Fast way to find strings in set of strings containing substring - string

I have a set S of n = 10,000,000 strings s and need to find the set Sp containing the strings s of S that contain the substring p.
Simple solution
As I'm using C# this is quite a simple task using LINQ:
string[] S = new string[] { "Hello", "world" };
string p = "ll";
IEnumerable<string> S_p = S.Where(s => s.Contains(p));
If S contains many strings (like the mentioned 10,000,000 strings) this gets horribly slow.
Build some kind of index to retrieve Sp faster.
What is the best way to index S for this task and do you have any implementation in C#?

Here is one way to do it:
1. Create a string T = S[0] + sep_0 + S[1] + sep_1 + ... + S[n - 1] + sep_n-1(where sep_i is a unique character that never appears in S[j] for any j(it can actually be an integer number if the set of characters is not big enough)).
2. Build a suffix tree for T(it can be done in linear time).
3. For each query string Q traverse the suffix tree(it takes O(length(Q)) time). Then all possible answers will be located in the leaves of some subtree. So you can just traverse all these leaves. If Q is rather long, then the number of leaves in this subtree is likely to be much smaller than n.
4. If Q is really short, then the number of leaves in a subtree can be pretty large. That's why you can use another strategy for short query strings: precompute all short substrings of S[0] ... S[n - 1] and for each of them store a set of indices where it has occurred. Then you can just print these indices for a given Q. It is difficult to say what 'short' exactly means here, but it can be found out experimentally.


How to efficiently find identical substrings of a specified length in a collection of strings?

