Is it OK to write the otherwise part this way? The function should lower the uppercase letters and put the space in front. It keeps giving an error.
functionl s
| s==[] = error "empty"
| otherwise = [ if isUpper c then (" " ++ toLower c) else c | c <-read s::[Char] ]
First, Note that the return type of (" "++ toLower c) is a String ([Char]) if it was done properly - but it isn't. I'll show you below.
But before that, note that in this specific list comprehension, you have else c which is a single Char.
Your return types must match.
This might be a suitable replacement: concat [ if (isUpper c) then (" "++[c]) else [c] | c <-s ]
Your list comprehension is almost right as #Arnon has shown, but you could definitely implement this function more easily using recursion:
-- A descriptive name and a type signature help
-- tell other programmers what this function does
camelCaseToWords :: String -> String
camelCaseToWords [] = []
camelCaseToWords (c:cs)
| isUpper c = ' ' : toLower c : camelCaseToWords cs
| otherwise = c : camelCaseToWords cs
Now, this pattern can be abstracted to use a fold, which is Haskell's equivalent of a basic for-loop:
camelCaseToWords cs = foldr replacer [] cs
replacer c xs
| isUpper c = ' ' : toLower c : xs
| otherwise = c : xs
Here each step of the iteration is performed by replacer, which takes the current character c, an accumulated value xs and returns a new value to be used in the next iteration. The fold is seeded with an initial value of [], and then performed over the entire string.
I am new to Haskell and I am currently learning it in school. I got a school task where I have to decode a message that contain certain patterns but I have got no idea how to do this.
The pattern looks something like this: If a letter has a consonant followed by the character 'o' and then once again followed by the same consonant as before it should replace that substring ("XoX" where X is a consonant) with only the consonant. For example if I decode the string "hohejoj" it should return "hej". Sorry if I am explaining this poorly but I think you understand.
This is the code I have so far (but it doesn't work):¨
karpsravor :: String->String
karpsravor s = karpsravor_help s ""
where karpsravor_help s res
|s == "" && (last res) == 'o' = (init res)
|otherwise = karpsravor_help (drop 3 s) (res ++ (consDecode (take 3 s)))
consDecode :: String->String
consDecode a
|(length a) < 3 = ""
|a == [(head a)]++"o"++[(head a)] = [(head a)]
|otherwise = a
The code is completely broken and poorly written (dumb method) but I have no other idea for how to solve this. Please help!
Pattern match to find occurrences of 'o'. I.e., use
karpsravorhelp (a:'o':b:rest) res = ...
You can't have a:'o':a:rest in the above, you can't pattern match for equality; you'll need to use a guard to make sure that a == b:
karpsravorhelp (a:'o':b:rest) res
| a == b = ...
| otherwise = ...
You'll also have to make sure a and b are consonants, which will just be an 'and' condition for the first guard. For the otherwise condition, make sure that the recursive call calls (b:rest) since you could have something like a:'o':b:'o':b:....
Also make sure to match for two other patterns:
Empty List, []
x:rest, which must go after the above pattern; this way, it will first attempt to match on the a:'o':b:rest pattern, and if that's not there, just take the next letter.
One way to do it would be with unfoldr from Data.List. You can use a case expression to pattern match on a : 'o' : b : rest, and then check that a and b are equal and not vowels using a guard |. Then just include the base cases for when the pattern doesn't match.
notVowel :: Char -> Bool
notVowel = (`notElem` "aeiouAEIOU")
karpsravor :: String -> String
karpsravor = unfoldr $ \str -> case str of
a : 'o' : b : rest
| a == b && notVowel a -> Just (a, rest)
a : rest -> Just (a, rest)
"" -> Nothing
I have this function that checks if a character is one of these punctuation signs.
checkpunctuation:: Char -> Bool
checkpunctuationc = c `elem` ['.', ',', '?', '!', ':', ';', '(', ')']
I have to write another function that after every punctuation sign it adds a space
format :: String -> String
I know how to add space after a given number of characthers but don't know how to add after specific characters.
