template instantiation statistics from compilers - visual-c++

Is there a way to get a summary of the instantiated templates (with what types and how many times - like a histogram) within a translation unit or for the whole project (shared object/executable)?
If I have a large codebase and I want to take advantage of the C++11 extern keyword I would like to know which templates are most used within my project (or from the internals of stl - like std::less<MyString> for example).
Also is it possible to have a weight assigned to each template instantiation (time spent by the compiler)?
Even if only one (c++11 enabled) compiler gives me such statistics I would be happy.
How difficult would it be to implement such a thing with Clang's LibTooling?
And is this even reasonable? Many people told me that I can reason which template instantiations I should extern without the use of a tool...

There are several ways to attack this problem.
If you are working with an open-source compiler, it's not hard to make a simple change to the source code that will trace all template substantiations.
If that sounds like too much hassle, you can also try to force the compiler to produce a warning on each template instantiation for a given symbol. Steven Watanabe has written a set of tools that can help you with that.
Finally, possibly the best options is to use the debugging symbols (or map files), generated by the compiler, to track down how many times each function appears in the final image and more importantly how much does it add to the weight in bytes. The best example for such a tool is Andrian Stone's SymbolSort, which is based on the Microsoft's toolset. Another similar tool is the Map File Browser.


vim lookup struct elements/members

Does anyone know of a vim plugin that allows to look up struct members/elements of structures in C or classes in case of C++?
I'm thinking something similar to jumping to a definition of a struct using cscope/ctags, but ideally I would want something similar to moving a cursor over the desired variable and a keystroke will pull up a table akin to when you use omni-complete?
I've been trying to find something but to no avail.
The requirement is: should be exclusively for vim.
99% of my development is sshing to a remote linux machine.
Normally my workflow is, git clone the project, setup ctags and cscope, open up the desired file and load up my cscope db and that's where I stay for the majority of the day, moving around the directory I have the nerd-tree plugin.
So far I use a combination of ctags/cscope, and calltree plugins to look up function callees.
I'm missing a plugin that allows me to simply look up struct elements.
I don't really use omnicompletion because it is notoriously slow and I've given up to make it faster.
Any ideas?
With universal-ctags, given you've used the right options, you can always obtain the members of a class/struct type.
If you read in between the lines, this means there is no efficient way to do it on a C++ variable if you stick to vimscript. I've tried do it, but I've given up on this path eventually ; path that has no way to support auto.
Now, I've started using (/implementing) another approach to analyse C++ code and exploit the information from vim: I rely on libclang. The catch is that it needs to operate on the current translation unit (TU), and if the TU is long (e.g if it includes many long files), it's takes time to parse it for the first time since the last time it has changed (I expect the solution to change with C++20 modules) -- the analysing is done on demand, and not in the background. Note: my plugin is currently under development and I haven't yet provided an high level Vim function that returns the type of a variable and its associated information (type, members, possible enum values...)
If your ultimate objective is completion of members, clang based tools provide a dedicated API for this purpose that'll be more efficient than completely analysing the current TU. The plugins you don't wish to use exploit this API. LSP servers even try to cache as much information as possible (for navigation and completion purpose only).
Note that there exist a few plugins, like tagbar, that tries to organize information extracted with ctags and present it in a hierarchic view. Note that it won't help with disambiguation nor with auto.

Can I use the Rust lexer or parser to retrieve a list of functions within a Rust file?

The lexer/parser file located here is quite large and I'm not sure if it is suitable for just retrieving a list of Rust functions. Perhaps writing my own/using another library would be a better route to take?
The end objective would be to create a kind of execution manager. To contextualise, it would be able to read a list of function calls wrapped in a function. The function calls that are within the function will then be able to be re/ordered from some web interface. Thought it might be nice to manage larger applications this way.
No. I mean, not really. Whether you write your own parser or re-use syntex, you're going to hit a fundamental limitation: macros.
So let's say you go all-out and expand macro_rules!-based macros, including the ones defined in external crates (which means you'll also need to extract rustc's crate metadata loading... which isn't stable). What about procedural macros and custom derive attributes? Those are defined in code and depend on compiler-internal interfaces to function.
The only way this is likely to ever work correctly is if you build on top of the compiler, or duplicate a huge amount of work (which also involves unstable binary interfaces).
You could use syntex to parse the Rust code in a build script.

Dead code and/or how to generate a cross reference from Haskell source

I've got some unused functionality in my codebase, but it's hard to identify. The code has evolved over the last year as I explore its problem space and possible solutions. What I'm needing to do is find that unused code so I can get rid of it. I'm happy if it deals with the problem on an exportable name basis.GHC has warnings that deal with non-exported unused code. Any tools specific to this task would be of interest.
However, I'm curious about a comprehensive cross referencing tool. I can find the unused code with such a tool. Years ago when I was working in C and assembler, I found that a good xref was a pretty handy tool, useful for many different purposes.
I'm getting nowhere with googling. Apparently in Haskell the dominant meaning of cross-reference is within literate programming. Though maybe something there would be useful.
I don’t know of such a tool, so in the past I have done a bit of a hack instead.
If you have a comprehensive test suite, you can run it with GHC’s code coverage tracing enabled. Compile with -fhpc and use hpc markup to generate annotated source. This gives you the union of unused code and untested code, both of which you would probably like to address anyway.
SourceGraph can give you a bunch of information which you may also find useful.
There is now a tool for this very purpose: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/weeder
It's been around since 2017, and while it has limitations, it definitely helps with large codebases.

