Extract data into new workbook based on value in excel - excel

I want to extract data from one speadsheet to another based on value of a particular cell.
I want to extract data to a new workbook based on Product. For example, Data for all the customer who purchased HDD should be moved to a new workbook and data for all customer who purchased monitor should be moved to another workbook. I 257 different product types, so data needs to be send to 257 different workbooks.
I was just wondering if there is any feature in excel through which we can search for value(Product in this senario) and move it to another worksheet.
Can anyone please help me regarding this?
Thanks in advance.

As tkacprow said there is no 'out of the box' tool that wil do this for you in excel. You will ideally need a VBA macro to do this.
I have just uploaded to my website an example tool/workbook which has the required VBA macro built into it. Feel free to utilise and change this to meet you needs http://tomwinslow.co.uk/handy-excel-tools/.
Let me know if this is not exactly what you are looking for and I can try amend it.
Hope this helps.
Below is the code incase you would prefer it, rather than downloading from my site.
Sub splitMasterList()
Dim MAST As Worksheet
Set MAST = Sheets("MASTER")
Dim headerRng As Range
Dim areaSelectionCount As Long
Dim areaSelectionIsValid As Boolean
Dim areaSelectionRow As Long
Dim splitColRng As Range
Dim themeExists As Boolean
Dim themeArray() As String
ReDim Preserve themeArray(1 To 1)
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastSheetTabRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ii As Long
Dim theme As String
Dim doesSheetExist As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sheetTabRowCounter As Long
'ask the user to highlight the table header
On Error Resume Next
Set headerRng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please select the headings of all columns that you wish to utilise." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Note: Hold the 'Ctrl' key to select multiple ranges." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine, Default:="", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If headerRng Is Nothing Then
'notify user that the process cannot continue
' MsgBox "You must select a range to undertake this process."
'exit the sub
Exit Sub
End If
'check how many areas were selected and that they all have 1 row and are all on the same line
areaSelectionCount = headerRng.Areas.Count
areaSelectionIsValid = True
areaSelectionRow = 0
'loop through all areas checking they are a vald header
i = 1
For i = 1 To areaSelectionCount
'check selection area row count
If headerRng.Areas(i).Rows.Count <> 1 Then
areaSelectionIsValid = False
End If
'check selection area row
If areaSelectionRow = 0 Then
'set areaSelectionRow
areaSelectionRow = headerRng.Areas(i).Row
'test areaSelectionRow variable against the row of the area selection
If areaSelectionRow <> headerRng.Areas(i).Row Then
areaSelectionIsValid = False
End If
End If
Next i
'exit if the area selection is not valid (FALSE)
If areaSelectionIsValid = False Then
'notify user that the process cannot continue
MsgBox "You may only select headings from a single row. Please try again."
'exit the sub
Exit Sub
End If
'ask the user to select the cell heading which they would like to plit their data on
On Error Resume Next
Set splitColRng = Application.InputBox("Select a cell from anywhere in the column which you want to use to classify (split) your data.", Default:="", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If splitColRng Is Nothing Then
'notify user that the process cannot continue
MsgBox "You must select a cell to undertake this process. Please start again."
'exit the sub
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo errorHandling
'turn updating off
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'loop down the master data and
lastRow = MAST.Cells(MAST.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
'loop down the items in the table and build an array of all themes (based on the user split cell selection)
For i = headerRng.Row + 1 To lastRow
'if the theme is blank then insert place holder
If MAST.Cells(i, splitColRng.Column).Value = "" Then
MAST.Cells(i, splitColRng.Column).Value = "Blank / TBC"
End If
'get the theme
theme = MAST.Cells(i, splitColRng.Column).Value
'check if the theme exists in the array yet
themeExists = False
ii = 1
For ii = 1 To UBound(themeArray)
If themeArray(ii) = theme Then
'stop loop and do not add current theme to the array
themeExists = True
End If
Next ii
If themeExists = False Then
