How can I see the `qsub` command used to submit a job? - pbs

I have a job running in a remote cluster. Is there a way to see what qsub command was used (the options and so on) to start the job?

Do a 'qstat -f [job number]' and look for 'submit_args'.


Check sbatch script of running job

When running an slurm job from an sbatch script, is there a command that lets me see what was in the sbatch script that I used to start this job?
For example sacct tells me I'm on SLURM_JOB_ID.3 and I would like to see how many job steps there will be in total.
I'm looking for a command that takes the job id and prints the sbatch script it is running.
You can use
scontrol write batch_script SLURM_JOB_ID
The above will display the submission script for job identified with jobid 12345
More info:

[slurm]How to check the job type on slurm ? batch or interactive

I want to determine whether a job on the slurm is a batch job or an interactive job.
It is possible to check the batch host with the following command, but is there a better way?
squeue -O "Name,BatchHost"
int login001
batch compute009
scontrol show job has a flag BatchFlag. The scontrol manpage says:
Jobs submitted using the sbatch command have BatchFlag set to 1. Jobs submitted using other commands have BatchFlag set to 0.

SLURM how to know if a running job is a srun or a sbatch job?

I need to distinguish between batch and interactive job when are in RUNNING state.
I can't find with sact or stat a way to know if a job is a interactive session.
Did anyone already solved a similar problem?
You can use the batchflag formatting keyword in the squeue command to infer if a job has been submitted using the sbatch command.
$ squeue --Format=batchflag -u ${USER} --states=RUNNING
From the BatchFlag description in the scontrol help page:
Jobs submitted using the sbatch command have BatchFlag set to 1. Jobs submitted using other commands have BatchFlag set to 0.

How to list/kill running commands in cassandra

I want to run a COPY command on my Cassandra cluster (v3.0.9).
In case my shell exits, how can I later on list running commands, get their status and possibly kill/stop it?
Create a cql file with your COPY command
Run it through cqlsh using -f flag (cqlsh -f ) with nohup. Details here.
Then it will be available to ps and kill.

can i delete a shell script after it has been submitted using qsub without affecting the job?

I want to submit a a bunch of jobs using qsub - the jobs are all very similar. I have a script that has a loop, and in each instance it rewrites over a file and then does qsub . Before the job has had a chance to run, the may have been overwritten by the next instance of the loop. Is another copy of stored while the job is waiting to run? Or do I need to be careful not to change before the job has begun?
Assuming you're talking about torque, then yes; torque reads in the script at submission time. In fact the submission script need never exist as a file at all; as given as an example in the documentation for torque, you can pipe in commands to qsub (from the docs: cat pbs.cmd | qsub.)
But several other batch systems (SGE/OGE, PBS PRO) use qsub as a queue submission command, so you'll have to tell us what queuing system you're using to be sure.
Yes. You can even create jobs and sub-jobs with HERE Documents. Below is an example of a test I was doing with a script initiated by a cron job:
#!/bin/env bash
qsub -N testCron -l nodes=1:vortex:compute -l walltime=1:00:00 <<QSUB
qsub -N testsubCron -l nodes=1:vortex:compute -l walltime=1:00:00 <<QSUBNEST
date -Isec
