I am working on Orchestration of web service and i tried to install of BPEL Designer from eclipse update site http://download.eclipse.org/bpel/site/ from last 2 days but installation stuck to 20 % only and show no progress, no error message or nothing is happing i tired many times but things not working
i use following conflagration
Eclipse helios platform 3.6.0
Tomcat 7
Apache ODE
Apache Axis 2
JDK 1.6
Help me
AFAIR, New Eclipse BPEL designer, requires eclipse Kepler.
But You can download WSO2 DevS ( Download Eclipse JavaEE Kepler + Developer Studio v3.7.0 version) which includes Eclipse BPEL designer with several important bug fixes for xpath editor issue. These fixes are not in Eclipse BPEL designer repo yet.
you can download it from here http://wso2.com/products/developer-studio/
Virgo tools limits the maximum Dynamic Web Module version of Web Application Bundles to the old 2.5
It seems that my Virgo server version (3.6.2) is using Tomcat 7, that is able to manage more recent servlet specifications (I need 3.0)
I'm beginning to think that Virgo tool are not as actively mantained as Virgo server is. In fact, tools documentation talks about Juno and Indigo releases and Kepler is going to be replaced in 5 days as stable release
Are Virgo tools a commonly used way to develop against the Virgo server in eclipse?
Are they been slowly forgotten by users/developers?
With the Eclipse Kepler release (June 26, 2013), 4 projects were removed. Virgo was one of them.
I just stumbled upon this post - for anyone still interested, a quick update: Yes, the Virgo Tools are still actively developed. We are using them since 2014 and are using them in Eclipse Mars --> Neon --> Oxygen.
The tooling is working really well in our case, we have also set up a fork for extending the tooling to better support our development. If you are interested, have a look at:
I have used Indigo Java (not Java EE) and the maven plugin is already installed. Or at least, I know I have the possibility to import a Maven Project without installing anything.
But then I wanted to use Eclipse Indigo for Java EE developers. This version does not have maven already installed. I can not import a maven project. So I decided to install the m2e plugin.
And I have tried to install it many different ways (information on theses sites):
I also tried to use the Eclispe market place for the installation of the plugins. The installation process does not fail. But the Maven menu in import and Windows->Preference does not appear inside Indigo Java EE?
NB: I am running Windows 7, 64 bit edition
Here's what I did in Indigo.
Go to Help>>Install New Software
Paste the below URL over there
You will see a list below. From the list expand "Collaboration" and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.
select that and click next. Got one error in between but it's working now.
This software repository, http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/, provides access to the software for the Eclipse indigo release. It contains code from the release, June 2011, and SR1, September 2011 and SR2, February 2012.
The repository site URL is typically pre-populated in the list of software repositories when you install the Eclipse Platform or SDK.
For more information about installing or updating software, see the Eclipse Platform Help.
There is also a collection of handy, downloadable all-in-one zip files available for many interests and platforms. Many people find these all-in-one packages the easiest way to get started.
I,m using Eclipse INDIGO.
try this link. It works for me.
Go to Help>>Install New Software
Paste the below URL over there http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/
You will see a list below. From the list expand "Collaboration" and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.
select that and click next. Got one error in between but it's working now.
http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/ worked foe me.
You will see a list below. From the list expand "Collaboration" and you can see m2e - maven integration for eclipse.
eclipse Indigo : Build id: 20110615-0604
What are your strategies for building your JavaFX application on Mac and deploying on Windows ? I am currently having issues with how to bundle up my application so that it is double clickable on both platforms. I have tried using the ant-tools, but the jar file produced complain that JavaFX 2.1 needs to be installed on my Mac (how can I place the JavaFX 2.1 DP distribution so that the double-clickable Jar knows where to find it ?)
On the Windows side, Java7u3 is installed, which "comes with" Java FX 2.0.3. I need for the application to be able to execute as a double clickable JAR file here as well.
Any suggestions as to how this is set up ? I am using Maven to build my project. The more details you can provide the better.
Since 2.1 release the only (official) way to install JavaFX on Mac is cobundle installation with Java 7u4 (opposite to developers preview versions being published in zip archives).
