Ext.Net brief introduction along with advantages and disadvantages [closed] - ext.net

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to Ext.Net can any one guide me what is Ext.Net and its advantages, disadvantages why we go for this?
thanks in advance.

Ext.NET (known as Coolite until November 2010) is a suite of
professional ASP.NET AJAX Web Controls which includes the Sencha ExtJS
JavaScript Framework.
Take a look at their examples and you will see that ext.net provides a quicker way to develop web apps.
WHAT is Ext.NET?
Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework
integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library.
WHO is it for?
If you are looking to build a rich, modern web application with
cutting edge web technologies, unparalleled cross-browser
compatibility and an advanced MVC architecture then Ext.NET is for
WHY should you use it?
Ext.NET is built for developers, by developers. We provide hundreds of
Demos in our Examples Explorer. Need a little support? Check out our
Developer Bundles.


options for controlling UX of Bot Framework in ionic app [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Bot Builder newbie here...
The Microsoft QnA Maker makes it really easy to get started with Cognitive Services because once you have your FAQ content loaded and the URL is set, you can interact with that URL in a simple web page. This allows a developer full control of how the content is styled and rendered within the web page, because you're playing with JSON content.
I'm trying to better understand the options available to a developer when using the Microsoft Bot Framework.
If I want to make a mobile app with the Ionic framework, it is (relatively) trivial to interact with the QnA web service and style the output. What if I wanted to make a mobile app with the Ionic framework and use a Bot Builder chatbot, though?
What are the options one has for UX (styling and formatting of responses) using the Bot Builder framework when you are NOT using QnA Maker? Does the "dialog" for the Bot Builder have to be embedded as an external control, thereby significantly reducing what the developer can control?
From what I can gather, nothing here is as trivial as the QnA Maker;
i.e., the Bot Builder Framework seems more complex than simply interacting with POST responses - "Easy: In your non-React website, run Web Chat inline"
The story of why the Bot Builder is more complex is not clear enough for me. It seems that it is has these "black box" aspects that make it more than a response of JSON and something that has to be "embedded" one way or another.
if you're just looking to style responses for QnA maker, two blog posts detail this:
QnA maker for Node.js bots
QnA maker and rich cards .NET
Your options are to use the built-in card attachments, or to be more flexible, you can use an adaptive card
Hope that helps! Good Luck!

reverse engineering by "Uml-Designer"

the very simple question: Is UML Designer able to execute the reverse engineering my classes ?
I am reading currently the documentation from official page, but didn't meet any words about this feature.
As UML Designer is based on the Eclipse UML2 project you can install the Eclipse UML Gen plugins: https://www.eclipse.org/umlgen/
One of these plugins will allow you to get a reverse engineering tool.
These plugins are not part of UML Designer but I will try in the future to improve the installation. An issue already exists about this in our tracker : https://github.com/ObeoNetwork/UML-Designer/issues/878

Full-stack NodeJS framework? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a full-stack, NodeJS-based framework similar to Ruby on Rails or PHP which renders templates on the server-side?
Basically, I am wanting to develop a web site which will be indexable by Google (non-SPA). I'd like to be able to include common header and footer files on each page. I basically want to do the following but with NodeJS:
<?php include 'header.php'; ?>
<h1>This is the home page</h1>
<p>Here is some content.</p>
<?php include 'footer.php'; ?>
I will not be using a RESTful API (or any API) for this web site. It's basically a simple, static web site which uses NodeJS for its server-side component.
I would suggest that docpad is the best solution at the moment for what your looking for. It allows you to setup a set of templates, content and styles which generate a static site for you.
You select what templating engine that you would like to use based on a plugin system. The tutorial (which I followed recently) explains very easily how to do what you would like to do. The tutorial uses eco templating engine. Now I knew nothing about eco and was able to follow and figure out some tricky requirements of my own without too much trouble.
If you go this route, then I also suggest the partial plugin, which is really nice for inserting bits into other bits.
Start here on how to use. It takes you through everything that you could need to know for using it.
I also suggest installing node.js as per these instructions.
If you have experience with Backbone.js, Rendr.js shows some promise.
Your best bet is to just use one of the simple frameworks like Express http://expressjs.com/, along with a simple templating engine like Handlebars.
This module is then the one you need to add to the project:
The readme of this is excellent, and has some fully working examples showing your two options:
Use a global layout file (this will have your header and footer in it).
Use partials - similar to the php example above
Keep in mind that the default Node world is to do server side rendering,just the same as PHP, but in JS. The frameworks like rendr are really trying to do something much more complex, and share rendering between server and client - you don't need this if you are just building a simple web site.
Best of luck.

Is there a framework similar to the EditorKit, in the JavaFX?

Is anyone aware of the similar framework based on JavaFX?
I was looking through the JavaFX API. Searched the web for third-party library that offers similar functionality, but failed to find anything remotely similar to the EditorKit...
There is HTMLEditor for HTML editing, if needed. By default JFX doesn't provide anything similar.
RFE : javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-30318
Question from developer : "what is missing from what we offer presently?" you (and anybody who wants) can comment on it in the issue. It is closed as not an issue for now, as, there not enough info about needs of such extensions.

Data Scraping from PDF and Excel [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am doing a little data scraping, There are 3 types of file from which i am scraping data.
2- PDF
3- Excel(xls)
For HTML i am comfortable, i am using HTML Agility for that.
For PDF and excel i need suggestions from anyone.
Thanks in advance.
Concerning Excel. If you are in a MS environment you can either do Office Automation or use OLEDB. In a Java environment look at Apache POI.
EDIT: Concerning PDF in Java try Apache PDFBox . Can also work in .NET using IKVM
I can recommend Cogniview's PDF2XL, a reasonably inexpensive commercial product, to extract data from tables in PDF files into Excel. We have used it with great success.
HTML Agility is a library. Its good to use. But then, why do you need separate tools for different data extraction purposes? Use Automation Anywhere to extract data from any source. As far as I know, it would work for all the three sources you have specified.
Google it.
You can use UiPath in order to achieve this. It can scrape 100% accurate PDF, Excel, HTML, Java, Windows, .NET, WPF, legacy. Also works with virtualized based environments but only via OCR scraping.
Can be used from code (SDK) but also you can create visual automation (workflows) using UiPath Studio.
Here's a tutorial on web data extraction
Note: I work at UiPath so I know it can do the job. You should also try other visual automation tools like Automation Anywhere, WinAutomation, Jacada, use them side by side and choose the one that suits you the best.
