./bin/neo4j install not working - linux

I am trying to install neo4j Linux version. I have created $NEO4J_HOME in my bashrc and cd $NEO4J_HOME works fine. However, when I try to run ./bin/neo4j install, I get "Legacy install now lives in the 'neo4j-installer' script" and nothing else. Am I doing something wrong? Running ./bin/neo4j-installer install gives warning that this is outdated version etc. That one starts installation, but ./bin/neo4j install doesn't do anything. I am installing neo4j-community-2.1.5 What am I doing wrong?


Npm package commands stopped working after installing Homebrew on Mac

I'm using nodemon for my node.js project and wanted to install MongoDB locally on my Mac which runs Catalina 10.15.7. For that I installed the latest version of Homebrew. I started the MongoDB server sucessfully and connected to it with MongoDB compass.
After that I switched back to my nodejs project and noticed that in my zsh terminal (in Visual Studio Code) I suddenly couldn't use the nodemon command anymore. I get the error:
zsh: command not found: nodemon
I reinstalled nodemon in the project and globally too but that didn't work. I read that it's a problem with the .zshrc file so I tried to create one with the nano editor and add
echo 'export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
but that didn't work either (I tried to replace npm-global with npm-package).
At this point I have no idea where the issue is. Any suggestions?
I don't know why but reinstalling nodemon globally with sudo worked somehow.

cordova is installed but not starting up

I installed node.js 8.9.3 and a successfully installed with following message
This package has installed:
• Node.js v8.9.3 to /usr/local/bin/node
• npm v5.5.1 to /usr/local/bin/npm
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH.
I run following command in terminal mac ...
And i get following return..
-bash: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin: No such file or directory
Q1. What does that last line mean? No such file or directory?
.. after that i run following commands..
$ which node
And following is response
and similar for
$ which npm
And following is response
I think everything is fine till now..
Now i installed ...cordova typing..
$ sudo npm install -g cordova
It is installed and the next lines after completing installation i see ..
/Volumes/macHDD/Users/samz/.npm-packages/bin/cordova -> /Volumes/macHDD/Users/samz/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/cordova/bin/cordova
+ cordova#8.0.0
updated 1 package in 27.977s
Q2. is it successfully installed? if so.. why is this not as global?
when i test typing
$ which cordova
terminal says nothing.. I also tested typing
$ cordova -version or $ cordova --version .. or even if i type
$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
I am "slapped" by terminal :(
-bash: cordova: command not found
in the last night. i was successful in installing cordova, and I created 2 test apps.. i was able edit them, even I run those apps on android emulator and on my ios device+emulator.
during building/preparing one of my app, I tried to create one more app project through a seperate terminal instance. And there I saw .. like no cordova.
I terminated first instance where cordova was working.. and reopened terminal to test if this is an issue.. and yes.. it was .. I could never work on cordova again.
Can somebody tell me what is the issue. ?.
it's very irritating now.
Thank you
I don't know how this is resolved..
I reinstalled node, npm, java, cordova (several times), but nothing could resolve.
and today .. i upgraded node9.3.0 from node8.9.3.. but still the same errors.
Now i had..
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:colors muhammadfarooqi$ node --version
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:colors muhammadfarooqi$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_151"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:colors muhammadfarooqi$ npm -version
Muhammads-MacBook-Pro:colors muhammadfarooqi$ cordova -version
i was about to kill myself.. but i found something on the internet with some other issue.. and i run the same command.
sudo rm -rf node_modules
sudo npm install
and then i installed cordova.
and wow... cordova is there :)
i dont' know what exactly was the solution .. I dont' know what this line of code did.. I know the above line removed node_modules and 2nd lines installed npm.. and now I am seeing cordova is running.
Please somebody, if my solution works for anybody, kindly comment. thank you
Your first issue is because you typed just $PATH. This is then expanded to its value, and then the shell attempts to execute it, which is obviously not possible.
To check your current PATH, type echo $PATH instead.
Your second issue is probably due to a partial configuration to use a user-specific global package directory.
By default, packages are installed in /usr/local/lib/node_modules, with symlinks for binaries in /usr/local/bin, which requires root access (sudo). You have at one point configured npm to install in a different directory (~/.npm-packages), but did not include the bin sub-directory in your PATH.
So you need to either finalise the configuration (see https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions for details), or revert to using /usr/local.