'add current theme
themeArray(UBound(themeArray)) = MAST.Cells(i, splitColRng.Column).Value
ReDim Preserve themeArray(1 To UBound(themeArray) + 1)
End If
Next i
'notify the user how many themes there are going to be
' MsgBox "The table is about to be split into " & UBound(themeArray) - 1 & " seperate sheets, each containing grouped data based on the column you selected."
'loop through the theme array and build a :
'for each theme
ii = 1
For ii = 1 To UBound(themeArray) - 1
'check if sheet exists
'check if a worksheet by the name of this theme exists and create one if not
'returns TRUE if the sheet exists in the workbook
doesSheetExist = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(themeArray(ii), ",", ""), "/", ""), "\", ""), "[", ""), "]", ""), 25) = ws.Name Then
doesSheetExist = True
End If
Next ws
'create sheet if it does not exist
If doesSheetExist = False Then
'create sheet after the master sheet
Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Set ws = ActiveSheet
'max sheet name is 31 characters and cannot contain special characters
ws.Name = Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(themeArray(ii), ",", ""), "/", ""), "\", ""), "[", ""), "]", ""), 25)
'do not creat sheet but activate the existing
Sheets(Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(themeArray(ii), ",", ""), "/", ""), "\", ""), "[", ""), "]", ""), 25)).Activate
Set ws = ActiveSheet
End If
'delete any old data out of the sheet
lastSheetTabRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
If lastSheetTabRow < 4 Then
lastSheetTabRow = 4
End If
ws.Rows("4:" & lastSheetTabRow).Delete Shift:=xlUp
'copy table header into each sheet tab
'insert title and time stamp details into new sheet
ws.Range("B2").Value = themeArray(ii)
ws.Range("B2").Font.Size = 22
ws.Range("B2").Font.Bold = True
ws.Range("B1").Font.Size = 8
ws.Range("C1:D1").Font.Size = 8
ws.Range("B1").Value = "Timestamp : "
ws.Range("C1").Value = Now()
ws.Range("C1").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
ws.Range("E1").Value = "Updates must NOT be done in this worksheet!"
ws.Range("E1").Font.Color = vbRed
'loop down the items in the master table and copy them over to the correct sheet tabs based on selected theme/column
sheetTabRowCounter = 1
i = headerRng.Row + 1
For i = headerRng.Row + 1 To lastRow
'copy item from master into theme tab if matches the theme
If MAST.Cells(i, splitColRng.Column).Value = themeArray(ii) Then
'copy row
headerRng.Offset(i - headerRng.Row, 0).Copy
'paste row
ws.Cells(sheetTabRowCounter + 4, 2).Select
'add one to the sheet row couter
sheetTabRowCounter = sheetTabRowCounter + 1
End If
Next i
Next ii
'format new sheet
'loop through all theme sheets and size their columns to match tre master sheet
ii = 1
For ii = 1 To UBound(themeArray) - 1
Sheets(Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(themeArray(ii), ",", ""), "/", ""), "\", ""), "[", ""), "]", ""), 25)).Activate
Set ws = ActiveSheet
'loop through all of the columns on the master table and get their size
i = headerRng.Column
For i = headerRng.Column To (headerRng.Column + headerRng.Columns.Count + 1)
ws.Columns(i).ColumnWidth = MAST.Columns(i).ColumnWidth
Next i
'loop down sheet tab and autofit all row heights
ws.Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 2
'hide gridlines
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
'freeze panes
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
ws.Cells(5, 1).Select
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Next ii
'loop through all sheets and delete sheets where the timestamp exists but is older than 5 seconds
For Each ws In Worksheets
'check if cell contains a date
If IsDate(ws.Range("C1").Value) = True And ws.Range("B1").Value = "Timestamp : " Then
'delete when sheet is older than 10 seconds
If (Now() - ws.Range("C1").Value) < 10 / 86400 Then
'MsgBox "OK - " & Now() - ws.Range("C1").Value
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End If
Next ws
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'activate the master sheet
'turn updating back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'notify user process is complete
MsgBox "Done!"
Exit Sub
'notify the user of error
'activate the master sheet
'turn updating back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'notify user process is complete
MsgBox "Something went wrong! Please try again." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Note: This error may be being caused by an invalid heading selection range." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "If the problem persists contact Tom Winslow for assistance."
End Sub

