phpmailer error with long email addresses - phpmailer

I run a list of subscribed webmasters and recently migrated to PHPMailer.
I have my phpmailer script working fine. It takes values from my mysql database and send them an email but sometimes I get the Mailer Error: You must provide at least one recipient email address.
After some tests, I found the error is displayed when the full email address is more than 82 characters.
As you know, working with email address of webmasters of seo micro niche sites can give me lot of addresses with more than 82 characters since their domains are very long.
Is there any setting to change for that? I dont know why its limited if 82 characters is less than 256 characters allowed for any email address.
Any help? I searched google and stack overflow for this reply but nothing was found.
Thank you very much.

You could try using PHPMailer's validateAddress() method before trying to send, though it's used internally anyway when you call addAddress().
The unit tests contain a long list of valid and invalid addresses that test many corner cases.
I would guess that you are not running into an overall limit, but a lower limit within the domain name. Though the overall address can be 255 chars, elements within it have lower limits, for example each label within a domain (e.g. example and com in has a limit of 63 chars. 82 chars sounds like this limit plus a few other bits, like user#<somethingover63charslong>.com. If this is like the addresses you have, that's hard luck; You can't use invalid addresses and expect them to work. It's the addresses that are the problem.


How to increase max line length in Apache James?

I could not find anything in the JAMES 3.3 documentation, how do I increase the maximum line length the SMTP server will accept??
I believe the default value is about 998, and I want to increase it in order to not reject (legit) mails with long lines.
The default value for the maximum line length for SMTP servers is typically around 1000 characters, so increasing it to 998 would already be close to the maximum.
If you're receiving legitimate emails with long lines that are getting rejected, there are a few possible ways to resolve this issue:
Configure the sending server to use a smaller line length: Encourage the sender
to reduce the line length in their emails to meet the limit.
Use a different SMTP server: If increasing the line length limit is not possible in JAMES, you could consider using a different SMTP server that supports a larger line length.
Consider alternative communication methods: If the rejected emails contain large attachments, you may want to consider alternative communication methods such as file-sharing services or cloud storage.

Buffer overflow exploitation 101

I've heard in a lot of places that buffer overflows, illegal indexing in C like languages may compromise the security of a system. But in my experience all it does is crash the program I'm running. Can anyone explain how buffer overflows could cause security problems? An example would be nice.
I'm looking for a conceptual explanation of how something like this could work. I don't have any experience with ethical hacking.
First, buffer overflow (BOF) are only one of the method of gaining code execution. When they occur, the impact is that the attacker basically gain control of the process. This mean that the attacker will be able to trigger the process in executing any code with the current process privileges (depending if the process is running with a high or low privileged user on the system will respectively increase or reduce the impact of exploiting a BOF on that application). This is why it is always strongly recommended to run applications with the least needed privileges.
Basically, to understand how BOF works, you have to understand how the code you have build gets compiled into machine code (ASM) and how data managed by your software is stored in memory.
I will try to give you a basic example of a subcategory of BOF called Stack based buffer overflows :
Imagine you have an application asking the user to provide a username.
This data will be read from user input and then stored in a variable called USERNAME. This variable length has been allocated as a 20 byte array of chars.
For this scenario to work, we will consider the program's do not check for the user input length.
At some point, during the data processing, the user input is copied to the USERNAME variable (20bytes) but since the user input is longer (let's say 500 bytes) data around this variable will be overwritten in memory :
Imagine such memory layout :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
If you define the 3 local variables USERNAME, variable2 and variable3 the may be store in memory the way it is shown above.
Notice the RETURN ADDRESS, this 4 byte memory region will store the address of the function that has called your current function (thanks to this, when you call a function in your program and readh the end of that function, the program flow naturally go back to the next instruction just after the initial call to that function.
If your attacker provide a username with 24 x 'A' char, the memory layout would become something like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
Now, if an attacker send 50 * the 'A' char as a USERNAME, the memory layout would looks like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][ AAAA ][[ AAAA ][OTHER AAA...]
In this situation, at the end of the execution of the function, the program would crash because it will try to reach the address an invalid address 0x41414141 (char 'A' = 0x41) because the overwritten RETURN ADDRESS doesn't match a correct code address.
If you replace the multiple 'A' with well thought bytes, you may be able to :
overwrite RETURN ADDRESS to an interesting location.
place "executable code" in the first 20 + 4 + 4 bytes
You could for instance set RETURN ADDRESS to the address of the first byte of the USERNAME variable (this method is mostly no usable anymore thanks to many protections that have been added both to OS and to compiled programs).
I know it is quite complex to understand at first, and this explanation is a very basic one. If you want more detail please just ask.
I suggest you to have a look at great tutorials like this one which are quite advanced but more realistic

