How secure are sessions? - security

From what I understand and have read about sessions, a website, like Facebook, will store a code on your computer that your computer sends back to Facebook every time you visit their site. This saves you the trouble of logging in every time you want to see your news feed.
My question is, how is this in any way secure? Can't anyone write a simple program to find this code on your computer - just like Facebook does? Or if you let your geeky friend use your computer, how do you know he doesn't copy your session codes and just use your account from somewhere else?
I read that sessions are more secure than cookies because cookies actually carry information like your username, password and other vital info. But if a session code can provide access to your whole account anyway, isn't a session just as insecure?
Are there any other factors at play that I don't know about or are sessions really this insecure?

My question is, how is this in any way secure? Can't anyone write a simple program to find this code on your computer - just like Facebook does?
Yes. Someone can do that. And they can steal your session credentials. If your computer is compromised, you can't build any form of security on top of that. If you can't trust the computer, you can't trust the browser. And if you can't trust the browser, there's no way you can possibly trust the website.
So we need to start with a fundamental assumption. To secure the website, we must assume the browser (and hence the computer) is secure.
If you can get code onto the computer to search for the session identifiers, it's game over already, since you can typically do much worse while you're there.
Or if you let your geeky friend use your computer, how do you know he doesn't copy your session codes and just use your account from somewhere else?
You don't. This is why you shouldn't let friends use your computer (among other reasons).
There are some techniques that can be done to verify the session came from the specific computer. But they tend to be either insecure (like verifying user agents) or fragile (like verifying IP addresses).
I read that sessions are more secure than cookies because cookies actually carry information like your username, password and other vital info. But if a session code can provide access to your whole account anyway, isn't a session just as insecure?
Sessions are no more secure than cookies, because the session uses a cookie for identification. Sure, the specific data doesn't leave the server (so it doesn't leak), but the attacker can resume the session.
Are there any other factors at play that I don't know about or are sessions really this insecure?
The key here is who are you trying to protect against. Specifically, what threat model:
A friend, who you give admin access to your computer (let them borrow with a privileged account)
You can't reliably protect against that. If your users let others borrow their computer, you, as a website operator, can't help that unless you don't use a session at all and require users to authenticate every action.
Simply don't do it, or give them a clean guest account. Or better yet, use a chromebook, and let them sign in with their own account.
An attacker getting code onto the computer
You can't help that.
Someone snooping the network traffic (read-only) like a network packet sniffer.
Someone man-in-the-middle attacking the network traffic (read/write)
Someone attacking the server
Secure your server!!!
In general, to figure out how to secure something, you need to consider the vector the attack is going to come from. Some attacks you simply can't defend against. And some, you just need to educate the user about.

Session IDs are stored in cookies, so their security is the same as that of cookies.
Cookies are handled by your browser, which takes care of protecting them to the extent that it's possible.
No website can "ask your browser for a cookie" (and that is not what Facebook does). Instead, when accessing, your browser sends along your cookies, but not your cookies.
Of course, "writing a simple program to find this code" would be easy, but distributing it wouldn't be that easy (i.e. you're talking about distributing malware), and it's definitely not what Facebook does to get access to the relevant session cookies.
There are several additional ways to protect cookies from unauthorized access (to a certain extent). One of them is to make them "HTTP-only", so that they aren't accessible in Javascript (they'll still be sent to Facebook's servers, but the browser won't expose them to anything else).
Note that cookies are indeed as secure as the browser itself. If your browser is "compromised" (by your geeky friend), then so are your cookies, and so is your session.