I do not suspect there is any out of the box "feature" to do this. However I would approach this as folows:
Sort the product by your category (so that all items going into a single workbook are line by line)
Do a simple VBA loop which: Checks if the product is of a new type. If yes then it should close the last open product workbook, create a new workbook e.g. using the name of the product, and saves the line to that workbook. If not then save the line to the current created and open workbook.
If you have problems with this VBA post it and we will help.


Matching data in excel from one worksheet to another

Currently I have a macro function using vba in excel that takes a row of data when you input it with a specific number. For example, I search 0.55 it will then search through "sheet 2" and paste the entire row that has 0.55 in "sheet 1".
What I would like is for it not to search an individual number, but a set of numbers found in sheet and then paste the corresponding data (full row) from sheet 2 next the data is sheet one.
Sheet 1 sheet 1
Highlighted numbers are the ones I want found from sheet 2 (and only those)
The result would look like this:
Desired result
Where the data on the right is from sheet 2.
Current code:
Sub myFind()
'Standard module code, like: Module1.
'Find my data and list found rows in report!
Dim rngData As Object
Dim strDataShtNm$, strReportShtNm$, strMySearch$, strMyCell$
Dim lngLstDatCol&, lngLstDatRow&, lngReportLstRow&, lngMyFoundCnt&
On Error GoTo myEnd
strDataShtNm = "Sheet2" 'This is the name of the sheet that has the data!
strReportShtNm = "Sheet1" 'This is the name of the report to sheet!
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Define data sheet's data range!
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
lngLstDatRow = .Rows.Count + .Row - 1
lngLstDatCol = .Columns.Count + .Column - 1
End With
Set rngData = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lngLstDatRow, lngLstDatCol))
'Get the string to search for!
strMySearch = InputBox("Enter what to search for, below:" & vbLf & vbLf & _
"Note: The search is case sensitive!", _
Space(3) & "Find All", _
'Do the search!
For Each Cell In rngData
strMyCell = Cell.Value
'If found then list entire row!
If strMyCell = strMySearch Then
lngMyFoundCnt = lngMyFoundCnt + 1
ActiveSheet.Rows(Cell.Row & ":" & Cell.Row).Copy
With Sheets(strReportShtNm)
'Paste found data's row!
lngReportLstRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=.Range("A" & lngReportLstRow).EntireRow
End With
End If
Next Cell
'Do clean-up!
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'If not found then notify!
If lngMyFoundCnt = 0 Then
MsgBox """" & strMySearch & """" & Space(3) & "Was not found!", _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
Space(3) & "Not Found!"
End If
End Sub
Thank you so much in advance

How to add blank rows below selected cell and keep formatting and formulas of above

Sub addRows()
' Adds new blank lines based on user input, keeping formatting and formulas of above.
Dim numRows As Long
Dim raSource As Range
Dim bResult As Boolean
Set raSource = ActiveCell.EntireRow
numRows = InputBox("Enter number of rows to insert. Rows will be added above the highlighted row.")
On Error Resume Next
bResult = Range(raSource.Offset(1, 0), raSource.Offset(numRows,
0)).EntireRow.Insert(Shift:=xlShiftDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
If Not bResult Then
MsgBox "Inserting rows failed!", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
The code works how I want it to except it keeps all the data from the selected row and pastes it to new rows. I want to only keep the formatting and formulas of the selected row and insert the new row below.
Try this code. I have linkedan example workbook as well. Let me know if this works.
Download example workbook here
Sub insertXRows()
Dim cell As Range
Dim lngRows As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrMsg
'SOURCE: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34077874/10807836
Dim r As Range
Dim lo As ListObject
Set r = ActiveCell
Set lo = r.ListObject
If Not lo Is Nothing Then
Select Case lo.Name
Case "Table1"
If r.Row = lo.Range.Row Then
MsgBox "In Table1 Header"
MsgBox "In Table1 Body"
End If
Case "SomeOtherTable"
End Select
MsgBox "Active cell is not in any table. Please select a cell in an active table and retry."
Exit Sub
End If
'MSGBOX to enter #rows to insert
lngRows = InputBox("Enter number of rows to insert. Rows will be added above the highlighted row.")
For Each cell In Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection.Offset(-1, 0).EntireRow)
If cell.HasFormula Then
cell.Copy cell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
ErrMsg: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure insertX, line " & Erl & "."
End Sub

