Spring Integration Async Gateway with error-channel causes threads to park - spring-integration

I have an async gateway with an async executor and an error-channel defined. Also there is a service activator that handles exceptions.
<int:gateway id="myGateway"
<int:service-activator ref="errorChannelMessageHandler" method="handleFailedInvocation"
public interface MyGateway {
Future<Object> send(Message message);
public class ErrorChannelMessageHandler {
public Object handleFailedInvocation(MessagingException exception) {
// do some stuff here
return null;
When an exception is being thrown, the thread blocks, waiting for a reply on the temporary reply channel the gateway has created.
How can I prevent the threads from blocking and when exceptions are thrown to have the error-channel service activator handle the message and perform some custom logic?
Later edit:
I am using SI 3.0.3.RELEASE
When an error channel is defined for the gateway, if exception occurs it will call this line (no 250 from MessagingGatewaySupport) errorFlowReply = this.messagingTemplate.sendAndReceive(this.errorChannel, errorMessage), which will do a blocking receive on a newly created temporary reply channel(lines 352-367 from MessagingTemplate). Is my service activator for the error-channel responsible for publishing a message on this newly create temporary channel, so the thread won't block on the receive?

Remove the error-channel so that the original exception is added to the Future so that the get() will propagate it.
If you want to do something on the error flow, throw an exception from the error flow so it's available in the Future, or set reply-timeout to 0. However, your Future will never get a value or exception in that case.


Spring Integration DefaultMessageListenerContainer Transacted Message Not Rolledback

Expect the below configuration to rollback the JMS message to the backout queue, but it does not. The failed message is reaching the application's custom ErrorChannel. Please suggest why is the rollback not happening. Thanks
public DefaultMessageListenerContainer mqAdapterListenerContainer(final ConnectionFactory mqCachingConnectionFactory) {
var defaultMessageListenerContainer = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
return defaultMessageListenerContainer;
return IntegrationFlows.from(Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(mqAdapterListenerContainer)
.enrichHeaders(headerEnricherSpec -> headerEnricherSpec.errorChannel(appErrorChannel, true))
That JMS transaction can rollback only if listener throws exception, but since you do error handling via that appErrorChannel, there is no exception thrown to that JMS container.
So, you may still have a .errorChannel(appErrorChannel) and that error handling, but you need to re-throw some exception to let JMS container catch it rollback transaction respectively.

Handling Error in asynchronous process using #Async annotation on custom method vs on #Gateways method

I have a process where I need to upload file to Sftp server asynchronously. So after exploring more about Async in gateways I found that I need to have error channel defined in #MessagingGateway parameter then handler to handle the Exception propagated to error channel but I felt handling this way is complicated for me, as I will have to update Pojo field and persist into DB depending on the file upload, success or failure.
So I thought of having a custom method annotated with #Async and call the gateway method. Also surround gateway method with try block and catch any exception occurred in the downstream
Code Sample:
void upload(Resource file, FileStatus fileStatus){
}catch(RuntimeException e){
//save into db
Upload Gateway without error channel so that error can be sent back to caller
public interface UploadGateway {
#Gateway(requestChannel = "input.channel")
void upload(#Payload Resource file, #Header("path") String path, #Header("name") String fileName);
public IntegrationFlow uploadDocument() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("input.channel")
.handle(Sftp.outboundAdapter(sftpSessionFactory(), FileExistsMode.FAIL)
What will be the consequences if I'm handling error this way? Is this the right way to handle any error occurred in downstream flow?
Since #MessagingGateway is like an RPC in messaging, it is fully OK to catch an exception on its method call like that. Since you make your flow fully sync, it works like typical Java exceptions sub-system.
Your concern about async error handling with errorChannel really makes sense since it is similar in complexity with standard Java async method handling and its errors processing.
On the other hand it is really commended to handle errors downstream via errorChannel if that is going to be some complex logic in some other flow. Plus you are going to return back some compensation message.
However in the end of day the choice is yours: there is no drawbacks to handle errors yourself.
See Error Handling chapter for more food to think on.

