org.primefaces.model.DefaultStreamedContent - jsf

I have a simple jsf 2.1 that used to work fine on Java EE 6 using primefaces 3.4.
When I migrated to glassfish 4.0 and primefaces 5.1 I've got the following exceptions each time I redeploy the project on Netbeans: org.primefaces.model.DefaultStreamedContent org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTable
Even if this exception is thrown, the project is deployed and run correctly!
What could be wrong?

You've declared those types as a property of a view or session scoped managed bean. You should absolutely not do that. You should declare them as a property of a request scoped bean.
View and session scoped beans must be Serializable because view scoped beans are reused/shared across multiple requests on the same view in the same session, and session scoped beans are reused/shared across multiple requests in the same session. Anything tied to a specific HTTP session must be Serializable, because it enables the server to store sessions on disk, so it could be shared among other servers in a cluster, or survive server restarts.
The DefaultStreamedContent (and the InputStream it is wrapping, if any) may absolutely not be created and assigned as a view/session scoped bean property, not only because it's not serializable, but also because it can be read only once. You need to create this in the getter method only. This is indeed a rather special case which is fleshed out further in this answer: Display dynamic image from database with p:graphicImage and StreamedContent
The DataTable is a JSF component which you most likely referenced via binding attribute. It may absolutely not be assigned as a view/session scoped bean property, because UI components are inherently request scoped. Reusing the same UI component instance across multiple restored views in the same session may cause its state being shared across multiple requests (NOT threadsafe thus!) and/or potential "Duplicate Component ID" errors. See also a.o. How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

NotSerializableException is thrown when an instance of a class must implement the Serializable interface.
If the class that throws the exception does not belong to a third-party library, find the class and make it implement the serializable interface.
If you do not want to serialize the objects in the class, you can mark the objects as transient, to make the serializable runtime ignore the objects.
You can read about it here


Java JSF and CDI, referencing to the same #Model from different backing beans [duplicate]