I have a collection S, typically containing 10-50 long strings. For illustrative purposes, suppose the length of each string ranges between 1000 and 10000 characters.
I would like to find strings of specified length k (typically in the range of 5 to 20) that are substrings of every string in S. This can obviously be done using a naive approach - enumerating every k-length substring in S[0] and checking if they exist in every other element of S.
Are there more efficient ways of approaching the problem? As far as I can tell, there are some similarities between this and the longest common subsequence problem, but my understanding of LCS is limited and I'm not sure how it could be adapted to the situation where we bound the desired common substring length to k, or if subsequence techniques can be applied to finding substrings.
Here's one fairly simple algorithm, which should be reasonably fast.
Using a rolling hash as in the Rabin-Karp string search algorithm, construct a hash table H0 of all the |S0|-k+1 length k substrings of S0. That's roughly O(|S0|) since each hash is computed in O(1) from the previous hash, but it will take longer if there are collisions or duplicate substrings. Using a better hash will help you with collisions but if there are a lot of k-length duplicate substrings in S0 then you could end up using O(k|S0|).
Now use the same rolling hash on S1. This time, look each substring up in H0 and if you find it, remove it from H0 and insert it into a new table H1. Again, this should be around O(|S1|) unless you have some pathological case, like both S0 and S1 are just long repetitions of the same character. (It's also going to be suboptimal if S0 and S0 are the same string, or have lots of overlapping pieces.)
Repeat step 2 for each Si, each time creating a new hash table. (At the end of each iteration of step 2, you can delete the hash table from the previous step.)
At the end, the last hash table will contain all the common k-length substrings.
The total run time should be about O(Σ|Si|) but in the worst case it could be O(kΣ|Si|). Even so, with the problem size as described, it should run in acceptable time.
Some thoughts (N is number of strings, M is average length, K is needed substring size):
Approach 1:
Walk through all strings, computing rolling hash for k-length strings and storing these hashes in the map (store tuple {key: hash; string_num; position})
time O(NxM), space O(NxM)
Extract groups with equal hash, check step-by-step:
1) that size of group >= number of strings
2) all strings are represented in this group 3
3) thorough checking of real substrings for equality (sometimes hashes of distinct substrings might coincide)
Approach 2:
Build suffix array for every string
time O(N x MlogM) space O(N x M)
Find intersection of suffix arrays for the first string pair, using merge-like approach (suffixes are sorted), considering only part of suffixes of length k, then continue with the next string and so on
I would treat each long string as a collection of overlapped short strings, so ABCDEFGHI becomes ABCDE, BCDEF, CDEFG, DEFGH, EFGHI. You can represent each short string as a pair of indexes, one specifying the long string and one the starting offset in that string (if this strikes you as naive, skip to the end).
I would then sort each collection into ascending order.
Now you can find the short strings common to the first two collection by merging the sorted lists of indexes, keeping only those from the first collection which are also present in the second collection. Check the survivors of this against the third collection, and so on and the survivors at the end correspond to those short strings which are present in all long strings.
(Alternatively you could maintain a set of pointers into each sorted list and repeatedly look to see if every pointer points at short strings with the same text, then advancing the pointer which points at the smallest short string).
Time is O(n log n) for the initial sort, which dominates. In the worst case - e.g. when every string is AAAAAAAA..AA - there is a factor of k on top of this, because all string compares check all characters and take time k. Hopefully, there is a clever way round this with which allows you to sort in time O(n) rather than O(nk log n) and the, which should allow you to skip some characters when comparing substrings from different suffix arrays.
Thinking about this again, I think the usual suffix array trick of concatenating all of the strings in question, separated by a character not found in any of them, works here. If you look at the LCP of the resulting suffix array you can split it into sections, splitting at points where where the difference between suffixes occurs less than k characters in. Now each offset in any particular section starts with the same k characters. Now look at the offsets in each section and check to see if there is at least one offset from every possible starting string. If so, this k-character sequence occurs in all starting strings, but not otherwise. (There are suffix array constructions which work with arbitrarily large alphabets so you can always expand your alphabet to produce a character not in any string, if necessary).
I would try a simple method using HashSets:
Build a HashSet for each long string in S with all its k-strings.
Sort the sets by number of elements.
Scan the first set.
Lookup the term in the other sets.
The first step takes care of repetitions in each long string.
The second ensures the minimum number of comparisons.
let getHashSet k (lstr:string) =
let strs = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>()
for i in 0..lstr.Length - k do
strs.Add lstr.[i..i + k - 1] |> ignore
let getCommons k lstrs =
let strss = lstrs |> (getHashSet k) |> Seq.sortBy (fun strs -> strs.Count)
match strss |> Seq.tryHead with
| None -> [||]
| Some h ->
let rest = Seq.tail strss |> Seq.toArray
[| for s in h do
if rest |> Array.forall (fun strs -> strs.Contains s) then yield s
let random = System.Random System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond
let generateString n =
[| for i in 1..n do
yield random.Next 20 |> (+) 65 |> System.Convert.ToByte
|] |> System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString
[ for i in 1..3 do yield generateString 10000 ]
|> getCommons 4
|> fun l -> printfn "found %d\n %A" l.Length l
found 40
[|"PPTD"; "KLNN"; "FTSR"; "CNBM"; "SSHG"; "SHGO"; "LEHS"; "BBPD"; "LKQP"; "PFPH";
"NHGH"; "EARK"; "ELNF"; "ADKE"; "DQCC"; "GKJA"; "ASME"; "KFGM"; "AMKE"; "JJLJ"|]
Here it is in fiddle:

