multi store language Change currency on a page - magento-1.8

I have a deal.phtml file which loads about 20pcs of products on a specific page. I have a multi store language shop now and I have noticed that the price is not switching when choosing another currency.
Just stuck with the local currency and symbol (the currency switching is working for all other pages just this page with the deal.phtlm file). This is the first code lines from start:
$_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
<?php if (($_products = $this->getProductCollection()->addAttributeToSort('position', 'desc')->addAttributeToSelect('*')) && $_collectionSize = $_products->getSize()): ?>
<?php $symbol = Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency($_code)->getSymbol();?>
Any idea how to include other currencies? I want to include USD, EURO, GBP.

Here is the thing:
$storeID = Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId();
$symbol = Mage::app()->getStore($storeID)->getCurrentCurrencyCode();


Extract text from html document tag

I am trying to extract text from these documents(i.e doc1, doc2.
I just need text inside Item 1 header.
What I tried so far is shown below
soup = BS(response.text,'html.parser')
startid = BS(response.css('tr:contains("Item\xa01"), tr:contains("Item 1."), *:contains("ITEM 1")')[0].css('a').get('')).find('a').attrs
endid = BS(response.css('tr:contains("Item\xa02"), tr:contains("Item 2."),*:contains("ITEM 2")')[0].css('a').get('')).find('a').attrs
for tag in'a',startid)[0].parent.next_siblings:
if'a',endid)[0].parent == tag:
html += str(tag)
h = html2text.HTML2Text()
h.ignore_links = True
I just wanted the text under Item 1 portion.
If you run:
r = requests.get('')
print(r.text[1532:(1532 + 571)])
The output is:
To allow for equitable access to all users, SEC reserves the right to limit requests originating from undeclared automated tools. Your request has been identified as part of a network of automated tools outside of the acceptable policy and will be managed until action is taken to declare your traffic.</p>\n\n<p>Please declare your traffic by updating your user agent to include company specific information.</p>\n\n\n<p>For best practices on efficiently downloading information from, including the latest EDGAR filings, visit <a href="" '
If you look at in links off to
So for 0000001800 you should be trying which contains...
","sicDescription":"Pharmaceutical Preparations","
ctionForIssuerExists":1,"name":"ABBOTT LABORATORIE
ebsite":"","category":"Large accelerated filer","f
{"mailing":{"street1":"100 ABBOTT PARK ROAD","stre
et2":null,"city":"ABBOTT PARK","stateOrCountry":"I
on":"IL"},"business":{"street1":"100 ABBOTT PARK R
OAD","street2":null,"city":"ABBOTT PARK","stateOrC

Extracting Script Information for Web Scraping Code

I managed to isolate this tag shown below and I'm trying to extract the product title, sale price, and stock information as variables.
Its type is class 'bs4.element.Tag'
<script type="text/javascript">
var utag_data = {page_breadcrumb:'Home > Components > Computer Cases > Computer Cases > Fractal Design > Item#:N82E16811352069',
product_category_name:['Computer Cases'],
product_subcategory_name:['Computer Cases'],
product_title:['Fractal Design Focus G Black ATX Mid Tower Computer Case'],
product_manufacture:['Fractal Design'],
search_scope:jQuery('#haQuickSearchStore option:selected').text(),
var description = Biz.Common.QuickSearch.getUrlSearch('Description');
var d = Biz.Common.QuickSearch.getUrlSearch('d');
utag_data.search_keyword = description;
else if(d)
utag_data.search_keyword = d;
I'm having trouble accessing the utag_data. I haven't been able to index the product info using numbers or by calling the header. The contents of the entire script seem to be stored in one entry.
managed to isolate this tag
I'd recommend to apply regex to the isolated tag content.
/utag_data = {([^}]+)};/
The first group will contain the target data:
page_breadcrumb:'Home > Components > Computer Cases > Computer Cases > Fractal Design > Item#:N82E16811352069',\n page_tab_name:'Components',\n product_category_id:['9'],\n product_category_name:['Computer Cases'],\n product_subcategory_id:['7'],\n product_subcategory_name:['Computer Cases'],\n product_id:['11-352-069'],\n product_web_id:['N82E16811352069'],\n product_title:['Fractal Design Focus G Black ATX Mid Tower Computer Case'],\n product_manufacture:['Fractal Design'],\n product_sale_price:['99.99'],\n product_default_shipping_cost:['12.99'],\n product_model:['FD-CA-FOCUS-BK-W'],\n product_instock:['1'],\n product_group_id:['6055851'],\n page_type:'Product',\n site_region:'CAN',\n site_currency:'CAD',\n page_name:'NewProductDetail',\n search_scope:jQuery('#haQuickSearchStore option:selected').text(),\n user_nvtc:Web.StateManager.Cookies.get(Web.StateManager.Cookies.Name.NVTC),\n user_name:Web.StateManager.Cookies.get(Web.StateManager.Cookies.Name.LOGIN,'LOGINID6'),\n third_party_render:[]\n\n
Then split it by semicolon ; and extract from key-values by splitting by :.