I noticed that there are different bean scopes like:
What is the purpose of each? How do I choose a proper scope for my bean?
It represents the scope (the lifetime) of the bean. This is easier to understand if you are familiar with "under the covers" working of a basic servlet web application: How do servlets work? Instantiation, sessions, shared variables and multithreading.
A #RequestScoped bean lives as long as a single HTTP request-response cycle (note that an Ajax request counts as a single HTTP request too). A #ViewScoped bean lives as long as you're interacting with the same JSF view by postbacks which call action methods returning null/void without any navigation/redirect. A #FlowScoped bean lives as long as you're navigating through the specified collection of views registered in the flow configuration file. A #SessionScoped bean lives as long as the established HTTP session. An #ApplicationScoped bean lives as long as the web application runs. Note that the CDI #Model is basically a stereotype for #Named #RequestScoped, so same rules apply.
Which scope to choose depends solely on the data (the state) the bean holds and represents. Use #RequestScoped for simple and non-ajax forms/presentations. Use #ViewScoped for rich ajax-enabled dynamic views (ajaxbased validation, rendering, dialogs, etc). Use #FlowScoped for the "wizard" ("questionnaire") pattern of collecting input data spread over multiple pages. Use #SessionScoped for client specific data, such as the logged-in user and user preferences (language, etc). Use #ApplicationScoped for application wide data/constants, such as dropdown lists which are the same for everyone, or managed beans without any instance variables and having only methods.
Abusing an #ApplicationScoped bean for session/view/request scoped data would make it to be shared among all users, so anyone else can see each other's data which is just plain wrong. Abusing a #SessionScoped bean for view/request scoped data would make it to be shared among all tabs/windows in a single browser session, so the enduser may experience inconsitenties when interacting with every view after switching between tabs which is bad for user experience. Abusing a #RequestScoped bean for view scoped data would make view scoped data to be reinitialized to default on every single (ajax) postback, causing possibly non-working forms (see also points 4 and 5 here). Abusing a #ViewScoped bean for request, session or application scoped data, and abusing a #SessionScoped bean for application scoped data doesn't affect the client, but it unnecessarily occupies server memory and is plain inefficient.
Note that the scope should rather not be chosen based on performance implications, unless you really have a low memory footprint and want to go completely stateless; you'd need to use exclusively #RequestScoped beans and fiddle with request parameters to maintain the client's state. Also note that when you have a single JSF page with differently scoped data, then it's perfectly valid to put them in separate backing beans in a scope matching the data's scope. The beans can just access each other via #ManagedProperty in case of JSF managed beans or #Inject in case of CDI managed beans.
See also:
Difference between View and Request scope in managed beans
Advantages of using JSF Faces Flow instead of the normal navigation system
Communication in JSF2 - Managed bean scopes
It's not mentioned in your question, but (legacy) JSF also supports #CustomScoped and #NoneScoped, which are rarely used in real world. The #CustomScoped must refer a custom Map<K, Bean> implementation in some broader scope which has overridden Map#put() and/or Map#get() in order to have more fine grained control over bean creation and/or destroy.
The JSF #NoneScoped and CDI #Dependent basically lives as long as a single EL-evaluation on the bean. Imagine a login form with two input fields referring a bean property and a command button referring a bean action, thus with in total three EL expressions, then effectively three instances will be created. One with the username set, one with the password set and one on which the action is invoked. You normally want to use this scope only on beans which should live as long as the bean where it's being injected. So if a #NoneScoped or #Dependent is injected in a #SessionScoped, then it will live as long as the #SessionScoped bean.
See also:
Expire specific managed bean instance after time interval
what is none scope bean and when to use it?
What is the default Managed Bean Scope in a JSF 2 application?
Flash scope
As last, JSF also supports the flash scope. It is backed by a short living cookie which is associated with a data entry in the session scope. Before the redirect, a cookie will be set on the HTTP response with a value which is uniquely associated with the data entry in the session scope. After the redirect, the presence of the flash scope cookie will be checked and the data entry associated with the cookie will be removed from the session scope and be put in the request scope of the redirected request. Finally the cookie will be removed from the HTTP response. This way the redirected request has access to request scoped data which was been prepared in the initial request.
This is actually not available as a managed bean scope, i.e. there's no such thing as #FlashScoped. The flash scope is only available as a map via ExternalContext#getFlash() in managed beans and #{flash} in EL.
See also:
How to show faces message in the redirected page
Pass an object between #ViewScoped beans without using GET params
CDI missing #ViewScoped and #FlashScoped
Since JSF 2.3 all the bean scopes defined in package javax.faces.bean package have been deprecated to align the scopes with CDI. Moreover they're only applicable if your bean is using #ManagedBean annotation. If you are using JSF versions below 2.3 refer to the legacy answer at the end.
From JSF 2.3 here are scopes that can be used on JSF Backing Beans:
1. #javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. That scope is shared among all requests and all sessions. This is useful when you have data for whole application.
2. #javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination. The session context is shared between all requests that occur in the same HTTP session. This is useful when you wont to save data for a specific client for a particular session.
3. #javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped: The conversation scope persists as log as the bean lives. The scope provides 2 methods: Conversation.begin() and Conversation.end(). These methods should called explicitly, either to start or end the life of a bean.
4. #javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends after the response is sent back to the client. If you place a managed bean into request scope, a new instance is created with each request. It is worth considering request scope if you are concerned about the cost of session scope storage.
5. #javax.faces.flow.FlowScoped: The Flow scope persists as long as the Flow lives. A flow may be defined as a contained set of pages (or views) that define a unit of work. Flow scoped been is active as long as user navigates with in the Flow.
6. #javax.faces.view.ViewScoped: A bean in view scope persists while the same JSF page is redisplayed. As soon as the user navigates to a different page, the bean goes out of scope.
The following legacy answer applies JSF version before 2.3
As of JSF 2.x there are 4 Bean Scopes:
Session Scope: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination. A session terminates
if the web application invokes the invalidate method on the
HttpSession object, or if it times out.
RequestScope: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends after the response is sent back
to the client. If you place a managed bean into request scope, a new
instance is created with each request. It is worth considering request
scope if you are concerned about the cost of session scope storage.
ApplicationScope: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. That scope is shared among all
requests and all sessions. You place managed beans into the
application scope if a single bean should be shared among all
instances of a web application. The bean is constructed when it is
first requested by any user of the application, and it stays alive
until the web application is removed from the application server.
ViewScope: View scope was added in JSF 2.0. A bean in view scope persists while the same JSF page is redisplayed. (The JSF
specification uses the term view for a JSF page.) As soon as the user
navigates to a different page, the bean goes out of scope.
Choose the scope you based on your requirement.
Source: Core Java Server Faces 3rd Edition by David Geary & Cay Horstmann [Page no. 51 - 54]

