Is there a way to get Instagram #Mention History via API or otherwise? - instagram

The native application doesn't show all the activity, only the most recent.
Therefore I lose 70-90% of my notifications overnight. There must be a way to get all that historical data.

I told you can't, but, thinking.. you can. :)
The API don't provide that facility.. You can check all endpoints here:
But you can iterate over all your medias an get all comments and likes. If you store it locally, after, will be possible to request API again and check your new unseen interactions.
It will work for likes and comments.


ChatGPT create a new conversation with history

I've tried for 3 days to find a way to create a conversation and keep the history somehow from my app. I want to create a chat app with history with ChatGPT but i didn't see any options/endpoints in theirs API to acomplish this.
I saw that the main chatGPT chat from their website is using a different endpoint that keeps the conversation history based on a conversation ID.
Is there any way to use that or another endpoint that does the same thing?
I will store the history on my side but i don't want to send it each time on the request. It will cost me tokens .
Thanks in advance
The only current solutions are to either make embeddings of the conversation history and build some logic to reference that history when making new requests or summarize the conversation on the backend end pass it as part of the prompt, which you are correct uses additional tokens.

Best way to handle one-time payments with STRIPE webhooks in nodeJS

I am using STRIPE as my payment processor, in an REACT + nodeJS app. I already have something that already works, but I would like some feedback, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
So... I have this Redirect-To-Checkout functionality thats made available by STRIPE, basically I redirect the user to this STRIPE page where all card-data (sensitive information) is processes in order for the payment to full-fill.
What I do in my nodeJS server part is the following:
Once the user acces the redirect to check-out page, I already create a PendingOrder, with the products selected by client (Here I save some information based on client/stripe payment-intent, in order to check in later steps)
Once webhook gives me the 'payment_intent.succeeded' I check for the payment-intent information to see if it exists in my PendingOrder collection, then proceed to add in to ConfirmedOrders and remove it from PendingOrders.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order(such as observation that the user has based on the type of service he chooses).
Are there any down-sides to this approach or is there any other way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
You’re not really far from the best practices that Stripe recommends here. The only thing that I would change is listening to checkout.session.completed instead of the payment_intent.succeeded event. As of the latest API version, a PaymentIntent is no longer created upfront so a better to way to handle order fulfillment is to either store the Checkout Session ID (e.g. cs_live_xxx) or you could add some metadata when creating the Checkout Session and use that instead to identify the order.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order
As for this, I’m not sure what you mean, you can always use your app with the success page customization described here alongside webhooks. I wouldn’t use that to fulfill the order though since the user might close the page before the redirection completes which means that the fulfillment wouldn’t be done in that case. As such, webhooks are essential to order fulfillment.

Is it possible to access a friends Instagram pictures without his access_token?

I heard that Instagram recently changed their APIs and I have a related question to that.
Let's assume I would like to build an "Instagram feed app of people I follow". So this app would just show me the pictures of all people I follow. From what I understand this would be possible, but I would always have same manual effort:
From the Instagram developer website I understand that I need the access_token from all my friends.
Do I understand that correctly?
This would mean every time I follow someone new, I would have to get his/her access_token manually and add it into my app.
Do I understand this correctly or is there a programmatic/automated way to get the needed access_token from the new followed person?
Yes, you are correct. This is not possible at the moment. I'm not sure how you would get the access token of friends. You would have to have them login as well. BTW: This seems to be the way facebook is going (since they now control Instagram). They require that both friends have authorized your app and then they will list their followers.

How to grab instagram users based on a hashtag?

is there a way to grab instagram users based on a specific hashtag ?
I run contests based on re posting photos with specified hashtag then randomly pick a winner, i need a tool that can grab the usernames of those who reposted that photo and used that hashtag.
You can query instagram using the API. There are official clients for both python and ruby.
You didn't specify what language/platform you are using, so I'll give you the generic approach.
Query instagram using the Tag Recent Media endpoint.
In the response, you will receive a user object that has the user's username, id, profile url, and so on. This should be enough to do what you are describing.
As far as tools, there aren't great options to probably do things exactly how you want. If you just want a simple contest, you could use statigram, but it's not free.
If you roll your own solution, I highly recommend you also do the following:
Implement a rate limiting mechanism such as a task queue so you don't exceed your API calls (5000 per hour for most calls). Also useful for failures/network hicups, etc.
Have users authenticate so you can use OAuth to extend your API calls to 5000/per user/hour to get around #1.
Try the subscribe API if there won't be many items. You can subscribe to a specific tag as well, and you will get a change notification. At that point though you need to retrieve the actual media item(s), and this can cost a lot of API calls depending on how frequent and what volume these changes occur.
If your users don't have much photos/relatively small/known in advance, you can actually query the user's recent media instead and filter in your own code by hash tag.

how subscribing to instagram realtime api helps me to get user/media details

I have subscribed to instagram realtime api to receive POST updates for hashtag #sudhir
I am able to get updates to my server this way :
{"changed_aspect":"media", "subscription_id":2935881, "object":"tag", "object_id":"sudhir", "time":1362748903}
I don't find any user related or media related info in these updates. I found in SO that we have to hit their (instagram) endpoints explicitly to get photos/user info, inspite of subscribing to endpoints.
If we have to make request explicitly, then what is the use of subscribing to particular endpoint.?
What is the use of this json data ({"changed_aspect":"media","subscription_id":2935881,"object":"tag","object_id":"nofilter","time":1362748903}) we get in request body of our servlet. ?
Can we use this data in any way to get actual data of user/media ?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated :)
Nothing useful I'm afraid. Once you have that information you know that something has changed on Instagram's end. You are then supposed to fire off the corresponding request. From your example it looks like you want to then do a tag/recent/ request and filter out anything earlier than the "time" variable.
Not the easiest way to do things unfortunately but they seem to have decided that the hard way of doing things is the way to go.
