Debug is not a recognized command (express) - node.js

Im running express on windows 8. I ran the command
>express app
after i ran the command to install dependencies
>cd app && npm install
after i attempted to run the app using the given command
>DEBUG=my-application ./bin/www
but I received the error message
'Debug' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
any ideas on how to fix this?
Some background info, I successfully installed node.js from their website. I attempted to install express usings the commands
>npm install
when that didnt work i followed the instuctions on this website when that didnt work i used the following command and it worked
npm install -g express-generator#3
i also made my own package.json and app.js based off the express website and i am now stuck.

For Windows : change your start command in the package.json file to
"scripts": {
"start": "set DEBUG=my-application & node ./bin/www"
then you can run npm start.
There's no need to set the DEBUG environment variable in your cmd window first.

First, you must set DEBUG as a environment variable:
set DEBUG=my-application
then, you can run the app:
node bin/www

In your root folder of your project you have to run this command
For Windows:
set DEBUG=express:* & node bin/www

For windows environments you need to use SET VARIABLE for example
"scripts" : {
"start" : "SET DEBUG=app & node ./bin/www"
That will help you with windows env but if you want to use cross platform I recommend to install this library cross-env that library will help you to set variables for windows and linux environments.
And the json should look like this:
"scripts" : {
"start" : "cross-env DEBUG=app & node ./bin/www"
I was having same issue and this help me!

use this settings on your package.json
For window Users..
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "set DEBUG=app & node app.js"
For Mac Users
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "DEBUG=app node app.js"
app is your-app-name such as [app.js][server.js] etc.

Follow the following steps for windows:
Go to your application i.e. cd app
npm install
set DEBUG=app
npm start
It will start listening on port 3000 by default.

This fixed my issue :
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "node src/index.js"

The below command is for the windows users running on Git Bash with nodemon.
"scripts": {
"start": "node index.js",
"dev": "SET DEBUG=app:* & nodemon index.js"


npm start is starting the server.js not my React app, how can I use it to start my app?

So I was having this issue of node not restarting the server when there changes made on the server.js file. I fixed it by editing the package.json file. However, once fixed, the npm start command starts the server.js file: [nodemon] starting `node server.js
How do I start my react app then? npm start was the command I used before
Most probably your set your package.json file to
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon server.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
Change your server package.json to something like this:
"scripts": {
"server": "nodemon server.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
then run the command
npm run server --this will start your server.js
Nodemon has nothing to do with the client-side(React app). So, before running npm-start:
Make sure you are in the correct directory cd [directory-name]
It's better to separate your front-end and back-end in a separate folder

I am facing problem in running the backend of a github repository

I hope you are doing great,
I am trying to cloning one of the Github repository,
here's the link to repo:
I've done everything according to my knowledge, I've run the MongoDB, install all the dependencies by npm I, frontend is running successfully but whenever I run the backend "npm run dev" am getting this error:
** ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon src/index.js
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. **
here's the script of package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "node index.js",
"dev": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon src/index.js"
Please let me know how can I fix this issue, thanks!

Typescript package.json scripts run build and start concurrently: port already in use

I am having an interesting problem building my typescript server using nodemon. I have a script for building out the ts files, and then starting the server. However, when I run these two concurrently, it starts at first fine, then after it is done building, it restarts, but gives me an error that the port is already in use. Is there a way to somehow kill the port each time before it starts?
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start:dev": "nodemon dist/index.js",
"build:dev": "tsc --watch --preserveWatchOutput",
"dev": "concurrently \"npm:build:dev\" \"npm:start:dev\""
I have tried adding "npx kill-port 8080 && nodemon dist/index.js" to the start:dev, but I am still getting that error. I have also tried "npx kill-port 8080; nodemon dist/index.js" Is there a solution to this issue? Thanks.
Edit: It seems that this is actually working as I expected it too however, for some reason the terminal is still showing an error message and therefore, anything my server logs to the console is hidden. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks.
I am not sure why exactly you get a port error, but you can improve your setup. Nodemon can run typescript with ts-node help.
Just install ts-node and run nodemon with --exec 'ts-node' property.
Example from my package.json:
"dev": "nodemon --watch 'src/**/*' -e 'ts' --exec 'ts-node' src/index.ts"

NPM: How can I hook SET NODE_ENV in package.json's prestart script?

I have a basic App created using npm init -y. In package.json I have a main entry which points to server.js.
"name": "rest-api",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "server.js",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"prestart": "SET NODE_ENV=dev"
I am trying to set the NODE_ENV variable in prestart and let npm to call main to invoke npm start. But environment variable set in the prestart is not carry forwarded and is undefined. When I run 'npm start', console outputs that both commands are executed in order.
PS D:\test\RestAPI> npm start
> rest-api#1.0.0 prestart D:\test\RestAPI
> set NODE_ENV=dev
> rest-api#1.0.0 start D:\test\RestAPI
> node server.js
[undefined] Listening on http://localhost:3000
but when I print the variable from the app, it is undefined. Is there anything that I am doing wrong here, or is this how it is supposed to behave? Is there a way to invoke and set env variable using 'SET NODE_ENV=dev' without chaining it to 'node server.js'
When I combine both in the 'start' as below, then the environment variable is set.
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "set NODE_ENV=dev && node server.js"
I am testing this on Windows 10, npm version 3.10.10. Appreciate your help.
I know how this can be done in package.json using 'start'. This question is specific to how this can be achieved through 'prestart'.
The short answer is NOT possible.
1. Why :
this is not be possible because each script executed by different processes that npm spawns for this purpose which has its own environment variables.
To realise that, create test project and configure both scripts to be like
"start": "pause&&set VAR1",
"prestart" : "pause&&set VAR1=value&&set VAR1&&pause",
On windows open the task manager and pay close attention how many cmd process es are listed before running the script.
run the command "npm start" and at each request "press any key to continue..." just notice how processes created are created. I attached screenshots for this in order
2. Unless :
you change how npm executes different scripts to use one cmd for all the scripts which I think is complicated and probably will create bugs.
If you want to chain scripts and add env variables along the way then checkout the example given in the cross-env package:
"scripts": {
"parentScript": "cross-env GREET=\"Joe\" npm run childScript",
"childScript": "cross-env-shell \"echo Hello $GREET\""

Npm "scripts": "start" run express and open url

I have this start params in package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "node bin/www"
It is running my express app when I am typing npm start.
But I want browser opened http://localhost:8081 at the same time. How can I say to start to open my local url as well?
like: "start": "node bin/www, http://localhost:8081"
So when I am typing npm satrt it runs my express app and opens the url at the same time.
As far as I know it's like writing a bash command:
// Windows
"start":"start http://localhost:8081 & node bin/www"
// Mac
"start":"open http://localhost:8081 && node bin/www"
// Linux
"start":"xdg-open http://localhost:8081 && node bin/www"
For cross-platform support use open-cli.
Install it:
npm install --save-dev open-cli
Add it to your scripts:
"start": "open-cli http://localhost:8081 && node bin/www"
You just need to use start in the right order!
"start": "npm run dev & start http://localhost:8000",
"start": "start http://localhost:8000 & npm run dev",