Shortest uncommon prefix from a set of strings

Given a string A and a set of string S. Need to find an optimum method to find a prefix of A which is not a prefix of any of the strings in S.
Output should be "appl" and not "app" since "app" is prefix of both "apple" and "apprehension" but "appl" is not.
I know the trie approach; by making a trie of set S and then traversing in the trie for string A.
But what I want to ask is can we do it without trie?
Like can we compare every pair (A,Si), Si = ith string from set S and get the largest common prefix out of them.In this case that would be "app" , so now the required ans would be "appl".
This would take 2 loops(one for iterating through S and another for comparing Si and A).
Can we improve upon this??
Please suggest an optimum approach.
I'm not sure exactly what you had in mind, but here's one way to do it:
Keep a variable longest, initialised to 0.
Loop over all elements S[i] of S,
setting longest = max(longest, matchingPrefixLength(S[i], A)).
Return the prefix from A of length longest+1.
This uses O(1) space and takes O(length(S)*average length of S[i]) time.
This is optimal (at least for the worst case) since you can't get around needing to look at every character of every element in S.
longest = 0
The longest prefix for S[0] and A is 2
So longest = max(0,2) = 2
The longest prefix for S[1] and A is 3
So longest = max(2,3) = 3
The longest prefix for S[2] and A is 3
So longest = max(3,3) = 3
Now we return the prefix of length longest+1 = 4, i.e. "appl"
Note that there are actually 2 trie-based approaches:
Store only A in the trie. Iterate through the trie for each element from S to eliminate prefixes.
This uses much less memory than the second approach (but still more than the approach above). At least assuming A isn't much, much longer than S[i], but you can optimise to stop at the longest element in S or construct the tree as we go to avoid this case.
Store all elements from S in the trie. Iterate through the trie with A to find the shortest non-matching prefix.
This approach is significantly faster if you have lots of A's that you want to query for a constant set S (since you only have to set up the trie once, and do a single lookup for each A, where-as you have to create a new trie and run through each S[i] for each A for the first approach).
What is your input size?
Let's model your input as being of N+1 strings whose lengths are about M characters. Your total input size is about M(N+1) character, plus some proportional amount of apparatus to encode that data in a usable format (data structure overhead).
Your algorithm ...
maxlen = 0
for i = 1 to N
for j = 1 to M
if A[j] = S[i][j] then
if j > maxlen then maxlen = j
print A[1...maxlen]
... performs up M x N iterations of the innermost loop, reading two characters each time, for a total of 2MN characters read.
Recall our input data size was about M(N+1) also. So our question now is whether we can solve this problem, in the worst case, looking at asymptotically less than the total input (you do a little less than looking at all the input twice, or linear in the input size). The answer is no. Consider this worst case:
length of A is M'
length of all strings in S is M'
A differs from N-1 strings in S by the last two characters
A differs from 1 string in S by only the last character
Any algorithm must look at M'-1 characters of N-1 strings, plus M' characters of 1 string, to correctly determine the answer of this problem instance is A.
(M'-1)(N'-1) + N = M'N - M' - N + 1 + N = M'N - M' + 1
For N >= 2, the dominant terms in both M'(N+1) and M'N' are both M'N, meaning that for N >= 2, both the input size and the amount of that input any correct algorithm must read is O(MN). Your algorithm is O(MN). Any other algorithm cannot be asymptotically better.

How do I find the largest sequence in a string that is repeated at least once?

Trying to solve the following problem:
Given a string of arbitrary length, find the longest substring that occurs more than one time within the string, with no overlaps.
For example, if the input string was ABCABCAB, the correct output would be ABC. You couldn't say ABCAB, because that only occurs twice where the two substrings overlap, which is not allowed.
Is there any way to solve this reasonably quickly for strings containing a few thousand characters?
(And before anyone asks, this is not homework. I'm looking at ways to optimize the rendering of Lindenmayer fractals, because they tend to take excessive amounts of time to draw at high iteration levels with a naive turtle graphics system.)
Here's an example for a string of length 11, which you can generalize
Set chunk length to floor(11/2) = 5
Scan the string in chunks of 5 characters left to looking for repeats. There will be 3 comparisons
Left Right
Offset Offset
0 5
0 6
1 5
If you found a duplicate you're done. Otherwise reduce the chunk length to 4 and repeat until chunk length goes to zero.
Here's some (obviously untested) pseudocode:
String s
int len = floor(s.length/2)
for int i=len; i>0; i--
for j=0; j<=len-(2*i); j++
for k=j+i; k<=len-i; k++
if s.substr(j,j+i) == s.substr(k,k+i)
return s.substr(j,j+i)
return null
There may be an off-by-one error in there, but the approach should be sound (and minimal).
it looks like a suffix tree problem. Create the suffix tree, then find the biggest compressed branch with more than one child (occurs more than once in the original string). The number of letters in that compressed branch should be the size of the biggest subsequence.
i found something similar here:
Looks like it can be done in O(n).
First we need to define the start symbol of our substring and define the length. Iterate all possible start positions then figure out the length doing binary search for the length (if you can find substr with lenght a, you may find with the longer length, function looks monotonous so bin search should be fine). Then find equal substring is N, using KMP or Rabin-Karp any linear algo is fine. Total N*N*log(N). Is that too much complexity?
The code is something like:
for(int i=0;i<input.length();++i)
int l = i;
int r = input.length();
while(l <= r)
int middle = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
Check if string [i;middle] can be found in initial string. Should be done in O(n); You need to check parts of initial string [0,i-1], [middle+1;length()-1];
if (found)
l = middle + 1;
r = middle - 1;
Make sense?
This type of analysis is often done in genome sequences. have a look at this paper. it has an efficient implemention (c++) for solving repeats:
might be what you are looking for

