SignalR access hub from elsewhere in server - iis

I'm hosting SignalR in IIS along with my application and while my remote clients can connect happily I can't get my application which has created the hubs to connect and take part itself reliably.
I have tried to connect to the hub from within the web server process which is successful but only if I know what port it is hosted on. As that can be configured from IIS to be anything then I don't know what port to try to connect to internally.
I had hoped I could make use of the IHubContext but that only seems to give me ways of sending messages but not receiving them.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
-- Edit --
I've moved on with my experimenting but I've hit a different brick wall now.
I'm setting up my hub like this
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(StatusHub), () => this.StatusHub);
So that I can have a single instance of the hub and hook into events on it from within my server but external to the hub itself.
I can then make use of a couple of events
public event EventHandler<string> Connected;
public event EventHandler<string> Disconnected;
And then else where
this.statusHub.Connected += (sender, connectionId) => this.UpdateServerStatus(connectionId);
this.statusHub.Disconnected += (sender, connectionId) => this.ReleaseLicense(connectionId);
And these functions get called as clients connect and disconnect when the hub makes the overidden calls to
public override Task OnConnected()
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
What I then can't seem to do is actually send messages to the clients using the hub. I've tried to do this
var host = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<StatusHub>();
and while host comes back as a valid object no client function I call on it appears to get through and I can't see any clients on the object.

In the end I was missing a key point. I'm no longer connecting to my own hub internally because the callbacks call me when I need to know.
Calling the client function in the end I was trying to call a hub function Update() and not the client function heartbeat().


Spring Integration Tcp project

I have a project that part of it is using Tcp connection, the case is as per below , I will also include a screen shot.
We have two clients, client 1 and client 2 those are conveyor belts so if we receive data on client one input we should send the reply to client 2 output and vise vers, I'm sure we can do it using Spring integration Tcp and probably getways. Am I approaching correctly Tcp integration at this case?
Yet I do not have code implementation but started to put something on it.
Sounds like you implementing a chat (or similar user-to-user) communication.
No, gateways won't help you here.
You need to have a TcpReceivingChannelAdapter and TcpSendingMessageHandler connected to the same AbstractServerConnectionFactory. The TcpSendingMessageHandler is registered as a TcpSender with that connection and all the sending connections are stored in the Map<String, TcpConnection> connections. When we produce a message to this MessageHandler, it tries to consult that registry like this:
private void handleMessageAsServer(Message<?> message) {
// We don't own the connection, we are asynchronously replying
String connectionId = message.getHeaders().get(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID, String.class);
TcpConnection connection = null;
if (connectionId != null) {
connection = this.connections.get(connectionId);
if (connection != null) {
So, on the receiving side (TcpReceivingChannelAdapter and its sub-flow) you need to ensure somehow that you really set a proper IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID header for producing so-called reply in the end to a desired client.
You probably can react for the TcpConnectionOpenEvent via #EventListener and register some business key with the connectionId for the future correlation. When you send a message, you supply that target user business key, in the TcpReceivingChannelAdapter sub-flow you take that business key and obtain a desired connectionId from you registry. And enrich it into the IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID header for automatic logic in the TcpSendingMessageHandler.
When TcpConnectionCloseEvent happens you have to remove its respective entry from your custom registry.
Since TCP/IP comes without headers support there is no any out-of-the-box mechanism to implement such a correlation feature.
Although TcpConnectionOpenEvent might not be enough for you since there is no any business info when connection is established. Perhaps you would need to implement some hand-shake logic in the TcpReceivingChannelAdapter flow to distinguish a real message and connection metadata for registering in the custom registry.
See more info in the docs:
It might be also better for your use-case to look into a WebSocket support:

Seeking an understanding of ServiceStack.Redis: IRedisClient.PublishMessage vs IMessageQueueClient.Publish

I am having a hard time separating the IRedisClient.PublishMessage and IMessageQueueClient.Publish and realize I must be mixing something up.
ServiceStack gives us the option to listen for pub/sub broadcasts like this:
static IRedisSubscription _subscription;
static IRedisClient redisClientSub;
static int received = 0;
static void ReadFromQueue()
redisClientSub = redisClientManager.GetClient();
_subscription = redisClientSub.CreateSubscription();
_subscription.OnMessage = (channel, msg) =>
catch (Exception ex)
Task.Run(() => _subscription.SubscribeToChannels("Test"));
Looks nice, straightforward. But what about the producer?
When looking at the classes available, I thought that one could either user the IRedisClient.PublishMessage(string toChannel, string message) or IMessageQueueClient.Publish(string queueName, IMessage message).
redisClient.PublishMessage("Test", json);
// or:
myMessageQueueClient.Publish("Test", new Message<CoreEvent>(testReq));
In both cases, you specify the channel name yourself. This is the behaviour I am seeing:
the subscriber above only receives the message if I use IRedisClient.PublishMessage(string toChannel, string message) and never if I use IMessageQueueClient.Publish(string queueName, IMessage message)
If I publish using IRedisClient.PublishMessage, I expected the "Test" channel to be populated (if I view with a Redis browser), but it is not. I never see any trace of the queue (let's say I don't start the subscription, but producers adds messages)
If I publish using IMessageQueueClient.Publish(string queueName, IMessage message), the channel "Test" is created and the messages are persisted there, but never popped/fetched-and-deleted.
I want to understand the difference between the two. I have looked at source code and read all I can about it, but I haven't found any documentation regarding IRedisClient.PublishMessage.
Mythz answered this on ServiceStack forum, here.
He writes:
These clients should not be used interchangeably, you should only be
using ServiceStack MQ clients to send MQ Messages or the Message MQ
Message wrapper.
The redis subscription is low level API to create a Redis Pub/Sub
subscription, a more useful higher level API is the Managed Pub/Sub
Server which wraps the pub/sub subscription behind a managed thread.
Either way, MQ Server is only designed to process messages from MQ
clients, if you’re going to implement your own messaging
implementation use your own messages & redis clients not the MQ
clients or MQ Message class.
No IRedisClient (& ServiceStack.Redis) APIs are for Redis Server, the
PublishMessage API sends the redis PUBLISH command. IRedisSubscription
creates a Redis Pub/Sub subscription, see Redis docs to learn how
Redis Pub/Sub works. The ServiceStack.Redis library and all its APIs
are just for Redis Server, it doesn’t contain any
ServiceStack.Messaging MQ APIs.
So just use ServiceStack.Redis for your custom Redis Pub/Sub
subscription implementation, i.e. don’t use any ServiceStack.Messaging
APIs which is for ServiceStack MQ only.

