TFS Check In event listener - visual-studio-2012

I want to listen a check in event when it occurs.Currently I am using TFS as version control.I am trying to listen tfs events using visual studio addin.But I want to listen the check in event, when we select the project and right click and select check in in context menu


Turn On Live updates By default in Android Studio Database Inspector?

How to have live updates on database inspector as a default setting when running app?
At the moment I have to manually click the tick box for each of the tables I use every time the app is launched.

How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from launching a browser after publishing an application?

I am working on a site with a publishing profile that pushes the site to a remote host. After publishing I get a new browser window that navigates to the newly published site. This is ok in most circumstances but I am in a situation where I can't allow that last step to occur, I simply want to tell visual studio not to show me the website after publishing. I've checked all the publishing settings that I can find but haven't found any option to control this. Anyone have any ideas?
Does this information from Visual Studio 2013 still hold true for 2015?
I can't check it myself, but essentially it says that in the 'connection' tab of the deploy dialog, the Destination URL setting isn't required. When Visual Studio finishes deploying the application, it automatically opens your default browser to this URL. If you don't want the browser to open automatically after deployment, leave this box blank.
Do you want to try that?
Update for Visual Studio 2019:
In the "Publish" page, look for "Configuration". On the right side, click the Pencil Icon.
In the next dialog, open the "Connection" tab, and empty the field "Destination URL".

in visual studio 12 can not open dialog box i.e. 1. add references - Browse. 2.Add new Project-BrowsePath

in visual studio 12 can not open dialog box i.e.
add references - Browse.
2.Add new Project-BrowsePath.
I had already reseat all setiings of visual studio.
Please follow the steps, its working,
open task manger > services or services
start TabletInputService Service (restart if already running)
restart Machine

How to Reset Remote Debugger Connections in VS2012 Once Set

In Visual Studio 2012, you can select Remote Machine from the Build Toolbar
On the first click, the Remote Debugger Connections dialog popups up and allows you to set where you're debugging against.
The problem is once the value has already been set, navigating to Remote Machine or right clicking anywhere on it will not allow you to change the original configuration.
The value from that popup is stored in your project file. You can access it by going to the Debug tab on your project properties. You can change the value there, or if you clear it out, you can get the popup again next time you navigate to remote debugger

How can I remove "Connect to TFS" from the Visual Studio 2012 Start Page?

When I start Visual Studio 2012 RC, the Start page has these items:
Connect to TFS...
New Project...
Open Project...
I don't use TFS. I use Git. Is there a way I can remove that "Connect to TFS" so I don't have to see it every time I run VS 2012?
You might be able to go to Tool\Options, select the Source Control item in the left hand side, and change the Current source control plug-in to "None".
It appears this is a design decision--a way to bring light to Express-version features. Someone has logged this as a Connect issue where you can vote on it:
You can create a Custom Start Page.
