How to fix only 3 images in HorizontalListView in both portrait and landscape mode - android-layout

I got a requirement where I need to set only 3 images for every scroll in horizontal listview in android like this. please help me out.Thanks in advance


Tooltip font too small on 4k display (doesn't scale)

I have a 15.6" 4K laptop display. I can easily scale up Android Studio and its fonts -- except for tooltip fonts (i.e. starting tips, and when I hover over a word for Javadocs). Is there a setting to do this?
In case you didn't figure it out already: When the tool-tip appears, there is a configuration button in the upper right corner of the window. Click it, and you get a slider to set your desired font size.
Late answer but it's might will help. If you choose this selection, you can change font size like Chrome.

Android - Buttons in Layout is being shown different on devices

There are 8 buttons from top to bottom on my layout.
When i run .apk in my device, it is shown good. But when i run same .apk on an old android device, last 2 buttons is not shown. they dont squeeze on display
Please, help me.
Give equal weights to all buttons and set height and width of all buttons as wrap_content.
Ad scrollview to your buttons.It is because the screen is small.

how to define XML for multiple resolutions on android?

i give you simple example. I have liner layout and simple 3 buttons. For fill linearlayout by 3 buttons I use weight (1,1,1,). Butonts resizes. Its OK.
But when I have buttons which consist from 3 shape (rectangle, rectangle, oval).
On tablet: Oval is resized to elipse
on mini smart phone Oval is missing.
I know Shape is defined by dip, but i dont know how make Gui for more resolution.
3 xml to each resolution???
You may want to take a look at the answer to this StackOverflow question.
StackOverflow - Android screen size HDPI, LDPI, MDPI
It links to the Android developer guide relating to screen sizes.

Vertical Menu Not Going All The Way Down

I'm a few months old web designer and I'm having problems trying to make my vertical menu all the way down. Whenever I make my browser window smaller the vertical menu won't stretch until the bottom of the browser window.
P.s: I'm not able to post any images
Please tell me what I need to do to solve this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
- Stanley

Upside-down splash screen with Cocos2d

I'm using cocos2d v1.0.1 for the iPhone. My app needs to support landscape left and right only. I'm adding the splash image in a rotated portrait mode so when the splash image is removed I can load a background image that is identical to it and do some animations so it appears seamless.
The problem is the splash screen is ALWAYS upside-down in relation to the background image I add. This is regardless of if my rotated portrait image is rotated left or right.
I'm using the default rotation code and setup for cocos. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I will suggest to duplicate the image and name it differently. And use it as per your need instead of using the default.png. It caused problem with me also. Instead of wasting my time I just used this way. Hope this helps. :)