Harm of passing session id as url parameter

So I just noticed that one of the internet banks websites is passing session id as url parameter. ( See image below )
I didn't previously see anywhere that ';' in url, in this case it is after 'private;'.
1) What is the use of this ';'?
2) And why internet bank, which needs to be securest place in the internet is passing session id as url parameter?
At first, I thought they are doing it because some of the users disallow use of cookies, but then again, if they allow it, use cookies, if not - url, but I do allow use of cookies, so obviously thats not the case.
3) I guess then they should have some other security measures? What they could be?
4) And what one can possibly do if he knows others valid session id?
As I know, you can quite easily log into others peoples session if you know that id, because its not hard to edit cookies and its much easier to pass that session id as url parameter, especially if you have something like:
1) You should ask whoever designed the application your red box is covering. URL can be anything you want; the convention of key=value&key2=value2 is just that - a convention. In this case, it's Java, and it commonly uses the convention of ;jsessionid=.... for its SID.
2) It's not that big of a deal. Normal users can't copy-paste cookies like they can copy-paste a GET parameter, but power users can do whatever they want (using Mechanize, wget, curl and other non-browser means, or even browser extensions). And if you allow it for some users and disallow for some, it's not really much of a security precaution, is it? Basically, cookie SID will make the attack a bit harder, but it's like putting your front door key under the mat - definitely doesn't keep your door secure. Additionally, cookies are shared between tabs: if a site wants you to be logged in with two accounts at once, you can't do it with cookies.
3) Serverside security, yes. One effective countermeasure is one-time SIDs (each time you visit a page, the server reads the session from the current SID, then starts a new session with a new SID for the next request). A less effective but still good method is to validate other information for consistency (e.g. - still same IP? Still same browser?)
4) Yes, if you know someone's valid SID, and the server does not adequately protect against session fixation, you can "become" that person. This might enable the attacker to, say, pay his bills with your money, for instance.
So, #Amadan correctly covered #1 and #4. But there's a bit more that needs expansion.
Using Session identifiers in a URL can be a major problem. There are a few cases where it's critically bad:
Session Hijacking:
If a user copy-pastes a URL into an email.
In this case, the attacker can simply read the email, and steal the session identifier (thereby resuming the session).
You could partially defend against this by making session lifetimes short, and validating things like IP addresses or User Agents in the session. Note that none of these are foolproof, they just make it "slightly" harder to attack.
If the connection is ever downgraded to HTTP.
If they are not using Http-Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS), then an attacker may be able to successfully downgrade the session to HTTP only (via MITM style attack). If the server isn't setup perfectly, this can cause the URL to leak to the attacker, and hence the session identifier.
Session Fixation Attacks
An attacker can craft a session identifier, and send the user a forged link with that session identifier. The user then logs in to the site, and the session is now tied to their account.
You can mitigate this by strictly rotating session identifiers every time the session changes (log in, log out, privilege upgrade or downgrade, etc). But many servers don't do this, and hence are susceptible to fixation style attacks.
The reason that cookie sessions are seen as more secure is not because they are harder to edit. It's because they are more resistant to fixation attacks (you can't create a URL or link or form or js or anything that sends a fraudulent cookie on behalf of the user).
Why the bank uses a URL parameter? I have two guesses:
Because they want to support those who don't allow cookies.
Which is sigh worthy.
They don't know any better.
Seriously. If it's not in a compliance doc or NIST recommendation, then they likely don't do it. Hell, there are implemented NIST recommendations that are known to be insecure, yet are still followed because it's in writing.
What is the use of this ;?
This is just a query string separator. & isn't the only sub-delim specified in the URL specification (RFC 3986).
And why internet bank, which needs to be securest place in the internet is passing session id as url parameter?
It could be that this session ID is never used, and the actual session identifier user is passed in cookies or in POST data between each navigated page. The only way to verify this is to try copying the URL into another browser to see if your session is resumed, however then again they may be checking things like User Agent - not real security but would dissuade casual attacks. Do not try this on a live system you do not have permission to do so on as it would be illegal. If you want to learn about security download something like Hacme Bank and try on there.
I guess then they should have some other security measures? What they could be?
No doubt they will, otherwise this would be a huge security threat. The URL could be leaked in the referer header if there are any external links on the page. The types of security a bank uses for their website is too large to list here, however they should be meeting certain industry standards such as ISO/IEC 27001 that will cover the types of threat that their site would need to be secure against.
And what one can possibly do if he knows others valid session id? As I know, you can quite easily log into others peoples session if you know that id, because its not hard to edit cookies and its much easier to pass that session id as url parameter, especially if you have something like:
As the ID is displayed on the screen it might be possible to read it (although IDs are generally long). A more realistic attack is Session Fixation. This is where an attacker can set the Session ID of their victim. For example, sending them a link that includes the attacker's Session ID. When the victim follows it and then logs in, as the attacker has the same session, they are logged in too.
Storing the Session information in a cookie or in a URL are both viable methods. A combination may used as
Security session management and (Server) Session management are separate aspects:
The fundamental difference is that cookies are shared between browser windows/tabs, the url not.
If you want your user to be logged on when navigating to the same site in different tab, sharing the security session (=without a new logon procedure) then cookies are a good way.
To differentiate "sessions" per tab and associate distinct server sessions with distinct tabs (Think of the user running two "stateful" transactions in two different tabs in parallel), managing a sessionId on the client which can be different per tab is required. Cookies won't work here.
Putting it in the URL is one way to assure this information is routinely added to requests fired from the page (referrer header). Alternative methods would require specific code to add this information explicitly to each request which is more work.
See How to differ sessions in browser-tabs?

