Other background colors in ExpandableListView headers - expandablelistview

I have question how set others background colors to ExpandableListView headers?
I use code of this tutorial: http://www.androidhive.info/2013/07/android-expandable-list-view-tutorial/

Check this example, but the expandable listview is in navigation drawer.
Hope..It may solve your problem


native button widget background color

from the tools palette I inserted the android native button widget, how can I change the background color?
in the propety inspector it is possible to change only the color of the text.
thank you
The LiveCode forum is a great place to get your questions answered. That said, if you need to change the background color of a button, you may need to reproduce an Android looking button by using a regular LC push button. Think UI design from scratch. It isn't really that difficult to emulate a Material Design button.
There is an interesting LC forum discussion with some varied techniques for Android Buttons here:
Styling Android Buttons in LiveCode

Is this layout possible to make, FadingActionBar w/ ViewPager?

I've got an layout which i really would like to use but I'm not sure it´s even possible!
I have tried FadingActionbar from github which works when I have a scrollview for content, but when I change to an ViewPager none of my fragments in it seems to load, and I¨m not able to swipe either to the sides or swipe up the top image.
My viewpager will consist of 3 views. One is an scrollview, and 2 of them are listviews.
I hope you understand what I want to achieve :) When swiping up I want the imageview to slide in under the actionbar and then stop when the PagerSlidingTabs are just under the acitonbar.
Mockup of what the layout looks like
This is the related github issue

How to Set BadgeElement Background Color?

I am using BadgeElement(s) in Xamarin iOS in my custom made slideout nav menu.
I just would like to set the background color (like with StyledStringElements), does anyone know how?
Try overriding the BadgeElement class or use an own created view and an Uiviewelement

ScrollBar in LWUIT

How can I edit the style of the lists´ scrollbar?
I want to modify its width, mainly.
To change his colors I use the UIID ScrollThumb, is this correct?
#Shai Almog shows me how to edit the ScrollBar.
Using the UIIDs "Scroll" and "ScrollThumb", I can customize my apps´ scroll. Modifying padding/background I can control the width.
There are so many examples in the LWUIT svn.

javafx textbox colors

Hey I was wondering if it was possible to have different colors in a text box in javafx.
You can set the CSS style. Look at the CSS Reference Guide.