Knot Resolver: How to observe and modify a resolved answer at the right time

I would like to stitch up a GNU GPL licensed Knot Resolver module either in C or in CGO that would examine the client's query and the corresponding resolved answer with the goal of querying an external API offering a knowledge base of malware infected hostnames and ip addresses (e.g. GNU AGPL v3 IntelMQ).
If there is a match with the resolved A's (AAAA's) IP address it is to be logged, likewise a match with the queried hostname should be logged or (optionally) it could result in sending the client an IP address of a sinkhole instead of the resolved one.
I studied the layers and I came to the conclusion that the phase I'm interested in is consume. I don't want to affect the resolution process, I just want to step in at the last moment and check the results and possibly modify them.
I ventured to register the a consume function
static knot_layer_api_t _layer = {
.consume = &consume,
but I'm not sure it is the right place to do the deed.
Furthermore, I also looked into module hints.c, especially its query method
and module stats.c for its _to_wire function usage.
Phase (Layer?)
When is the right time to step in and read/write the answer to the query before it's send to the client? Am I at the right spot in consume layer?
Answer sections
If the following attempt at getting the resolved IP address gives me the Name Server's address:
char addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
memset(addr_str, 0, sizeof(addr_str));
const struct sockaddr *src = &(req->answer->sections);
inet_ntop(qry->ns.addr[0].ip.sa_family, kr_inaddr(src), addr_str, sizeof(addr_str));
DEBUG_MSG(NULL, "ADDR: %s\n", addr_str);
how do I get the resolved (A, AAAA) IP address for the query's hostname? I would like to iterate over A/AAAA IP addresses and CNAMEs in the answer and look at the IP addresses they were resolved to.
Modifying the answer
If the module setting demands it, I would like to be able to "ditch" the resolved answer and provide a new one comprising an A record pointed at a sinkhole.
How do I prepare the record so as it could be translated from char* to Knot's wire format and the proper structure in the right context at the right phase?
I guess it might go along functions such as knot_rrset_init and knot_rrset_add_rdata, but I wasn't able to arrive at any successful result.
THX for pointers and suggestions.
If you want to step in the last moment when the response is finalised but not yet sent to the requestor, the right place is finish. You can do it in consume as well, but you'll be overwriting responses from authoritative servers here, not the assembled response to requestor (which means DNSSEC validator is likely to stop your rewritten answers).
Disclaimer: Go interface is rough and requires a lot of CGO code to access internal structures. You'd be probably better suited by a LuaJIT module, there is another module doing something similar that you may take as an example, it also has wrappers for creating records from text etc. If you still want to do it, that's awesome and improvements to Go interface are welcome, read on.
What you need to do is roughly this (as CGO).
That will walk you through RR sets in the packet (C.knot_rrset_t),
where you can match type (rr.type) and contents (rr.rdata).
Contents is stored in DNS wire format, for address records it is the address in network byte order, e.g. {0x7f, 0, 0, 1}.
You will have to compare that to address/subnet you're looking for - example in C code.
When you find a match, you want to clear the whole packet and insert sinkhole record (you cannot selectively remove records, because the packet is append-only for performance reasons). This is relatively easy as there is a helper for that. Here's code in LuaJIT from policy module, you'd have to rewrite it in Go, using all functions mentioned above and using A/AAAA sinkhole record instead of SOA. Good luck!