Cmmand issue - "ng" command not recognized as internal or external even when is in PATH Environment Variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
ng is not recognized as an internal or external command
(51 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
For some reason, yesterday, all my commands (ng, npm, node, etc.) were working fine, but at night I cleaned my PC from trash files and all that (my pc has Windows installed), and now it doesn't recognize the ng command, but all the others are OK.
I checked the Environment Variables and its path is there, I checked the path, and it's all right, I re-installed with:
npm install -g angular-cli**
However, nothing happened. I rebooted the computer and all that, but I just can't get ng working again.
I ran into this same snafu when I was trying to install Angular (v4.0) correctly. The way I corrected it, after I incorrectly executed npm install #angular/cli -- which generated a directory called node_modules.
To correctly install angular with npm, remove the directory node_modules, then simply start a new bash shell or simply open a new console or terminal tab, and execute sudo npm install -g #angular/cli. This may prompt you for your machine's password, so be prepared to enter it without being able to see it.
It seems like you were following the Angular weblog's instructions for installing Angular v4. You can do that instead instead just as easily; The key to installing Angular v4 correctly on my machine (besides updating my nodejs installation to the prerequisite latest version), was using sudo with the -g (aka. global) option.
At the end I made it work, I had to uninstall even all my NodeJs, de #angular/cli and the angular-cli, Rebooted my computer and then reinstalling NodeJs latest version and installed Angular with npm install -g #angular/cli#latest and removed from PATH and Environment Variables the old paths and got it running fine!
For me (In Windows) the problem was that the npm path was not saved in the path environment variable. If you browse to
Inside this directory you can see ng (a javascript file) and ng.cmd (the windows command file that executes the javascript file). This path needs to be in your path variable to be able to call ng

"bower install underscore" getting error in node.js

"bower install underscore" getting error
bower ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the path
I want to use static resources in node.js website so I am installing underscore using bower but I am getting this error.
I am also getting the same error and the Solution is first check if the "Git" is installed or not in the system and if not please install it.
After installation open "Git Bash" from windows and go to your project (same way you go in command prompt using "cd path").
Then run the same "Bower install command", It will work as expected.
You should install Git and make sure the git command is globally accessible or at least accessible for bower.
The msysGit project has a handy installer to make things easier. (assuming you're running Windows)
Found this solution here: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Installing-Git

Testing Hubot locally in Ubuntu

Hi Stackoverflow community,
Well the thing is that I'm working on a script for hubot. Before starting to code I'm trying to test some hubot commands in the command line (I already did it in Windows but for some reasons I've to change to Ubuntu environment to start to code this brand new custom hubot) I'd like to be able to write in the terminal >Hubot PING and get a response PONG to start to work.
Till now I've already installed Node.js through nodenv https://github.com/OiNutter/nodenv and I tested my node >node -v, got v0.10.22. I forked my hubot and cloned locally and then apply ~./hubot> npm install to get all the dependencies and everything seems OK. Then I went to the installation folder >cd node_modules/hosted-hubot which has a folder called bin, inside the hubot folder.
So, till this point everything seemed OK and I tried to do in the command line: ./bin/hubot and I'm not able to run hubot locally, it gave me: nodenv: version `v0.8' is not installed. I tried to install an older version of node 0.8 and got the same message.
So that's it, hope you guys can help me to try to test my hubot locally
Thanks in advance!!!
I made a fresh install and I instal node.js without nodenv and everything works properly. It may not be the better solution but it was what I did.