remove fragments in a sentence [puzzle]

Write a program to remove fragment that occur in "all" strings,where a fragment
is 3 or more consecutive word.
s1 = "It is raining and I want to drive home.";
s2 = "It is raining and I want to go skiing.";
s3 = "It is hot and I want to go swimming.";
s1 = "It is raining drive home.";
s2 = "It is raining go skiing.";
s3 = "It is hot go swimming.";
Removed fragment = "and i want to"
The program will be tested again large files.
Efficiency will be taken into consideration.
Assumptions: Ignore capitalization ,punctuation. but preserve in output.
Note: Take care of cases like
a a a a a b c b c b c b c where removing would create more fragments.
My Solution: (which i think is not the most efficient)
Hash three word phrases into an int and store them in an array, for all strings.
reduces to array of numbers like
1 2 3 4 5
3 5 7 9 8
9 3 1 7 9
Problem reduces to intersection of arrays.
sort the arrays. (k * nlogn)
keep k pointers. if all equal match found. else increment the pointer pointing to least value.
To solve for the Note above. I was thinking of doing a lazy delete, i.e mark phrases for deletion and delete at the end.
Are there cases where my solution might not work? Can we optimize my solution/ find the best solution ?
First observation: replace each word with a single "letter" in a big alphabet(i.e. hash the worlds in some way), remove whitespaces and punctuation.
Now you have the problem reduced to remove the longest letter sequence that appears in all words of a given list.
So you have to compute the longest common substring for a set of "words". You find it using a generalized suffix tree as this is the most efficient algorithm. This should do the trick and I believe has the best possible complexity.
The first step is as already suggested by izomorphius:
Replace each word with a single "letter" in a big alphabet(i.e. hash the worlds in some way), remove whitespaces and punctuation.
For the second you don't need to know the longest common substring - you just want to erase it from all the strings.
Note that this is equivalent to erasing all common substrings of length exactly 3, because if you have a longer commmon substring, then its substrings with length 3 are also common.
To do that you can use a hash table (storing key value pairs).
Just iterate over the first string and put all it's 3-substrings into the hash table as keys with values equal to 1.
Then iterate over the second string and for each 3-substring x if x is in the hash table and its value is 1, then set the value to 2.
Then iterate over the third string and for each 3-substring x, if x is in the hash table and its value is 2, then set the value to 3.
...and so on.
At the end the keys that have the value of k are the common 3-substrings.
Now just iterate once more over all the strings and remove those 3-substrings that are common.
import java.util.*;
public class remove_unique{
public static void main(String args[]){
String s1 = "Everyday I do exercise if";
String s2 = "Sometimes I do exercise if i feel stressed";
String s3 = "Mostly I do exercise on morning";
String[] words1=s1.split("\\s");
String[] words2=s2.split("\\s");
String[] words3=s3.split("\\s");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<words1.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<words2.length;j++){
for(int k=0;k<words3.length;k++){
if(words1[i].equals(words2[j]) && words2[j].equals(words3[k])
//Concatenating the returned Strings
sb.append(words1[i]+" ");
System.out.println(s1.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
System.out.println(s2.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
System.out.println(s3.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
My solution would be something like,
F = all fragments with length > 3 shared by the first 2 lines, avoid overlaps
for each line from the 3rd line and up
remove fragments in F which do not exist in line, or cause overlaps
return sentences with fragments in F removed
I assume finding/matching fragments in sentences can be done with some known algo. but in terms of the time complexity for n lines this is O(n)

How to find all cyclic shifted strings in a given input?

