Problems opening Vim from the command line? (Windows 8) - vim

How do you install Vim such that it runs in the command line?
I saw a post here and it said to make sure that
[✓] Create .bat files for command line use
was checked. I did make sure that it was checked, but vim won't open in the command line. However,
will open gvim from the command line, which is a pop-up window. How do I open Vim so that I can edit files directly from the command line? I think that I need to edit the PATH, but I don't know what that is or how to edit it.
EDIT: I also looked at this and followed the directions, tailored to my system. Now vimtutor will briefly open the vimtutor for less than a second and close it! But Vim still doesn't work. Gvim will open Gvim still.
EDIT: I don't think I was clear when I wrote my post. Running
does not open Vim on my computer. Neither does

Use the bottom right Win8 gesture and go as following: Settings > PC Info > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Environment Variables. Under system variables find Path in the list.
Path is just a semicolon separated list of directories. Append vim.exe to the list and it's now in your path.

You want to run vim.exe, not gvim.exe.

Add this to the Path under system variables "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim82" . Then you are all done.
To Edit Environment Variables:
Click on Start Menu -> Type Environment Variables and Press Enter Supporting Image -> In bottom Right Corner you will find "Environment Variables" Supporting Image -> Under System Variables Search for Path Supporting Image -> Double Click To Edit -> Click on new and Paste the file address given AboveSupporting Image
Now you're done. Test it just by writing vim in Command Prompt or Windows Terminal.


Open Cygwin.bat file in current working directory (Windows 10)

New to Cygwin and trying to launch the batch file from the current working directory. I've done similar things before for .exe files in Windows 10 using the Registry Editor (see link):
My Cygwin.bat file looks like this:
#echo off
set HOME=C:\path\to\home
chdir C:\cygwin64\bin
bash --login -i
However, when I right click on a directory in order to "Open Cygwin.bat here", the terminal opens at C:\path\to\home. How can I make sure the terminal opens in the current working directory?
To obtain the expected result you need to use the chere package.
chere -i
is usually enough to create a proper Bash Prompt Here entry in Explorer left mouse button menu.
Please note that the usage of the cygwin.bat is not recommended anyway as does not use mintty as terminal

p4 change not working with gvim

I use perforce as source code repository. p4 change command is used to create a changelist of opened files. If I set setenv EDITOR gvim and then run this command then gvim opens and I add some description and then save and quit. I get below error. Same error does not come if EDITOR is not set, I mean in that case vim opens. Any idea to fix this issue?
sachina#inn-sachina-vm[285] p4 change
Error in change specification.
Error detected at line 29.
Change description missing. You must enter one.
Hit return to continue...
Applications that invoke EDITOR assume that the command blocks until editing is done and the editor was closed. While true for vim, the GUI version gvim launches in the background; i.e. the command returns immediately.
You can avoid this via the :help -f command-line option:
setenv EDITOR 'gvim -f'

How to start Gvim from Command Prompt?

I tried to start gvim using start command like this
start gvim.exe
But it doesn't work for gvim, although it does work for firefox.exe. My questions are-
How can I start gvim from command prompt?
Why start command doesn't work for gvim.exe?
Are there any additional parameter that I can use when starting gvim from command prompt?
Completely different, so a separate answer:
Actually, -- I just remembered -- Vim isn't normally added to the path variable, it's run through .bat files in C:\Windows.
From another answer on StackOverflow:
When you install gVim: Please make sure Create .bat files for
command line use is checked. It'll create several .bat files in
C:\>cd %windir%
C:\WINDOWS>dir /b *.bat
This is because gvim.exe is not in your PATH list. If you know which directory gvim.exe resides, add this directory to your PATH list. This can be done by typing the following in an Explorer address bar:
Control Panel\System and Security\System
Then press Advanced system setings, then Environment Variables. The PATH is a list of directories separated by a ;.
Try typing just "gvim" instead of "start gvim.exe". That works for me. Vim isn't in my path environment variable.

How Can I Get MinTTY (Cygwin Terminal) to Open gvim in a New Window?