Sorting raw data workbook vba

My goal is to sort an entire raw data workbook based on smallest to largest in column C. This ensures that, in this case, the pole #'s are sorted in order on the output excel file. I am using VBA for this and cannot seem to figure it out. Below is my existing code.
Dim desPathName As Variant
desPathName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.csv*), *.csv*", Title:="Please select a file")
If desPathName = False Then
MsgBox "Stopping because you did not select a file. Reselect a destination file through the menu"
Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=desPathName
Set des = Workbooks.Open(desPathName, True, False)
End If
ActiveSheet.Name = "RawData"
Set RDBook = Worksheets("RawData").Parent
If Worksheets.Count > 2 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' prevent are you sure message while deleting
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
lastcolumn = 1
Do While HomeSheet.Cells(1, lastcolumn) <> ""
lastcolumn = lastcolumn + 1
lastrow = 2
Do While HomeSheet.Cells(lastrow, 1).Value <> ""
HomeSheet.Cells(lastrow, PoleNum) = CDbl(HomeSheet.Cells(lastrow, PoleNum))
lastrow = lastrow + 1
sortColumn = Cells(1, PoleNum).Address(RowAbsolute:=False,
sortEnd = Cells(lastrow, lastcolumn).Address(RowAbsolute:=False,
HomeSheet.Range("A1:" & sortEnd).Sort key1:=HomeSheet.Range(sortColumn),
order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
Sheets(1).Name = "Make-Ready"
Set MRBook = Worksheets("Make-Ready").Parent
"Raw Data" Worksheets is the input file that will be used in the macro, that is the document I want the pole #'s sorted. "Make Ready" is the document that will be output. from lastcolumn = 1 to Header:=xlYes is my code that is not working.
Reminder: my goal is to sort the entire sheet based off that one column.

Excel VBA Columns B and C OR Column D required

I have a spreadsheet which is used enterprise-wide. I am trying to put in checks such that certain fields are required. Specifically, columns B (last name) AND C (first name) are required, OR Column D (Organization) is required. However, B, C, and D cannot all three be filled in. If the row has any data at all in it, B and C or D are required.
My idea is to put in a button to run this macro. That I can do.
I've tried many things at this point. I can include the spreadsheet in case anyone can offer any insight. I had a macro that worked on a test sheet, but does not work on this sheet, if that will help at all.
Here is the macro
Sub CheckVal2()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsCurr As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngRow As Long
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Left$(ws.Name, 7) = "Current" Then
Set wsCurr = ws
Exit For
End If
With wsCurr
lngLastRow = .Range("B5000").End(xlUp).Row
For lngRow = 2 To lngLastRow
For Each cel In .Range("B" & lngRow & ":E" & lngRow)
If cel = "" Then
MsgBox "First and Last Name or HCO must be populated."
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
If cel <> "" Then
If .Cells(lngRow, "D") = "" Then
If .Cells(lngRow, "B") = "" Or _
.Cells(lngRow, "C") = "" Then
MsgBox "First and Last Name or HCO must be populated."
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Once you get past whatever is causing the error trying to access wsCurr (which I suspect is just a case of the worksheet not existing), you should modify your code as follows:
With wsCurr
lngLastRow = .Range("E5000").End(xlUp).Row
For lngRow = 2 To lngLastRow
'First check whether first/last name has been consistently advised
If (.Cells(lngRow, 2) = "") <> _
(.Cells(lngRow, 3) = "") Then
MsgBox "Row " & lngRow & " - First Name and Last Name must both be advised or both be blank"
Cancel = True ' I assume this is a global variable?
Exit Sub
End If
'Now check that last name has not been advised if HCO has been, and vice-versa
If (.Cells(lngRow, 2) = "") = _
(.Cells(lngRow, 4) = "") Then
MsgBox "Row " & lngRow & " - First and Last Name, or HCO, must be populated but not both."
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End With
This will get around the existing problem with your tests, which (as far as I can tell) aren't allowing for the case where all three columns have been advised.
I also changed the column on which lngLastRow was being set because, if it is set based on column B and the last row(s) of your data only contained values in column C and/or D, those final row(s) would not be being tested.

