how to get original value from hash value in node.js - node.js

I have created hash of some fields and storing in database using 'crypto' npm.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hashFirtName = crypto.createHash('md5').update(orgFirtName).digest("hex"),
QUESTION: How can I get the original value from the hash value when needed?

The basic definition of a "hash" is that it's one-way. You cannot get the originating value from the hash. Mostly because a single value will always produce the same hash, but a hash isn't always related to a single value, since most hash functions return a string of finite/fixed length.
Additional Information
I wanted to provide some additional information, as I felt I may have left this too short.
As #xShirase pointed out in his answer, you can use a table to reverse a Hash. These are known as Rainbow Tables. You can generate them or download them from the internet, usually from nefarious sources [ahem].
To expand on my other statement about a hash value possibly relating to multiple original values, lets take a look at MD5.
MD5 is a 128-bit hash. This means it can hold 2^128 bits, or (unsigned) 0 through 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455. That's a REALLY big number. So, for any given input you have a 1 in 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 chance that it will collide with the same hash result of another input value.
Now, for simple data like passwords, the chances are astronomical. And for those purposes, who cares? Most of the time you are simply taking an input, hashing it, then comparing the hashes. For reasons I will not get into, when using hashes for passwords you should ALWAYS store the data already hashed. You don't want to leave plain-text passwords just lying about. Keep in mind that a hash is NOT the same as encryption.
Hashes can also be used for other reasons. For instance, they can be used to create a fast-lookup data structure known as a Hash Table. A Hash Table uses a hash as sort of a "primary key", allowing it to search a huge set of data in relatively few number of instructions, approaching O(1) (On-order of 1). Depending on the implementation of the Hash Table and the hashing algorithm, you have to deal with collisions, usually by means of a sorted list. This is why the Hash Table isn't "exactly" O(1), but close. If your hash algorithm is bad, the performance of your Hash Table can begin to approach O(n).
Another use for a hash it to tell if a file's contents have been altered, or match an original. You will see many OSS project provide binary downloads that also have an MD5 and/or SHA-2 hash values. This is so you can download the files, do a hash locally, and compare the results against theirs to make sure the file you are getting is the file they posted. Again, since the odds of two files matching another is 1 in 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456, the odds of a hacker successfully generating a file of the same size with a bad payload that hashes to the exact same MD5/SHA-2 hash is pretty low.
Hope this discussion can help either you or someone in the future.

If you could get the original value from the hash, it wouldn't be that secure.
If you need to compare a value to what you have previously stored as a hash, you can create a hash for this value and compare the hashes.
In practice there is only one way to 'decrypt' a hash. It involves using a massive database of decrypted hashes, and compare them to yours. An example here


How is it possible to have these reversed hashes available on the web?

If these hashing algorithms are one-way functions, how is it possible to have these reversed hashes available on the web? What is the reverse hashing procedure used by those lookup sites?
When we say that a hash function h is a one-way function, we mean that
given some fixed string w, it's "easy" to compute h(w), but
given f(x) for some randomly-chosen string x, it's "hard" to find a string w where f(w) = f(x).
So in that sense, if you have a hash of a string that you know literally nothing about, there is no easy way to invert that hash.
However, this doesn't mean that, once you hash something, it can never be reversed. For example, suppose I know that you're hashing either the string YES or the string NO. I could then, in advance, precompute h(YES) and h(NO), write the values down, and then compare your hashed string against the two hashed values to figure out which string you hashed. Similarly, if I knew you were hashing a number between 0 and 999,999,999, I could hash all those values, store the results, then compare the hash of your number against my precomputed hashes and see which one you hashed.
To directly answer your question - the sites that offer tables of reversed hashes don't compute those tables by reversing the hash function, but rather by hashing lots and lots and lots of strings and writing down the results. They might hash strings they expect people to use (for example, the most common weak web passwords), or they may pick random short strings to cover all possible simple strings (along the lines of the number hashing example from above).
Since cryptographic hash functions like SHA1, SHA2, SHA2, Blake2, etc., are candidates to one-way functions there is no way to reverse the hashing.
So how do they achieve this; they may choose three ways;
Build a pair database (x, hash(x)) by generating the hash of the well-knowns string; the cracked password list, the English dictionary, Wikipedia text on all languages, and all strings up to some bound like 8;
This method has a huge problem, the space to store all pairs of input and their hash.
Build a rainbow table. Rainbow table is a time-vs-memory trade. Before starting to build the select table parameters in order to cover the target search space.
See Rainbow crack for details of password cracking.
Combine both. Due to the target search space, not all well-known strings, passwords, etc. can be placed in the Rainbow table. For those, use the 1. option.
Don't forget that some of them also providing online hashing tools. Once you asked to hash a value, it is going to enter their database/rainbow table, and when you later visit the site and asked the pre-image of the hash that you have stored, surprise they have it now! If the text is sensitive don't use online hashing services.
There is no process for reverse hashing. You just guess a password and hash it. You can make big databases of these guesses and hashes for reverse lookup, but it's not reversing the hash itself. Search for "rainbow tables" for more details.
Those website does not preform any kind of reverse hashing. There are tables called "Rainbow tables". Those rainbow tables are precomputed table for caching the output of cryptographic hash functions. They got lots and lots of strings and calculated hash values for them and when someone search a hash value they lookup the corresponding value from table and display is.

