Multiple value lookup accross excel sheets - excel

I have a master worksheet and a Extract worksheet.
I want to extract data from Extract sheet and present it as follows in the master sheet.
Data is as follows:
Extract Sheet
Fruit Nutrients Proportion
Apple Calcium 10
Apple Vitamin B 20
Mango Vitamin A 50
Lemon Vitamin C 30
Lemon Vitamin A 10
Master Sheet
Fruit Calcium Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Apple 10 0 20 0
Mango 0 50 0 0
Lemon 0 10 0 30
I have used Excel Array functions SMALL and INDEX but
I am unable to get the Proportion value in the master table.
I keep getting #NUM error
Please help me with the same and guide.
Thanks in advance.

I've put your sample data and results into a single worksheets as per the following image but you should be able to move the Extract to another worksheet and transcribe the formula for your own purposes.
The standard formula in F2 is =IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$6,MIN(INDEX(ROW($1:$5)+(($A$2:$A$6<>$E2)+($B$2:$B$6<>F$1))*1E+99,,))),0). Fill both right and down as necessary. You mentioned using SMALL but you have no duplicated values across the two criteria columns so I think this is closer to what you require. Post back a comment if you do need a SMALL function with k picking the first, second, etc.

Try this:
=IFERROR(LOOKUP(2,1/(('Extract '!$A$2:$A$6=$A2)*('Extract '!$B$2:$B$6=B$1)),'Extract '!$C$2:$C$6),0)


Google sheets formula to get the Top 5 List With Duplicates

I'm trying to compile a best 5 and worst 5 list. I have two rows, column B with the number score and column C with the name. I only want the list to include the name.
In my previous attempts the formula would get the top/bottom 5 but as soon as a duplicate score appeared the first known name with that value would just repeat.
Here is my data
26 Cal
55 John
55 Mike
100 Steve
26 Thomas
100 Jaden
100 Jack
95 Josh
87 Cole
75 Brett
I've managed to get the bottom 5 list formula correct. This formula works perfectly and includes all names of duplicate scores.
Example of what I get:
Here is the formula I've tried to get the top 5 - however I keep getting an error.
Example of what I'm looking for
You can set two queries like this for both cases:
=QUERY(B56:C70,"Select C order by B desc limit 5")
=QUERY(B56:C70,"Select C order by B limit 5")
Use SORTN() function like-
To keep only one column, wrap the SORTN() function with INDEX() and specify column number. Try-

Updating spreadsheet after altering the original one

I have the following data in spreadsheet A.
name trait1 trait2 nice
0 Adam 29 81 0
1 Barry 17 75 1
2 Chris 62 0 1
I wish to create a spreadsheet B that will be a filtered copy of this data. Namely, let's assume for a moment that I want to filter nice = 1 and am interested only in column name. The copy in spreadsheet B would be as shown below. In spreadsheet B I wish to be adding some extra columns, e.g. education.
name nice education
1 Barry 1 primary
2 Chris 1 university
What I want to achieve is a spreadsheet B that will get updated if anything changes in spreadsheet A. So for example, if I were to change the name Barry to Ben. The spreadsheet B would become the following.
name nice education
1 Ben 1 primary
2 Chris 1 university
Similarly (and what I find to be the hardest), if a row is added in spreadsheet A, e.g.
name trait1 trait2 nice
0 Adam 29 81 0
1 Barry 17 75 1
2 Matt 69 11 1
3 Chris 62 0 1
The updated spreadsheet B would be as follows:
name nice education
1 Barry 1 primary
2 Matt 1
3 Chris 1 university
So I want the education column to remain the same.
My approach of using a combination of =IF() and =VLOOKUP() functions ultimately did not work. Guess I am really curious about how to connect rows of education to names. So that when a row is added in spreadsheet A, then spreadsheet B gets updated but the education field connected to the new row is empty and will be filled by hand later on.
Since you are looking for a finished product to be in Google Sheets, I'd advise to use QUERY():
Formula in I1:
=QUERY(INDEX({A:D,VLOOKUP(A:A,F:G,2,0)}),"Select Col1,Col4,Col5 where Col4=1")
Note: I made the assumption you pull the education in through a VLOOKUP() (since you mentioned that in the body of the question).