Excel macro to create new sheet every n-rows

I'm attempting to write a macro to take an excel file of several thousand rows and split the inital sheet's rows up into sheets of 250 rows per-sheet, not including the original header row, which should also be copied to each sheet. There are 13 columns total, and some of the fields are empty.
I can sort the document myself - that's not an issue - I just don't have the macro skill to figure this one out.
I've tried searching, and found a few examples, but none quite fit..such as this one..
create macro that will convert excel rows from single sheet to new sheets ..or this one.. Save data input from one sheet onto successive rows in another sheet
Any help?
This should provide the solution you are looking for as well. You actually added your answer as I was typing it, but maybe someone will find it useful.
This method only requires that you enter the number of rows to copy to each page, and assumes you are on the "main" page once you execute it.
Sub AddSheets()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim wsMasterSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sheetCount As Integer
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim rowsPerSheet As Integer
Set wsMasterSheet = ActiveSheet
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
rowsPerSheet = 5
rowCount = Application.CountA(Sheets(1).Range("A:A"))
sheetCount = Round(rowCount / rowsPerSheet, 0)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To sheetCount - 1 Step 1
With wb
'Add new sheet
.Sheets.Add after:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
wsMasterSheet.Range("A1:M1").EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Sheets(.Sheets.Count).Range("A1").End(xlUp)
wsMasterSheet.Range("A" & (rowsPerSheet + 2) & ":M" & (2 * rowsPerSheet + 1)).EntireRow.Cut Destination:=Sheets(.Sheets.Count).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
wsMasterSheet.Range("A" & (rowsPerSheet + 2) & ":M" & (2 * rowsPerSheet + 1)).EntireRow.Delete
ActiveSheet.Name = "Rows " + CStr(((.Sheets.Count - 1) * rowsPerSheet + 1)) & " - " & CStr((.Sheets.Count * rowsPerSheet))
End With
wsMasterSheet.Name = "Rows 1 - " & rowsPerSheet
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
#pnuts's suggested solution by Jerry Beaucaire worked perfectly.
Option Explicit
Sub SplitDataNrows()
'Jerry Beaucaire, 2/28/2012
'Split a data sheet by a variable number or rows per sheet, optional titles
Dim N As Long, rw As Long, LR As Long, Titles As Boolean
If MsgBox("Split the activesheet into smaller sheets?", vbYesNo, _
"Confirm") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
N = Application.InputBox("How many rows per sheet?", "N-Rows", 50, Type:=1)
If N = 0 Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Include the title row1 on each new sheet?", vbYesNo, _
"Titles?") = vbYes Then Titles = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
LR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For rw = 1 + ---Titles To LR Step N
If Titles Then
.Rows(1).Copy Range("A1")
.Range("A" & rw).Resize(N).EntireRow.Copy Range("A2")
.Range("A" & rw).Resize(N).EntireRow.Copy Range("A1")
End If
Next rw
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub SplitWorkbooksByNrows()
'Jerry Beaucaire, 2/28/2012
'Split all data sheets in a folder by a variable number or rows per sheet, optional titles
'assumes only one worksheet of data per workbook
Dim N As Long, rw As Long, LR As Long, Cnt As Long, Cols As String, Titles As Boolean
Dim srcPATH As String, destPATH As String, fNAME As String, wbDATA As Workbook, titleRNG As Range
srcPATH = "C:\Path\To\Source\Files\" 'remember the final \ in this string
destPATH = "C:\Path\To\Save\NewFiles\" 'remember the final \ in this string
'determine how many rows per sheet to create
N = Application.InputBox("How many rows per sheet?", "N-Rows", 50, Type:=1)
If N = 0 Then Exit Sub 'exit if user clicks CANCEL
'Examples of usable ranges: A:A A:Z C:E F:F
Cols = Application.InputBox("Enter the Range of columns to copy", "Columns", "A:Z", Type:=2)
If Cols = "False" Then Exit Sub 'exit if user clicks CANCEL
'prompt to repeat row1 titles on each created sheet
If MsgBox("Include the title row1 on each new sheet?", vbYesNo, _
"Titles?") = vbYes Then Titles = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'speed up macro execution
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'turn off system alert messages, use default answers
fNAME = Dir(srcPATH & "*.xlsx") 'get first filename from srcPATH
Do While Len(fNAME) > 0 'exit loop when no more files found
Set wbDATA = Workbooks.Open(srcPATH & fNAME) 'open found file
With ActiveSheet
LR = Intersect(.Range(Cols), .UsedRange).Rows.Count 'how many rows of data?
If Titles Then Set titleRNG = Intersect(.Range(Cols), .Rows(1)) 'set title range, opt.
For rw = 1 + ---Titles To LR Step N 'loop in groups of N rows
Cnt = Cnt + 1 'increment the sheet creation counter
Sheets.Add 'create the new sheet
If Titles Then titleRNG.Copy Range("A1") 'optionally add the titles
'copy N rows of data to new sheet
Intersect(.Range("A" & rw).Resize(N).EntireRow, .Range(Cols)).Copy Range("A1").Offset(Titles)
ActiveSheet.Columns.AutoFit 'cleanup
ActiveSheet.Move 'move created sheet to new workbook
'save with incremented filename in the destPATH
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs destPATH & "Datafile_" & Format(Cnt, "00000") & ".xlsx", xlNormal
ActiveWorkbook.Close False 'close the created workbook
Next rw 'repeat with next set of rows
End With
wbDATA.Close False 'close source data workbook
fNAME = Dir 'get next filename from the srcPATH
Loop 'repeat for each found file
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'return to normal speed
MsgBox "A total of " & Cnt & " data files were created." 'report
End Sub