Hash Table that tries to hash Strings uniformly?

I am currently in a Data Structures course nearing the end of the semester, and have been assigned a project in which we are implementing a Linked Hash Table to store and retrieve keys. We have been given a pretty large amount of freedom with how we are going to design our hash table implementation, but for bonus points we were told to try and find a hash function that distributes our keys (unique strings) close to uniformly and randomly throughout the table.
I have chosen to use the ELF hash, seen here
My question is as follows: With this hash function an integer is returned, but I am having trouble seeing how this can be used to help specify a specific index to put my key in in the hash table. I could simply do: index = ELFhash(String key) % tableSize, but does this defeat the purpose of using the ELF hash in the first place??
Also I have chosen my collision resolution strategy to be double hashing. Is there a good way to determine an appropriate secondary hashing function to find your jumps? My hash table is not going to be a constant size (sets of strings will be added and removed from the set of data I am hashing, and I will be rehashing them after each iteration of adding and removing to have a load factor of .75), so it is hard for me to just do something like k % n where n is a number that is relatively prime with my table size.
Thanks for taking the time to read my question, and let me know what you think!
You're correct to think about "wrapping bias," but for most practical purposes, it's not going to be a problem.
If the hash table is of size N and the hash value is in the range [0..M), then let k = floor(M/N). Any hash value in the range [0..k*N) is a "good" one in that, using mod N as a map, each hash bucket is mapped by exactly k hash values. The hash values in [k*N..M) are "bad" in that if you use them, the corresponding M-K*n lowest hash buckets map from one additional hash value. Even if the hash function is perfect, these buckets have a higher probability of receiving a given value.
The question, though, is "How much higher?" That depends on M and N. If the hash value is an unsigned int in [0..2^32), and - having read Knuth and others - you decide to pick prime number of buckets around a thousand, say 1009, what happens?
floor(2^32 / 1009) = 4256657
The number of "bad" values is
2^32 - 4256657 * 1009 = 383
Consequently, all buckets are mapped from 4256657 "good" values, and 383 get one additional unwanted "bad" value for 4256658. Thus the "bias" for is 1/4,256,657.
It's very unlikely you'll find a hash function where a 1 in 4 million probability difference between buckets will be noticeable.
Now if you redo the calculation with a million buckets instead of a thousand, then things look a bit different. In that case if you're a bit OC, you might want to switch to a 64-bit hash.
On additional thing: The Elf hash is pretty unlikely to give absolutely terrible results, and it's quite fast, but there are much better hash functions. A reasonably well-regarded one you might want give a try is Murmur 32. (The Wiki article mentions that the original alg has some weaknesses that can be exploited for DoS attacks, but for your application it will be fine.) I'm sure your prof doesn't want you to copy code, but the Wikipedia page has it complete. It would be interesting to implement Elf yourself and try it against Murmur to see how they compare.