Simple recursive option:
format :: String -> String
format [] = []
format (x:xs) | checkpuntuationc x = x : ' ' : format xs
| otherwise = x : format xs
Another option is to use foldr with a helper function:
helper :: Char -> String -> String
helper x xs | checkpunctuation x = x : ' ' : xs
| otherwise = x : xs
The helper checks if the first character is a punctuation. If so it inserts a space, otherwise it does not.
and then define format as:
format :: String -> String
format = foldr helper []
A sample call:
*Main> format "Hello? Goodbye! You say goodbye!! (and I say Hello)"
"Hello? Goodbye! You say goodbye! ! ( and I say Hello) "
This function works also on "infinite strings":
*Main> take 50 $ format $ cycle "Hello?Goodbye!"
"Hello? Goodbye! Hello? Goodbye! Hello? Goodbye! He"
So although we feed it a string that keeps cycle-ing, and thus never ends, we can derive the first 50 characters of the result.
There's probably a more elegant way to do it, but
format :: String -> String
format s = concat [if (checkpunctuation c) then (c:" ") else [c] | c <- s]
will work (thanks, #Shou Ya!).
Edit based on comment
To count the total length of post-formatted punctuation characters, you can use
sumLength :: [String] -> Int
sumLength strings = 2 * (sum $ fmap length (fmap (filter checkpunctuation) strings))
as the it is twice the sum of the number of punctuation characters.
I'm working in Haskell in two functions:
Basically I want to get the character before matching a specific character in a given string
This is my code:
before :: Char -> [Char] -> Char
before x str = trackelement x ' ' str
trackelement :: Char -> Char -> [Char] -> Char
trackelement x y (z:zs)
| x == z = y
| otherwise = trackelement x z (zs)
My problem is when I try: before 'l' "luis"
The answer is : ' ' (of course, before 'l' there is nothing), and I would like to be '' or Nothing
I tried passing trackelement x '' str instead of trackelement x ' ' str but I have this error Syntax error on ''str
Could you suggest me something?
The answers shown already are good for getting your code to work, but they don't explain why you get the error you're receiving. The reason why that error was shown is that '' is not valid syntax, since there is no such thing as an "empty character". All characters have value, but Strings can be empty. Remember that type String = [Char], and it's very clear that there can be such a thing as an empty list, but characters always have a value. It's comparable to saying you can have an empty list of Ints, namely [], but you can't have an "empty int", whatever that would mean.
You can use a Maybe:
before :: Char -> [Char] -> Maybe Char
before x str = initialise x str
initialise x (y:xs)
| x == y = Nothing
| otherwise = trackelement x y xs
trackelement :: Char -> Char -> [Char] -> Maybe Char
trackelement x y [] = Nothing
trackelement x y (z:zs)
| x == z = Just y
| otherwise = trackelement x z zs
To take care of the corner case before 'l' "luis", we have to add a new initialiser function. It basically checks if the first character matches the searched one. If it does, we return Nothing, because we checked the first character which obviously does not have a preceding one. Else we just call trackelement and use it's result.
As Zeta mentioned, you can combine the functions, which simplifies everything and takes care of the corner case you are currently experiencing.
before _ [x] = Nothing
before a (x:y:xs)
| a == y = Just x
| otherwise = before a (y:xs)
Just using this function, you noticed you have problems when encountering a word containing more than one letter which is also searched for (before 'a' "amalia" -> Just 'm'). Currently the best solution I know of is again splitting this up into more than one function, which brings us back to the solution at the top.
Match the first two elements instead just head and tail. That way you don't even need trackelement:
before :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
before x (a:b:rest)
| a == x = Nothing
| b == x = Just a
| otherwise = before x (b:rest)
before _ _ = Nothing
I need to write function, which is seeking for "Z" in string, and when this function finds it on i index, it appends i+3 Char to table.
Here is my code:
someFun :: String => String -> String -> String
someFun "" (r:rs) = (r:rs)
someFun (a:b:c:d:xs) (r:rs)
| a == "Z" = someFun xs ((r:rs)++d)
| otherwise = someFun (b:c:d:xs) (r:rs)
I got bunch of errors that I don't know how to fix due to my poor experience in Haskell programming.
