Getting current user information from CouchDB? - couchdb

How do you access information about the current user when navigating an app with a CouchDB database? I need this information to query the correct data for each request, etc. For example, in Rails it is common to use a before filter that sets a variable called current_user with every request.
After successfully initiating a session with a POST to /_session, I tried the following as suggested by the CouchDB docs, but it does not return the full user document with email and the other fields I need.
GET /_session
I also tried requesting the user document by id as follows but I am getting an error.
GET /_users/org.couch.user:<name>
{ error: not_found, reason: missing }
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I got this working by combining the two requests as follows:
GET '/_session'
GET '/_users/org.couch.user:' +


How to pass a document's ID using Azure CosmoDB?

I am creating a simple CRUD app to learn Azure. I have created a logic app (standard model) and my APIs are designed using the workflow designer. I also have a CosmoDB to hold each object.
My GET API, that gets all the documents, looks like this:
And my GET API, that gets only one document, looks like this:
Here is what my CosmosDB looks like with the ID of the item that is successfully return when statically called:
So what do I need to replace the static ID with, in the *Document ID input so that I can pass in different IDs?
I have looked at the docs and it suggests documentId, but when I type this in I get this error:
Thank you #404 , posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
" You should know the id you want to retrieve from the flow that feeds into the Get a document block (unless it's static). Since you only have a HTTP trigger your id should be supplied through that. As example by passing the id in the url as query parameter which you then refer to in your Document ID field."
Trigger a post request to logic app with Document ID in request body.
Try as below: Error when adding new paymentProfile - code: E00114, Invalid OTS Token

we're trying to add a new customerPaymentProfile for an existing customerProfile. we're patterning our code on the github sample provided
the only difference is that, we don't pass CC details to our servers. instead, we pass opaqueData from frontend. on Initial customerProfile creation(with a single payment profile) it works w/c is good. but if we try to add a new paymentProfile(using a new opaqueData) we get the error code: E00114, Invalid OTS Token.
the official documentation regarding error code doesn't say much
And it seems like there's a few different cases, where it throws this error code
Using Accept.js
Our Case(node.js SDK)
We also tried to delay the transaction at least 7 seconds, before using the opaqueData maybe to allow their systems to sync as suggested here to receive the same error message.
Anyone ever encountered something like this before?
Any form of help would be highly appreciated.
We were doing something wrong, by doing trial and error(via API) to determine if a customer exists or not. hence hitting api once or twice resulting to an invalid token (error on 2nd call)
So we tried to create a customerProfile, w/ customerPaymentProfile & this will throw error if customerProfile already exist(if its a duplicate email). Whats good here, is that customerProfileId comes with the error payload.
We though of using customerProfileId from error payload, to create a new payment profile for the customer, giving us some edge by reducing one DB call on our system.
The issue with our strategy though, is that opaqueData will expire, when we use it to create customerProfile(w/ payment profile) even though the request failed.
So resolution is to save customer info in our system, and check if it's a returning customer or not. If it is, then get customerProfileId from db, and create new customerPaymentProfile on
One could also create customerProfile first, w/o the customerPaymentProfile. if this transaction fails, then at least you haven't used the opaqueData yet and you get the customerProfileId w/o doing any query on your db. So when you try to create a new customerPaymentProfile, you won't get error code E00114 since opaqueData isn't used yet.
lessons learned the hard way for us, but hopefully it helps someone.

What does it mean "Another object with the same value for property proxyAddresses already exists" during licensing an user in Azure AD?

I'm using the Microsoft Graph API versin 1.0 to update a batch of user and for some I receive the following error message:
Another object with the same value for property proxyAddresses already exists.
This happens with some few user, but not with many others.
However I don't understand what it means and how to workaround it.
Any ideas?
This my the JSON payload sent with the request:
"disabledPlans": [
Based on the error message, the property proxyAddresses should be unique.
Please make sure you don't configure the same proxyAddresses for multiple users when updating users.
In theory, this property cannot be updated through the Microsoft Graph API. So if you didn't put proxyAddresses in the body, please share the requests of the updated users which have this issue.
this may be old, I encountered a similar issue. I am doing a graph api call which indirectly updates some of user attributes, so getting this error. The tenant admin should check for duplicate records and remove or update them, they can follow this link

Feathersjs filter results

I have created a node/feathers project using this chat application guide as a base. It's working great, but now I would like to filter the results the api is giving. For example, when user makes GET request to /messages I would like the response to include only the messages that the authorized user has created, not anyone else's messages. Auth is working correctly in the api and message items have the userId who created the message, but I just don't understand what and where I'm supposed to do to filter the messages according to the user id. After hours of googling I couldn't find anything related to this or anyone even asking the question, so what am I missing here?
You can do a manual filtering. Both on before and after hooks. How to use hooks.
In before hooks you can create a function that update your query object to only get/find data it owns.
hook.params.query = { ... , ownedBy: hook.params.user._id }
Or do result filtering in after hooks, you have the hook.result which is the only thing you can manipulate in the after hooks. Then you can use Array.prototype.filter() to filter the results the user gets.

Detail of list without user authentication

I'm trying to get details of Foursquare list by PHP library:
$foursquare = new FoursquareAPI($key,$secret);
$list = $foursquare->GetPublic('lists/'.$listId);
But everytime gets this error:
string(7672) "{"meta":{"code":200,"errorType":"deprecated","errorDetail":"Please provide an API version to avoid future errors.See https:\/\/ ... "
When I debug it, library calls this URL: with these params: Array ( [client_id] => <client_id> [client_secret] => <client_secret> )
But when I try this API method in Foursquare API Explorer I see that, this URL is calling: OAuth token automatically added.<list_id>?oauth_token=<token>&v=20111205.
In lists doc is Requires Acting User: No, so I'm confused. Is it possible to call this function without authenticating user?
It would be nice, because I want to add places from my list (favourite restaurants) to my page on Google map in Contacts. It would be useful for our clients.
The error you are seeing is unrelated to the list endpoint you are requesting or the state of authentication. It is a warning that the library you are using is currently not following versioning best practice for Foursquare. You can read more about it here.
As for the list there should be a response object at the same level as the meta object.