Utility methods in application scoped bean

Do you think it is a good idea to put all widely used utility methods in an application scoped bean?
In the current implementation of the application I'm working on, all utility methods (manipulating with Strings, cookies, checking url, checking current page where the user is etc.) are all put in one big request scoped bean and they are referenced from every xhtml page.
I couldn't find any information on stackoverflow if the approach of putting utility methods in an application scoped bean would be a good or a bad choice.
Why I came across this idea is the need of reusing those methods in a bean of a wider scope then a request scoped bean (like view or session scoped bean). Correct me if I'm wrong but you should always inject same or wider scoped beans i.e. you shouldn't inject request scoped bean inside a view scoped one.
I think using utility methods from application scoped bean should be beneficial (there won't be any new object creations, one object will be created and re-used across all application), but still I would like a confirmation or someone to tell me if that is a wrong approach and why is it wrong.
As to the bean scope, if the bean doesn't have any state (i.e. the class doesn't have any mutable instance variables), then it can safely be application scoped. See also How to choose the right bean scope? This all is regardless of the purpose of the bean (utility or not). Given that utility functions are per definition stateless, then you should definitely be using an application scoped bean. It saves the cost of instantiating on every single request.
As to having utility methods in a managed bean, in object oriented perspective this is a poor practice, because in order to access them from EL those methods cannot be static while they should be. You can't use them as real utility methods in other normal Java classes. Static code analyzers like Sonar will mark them all with a big red flag. This is thus an anti-pattern. The correct approach would be to keep using a true utility class (public final class with private Constructor() with solely static methods) and register all those static methods as EL functions in your.taglib.xml as described in How to create a custom EL function to invoke a static method?
At least, this is what you should be doing when you intend to have a publicly reusable library such as JSTL fn:xxx(), PrimeFaces p:xxx() or OmniFaces of:xxx(). If you happen to use OmniFaces, then you could, instead of creating a your.taglib.xml file, reference the class in <o:importFunctions>. It will automatically export all public static methods of the given type into EL function scope.
<o:importFunctions type="com.example.Utils" var="u" />
<x:foo attr="#{u:foo(}" />
If you don't use OmniFaces, and this all is for internal usage, then I can imagine that it becomes tiresome to redo all that your.taglib.xml registration boilerplate for every tiny utility function which suddenly pops up. I can rationalize and forgive abusing an application scoped bean for such "internal usage only" cases. Only when you start to externalize/modularize/publicize it, then you should really register them as EL functions and not expose poor practices into public.

Importance of Serializable interface while creating a session scoped managed bean

