Whe im using the Rich Text plugin to insert a image it shows not the image directory, but this after clicking the source button.
Anyone has an idea how to solve this?
Using ipywidgets, I need to create an output text box which will display alert messages.
The box should include a scroll bar to be able to read previous messages.
ipywidgets comes with Layout, Textarea and Text functionalities but I could not figure out how to use them to my particular case.
Help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated here
Thak you
I am developing simple GUI program using kivymd.
I tried to display image with Image List but ImageList occurs some problems so I need another widget that displays image.
I searched on kivymd but I found only Image List.
Is there some good widget that displays Image?
What I need:
I have to display image from url.
I don't want Image button. Just image.
I don't want any text on image.
Please help me. Thanks.
You can use AsyncImage. AsyncImage fetches images from url and show them when they are loaded. You can even add a loading screen of your own too. Also, I assume you want to show multiple images in a layout like in ImageList. So what you can do is create a GridLayout and inside that grid layout you can add multiple Async Images. You can check docs here
I am a relatively new programmer and have been exploring the sublime text 3 text editor. I pressed something that I did not mean to and now I have this bar at the top of my markup page. Any help would be appreciated. See attached photo for reference:
I'm using InstallShield Professional 2013, and I'm having troubles including a scrollable text area in a custom dialog box (like the SdLincenseE RTF dialog box).
I have tried using a normal Text area but it only displays the raw text. Is there a way to add the scrollable text area so it will display the contents of an rtf file like the SdLicenseEx RTF?
I managed to work around this issue by copying and renaming the SdLicenseEx followed by writing a function to handle the scrollable text area.
If not sure if this is the best way to handle this in an installscript project, but it worked for me.
is it possible to put an image icon beside the button in a form? I was searching for it and find no clue about it. Can you help me or give me reference so that it can clear something up. Thanks!
If you are using LCDUI, no there isn't. But if you are using LWUIT you can use Button.