How to reconstruct hash value to the original format?

I would like to know how I can reconstruct a hash value such as 558f68181d2b0c9d57d41ce7aa36b71d9 to its original format (734).
I have used a code in matlab, which provided me with an hash output, but I tried to revers the operation to obtain the original value but no use. I tired converting from hex to binary but no use.
Are there any built in functions that can help me obtaining the original value?
i have used this code :
In general this is impossible. The whole idea of cryptographical hashes (like SHA-1 used above) is to be as unpredictable as possible. The hash of certain data should always be the same (of course) but it should be really hard to predict which data that resulted in a certain hash.
If you have a limited amount of values, you could probably create a lookup-table (hash -> data that made it) but this is actually the exact opposite of how they are supposed to be used.
I think you want to create your own hashing for this problem, where you could inline the data you hash in some particular way.

Decrypted Hash and Encrypted hash

If this password's ( qwqwqw123456 ) hash is $2a$07$sijdbfYKmgWdcGhPPn$$$.C98C0wmy6jsqA3fUKODD0OFBKJkHdn.
What is the password of this hash $2a$07$sijdbfYKmgWdcGhPPn$$$.9PTdICzon3EUNHZvOOXgTY4z.UTQTqG
And Can I know which hash algorithm is it ?
You could try to guess which algorithm was used,
depending on the format and length of the hash,
your known value etc. but there is no definitive way to know it.
And the purpose of any "hash" function is
that it is NOT reversible/decryptable/whatever.
Depending on some factors you could try to guess the original value too
(Brute force attack: Try to hash all possible values and check which hash
is equal to yours) but, depending on the count of possibilities,
the used algortihm etc. that could take millions of years. (you could also be lucky
and get the correct value within short time, but that´s unlikely).
There are other things than bruteforce-ing, but in the end,
it´s pretty much impossible to reverse a good hash function