If input is "(C (N (Z 'p')) (A (K (Z 'p') (Z 'q')) (Z 'r')))"
its output should be: ['p','q','r']
The specification is not entirely clear, but it sounds like you want to collect all the characters which occur three places after a 'Z' in the input, so that from
we get
Without a clearer presentation of the problem, it is difficult to give precise advice. But I hope I can help you get past some of the small irritations, so that you can engage with the actual logic of the problem.
Let's start with the type. You have
someFun :: String => String -> String -> String
but left of => is the place for properties of type expressions, usually involving variables that could stand for lots of types, such as Eq a (meaning that whatever type a is, we can test equality). String is a type, not a property, so it cannot stand left of =>. Drop it. That gives
someFun :: String -- input
-> String -- accumulating the output (?)
-> String -- output
It is not clear whether you really need an accumulator. Suppose you know the output for
"ZARD BAZOOKA BOOM" -- "DKM", right?
Can you compute the output for
? Just an extra 'R' on the front, right? You're using tail recursion to do the next thing, when it is usually simpler to think about what things should be. If you know what the output is for the tail of the list, then say what the output is for the whole of the list. Why not just map input to output directly, so
someFun :: String -> String
Now, pattern matching, start with the simplest possible pattern
someFun s = undefined
Can you see enough about the input to determine the output? Clearly not. It matters whether the input is empty or has a first character. Split into two cases.
someFun "" = undefined
someFun (c : s) = undefined -- c is the first Char, s is the rest of the String
It also matters whether the first character is 'Z' or not. Be careful to use single quotes for Char and double quotes for String: they are different types.
someFun "" = undefined
someFun ('Z' : s) = undefined -- the first Char is Z
someFun (c : s) = undefined
In the case wit 'Z', you also want to make sure that s has at least three characters, and we care about the third, so
someFun "" = undefined -- input empty
someFun ('Z' : s#(_ : _ : d : _)) = undefined -- first is 'Z' and d is 3 later
someFun (c : s) = undefined -- input nonempty
The # is an "as pattern", allowing me to name the whole tail s and also check that it matches (_ : _ : d : _), grabbing the third character after the 'Z'.
So far, I've given no thought to the output, just what I need to see about the input. Let's figure out what the output must be. In the first case, empty input gives empty output
someFun "" = ""
someFun ('Z' : s#(_ : _ : d : _)) = undefined -- first is 'Z' and d is 3 later
someFun (c : s) = undefined -- input nonempty
and in the other two cases, we can assume that someFun s already tells us the output for the tail of the list, so we just need to figure out how to finish the output for the whole list. In the last line, the output for the tail is just what we want.
someFun "" = ""
someFun ('Z' : s#(_ : _ : d : _)) = undefined -- first is 'Z' and d is 3 later
someFun (c : s) = someFun s
But in the case where we've found that d is three places after the initial 'Z', we need to make sure d is at the start of the output.
someFun "" = ""
someFun ('Z' : s#(_ : _ : d : _)) = d : someFun s
someFun (c : s) = someFun s
Just checking:
The key idea is to figure out how to express the output for the whole input in terms of the output for its pieces: what it is, not what to do. Here, you can assume that the output for the tail, s is correctly computed, so you just need to figure out whether you have anything extra to return.
It's not really clear what you're trying to do but this compiles:
someFun :: String -> String -> String
someFun "" (r:rs) = (r:rs)
someFun (a:b:c:d:xs) (r:rs)
| a == 'Z' = someFun xs ((r:rs)++[d])
| otherwise = someFun (b:c:d:xs) (r:rs)
The String => is for typeclass constraints, which you don't need.
d is a Char while (++) is defined on lists (of Chars in this case).
Your function has incomplete pattern matches, so you could also define those, which will simplify the existing cases:
someFun :: String -> String -> String
someFun _ [] = error "Empty string"
someFun "" s = s
someFun ('Z':b:c:d:xs) s = someFun xs (s++[d])
someFun (_:b:c:d:xs) s = someFun (b:c:d:xs) s
someFun _ _ = error "String was not in the expected format"
To display it on the screen you can use putStrLn or print:
displaySomeFun :: String -> String -> IO ()
displaySomeFun s1 s2 = putStrLn (someFun s1 s2)
Lee showed how you get it to compile.