Is there a technical term for the part of an IDE which maintains a dynamic symbol table as you code?

My context is MSVC 6.
Starting with a successfully compiled program, with browse information built, I can go into a existing function and hover over a variable, and the IDE will show me the data type, and variable name. One could well imagine that the information is coming from the browse file.
In practice, If I create a new variable.
int z;
and hover over the z, the IDE will show me the data type and variable name. I have not compiled the program yet, hence the browse file has not been updated. This seems to say,
that there is a portion of the IDE, which watches as you type, and stays aware of the datatypes and functions as you enter them. For all I know, it may compile them internally as well.
I have also noticed, that syntax errors can effectively disable this functionality.
I haven't seen this discussed anywhere. Is there a term for this sort of functionality?
It's probably the lexical analysis and syntactic analysis at work and building up it's own symbol table. It's part of the parsing phase of most compilers. That would explain why the functionality breaks when you see syntax errors. The parsing needs to occur successfully to have a reliable symbol table.
In compilers, its usually called a symbol table.
I'm not sure that there's a term common to all integrated development environments.

Is there a way to convert from a string to pure code in C++?

I know that its possible to read from a .txt file and then convert various parts of that into string, char, and int values, but is it possible to take a string and use it as real code in the program?
string codeblock1="cout<<This is a test;";
string codeblock2="int array[5]={0,6,6,3,5};}";
int i;
Where execute is a function that converts from text to actual code (I don't know if there actually is a function called execute, I'm using it for the purpose of my example).
In C++ there's no simple way to do this. This feature is available in higher-level languages like Python, Lisp, Ruby and Perl (usually with some variation of an eval function). However, even in these languages this practice is frowned upon, because it can result in very unreadable code.
It's important you ask yourself (and perhaps tell us) why you want to do it?
Or do you only want to know if it's possible? If so, it is, though in a hairy way. You can write a C++ source file (generate whatever you want into it, as long as it's valid C++), then compile it and link to your code. All of this can be done automatically, of course, as long as a compiler is available to you in runtime (and you just execute it with system). I know someone who did this for some heavy optimization once. It's not pretty, but can be made to work.
You can create a function and parse whatever strings you like and create a data structure from it. This is known as a parse tree. Subsequently you can examine your parse tree and generate the necessary dynamic structures to perform the logic therin. The parse tree is subsequently converted into a runtime representation that is executed.
All compilers do exactly this. They take your code and they produce machine code based on this. In your particular case you want a language to write code for itself. Normally this is done in the context of a code generator and it is part of a larger build process. If you write a program to parse your language (consider flex and bison for this operation) that generates code you can achieve the results you desire.
Many scripting languages offer this sort of feature, going all the way back to eval in LISP - but C and C++ don't expose the compiler at runtime.
There's nothing in the spec that stops you from creating and executing some arbitrary machine language, like so:
char code[] = { 0x2f, 0x3c, 0x17, 0x43 }; // some machine code of some sort
typedef void (FuncType*)(); // define a function pointer type
FuncType func = (FuncType)code; // take the address of the code
func(); // and jump to it!
but most environments will crash if you try this, for security reasons. (Many viruses work by convincing ordinary programs to do something like this.)
In a normal environment, one thing you could do is create a complete program as text, then invoke the compiler to compile it and invoke the resulting executable.
If you want to run code in your own memory space, you could invoke the compiler to build you a DLL (or .so, depending on your platform) and then link in the DLL and jump into it.
First, I wanted to say, that I never implemented something like that myself and I may be way off, however, did you try CodeDomProvider class in System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace? I have a feeling the classes in System.CodeDom can provide you with the functionality you are looking for.
Of course, it will all be .NET code, not any other platform
Go here for sample
Yes, you just have to build a compiler (and possibly a linker) and you're there.
Several languages such as Python can be embedded into C/C++ so that may be an option.
It's kind of sort of possible, but not with just straight C/C++. You'll need some layer underneath such as LLVM.
Check out c-repl and ccons
One way that you could do this is with Boost Python. You wouldn't be using C++ at that point, but it's a good way of allowing the user to use a scripting language to interact with the existing program. I know it's not exactly what you want, but perhaps it might help.
Sounds like you're trying to create "C++Script", which doesn't exist as far as I know. C++ is a compiled language. This means it always must be compiled to native bytecode before being executed. You could wrap the code as a function, run it through a compiler, then execute the resulting DLL dynamically, but you're not going to get access to anything a compiled DLL wouldn't normally get.
You'd be better off trying to do this in Java, JavaScript, VBScript, or .NET, which are at one stage or another interpreted languages. Most of these languages either have an eval or execute function for just that, or can just be included as text.
Of course executing blocks of code isn't the safest idea - it will leave you vulnerable to all kinds of data execution attacks.
My recommendation would be to create a scripting language that serves the purposes of your application. This would give the user a limited set of instructions for security reasons, and allow you to interact with the existing program much more dynamically than a compiled external block.
Not easily, because C++ is a compiled language. Several people have pointed round-about ways to make it work - either execute the compiler, or incorporate a compiler or interpreter into your program. If you want to go the interpreter route, you can save yourself a lot of work by using an existing open source project, such as Lua