Azure Servicebus: Transient Fault Handling

I have a queue receiver, which reads messages from the queue and process the message (do some processing and inserts some data to the azure table or retrieves the data).
What I observed was that any exception that my processing method (SendResponseAsync()) throws results in retry i.e. redelivery of the message to the default 10 times.
Can this behavior be customized i.e. I only retry for certain exception and ignore for other. Like if there is some network issue, then it makes sense to retry but if it is BadArgumentException(poisson message), then I may not want to retry.
Since retry is taken care by ServiceBus client library, can we customize this behavior ?
This is the code at the receiver end
public MessagingServer(QueueConfiguration config)
this.requestQueueClient = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(config.ConnectionString, config.QueueName);
private async Task DispatchReplyAsync(BrokeredMessage message)
await this.SendResponseAsync(message);

How to turn off automatic retry in Spring Integration Jms.inboundGateway

I am using
spring 4.2.4.RELEASE and
I have Jms.inboundGateway and some transformer. When transformer fails to transform a message, inbound gateway retries again and again. But I want to stop the entire flow in case of exception. Is it possible to do?
This is my flow configuration:
public IntegrationFlow nonStop {
return IntegrationFlows
.configureListenerContainer(spec -> spec
.errorHandler((ErrorHandler) t -> {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
One interesting notice. When errorHandler swallows an exception inbound gateway retires without any delay. When it throws Runtime exception there is delay about 5 seconds (which is not configured anywhere).
That retry in JMS is called like redelivery: http://www.javaworld.com/article/2074123/java-web-development/transaction-and-redelivery-in-jms.html.
So, any downstream exception makes for your message rollback and redelivery, which can be configured on Broker for the destination.
Actually if your .errorChannel(errorChannel) flow doesn't re-throw the exception, it will be treated as a successful handling and as commit.
From other side you should reconsider if you really need there a Jms.inboundGateway(). Because this one requires a reply, which doesn't look possible with your Jms.outboundAdapter() in the end.

How to acknowledge message through program using Spring AMQP/Spring integration

1) Server sends a message to client.
2) Inbound channel adapter is configured to wait for "MANUAL" acknowledge mode operation from consumer
3) "TaskBundlereceiver" bean is implementing "ChannelAwareMessageListener" and in the implementation method, I am performing message acknowledgement.
I don't see "TaskBundlereceiver" getting executed. Am I missing something ?
Below is the configuration details of the steps that I have explained.
Appreciate your inputs.
public void onMessage(org.springframework.amqp.core.Message message, Channel channel) throws Exception
logger.debug("In onMessage method of the channel aware listener. message =["+message.getBody().toString()+"]");
channel.basicAck(message.getMessageProperties().getDeliveryTag(), true);
XML Configuration :
<!-- Channel that receives the task bundle from the server for execution -->
<int:channel id="fromKServerChannel"/>
<int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter id="taskBundleReceiverAdapter"
<int:chain input-channel="fromKServerChannel" output-channel="nullChannel">
<int:service-activator ref="taskBundleReceiver" method="onMessage"/>
<int:service-activator ref="taskBundleExecutor" method="executeBundle"/>
It doesn't work that way; the listener is the adapter, not the service invoked via the service-activator. The adapter currently does not support passing the channel to the client for manual acks. The expose-listener-channel attribute is for use when using transactions, so a down-stack rabbit template can participate in the transaction.
Why do you want MANUAL acks? AUTO (default) means the ack will be done automatically by the container when the thread returns normally; if your service throws an exception, the message will be nacked.
So, that's how to control the ack.
If you really want to use MANUAL acks, you'll have to use a <rabbit:listener-container/> to invoke your taskBundleReceiver directly. It could then send a message to the executor using a messaging gateway.