How to display search box in all the frontend page sidebar typo3

We have developed a site with typo3 v8.7.11. We want to display the search box in the sidebar section, for this we installed the indexed_search extension. B
How to display a search box in all the frontend page sidebar section?
The search and form action of the SearchController are both non-cacheable. This means that you would place a non-cacheable plugin on each of your pages, if you used my old answer. This harms performance and could have other side-effects.
Nowadays I usually simply include a search form on each of my pages by including this in my Fluid Template:
<form action="{f:uri.action(controller: 'Search', action: 'search', extensionName: 'indexedsearch', pluginName: 'Pi2', pageUid: searchPid)}" method="POST" role="search">
<input type="text" name="tx_indexedsearch_pi2[search][sword]" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" />
<button type="submit">Search</button>
I hand over the searchPid variable via TypoScript like this:
page.10.variables.searchPid = TEXT
page.10.variables.searchPid.value = <Pid where search results should be displayed>
Old answer:
My tip would be to create a TypoScript object that actually includes the plugin, like this:
lib.headerSearch = USER
lib.headerSearch {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = IndexedSearch
pluginName = Pi2
vendorName = TYPO3\CMS
switchableControllerActions {
Search {
1 = form
2 = search
features {
requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments = 0
view < plugin.tx_indexedsearch.view
view.partialRootPaths.10 = Path/To/Partial/
view.templateRootPaths.10 = Path/To/Template/
settings =< plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings
Then, in your template, include it like this
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.headerSearch" />
Note that you should create a new "Search.html" Template in Path/To/Template/Search/ for this TS-Plugin, so that it does not interfere with the regular plugin. Also, be careful if you include the search slot on the same page as the search Plugin itself.
you have multiple options:
copy the HTML of the form from the search plugin in the normal content and insert it in your page-(html-)template.
create a special BE-column, insert the search-plugin into this column and render this column inherited in all pages
make a special page not visible in FE, where you insert the search-plugin and include this special CE in the rendering of every page (use a CONTENT object in typoscript to select that special CE)
include and configure the plugin in typoscript. (see answer of Thomas Löffler)
I prefer option 2 as it is most flexible and does not need any special page or content IDs, which might change with time (option 3). It also can handle any kind of CE.
Option 1 needs manual fixing if there are changes in the plugin rendering after an update for example.
Option 4 is not possible for each plugin or CEs at all to inherit. If you can configure the plugin with typoscript it is a fine option because you do not need any record (from tt_content)
for option 2:
temp.inheritedContent = CONTENT
temp.inheritedContent {
table = tt_content
select.orderBy = sorting
// -- use your own column id: --
select.where = colPos = 100
select.languageField = sys_language_uid
slide = -1
Use a TYPO3 extension, which can be a copy (fork) of the newly developed version of macina_searchbox
Template Module: Add "Macina Searchbox" under "include static from extensions" .
Use this or a similar TypoScript to include it, where '6' in this example is the search page. Use your own page id instead.
lib.macina_searchbox {
pidSearchpage = 6
10.template = FILE
10.template.file = fileadmin/template/template.html
10.workOnSubpart = DOKUMENT
10.marks {
SUCHE < lib.macina_searchbox
LOGO.value = <img src="fileadmin/template/img/logo.png">
Then you can edit the Fluid template files in the folders below macina_searchbox/Resources/Private/ to modify the output of the searchbox. This method is necessary in order that the search result list will not be shown on the page. You must instead insert an Indexed Search plugin on your search page, which has id=6 in this example. SUCHE is the marker in the main template of the website. Use your own marker.
The easiest way is to copy the given plugin from indexed_search to a variable you use in your template.
When you e.g. use FLUIDTEMPLATE:
page.10.variable.searchBox < plugin.tx_indexedsearch
After that you can assign a separate template and make other modifications by changing page.10.variable.searchBox with the possible configuration here:

