How to import .bacpac to Azure Sql Database (not Sql Azure!) - azure

I've created a 2GB Azure SQL Database instance and I want to import my local database to it. When I connect via SSMS to my Azure DB and attempt to Import Data-tier Application from the context menu it wants me to create a new instance on SQL Azure, which isn't what I want..?
How can I import my current database from my local machine to the Azure SQL Database one?

Ok, realized that this was asked a while ago, but since I bumped into the problem myself the other day...
The way to do it now is to place the bacpac file in Azure Blob Storage (using f.ex. Visual Studio). Then use the Import function on the database server from The database is created as part of this process, and you can also choose the size.
If the db is large, choose something powerful for a start, so that the import doesn't take ages...

SSMS does not support directly importing from a database. You will need to export your database to a bacpac and then import the bacpac to your Microsoft Azure SQL database.


Azure Serverless SQL server database backup/restore

I've created an azure **serverless ** sql database. It seems there is no way to backup/restore this type of databases. I know there is restore to a point in time feature, But I what to download and save database backups my self.
Is there a way to backup serverless azure sql databases?
1-) There is no Backup/restore option on the database right click
2-) I've tried to use BACKUP T-SQL with azure storage account and storage url from SSMS but this is not supported.
You can use the "export" functionality by accessing the specific database in your Azure Portal to get a copy of your DB.
You can rely on Azure SQL's integrated Backup funcionality by setting up your requirements by accessing your DB Server in you Azure Portal and selecting the "Backup" uption.
You can use SSMS (SQL Management Studio), right click on the DB in question, and select "Tasks" --> "Export Data-tier Application", which will return a .bacpac file with your database. NOTE: bacpac files are not quite the same as full .bak files. bacpac files are not aware of any transactions that may be being executed whilst the data is being dumped, which means that you could end up with some data corruption.
Export your database as bacpac to an Storage Account. We are using weekly exports of the database on Saturdays, with a retention of one year for long-term backups.
The export will trigger an auto-resume of the database if the database was auto-paused.
We use an Azure Automation account and a PowerShell script to schedule the export of the database. Here you will find the script and the steps needed to schedule the script using Azure Automation.

How to import a local SQL database back-up file to an Azure SQL server database?

I have a project that is running on a local SQLExpress server. I have exported my database to a .bacpac file.
I am trying to restore that DB to an Azure SQL server. So what I am trying to do is to create a DB on Azure using this back-up file.
How can I do that?
The easiest way to migrate a database to Azure SQL Database is using Data Migration Assistant (DMA). This tool performs an assessment first to verify the database does not use incompatible statements with Azure SQL Database, and it also migrate the schema and/or the data, as you wish. Download it from here.
I imported it through SSMS by connecting to my Azure SQL server and doing import data-tier application

Creating a Azure Oracle Database and Import Database dump file placed in BLOB storage into Oracle Instance in Azure

I want to resolve below problems:
1) Take Database dump from a Oracle Database(On Prem)
2) Create a Oracle Database in Azure
3) Place the On Prem Database dump file on BLOB storage and import the database in the Azure Oracle Database.
For creating database dump, i am trying to use SQL Developer Database Export utility. But struggling with the output format.
For Azure Oracle DB, i have deployed Oracle Standard 12.2 from MarketPlace, but don't know how to create a DB and import DB using BLOB storage DUMP file
You could use Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory.
It supports Oracle Database connector and Azure Blob Storage connector.
Here is an official detailed guide about transferring data from or to Oracle DB on-prem.

Migrate SQL Server database from Azure to AWS

I need to migrate a SQL Server database from Azure to AWS. I've tried to create a backup on Azure but it seems that option is not available, not even through a script.
I don't know if exists an option to backup in Azure, as you said. However, you can export your database to a .BACPAC file and import it in a local instance of SQL Server. Then you can create a .bak file from this database to export to the AWS.
To export your database to a bacpac file, you can follow this documentation:
You have at least a few options here:
You can indeed create a backup in Azure. The backup file will get stored in a Storage account you set up. You can then download this and transfer it to your AWS VM (or RDS services) and restore it. I believe the manual backup you create in Azure is in the form of a .BACPAC file, which is just a compressed backup file.
You can create an empty database in AWS, sync the two schemas using something like RedGate or SSDT (which is free) and then use SSIS to move the data over. Or you could use scripts if you wanted. This would be a better option if you wanted to move your data over piecemeal.
You can use features in SSMS to copy the database directly from Azure and directly to AWS. Personally though I've never had a great deal of luck moving databases like this.

Import bacpac file to existing WASD on Azure portal

I have followed the steps mentioned on this link and i have created new DB successfully on azure portal. However i would like to know how can i import that on existing database using .bacpac file?
Currently the given answer won't work because as of now, the interface of the Azure portal has changed significantly. You won't find the import button that easily!
Supposing that you have clicked SQL databases from the navigation panel, then at the bottom, click "New". Then you will find Import button. The rest is easy.
It took me around 2 hours to figure out what Microsoft wrote in their documentation and what I am visualizing in their portal! It doesn't match and Microsoft forgot to update their documentations!
If you want to import the bacpac file through the Windows Azure portal you'll need to go to SQL Databases and press the Import button. You will be able to choose a bacpac from one of your storage accounts (you can upload bacpac files to your storage account with a free tool like CloudXplorer).
Note: The import process does not allow you to import into an existing database. You'll get the option to create a new database.
