
∀x : X...
for type expressions corresponding to universal quantification over type X. Likewise for ∃.
Combinatorial considerations: products and sums
As well as the Curry-Howard correspondence of types with propositions, we have the combinatorial correspondence of algebraic types with numbers and functions, which is the main point of this question. Happily, this can be extended to the dependent types outlined above!
I will use the modulus notation
to represent the 'size' of a type A, to make explicit the correspondence outlined in the question, between types and numbers. Note that this is a concept outside of the theory; I do not claim that there need be any such operator within the language.
Let us count the possible (fully reduced, canonical) members of type
∀x : X.P(x)
which is the type of dependent functions taking terms x of type X to terms of type P(x). Each such function must have an output for every term of X, and this output must be of a particular type. For each x in X, then, this gives |P(x)| 'choices' of output.
The punchline is
|∀x : X.P(x)| = Π[x : X]|P(x)|
which of course doesn't make huge deal of sense if X is IO (), but is applicable to algebraic types.
Similarly, a term of type
∃x : X.P(x)
is the type of pairs (x, p) with p : P(x), so given any x in X we can construct an appropriate pair with any member of P(x), giving |P(x)| 'choices'.
|∃x : X.P(x)| = Σ[x : X]|P(x)|
with the same caveats.
This justifies the common notation for dependent types in theories using the symbols Π and Σ, and indeed many theories blur the distinction between 'for all' and 'product' and between 'there is' and 'sum', due to the above-mentioned correspondences.
We are getting close!
Vectors: representing dependent tuples
Can we now encode numerical expressions like
Σ[n ∈ ℕ]Xⁿ
as type expressions?
Not quite. While we can informally consider the meaning of expressions like Xⁿ in Haskell, where X is a type and n a natural number, it's an abuse of notation; this is a type expression containing a number: distinctly not a valid expression.
On the other hand, with dependent types in the picture, types containing numbers is precisely the point; in fact, dependent tuples or 'vectors' are a very commonly-cited example of how dependent types can provide pragmatic type-level safety for operations like list access. A vector is just a list along with type-level information regarding its length: precisely what we are after for type expressions like Xⁿ.
For the duration of this answer, let
Vec X n
be the type of length-n vectors of X-type values.
Technically n here is, rather than an actual natural number, a representation in the system of a natural number. We can represent natural numbers (Nat) in Peano style as either zero (0) or the successor (S) of another natural number, and for n ∈ ℕ I write ˻n˼ to mean the term in Nat which represents n. For example, ˻3˼ is S (S (S 0)).
Then we have
|Vec X ˻n˼| = |X|ⁿ
for any n ∈ ℕ.
Nat types: promoting ℕ terms to types
Now we can encode expressions like
Σ[n ∈ ℕ]Xⁿ
as types. This particular expression would give rise to a type which is of course isomorphic to the type of lists of X, as identified in the question. (Not only that, but from a category-theoretic point of view, the type function - which is a functor - taking X to the above type is naturally isomorphic to the List functor.)
One final piece of the puzzle for 'arbitrary' functions is how to encode, for
f : ℕ → ℕ
expressions like
Σ[n ∈ ℕ]f(n)Xⁿ
so that we can apply arbitrary coefficients to a power series.
We already understand the correspondence of algebraic types with numbers, allowing us to map from types to numbers and type functions to numerical functions. We can also go the other way! - taking a natural number, there is obviously a definable algebraic type with that many term members, whether or not we have dependent types. We can easily prove this outside of the type theory by induction. What we need is a way to map from natural numbers to types, inside the system.
A pleasing realisation is that, once we have dependent types, proof by induction and construction by recursion become intimately similar - indeed they are the very same thing in many theories. Since we can prove by induction that types exist which fulfil our needs, should we not be able to construct them?
There are several ways to represent types at the term level. I will use here an imaginary Haskellish notation with * for the universe of types, itself usually considered a type in a dependent setting.1
Likewise, there are also at least as many ways to notate 'ℕ-elimination' as there are dependent type theories. I will use a Haskellish pattern-matching notation.
We need a mapping, α from Nat to *, with the property
∀n ∈ ℕ.|α ˻n˼| = n.
The following pseudodefinition suffices.
data Zero -- empty type
data Successor a = Z | Suc a -- Successor ≅ Maybe
α : Nat -> *
α 0 = Zero
α (S n) = Successor (α n)
So we see that the action of α mirrors the behaviour of the successor S, making it a kind of homomorphism. Successor is a type function which 'adds one' to the number of members of a type; that is, |Successor a| = 1 + |a| for any a with a defined size.
For example α ˻4˼ (which is α (S (S (S (S 0))))), is
Successor (Successor (Successor (Successor Zero)))
and the terms of this type are
Suc Z
Suc (Suc Z)
Suc (Suc (Suc Z))
giving us exactly four elements: |α ˻4˼| = 4.
Likewise, for any n ∈ ℕ, we have
|α ˻n˼| = n
as required.
Many theories require that the members of * are mere representatives of types, and an operation is provided as an explicit mapping from terms of type * to their associated types. Other theories permit the literal types themselves to be term-level entities.
'Arbitrary' functions?
Now we have the apparatus to express a fully general power series as a type!
The series
Σ[n ∈ ℕ]f(n)Xⁿ
becomes the type
∃n : Nat.α (˻f˼ n) × (Vec X n)
where ˻f˼ : Nat → Nat is some suitable representation within the language of the function f. We can see this as follows.
|∃n : Nat.α (˻f˼ n) × (Vec X n)|
= Σ[n : Nat]|α (˻f˼ n) × (Vec X n)| (property of ∃ types)
= Σ[n ∈ ℕ]|α (˻f˼ ˻n˼) × (Vec X ˻n˼)| (switching Nat for ℕ)
= Σ[n ∈ ℕ]|α ˻f(n)˼ × (Vec X ˻n˼)| (applying ˻f˼ to ˻n˼)
= Σ[n ∈ ℕ]|α ˻f(n)˼||Vec X ˻n˼| (splitting product)
= Σ[n ∈ ℕ]f(n)|X|ⁿ (properties of α and Vec)
Just how 'arbitrary' is this? We are limited not only to integer coefficients by this method, but to natural numbers. Apart from that, f can be anything at all, given a Turing Complete language with dependent types, we can represent any analytic function with natural number coefficients.
I haven't investigated the interaction of this with, for example, the case provided in the question of List X ≅ 1/(1 - X) or what possible sense such negative and non-integer 'types' might have in this context.
Hopefully this answer goes some way to exploring how far we can go with arbitrary type functions.