Concatenating INDEX/MATCH with multiple criteria and multiple matches

I am using Excel to track a team game where players are divided into teams and subteams within teams. Each player within a subteam scores a certain number of points, and I would like to have a summary string for each player with the number of points other players in the same subteam scored.
Alice Red 1 70
Bob Red 1 20
Charlie Red 1 10
Dave Red 2 70
Erin Red 2 30
Frank Blue 1 55
Grace Blue 1 45
My desired output looks like this:
Alice Red 1 70 Bob:20, Charlie:10
Bob Red 1 20 Alice:70, Charlie:10
Charlie Red 1 10 Alice:70, Bob:20
Dave Red 2 70 Erin:30
Erin Red 2 30 Dave:70
Frank Blue 1 55 Grace:45
Grace Blue 1 45 Frank:55
The furthest I was able to go is a combination of CONCATENATE, INDEX, and MATCH in an array formula:
{=CONCATENATE(INDEX($A$2:$A$8,MATCH(1,(C2=$C$2:$C$8)*(B2=$B$2:$B$8),0)), ":", INDEX($D$2:$D$8,MATCH(1,(C2=$C$2:$C$8)*(B2=$B$2:$B$8),0)))}
This unfortunately just outputs a summary for the first player in the subteam:
Alice Red 1 70 Alice:70
Bob Red 1 20 Alice:70
Charlie Red 1 10 Alice:70
Dave Red 2 70 Dave:70
Erin Red 2 30 Dave:70
Frank Blue 1 55 Grace:45
Grace Blue 1 45 Grace:45
What I need to do now is:
Excluding the player for the summary (I don't want Alice in the summary for Alice, but only Bob and Charlie)
Getting it to work for multiple matches (there can be an arbitrary number of players in each subteam)
Getting CONCATENATE to work with an unknown number of strings (because as said above, there can be an arbitrary number of players in each subteam).
Ideas appreciated!
I put together a helper column that concatenates each player/points and the TEXTJOINIFS from TEXTJOIN for xl2010/xl2013 with criteria for the desired results.
Unfortunately Excel (prior to Excel 2016) cannot conveniently join text. The best you can do (if you want to avoid VBA) is to use some helper cells and split this "Summary" into separate cells.
See example below. The array formula in cell E4 is dragged to cell J10.
= IFERROR(INDEX($A$4:$D$10,MATCH(SMALL(IF(($B$4:$B$10=$B4)*($C$4:$C$10=$C4)*($A$4:$A$10<>$A4),
Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just Enter after typing this formula.
Of course, in this example I assume 3 players. Your requirement of arbitrary amount of players cannot be met with formulas alone, but you can just extend the "Summary" section over to the right as far as necessary.
If you really wanted to, you could even concatenate the "Summary" rows to form a single cell, e.g. something like:
= CONCATENATE(E4,": ",F4,", ",...)

Excel macro store value of vlookup and then add them up

So I have the following sheet setup:
Sheet 1
Tomatoes 100 50
Onions 20 0
Garlic 10 0
Chicken 0 100
Cheese 0 20
Where each column after A is a recipe and going down is the amount of grams required in the recipe of the ingredient.
Sheet 2 has cost per 100 grams per ingredient like so:
Chicken 10
Tomatoes 1.5
Onions 2.25
What I'd like to do, is at the bottom of sheet 1 (ideally) under each column I could have the cost for the recipe.
In my mind it's broken down into 2 steps. Step 1 is do a vlookup from Sheet 1 to replace the grams to cost. Then do a sum of the entire column. I just don't know how to do that either in a macro or formula.
Refer the below specified link,
You can download their worksheet here

Pivot table Programming in VBA

I have a data Excel sheet in the below format:
Name Fruits Condition of Fruits
===== ====== ====================
Ram Apple Good
Jadu Apple Bad
Tina Orange Good
Ram Orange Good
Tina Apple Bad
Ram Apple Bad
Output of the Pivot program in the other sheet of the same excel, say in sheet(2) should be
like this:
Name Fruits Condition of Fruits
==== ====== ===================
Good Bad Total
==== ===== ======
Ram Apple 1 1 2
Ram Orange 1 0 1
Tina Apple 0 1 1
Tina Orange 1 0 1
jadu Apple 0 1 1
Grand Total 3 3 6
The above format needs to be present in the Excel in the sheet(2), whenever sheet(1) will be having source data within it as shown in the first table.
I want Macro program to create using Excel pivot table concept.
If you insert a pivot table on your data, drag these columns into the Row Labels:
Then drag this column into the Column Labels:
Condition of Fruit.
Drag the same column into Values:
Condition of Fruit.
The pivot table looks almost the same as yours (except the fruit comes under the name, instead of repeating the name for each fruit).
Whenever you update the data in sheet 1, you may have the pivot table reflect this by right-clicking on the table and choosing Refresh.