There are still some things to say about:
You have to provide more pattern-cases, You get an error for example if you try to run someFun "" "", or someFun "A" "ABCD"
First improvement: Change (r:rs) to rs, you never use r, so you can change it to a more general case (that will fix the error on someFun "" "").
The other thing is, that you don't pattern match on lists with one, two, or tree elements.
You could add someFun _ rs = rs, so that in those cases nothing happens.
Read about head and tail.It is easier with them.And end the cycle when the length of your first list is less than 4.
someFun [] rs = rs
someFun xs rs
| (length xs) < 4 = rs
| (head xs) == 'Z' = someFun (tail xs) (rs ++ [head (tail (tail (tail xs)))])
| otherwise = someFun (tail xs) rs
You can take advantage of how failing pattern-matches work in list comprehensions and the Data.List.tails function:
import Data.List (tails)
someFun :: String -> String
someFun s = [x | 'Z':_:_:x:_ <- tails s]
The tails function gives you all tails of a list (remember that a String ist just a list of Char), e.g.:
λ: tails "Overflow"
The pattern ('Z':_:_:x:_) matches any string which starts with a Z and is at least four characters in size. For each pattern match, the character which is three positions after Z is extracted.
The magical part about it is that when the pattern fails (e.g. for tails which don't start with a Z or which are too short), the element is skipped silently and doesn't contribute to the result - exactly what you seem to request.
Supposing I had the string "HELLO WORLD" is there a way I can call a function that replaces the character 'O' in the string with the character 'X' so that the new string would look like "HELLX WXRLD"?
How about:
repl 'o' = 'x'
repl c = c
in map repl "Hello World"
If you need to replace additional characters later, just add clauses to the repl function.
Sorry for picking up this old thread but why not use lambda expressions?
λ> let replaceO = map (\c -> if c=='O' then 'X'; else c)
λ> replaceO "HELLO WORLD"
Alternative 1 - Using MissingH
import Data.List.Utils (replace)
Then use:
replace "O" "X" "HELLO WORLD"
Alternative 2 - Using Control.Monad
One funny bastard:
import Control.Monad (mfilter)
replace a b = map $ maybe b id . mfilter (/= a) . Just
λ> replace 'O' 'X' "HELLO WORLD"
Alternative 3 - Using if
Amon's suggestions was probably the finest I believe! No imports and easy to read and understand!
But to be picky - there's no need for semicolon:
replace :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replace a b = map $ \c -> if c == a then b else c
If you depend on the text package (like 99.99% of Haskell applications), you can use T.replace:
>>> replace "ofo" "bar" "ofofo"
Here's another possible solution using divide and conquer:
replaceO [] = []
replaceO (x:xs) =
if x == 'O'
then 'X' : replaceO xs
else x : replaceO xs
First, you set the edge condition "replaceO [] = []".
If the list is empty, there is nothing to replace, returning an empty list.
Next, we take the string and divide it into head and tail. in this case 'H':"ELLOWORLD"
If the head is equal to 'O', it will replace it with 'X'. and apply the replaceO function to the rest of the string.
If the head is not equal to 'O', then it will put the head back where it is and apply the replaceO function to the rest of the string.
replace :: Char -> Char -> String -> String
replace _ _ [] = []
replace a b (x : xs)
| x == a = [b] ++ replace a b xs
| otherwise = [x] ++ replace a b xs
I'm new to Haskell and I've tried to make it simpler for others like me.
I guess this could be useful.
main = print $ charRemap "Hello WOrld" ['O','o'] ['X','x']
charRemap :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
charRemap [] _ _ = []
charRemap (w:word) mapFrom mapTo =
if snd state
then mapTo !! fst state : charRemap word mapFrom mapTo
else w : charRemap word mapFrom mapTo
state = hasChar w mapFrom 0
hasChar :: Char -> [Char] -> Int -> (Int,Bool)
hasChar _ [] _ = (0,False)
hasChar c (x:xs) i | c == x = (i,True)
| otherwise = hasChar c xs (i+1)