DNS Response Packets

I'm trying to code my own DNS server, I'm reading through RFC1035 on DNS but I have a few queries:
1) I want my server to respond with a CNAME for a particular request, but no A records - can I do this? for example, receive request for '', response 'CNAME', and then the client queries another DNS server to get the A record for ''.
I've currently set the header to: '\x84\x00' such to say this is the authoritive server, but recurse is not possible. Is this right?
2) I want my server to respond with no records for any other request, such that the client then queries a different DNS server for the records. I've currently set header to '\x83\x03' such to signal a NAME ERROR reply code. Is this right? Then what do I follow this with, zeros in all the other fields, or just end the packet there? I don't want to respond with 'this name doesn't exist', rather 'I don't know this name, try someone else' - how do I do this?
Many Thanks :)
Sounds about right - in fact, CNAME with A records is incorrect (RFC1034 section 3.6.2: "If a CNAME RR is present at a node, no other data should be present").
This would be very unusual behaviour from an authoritative nameserver - I'd suggest rethinking it or at least testing with some real-life resolvers to ensure they do what you want. RCODE #3 ("name error" or NXDOMAIN) is positive confirmation that the name doesn't exist. This would cause resolvers to terminate resolution and possibly cache the nonexistence of the name, which doesn't sound like what you're after. If you want the resolver to query one of the other nameservers that was delegated to for that zone, I guess SERVFAIL (RCODE #2) is the most appropriate/likely to have the desired effect.
By the way, for debugging the exact format of your DNS packets I can highly recommend Wireshark for its decoding accuracy compared with pasting hex codes into Stack Overflow ;)
In the CNAME case, your (authoritative) server should just return the CNAME in the answer section unless it is also authoritative for the domain that the CNAME points to, in which case it should also include the result of following the CNAME.
For your second case you should return RCODE 5 ("REFUSED") - this is the preferred error that an authoritative server should give when asked a question for a domain for which it is not configured.
Following that, you still need to send the four 16-bit count fields and a copy of the question from the original request. In this case the four counts would be (1, 0, 0, 0) - one question, no answer, no ns records, no additional records.

Full statement from ISO 8583

I would like to know if it is possible to do a full statement (between a date range) through ISO 8583, I have seen ATMs which do full statements and was wondering what method they used. I know balance inquiry and mini statements are possible on a POS devise over 8583.
If it is possible does anyone have an information on the structure of the message, ideally for FLexcube.
we did something similar to that back in 1999 in one of the banks, where we would send the statement data in one of the generic private use fields, where it would allow the format ANS 999
but that means you are either to restrict the data to less than 999 characters, or to split the data on multiple messages. and have a multi legged transaction.
you would have the following flow
Customer request for statement on ATM
ATM sends NDC/D912 message to ATM Switch
ATM Switch look up account number after authenticating the card and forward the request to Core Banking Application
Core banking application would generate the statement and format it according to predesigned template and send the statement data into a generic field (say 72)
ATM Switch collects the data and formats it to NDC or D912 format where the statement data is tagged to statement printer (in NDC it is a field called q and the value should be ‘8’ - Print on statement printer only)
and on the field r place the preformatted data
however, it is not a good practice to do so, since we have faster means to generate a statement and send to email or internet banking. but this is the bank's preference anyways.
It depends upon implementation,
I had implemented NCR central switch, where I incorporate initial checking stuffs in the Central application itself rather than passing everything to Auth Host.
My implementation.
ATM Sends (NCD) the transaction requests based on State Machine setup in ATM to Central Application.
Central does basic checkings such as Validity of BIN (initial 6 digit of card no.) and also checks if the requested amount of cash is available in the ATM etc.
The the Central App sends the packet (ISO8583/BASE24) is sent to the Acquirer for further processing.
Acquires Sends it to CA and then it goes to Issuer for Approval.
Hope this helps.
The mini-statement is not part of ISO 8583 (or MVA). It is usually implemented as a proprietary extension. Hence you need to go to an ATM owned by your bank, or, is part of a consortium of banks that share an ATM infrastructure with your bank.
We implemented mini-statements in our ISO-8583 specification utilizing a $0.00 0200 (DE003 = 91xxxx) message and the statement data coming back from the host on DE125 on both Connex and Base24 and then modified our stateful loads to print the data at the ATM.
Though full statements fell out of use years ago so we removed it to just be mini-statements now utilizing the receipt printer vs. full page statements. There is a limited number of entries and not all host support it but it is used today on NCR & Diebold ATMs. I've personally participated in the testing in getting it to work on Base24 and Postilion.
The mini-statement data we do print is 40 characters per line and prints about 10 transactions I believe.