I can't understand how serialization works in session scoped JSF managed beans. Why is implementation of Serializable interface important while creating a session scoped JSF managed bean?
#SessionScoped beans are ultimately stored in the user's HTTP session.
This means that when a Java EE deployment implements a session preservation scheme (for example, tomcat will attempt to save current sessions to a .ser file on server shutdown, if the deployer so chooses), those session-scoped beans would also be part of the payload that will be persisted.
A session scoped bean that isn't serializable becomes a problem here as it renders the entire HTTP session that it is a part of, un-persistable (any attempt to serialize an object that contains an unserializable member will cause a NotSerializableException, except with some special handling)
Incidentally, that means that even if your session-scoped bean implements Serializable, all its member variables must either be serializable or be marked transient.
In short, the entire object graph of a given HTTP session that is liable to be persisted via serialization, must either be marked as serializable or transient
Read more:
Why does Java have transient fields?
JavaBean recommendations on serialization
Just extending the answer of kolossus. Most of Servlet Containers like Tomcat may use an strategy of storing the Session data to physical memory, in case if restart or web app reload.
Well the usual way to store/persist Java instances/Objects is using ObjectoutputStream, which indeed requires the Object/instance to be persisted, to implement the Serializable interface.
You can see that its mentioned in Tomcat docs that:
Whenever Apache Tomcat is shut down normally and restarted, or when an
application reload is triggered, the standard Manager implementation
will attempt to serialize all currently active sessions to a disk file
located via the pathname attribute. All such saved sessions will then
be deserialized and activated (assuming they have not expired in the
mean time) when the application reload is completed.
Link for doc.

AJAX pages with CDI beans and #ConversationScoped

I'm interested What is the proper way to use JSF pages with AJAX when I use CDI.
I tested to configure the CDI beans with #SessionScoped but I found that there is a problem with AJAX.
Is it proper to use AJAX with CDI beans configured with #ConversationScoped?
And I found that I have to put conversation.begin(); into the Bean constructor and conversation.end(); into Java method which must be when the session is completed. Can I somehow do this automatically?
P.S Can I use this code to automatically free the resource when the user closes the page?
public void finishIt(){
And I found that I have to put conversation.begin(); into the Bean constructor and conversation.end(); into Java method which must be when the session is completed.
That's correct. See also among others How to replace #ManagedBean / #ViewScope by CDI in JSF 2.0/2.1 for a concrete code example.
Can I somehow do this automatically?
If you want a bean which must live as long as you're postbacking on a single view, then upgrade to at least JSF 2.2. It provides a CDI compatible #ViewScoped out the box.
If you however want a bean which must live as long as you reference it in a view, regardless of the view you're sitting in, then consider using #ViewAccessScoped of DeltaSpike instead. Once you navigate to a view which doesn't reference the bean anywhere, it will be trashed.
See also:
How to choose the right bean scope?
By default the Conversation object is in transient state. Invocation of the begin method marks it as long-running (when a real conversation starts). Ending conversation (by invoking end method) marks Conversation object as transient.
A transient conversation scoped bean will live for a life cycle of single request .
long-ending conversation(initiated by conversation.begin) will run unless conversation.end is called.

Spring security and JSF: call method on backing bean on login?

I want a method in a session scoped backing bean to be called after a user logs in. How can I do that?
Environment: Spring Security 3.0.x, Spring 3.0.x and JSF 1.2. The backing beans are managed by Spring.
Background: Sessions are created even without login. My session scoped bean holds settings, that are initially set to default values. After login I want to update the session state to the preferences stored in the database for that particular user. To achieve that I imagined an interface or even simpler an annotated (e.g. #PostLogin) method, but so far I have not found anything like that.
It would be OK if that method is called on every principal change, i.e. also on logout. It would also be acceptable if the whole bean is destructed and recreated on login, though my other session scoped beans should survive.
What I have found so far is:
ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent>: The listener apparently needs to be application scoped, and I can't get access to my session scoped bean in it. #Autowired plus scope proxy don't work. The injected object is broken; it does not contain its dependencies although the real backing bean does.
<form-login authentication-success-handler-ref="..">: haven't tried this, but I need the method to be called independent of the used login procedure. Other than form based we support remember me and programmatic login (e.g. automatically logged in after password forgotten process).
Answering my own question:
ApplicationListener was the right track, however #Autowired was not.
I defined an interface with one method, that is implemented by my session scoped bean. The (singleton scoped) event listener class then uses ApplicationContext.getBeansOfType(..) to find the session beans by that interface and invokes the interface's method on each of them.