Magento - Change attribute select to dropdown list in Adv Search

I've been trying to find a way of forcing an attribute to show as a dropdown rather than a block of options but had no luck. The code current looks like this:
case 'select': ?>
<div class="input-box"> <?php echo $this->getAttributeSelectElement($_attribute) ?> </div>
<?php endswitch; ?>
Does anyone know how to make this look like a dropdown list instead?
Thanks in advance
I had the same problem earlier today and the strangest thing was that I had the attributes (drop down) with the same properties but one displaying a drop down menu and the other a multi select menu in the advanced search.
I did some testing with different settings and it turned out that in the advanced search every attribute that is a list (drop down and multi-select) and it has more than 2 options is displayed as multi-select.
I had a look at Mage_CatalogSearch_Block_Advanced_Form stored in /app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Block/Advanced/Form.php and I saw where this condition of 2 is checked. The magento core team made it like this to make sure that the 'yesno' or boolean list are displayed as dropdown.
In the above mentioned file, starting from line 173 (on the current version of magento)
is the following code:
public function getAttributeSelectElement($attribute)
$extra = '';
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
$name = $attribute->getAttributeCode();
// 2 - avoid yes/no selects to be multiselects
if (is_array($options) && count($options)>2) {
. . .
If you change the number two on the last line with the number 5, advanced search will display drop down menu on every attribute that has less than 6 options.
What I did for myself is I added a new method, getAttributeDropDownElement(), bellow getAttributeSelectElement() that looks like this:
public function getAttributeDropDownElement($attribute)
$extra = '';
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
$name = $attribute->getAttributeCode();
// The condition check bellow is what will make sure that every
// attribute will be displayed as dropdown
if (is_array($options)) {
array_unshift($options, array('value'=>'', 'label'=>Mage::helper('catalogsearch')->__('All')));
return $this->_getSelectBlock()
The next thing you need to do is a small if statement within the switch of the form (see bellow) that will check the name of the attribute and base on that to call either getAttributeSelectElement() or our new method getAttributeDropDownElement(). I leave this job to you :)
case 'select': ?>
<div class="input-box"> <?php echo $this->getAttributeSelectElement($_attribute) ?> </div>
<?php endswitch; ?>
Sorry for my English...i'm french ;-)
In your admin panel, you can choose the type of your Attributes
Make sure that your attribute is declared as a list. In my Magento version, it's the third information in the attribute admin panel after code and scope.
Magento has a class for generating selects available as a Mage_Core_Block_Html_Select class (/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Html/Select.php).
On your design template directory template/catalogsearch/advanced/form.phtml, replace
echo $this->getAttributeSelectElement($_attribute);
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/html_select')
->setOptions( $_attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true))

SharePoint 2010 Two search boxes on the master page

I would like to have two search boxes on my master page.
One that would search for content and the other one that would search for people.
I see the code in the master page that searches for content:
How would i do to add another box that searches for people?
if you know or have info on how to achieve this I would appreciate it.
thank you much
You can do something simple which is to put an HTML text box directly in your master page. It may not be as elegant as writing a customer user control that reads the location of the Search site, but if the URL to your search results page is static then something like this might work for you:
<script type="text/javascript">
function SearchPeople()
var termArr = document.getElementById("SearchTextBoxPeople").value.split(" ");
var retStr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < termArr.length; i++) {
retStr += termArr[i] + "* ";
document.location.href = "/Search/Pages/peopleresults.aspx?k=" + retStr;
<input type="text" id="SearchTextBoxPeople" />
Search People
One additional benefit of this is that you can control the input to include wildcards (which are horrible out-of-the-box for people searches). The JavaScript is simply including * in the search which allows wildcard searches. So a search for jo sm will actually send jo* sm* to the search page which will then match on John Smith.