Initialization vector uniqueness

Best practice is to use unique ivs, but what is unique? Is it unique for each record? or absolutely unique (unique for each field too)?
If it's per field, that sounds awfully complicated, how do you manage the storage of so many ivs if you have 60 fields in each record.
I started an answer a while ago, but suffered a crash that lost what I'd put in. What I said was along the lines of:
It depends...
The key point is that if you ever reuse an IV, you open yourself up to cryptographic attacks that are easier to execute than those when you use a different IV every time. So, for every sequence where you need to start encrypting again, you need a new, unique IV.
You also need to look up cryptographic modes - the Wikipedia has an excellent illustration of why you should not use ECB. CTR mode can be very beneficial.
If you are encrypting each record separately, then you need to create and record one IV for the record. If you are encrypting each field separately, then you need to create and record one IV for each field. Storing the IVs can become a significant overhead, especially if you do field-level encryption.
However, you have to decide whether you need the flexibility of field level encryption. You might - it is unlikely, but there might be advantages to using a single key but different IVs for different fields. OTOH, I strongly suspect that it is overkill, not to mention stressing your IV generator (cryptographic random number generator).
If you can afford to do encryption at a page level instead of the row level (assuming rows are smaller than a page), then you may benefit from using one IV per page.
Erickson wrote:
You could do something clever like generating one random value in each record, and using a hash of the field name and the random value to produce an IV for that field.
However, I think a better approach is to store a structure in the field that collects an algorithm identifier, necessary parameters (like IV) for that parameter, and the ciphertext. This could be stored as a little binary packet, or encoded into some text like Base-85 or Base-64.
And Chris commented:
I am indeed using CBC mode. I thought about an algorithm to do a 1:many so I can store only 1 IV per record. But now I'm considering your idea of storing the IV with the ciphertext. Can you give me more some more advice: I'm using PHP + MySQL, and many of the fields are either varchar or text. I don't have much experience with binary in the database, I thought binary was database-unfriendly so I always base64_encoded when storing binary (like the IV for example).
To which I would add:
IBM DB2 LUW and Informix Dynamic Server both use a Base-64 encoded scheme for the character output of their ENCRYPT_AES() and related functions, storing the encryption scheme, IV and other information as well as the encrypted data.
I think you should look at CTR mode carefully - as I said before. You could create a 64-bit IV from, say, 48-bits of random data plus a 16-bit counter. You could use the counter part as an index into the record (probably in 16 byte chunks - one crypto block for AES).
I'm not familiar with how MySQL stores data at the disk level. However, it is perfectly possible to encrypt the entire record including the representation of NULL (absence of) values.
If you use a single IV for a record, but use a separate CBC encryption for each field, then each field has to be padded to 16 bytes, and you are definitely indulging in 'IV reuse'. I think this is cryptographically unsound. You would be much better off using a single IV for the entire record and either one unit of padding for the record and CBC mode or no padding and CTR mode (since CTR does not require padding - one of its merits; another is that you only use the encryption mode of the cipher for both encrypting and decrypting the data).
Once again, appendix C of NIST pub 800-38 might be helpful. E.g., according to this
you could generate an IV for the CBC mode simply by encrypting a unique nonce with your encryption key. Even simpler if you would use OFB then the IV just needs to be unique.
There is some confusion about what the real requirements are for good IVs in the CBC mode. Therefore, I think it is helpful to look briefly at some of the reasons behind these requirements.
Let's start with reviewing why IVs are even necessary. IVs randomize the ciphertext. If the same message is encrypted twice with the same key then (but different IVs) then the ciphertexts are distinct. An attacker who is given two (equally long) ciphertexts, should not be able to determine whether the two ciphertexts encrypt the same plaintext or two different plaintext. This property is usually called ciphertext indistinguishablility.
Obviously this is an important property for encrypting databases, where many short messages are encrypted.
Next, let's look at what can go wrong if the IVs are predictable. Let's for example take
Ericksons proposal:
"You could do something clever like generating one random value in each record, and using a hash of the field name and the random value to produce an IV for that field."
This is not secure. For simplicity assume that a user Alice has a record in which there
exist only two possible values m1 or m2 for a field F. Let Ra be the random value that was used to encrypt Alice's record. Then the ciphertext for the field F would be
EK(hash(F || Ra) xor m).
The random Ra is also stored in the record, since otherwise it wouldn't be possible to decrypt. An attacker Eve, who would like to learn the value of Alice's record can proceed as follows: First, she finds an existing record where she can add a value chosen by her.
Let Re be the random value used for this record and let F' be the field for which Eve can submit her own value v. Since the record already exists, it is possible to predict the IV for the field F', i.e. it is
hash(F' || Re).
Eve can exploit this by selecting her value v as
v = hash(F' || Re) xor hash(F || Ra) xor m1,
let the database encrypt this value, which is
EK(hash(F || Ra) xor m1)
and then compare the result with Alice's record. If the two result match, then she knows that m1 was the value stored in Alice's record otherwise it will be m2.
You can find variants of this attack by searching for "block-wise adaptive chosen plaintext attack" (e.g. this paper). There is even a variant that worked against TLS.
The attack can be prevented. Possibly by encrypting the random before using putting it into the record, deriving the IV by encrypting the result. But again, probably the simplest thing to do is what NIST already proposes. Generate a unique nonce for every field that you encrypt (this could simply be a counter) encrypt the nonce with your encryption key and use the result as an IV.
Also note, that the attack above is a chosen plaintext attack. Even more damaging attacks are possible if the attacker has the possibility to do chosen ciphertext attacks, i.e. is she can modify your database. Since I don't know how your databases are protected it is hard to make any claims there.
The requirements for IV uniqueness depend on the "mode" in which the cipher is used.
For CBC, the IV should be unpredictable for a given message.
For CTR, the IV has to be unique, period.
For ECB, of course, there is no IV. If a field is short, random identifier that fits in a single block, you can use ECB securely.
I think a good approach is to store a structure in the field that collects an algorithm identifier, necessary parameters (like IV) for that algorithm, and the ciphertext. This could be stored as a little binary packet, or encoded into some text like Base-85 or Base-64.