Creating a very secure login with cookies and java

I'm designing a very secure login mechanism using play framework2. Since Play does not have a notion of sessions and keep things in the cookies (which I like) I was wondering what are the security measures I need to think about. We obviously going to use SSL to communicate the login credentials and also the cookie is going to be encrypted value of some of user's information like their email or userid. Is it possible that someone can sniff that cookie or get a hold of it from another user's cookie and reuse it? how can i make this more secure?
In fact the cookie isn't encrypted. It is signed. This signature comes from the application.secret in your application.conf.
It means that anyone can see the content of the cookie (and eventually try to spoof other sessions or change their login/id/token...)
From Play documentation :
Of course, cookie values are signed with a secret key so the client can’t modify the cookie data (or it will be invalidated).
I am not a security guru, but, if you keep your application secret secret, it seams enough to me.
Discussion about the strength of the signature are welcome !
Well if you want it really secure, you should general communicate via SSL not only for login. Otherwise someone can get the Cookie. The main-problem you have with the cookie-solution or better the play session is that you have no session-timeout. So imagine that I was able to get the cookie, I can use this user account forever. So you need something like a session-timeout. This becomes really tricky if there are more then one request from the same client, because both try to change the same cookie. A workaround is to handle the session timeout via cache, but have in mind that you need a distributed cache solution if you run in a cluster.
You can try to follow changes at the security solution I wrote. This is an open todo I must do.
If there's a risk of eavesdropping the communication and stealing the cookie, you can make things harder for the attacker. For example add IP address of the computer in the signed cookie. If someone else steals it, he'll have to use the same IP address as the victim. It's not impossible but it raises the bar.

Mitigating the 'firesheep' attack in the application layer?

What methodologies do people recommend for mitigating the 'Firesheep' method for website applications?
We have thought about this and from a usability perspective, other than encrypting all traffic to a site, mitigating the attack can be somewhat of a problem for web developers.
One suggestion we came up with was to use path based cookies, and encrypt traffic for a specific path where account operations or personalised interaction happens. This however complicates usability however, in as much as the rest of the site (the un-encrypted - un-authenticated) bit does not know who the user would be.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for mitigating this vector of attack, while maintaining a usable level of usability?
Firesheep is nothing new. Session hijacking has been going on for more than two decades. You don't need "encrypt" your cookie, thats handled by your transport layer. Cookies must always be a cryptographic nonce.
Usually hackers just set their own cookie by typing this into the address bar javascript:document.cookie='SOME_COOKIE', FireSheep is for script kiddies that fear 1 line of JavaScript. But it really doesn't make this attack any easier to perform.
Cookies can be hijacked if you don't use HTTPS for the entire life of the session and this is apart of OWASP A9 - Insufficient Transport Layer Protection. But you can also hijack a session with XSS.
1)Use httponly cookies. (Makes it so JavaScript cannot access document.cookie, but you can still do session riding with xss)
2)Use "secure cookies" (Horrible name, but its a flag that forces the browser to make the cookie HTTPS only.)
3)Scan your web application for xss using Sitewatch(free) or wapiti (open source)
Also don't forget about CSRF! (Which firesheep doesn't address)
Well I found an interesting article on GitHub that describes a method of mitigating the firesheep attack.
Anybody tried taking advantage of the "Web Storage" in HTML 5 to store a shared key (passed during SSL-encrypted responses during authentication) that is used by javascript to alter the session cookie over time?
That way, the stolen (unencrypted) session cookies would only be valid for a short amount of time.
My guess is that Web Storage is segmented by port (in addition to host), so it wouldn't be possible. Just throwing that idea out there in case anybody wants to run with it.
When user logs-in, store the IP-address in the session.
On each subsequent request from this session, check that the IP-address matches the one stored in the session.

Is HTTPS the only defense against Session Hijacking in an open network?