If JavaFX on Mac was installed this way then jar with JavaFX can be run by double-click.
On Windows same jar by double-click will ask to install "JavaFX runtime" and will start if one is present already.
N.B.: in 2.2 release Mac/Linux would start to support jnlp (WebStart) run (already supported on Windows) which may suit you even better.
I'm a designer working in a software development shop that uses Rational Team Concert. Back when we were using SubVersion, I could use Dreamweaver to make my CSS edits and everything played nice.
I'm doing fine with Visual Studio's RTC client for our .NET projects, but I'm at a loss on how to effectively collaborate on our Java projects. There doesn't seem to be an RTC client for Dreamweaver and I'm beating my head against a wall trying to get MyEclipse to play nice.
How do your designers/developers collaborate in RTC?
Thank you in advance.
Regarding MyEclipse, check on which version of Eclipse it is based on:
the latest MyEclipse10 is based on Indigo (Eclipse 3.7).
but this thread mentions that "RTC 3.0.1 supports Eclipse SDK 3.5.2, 3.6 and 3.6.1"
So depending the version of MyEclipse you choose, you might have some issue making the integration of RTC works properly in it.
Another solution would be to choose an Eclipse distro with WST (web standard tools) in it, and browse the WTP (Web Tools Platform) project to make sure the CSS editor is added to your chosen Eclipse package.
And then, install the RTC plugin in it.
You should install RTC into MyEclipse. You can do that by grabbing the p2 download from the download page, then opening Help->"Install New Software..." and adding the zip file as a repository.
Starting with RTC 4.0 there will be integration with the Windows shell, so your life should get much easier.
I have installed the Netbeans 6.7 IDE with Java ME included, but cannot create a Mobile Application project from the Java ME category. When I select the project type the wizard stops at "Finding Feature" with the message:
Not all requested modules can be enabled:
[StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.mobility.end2end.kig jarFile:C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.7\mobility8\modules\org-netbeans-modules-mobility-end2end-kit.jar.
I am attempting to run this on Vista Home Premium. I have tried to run the IDE as Administrator with no luck.
I am at a loss for where to go next as I cannot seem to find any information regarding this issue. Even if you don't have the solution any insight into this error message would be helpful.
I am unable so far to get the project running via the Netbeans IDE install. I have, for the time being, installed the Java ME SDK which includes a very stripped down version of the Netbeans IDE for mobile development.
I originally had some issues starting the SDK as well on Vista. The IDE reported that it could not connect to the device manager on localhost. After some searching I found this link: Java ME SDK Startup Problem which suggests changing the hosts file localhost entry from IPv6 to IPv4. The fix worked perfectly and I can now compile and run code in the emulator.
This is not an optimal solution as the SDK does not include the visual design tools, however I am able to get a basic project going in the mean time.
I have given up on the 6.7 version and have instead located and installed 6.5.1. This previous version has been working just fine and seems to do everything I need.
I ran into the exact same error today while installing NB 6.8 beta. To resolve it we need to install two plugins:
Java Web Applications (as mentioned by Ali above) and
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Note that these two are part of the Category called "Java Web and EE" hence the confusion that we need to install Glassfish App Server. But we need these two plugins because they are required for debugging using breakpoints in emulator. Netbeans runs a web server when we do breakpoint based debugging.
Also note that the Java Web applications needs SOAP Web Services and JavaScript Debugger plugins to run and so these plugins are also installed when you try to install it.
You also need to install "Java Web Applications" plugin.
Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins
If the module is present, you should try unzipping it to check its content makes sense.
You should also be able to rebuild it from Netbeans sources.
You can also try to figure out why this happens by debugging the module loader inside Netbeans from its sources, using another IDE, presumably the latest version of Netbeans you can find without the issue.
If the module is missing, you might want to get the missing jar file from an installation of a previous version of Netbeans, see if it is compatible.
6.5.1 isn't missing any module.
back in version 5.5, the mobility module had to be downloaded and installed separately from the main IDE.
If you want to consider using Eclipse for developing your J2ME app...I've written a post related to that some time ago: here.