This is a coding exercise. Suppose I have to decide if one string is created by a cyclic shift of another. For example: cab is a cyclic shift of abc but cba is not.
Given two strings s1 and s2 we can do that as follows:
if (s1.length != s2.length)
return false
for(int i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
if ((s1.substring(i) + s1.substring(0, i)).equals(s2))
return true
return false
Now what if I have an array of strings and want to find all strings that are cyclic shift of one another? For example: ["abc", "xyz", "yzx", "cab", "xxx"] -> ["abc", "cab"], ["xyz", "yzx"], ["xxx"]
It looks like I have to check all pairs of the strings. Is there a "better" (more efficient) way to do that?
As a start, you can know if a string s1 is a rotation of a string s2 with a single call to contains(), like this:
public boolean isRotation(String s1, String s2){
String s2twice = s2+s2;
return s2twice.contains(s1);
Namely, if s1 is "rotation" and s2 is "otationr", the concat gives you "otationrotationr", which contains s1 indeed.
Now, even if we assume this is linear, or close to it (which is not impossible using Rabin-Karp, for instance), you are still left with O(n^2) pair comparisons, which may be too much.
What you could do is build an hashtable where the sorted word is the key, and the posting list contains all the words from your list that, if sorted, give the key (ie. key("bca") and key("cab") both should return "abc"):
private Map<String, List<String>> index;
/* ... */
public void buildIndex(String[] words){
for(String word : words){
String sortedWord = sortWord(word);
index.put(sortedWord, new ArrayList<String>());
CAVEAT: The hashtable will contain, for each key, all the words that have exactly the same letters occurring the same amount of times (not just the rotations, ie. "abba" and "baba" will have the same key but isRotation("abba", "baba") will return false).
But once you have built this index, you can significantly reduce the number of pairs you need to consider: if you want all the rotations for "bca" you just need to sort("bca"), look it up in the hashtable, and check (using the isRotation method above, if you want) if the words in the posting list are the result of a rotation or not.
If strings are short compared to the number of strings in the list, you can do significantly better by rotating all strings to some normal form (lexicographic minimum, for example). Then sort lexicographically and find runs of the same string. That's O(n log n), I think... neglecting string lengths. Something to try, maybe.
Concerning the way to find the pairs in the table, there could be many better way, but what I came up as a first thought is to sort the table and apply the check per adjacent pair.
This is much better and simpler that checking every string with every other string in the table
Consider building an automaton for each string against which you wish to test.
Each automaton should have one entry point for each possible character in the string, and transitions for each character, plus an extra transition from the end to the start.
You could improve performance even further if you amalgated the automata.
I think a combination of the answers by Patrick87 and savinos would make a fair amount of sense. Specifically, in a Java-esque pseudo-code:
List<String> inputs = ["abc", "xyz", "yzx", "cab", "xxx"];
Map<String,List<String>> uniques = new Map<String,List<String>>();
for(String value : inputs) {
String normalized = normalize(value);
if(!uniques.contains(normalized)) {
unqiues.put(normalized, new List<String>());
// you now have a Map of normalized strings to every string in the input
// that is "equal to" that normalized version
Normalizing the string, as stated by Patrick87 might be best done by picking the rotation of the string that results in the lowest lexographic ordering.
It's worth noting, however, that the "best" algorithm probably relies heavily on the inputs... the number of strings, the length of those string, how many duplicates there are, etc.
You can rotate all the strings to a normalized form using Booth's algorithm ( in O(s) time, where s is the length of the string.
You can then use the normalized form as a key in a HashMap (where the value is the set of rotations seen in the input). You can populate this HashMap in a single pass over the data. i.e., for each string
calculate the normalized form
check if the HashMap contains the normalized form as a key - if not insert the empty Set at this key
add the string to the Set in the HashMap
You then just need to output the values of the HashMap. This makes the total runtime of the algorithm O(n * s) - where n is the number of words and s is the average word length. The total space usage is also O(n * s).