So with Firesheep, everyone in a public Wi-Fi now has a one-click session hijack tool.
The way it works - to my understanding - is that it simply captures all traffic and grabs the session cookie (so it doesn't steal passwords).
From my understanding, this also means that a HTTPS secured login does not solve this alone, as further HTTP traffic would include the Session Cookie in clear text again.
Tying the session to a specific IP address is useless thanks to NAT, and tying it to the user agent is easy to spoof.
So is 100% HTTPS at all times the only way to prevent this type of session hijacking? Couldn't people simply sniff the entire HTTPS Traffic including the handshake, or is this stuff safe? (I'm thinking of replay attacks, but have no knowledge in that area.)
Of course, not using public/open Wi-Fi Networks is the better choice, but I'm still interested what a website developer can do to protect his/her users.
Firesheep is nothing new. Session hijacking has been around for as long as web applications have been using Session IDs. Usually hackers just set their own cookie by typing this into the address bar: javascript:document.cookie='SOME_COOKIE'. This tool is for script kiddies that fear 1 line of JavaScript.
Cookies can be hijacked if you don't use HTTPS for the entire life of the session and this is a part of OWASP A9 - Insufficient Transport Layer Protection. But you can also hijack a session with XSS.
1) Use httponly cookies.
2) Use "secure cookies" (Horrible name, but it's a flag that forces the browser to make the cookie HTTPS only.)
3) Scan your web application for XSS.
Also don't forget about CSRF! (Which Firesheep doesn't address.)
The Rook has answered some of it, I'll just answer the other parts of your question.
Is 100% HTTPS at all times the only way to prevent this type of session hijacking?
That's right. 100% HTTPS is the only way. And 100% is key.
Couldn't people simply sniff the entire HTTPS Traffic including the handshake, or is this stuff safe? (I'm thinking of replay attacks, but have no knowledge in that area)
HTTPS has built-in protection against replay attacks. If implemented correctly, HTTPS is truly safe.
Even if HTTPS is implemented correctly, there are ways to get around it. SSL Strip is one such tool. The tool doesn't exploit SSL, it just exploits the fact that people always type in the url instead of
I do beleive SSL is cheap and a complete solution. But till you dont have it or looking for some extra layers here is how to protect your SESSIOn data.
As always defence in dept is the way to go.
1st Use Sessions to store user login data
2nd If admin logged in also check for DB, might slows a little but as there is a small number of admins and rest are users this is a feasible security plus.
Session protection:
Put session start into an object file where you call an "is_session_valid()" function on self construct. This function would check for (IP / TIME / Browser) for $_SERVER superglobal, and store them in session.
Up on Next load see if values are the same if not just waste no more resources logout user and show index page.
This is not a complete solution as it might be same browser on same network e.g. Wifi with lot of users and session hijacked might also be recent (in time).
But till no SSL is used this is FAR BETTER then nothing. Anyhow rarely happens that the victim and the hijacker use same this effectively mitigates chances of successfull attack even without any SSL!
Original idea by Kevin Skoglund if ineterested in securing your APP see his secure PHP tutorial.
P.S. Several other defenses (CSRF least) needs to be used to have a somewhat secure AP
Bye :-)

Is it worth using https if you are not doing financial transactions?

Hey just a quick question for any experts out there. I have a site that lets users interact through messages and to sign up you just make a username and password, verify your age, and optionally, add an email. There isn't really any sensitive information I suppose. Is it worth using https. Will it prevent session hi jacking and will it hinder performance?
Anytime you use a username/password you should absolutely secure the entire session with HTTPS. The cost to you is fairly minor compared to the potential cost to your users if their passwords are exposed. Research consistently shows that people use the same password for nearly every system they access.
Additionally, beyond the risk of password exposure, consider that your site is a communications tool. What's the potential risk or harm to your users of being impersonated? Of having malicious messages sent under their identity?
It's just not worth the risk. Secure the transport at the very least.
I think that as soon as you have some kind of login handling you should protect the password of the user. You can do that either through https or by using http digest authentication.
My main point for encryption is that quite a lot of your users will have the same password to your site as they have to their bank account or something similar. Even though the information at your site is not sensitive, the passwords may indeed protect something important.
Yes, SSL/TLS is required to maintain a securely authenticated session. If you have a login, then the login's post and THE ENTIRE SESSION must be protected by https. It is easier and more secure to forward all traffic to https, even if you have a simple web application.
The problem is that a session id (cookie) can be leaked if you use http. If that session is authenticated then a hacker can use that session id to authenticate with the server without a username and password.
This is clear requirement of The OWASP top 10 A3: "Broken Authentication and Session Management"
Sending a cookie over http is also a violation of CWE-614 and CWE-311.
It is worth it at the very least if you transmit passwords and email addresses, or any other private or personally identifiable information. Session hijacking is possible if there's any non-HTTPS communication, but that's a risk many websites are willing to accept, and depends on your situation.
Performance issues depend on your hardware and your stack, but there will be "some" performance hit from HTTPS vs HTTP. It's not enough to stop you from protecting passwords and sensitive user information.
I've thought about this before as well. I would think you would want a secure connection when users are logging in or changing information.
For some people, passwords and age would be considered sensitive information, though. Are you prepared to deal with some people who may have a different view than you?