I have installed mintty. After that I am not able to open gvim. As suggested in same question for emacs I use:
1) mintty gvim
this opens a new window with message :
E233: cannot open displayE852: The child process failed to start the GUI
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Also I have set : export DISPLAY=":0"
what I am doing wrong
You probably don't have an X server running. Look here for instructions on setting it up. Personally, I find it easier to just uninstall the cygwin version of gvim and use the windows version instead.
I had the same problem when starting gvim and was getting the error message as above.
My default DISPLAY setting is :0.0
However, I noticed in the output of my startxwin, that it said
Rules = "base" Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "none" Options = "none"
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=:2.0
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=:2.0
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
I set my display to :2.0 and it works now.
export DISPLAY=:2.0
Hope this helps.
[Further to this, the script seems to check /tmp/.X11-unix/Xn where n in Xn is a number.
It seems I had X0 and X1 already there, probably leftover from an older bad shutdown.
Deleting this seems to restore it back to using :0.0
you can define a function in your .bash_profile (you need to make sure gvim.exe is in your $PATH)
vim() {
echo "cygstart gvim.exe --remote-tab-silent $(cygpath -w "$#")"
cygstart gvim.exe --remote-tab-silent $(cygpath -w "$#")
For me, gvim was being picked up from /usr/bin/gvim
I installed gvim as a windows application and then invoked it from its windows path directly as
[cygwin$] /cygdrive/C/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim
And it worked.
Like user2250246, I just punted on trying to get cygwin's gvim to start working again, but I didn't want to type or alias gvim. (Which I probably should've. The alias is easier.)
I added the Windows app's gvim's path to my Windows environment variables:
Get the path to gvim by finding its icon in your Start menu and
right-clicking on it, then opening Properties. Find the Target link
and copy all but the final 'gvim.exe'.
Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment
Variables -> System variables. Select Path. Click Edit.
Paste in that path at the start. Click OK. Click OK.
Then Cygwin will put your Windows gvim on its path, but it will put /usr/bin ahead of it on its own path. So
mv /usr/bin/gvim /usr/bin/gvim-screwed-up
mv /usr/bin/gvimdiff /usr/bin/gvimdiff-screwed-up
and your cygwin will find & run the Windows-installed gvim, with or without your cygwin X server running.
Unfortunately, it will no longer load your cygwin .vimrc! You'll have to fix that yourself.

Is it possible to "extend" IntelliJ such that I can open the current file in VIM

I use IntelliJ for most of my Java programming, but every once in a while I need to make certain changes which are much easier done in VIM.
Thus, the question:
While I'm editing a file in IntelliJ, it is somehow possible to tell IntelliJ to start VIM with the same file that is currently under cursor.
Thanks !!
Go to File -> Settings -> External Tools and add a new one.
Program and Working Directory fields should be self-explanatory. The parameter field should be $FilePath$. Click the Insert macro button to see more token values that you could use.
You can also bind keyboard shortcuts to the external tools you define.
See the help page on configuring third party tools for more info.
Also, see the answers below with helpful screenshots for Windows or Mac.
Even though the original question is about VIM, I'd like to share my settings for GVIM. Especially useful is the parameter used to take it to the current line.
I find it useful to have Gvim open up the file AND take me to the current line. This is done using the following parameters: +$LineNumber$ $FilePath$.
When executed, Gvim should open up and take you to the line you were at in Intellij.
Here's how to set this up with the Homebrew version of MacVim (i.e. the mvim command) on Intellij IDEA 14.
Go to Preferences->Tools->External Tools and click the plus symbol.
Set up the new tool with these parameters
+"silent! "$LineNumber$"|norm! zz" $FilePath$
Working Directory:
For macOS 10.12+ users, If you want to open it in iTerm2, here is a latest solution:
vim="vim $1"
osascript -e "
tell application \"iTerm\"
set myterm to (create window with default profile)
tell myterm
activate current session
launch session \"Default Session\"
tell the current session
write text \"$vim\"
end tell
end tell
end tell
Date: Apr 5, 2018
iTerm2: 3.1.5
IntelliJ IDEA: 2018.1
This was somewhat more involved on the Mac OS X (Lion), especially if you'd like to use
The only difference on Linux is the shell script would be much simpler... (really it'd be simple to not even use a shell script for this on Linux, with a terminal that accepts the -e argument!)
Here's my working solution:
#! /bin/sh
vim="vim $1"
osascript -e "tell app \"Terminal\"
do script \"$vim\"
end tell"
I am using these parametrs for launching vim: +$LineNumber$ --remote-tab-silent "$FilePath$". It allows you to open each new file in vim's tabs. Works fine)
Go to Settings -> Tools -> External Tools
Click the + to add a tool.
Here are the settings I use:
Name: Vim
Program: /usr/bin/gvim
Arguments: --servername $ProjectFileDir$ --remote "+call cursor($LineNumber$,$ColumnNumber$)" $FileDir$/$FileName$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
I turn off "Open console for tool output".
The arguments will use Vim in client-server mode, so if you jump to Vim from IntelliJ in the same project dir multiple times, the existing Vim instance will be reused, and they will also place the cursor in Vim exactly where it is in IntelliJ.
Try out the VIM Plugin,
I have experienced some bugs but for the most part it works.