How to listen to a queue using azure service-bus with Node.js?

I have several clients sending messages to an azure service bus queue. To match it, I need several machines reading from that queue and consuming the messages as they arrive, using Node.js.
I have read the azure service bus queues tutorial and I am aware I can use receiveQueueMessage to read a message from the queue.
However, the tutorial does not mention how one can listen to a queue and read messages as soon as they arrive.
I know I can simply poll the queue for messages, but this spams the servers with requests for no real benefit.
After searching in SO, I found a discussion where someone had a similar issue:
Listen to Queue (Event Driven no polling) Service-Bus / Storage Queue
And I know they ended up using the C# async method ReceiveAsync, but it is not clear to me if:
That method is available for Node.js
If that method reads messages from the queue as soon as they arrive, like I need.
The documentation for Node.js is close to non-existant, with that one tutorial being the only major document I found.
How can my workers be notified of an incoming message in azure bus service queues ?
According to Azure support, it is not possible to be notified when a queue receives a message. This is valid for every language.
Work arounds
There are 2 main work arounds for this issue:
Use Azure topics and subscriptions. This way you can have all clients subscribed to an event new-message and have them check the queue once they receive the notification. This has several problems though: first you have to pay yet another Azure service and second you can have multiple clients trying to read the same message.
Continuous Polling. Have the clients check the queue every X seconds. This solution is horrible, as you end up paying the network traffic you generate and you spam the service with useless requests. To help minimize this there is a concept called long polling which is so poorly documented it might as well not exist. I did find this NPM module though:
Honestly, at this point, you may be wondering why you should be using this service. I agree...
As an alternative there is RabbitMQ which is free, has a community, good documentation and a ton more features.
The downside here is that maintaining a RabbitMQ fault tolerant cluster is not exactly trivial.
Another alternative is Apache Kafka which is also very reliable.
You can receive messages from the service bus queue via subscribe method which listens to a stream of values. Example from Azure documentation below
const { delay, ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage } = require("#azure/service-bus");
// connection string to your Service Bus namespace
// name of the queue
const queueName = "<QUEUE NAME>"
async function main() {
// create a Service Bus client using the connection string to the Service Bus namespace
const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
// createReceiver() can also be used to create a receiver for a subscription.
const receiver = sbClient.createReceiver(queueName);
// function to handle messages
const myMessageHandler = async (messageReceived) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${messageReceived.body}`);
// function to handle any errors
const myErrorHandler = async (error) => {
// subscribe and specify the message and error handlers
processMessage: myMessageHandler,
processError: myErrorHandler
// Waiting long enough before closing the sender to send messages
await delay(20000);
await receiver.close();
await sbClient.close();
// call the main function
main().catch((err) => {
console.log("Error occurred: ", err);
source :
I asked myslef the same question, here is what I found.
Use Google PubSub, it does exactly what you are looking for.
If you want to stay with Azure, the following ist possible:
cloud functions can be triggered from SBS messages
trigger an event-hub event with that cloud function
receive the event and fetch the message from SBS
You can make use of serverless functions which are "ServiceBusQueueTrigger",
they are invoked as soon as message arrives in queue,
Its pretty straight forward doing in nodejs, you need bindings defined in function.json which have type as
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
This article ( probably would help in more detail.

Rebus - Send delayed message to another queue (Azure ServiceBus)

I have a website and and a webjob, where the website is a oneway client and the webjob is worker.
I use the Azure ServiceBus transport for the queue.
I get the following error:
InvalidOperationException: Cannot use ourselves as timeout manager
because we're a one-way client
when I try to send Bus.Defer from the website bus.
Since Azure Servicebus have built in support for timeoutmanager should not this work event from a oneway client?
The documentation on Bus.Defer says: Defers the delivery of the message by attaching a header to it and delivering it to the configured timeout manager endpoint
/// (defaults to be ourselves). When the time is right, the deferred message is returned to the address indicated by the header."
Could I fix this by setting the ReturnAddress like this:
headers.Add(Rebus.Messages.Headers.ReturnAddress, "webjob-worker");
Could I fix this by setting the ReturnAddress like this: headers.Add(Rebus.Messages.Headers.ReturnAddress, "webjob-worker");
Yes :)
The problem is this: When you await bus.Defer a message with Rebus, it defaults to return the message to the input queue of the sender.
When you're a one-way client, you don't have an input queue, and thus there is no way for you to receive the message after the timeout has elapsed.
Setting the return address fixes this, although I admit the solution does not exactly reek of elegance. A nicer API would be if Rebus had a Defer method on its routing API, which could be called like this:
var routingApi = bus.Advanced.Routing;
await routingApi.Defer(recipient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), message);
but unfortunately it does not have that method at the moment.
To sum it up: Yes, setting the return address explicitly on the deferred message makes a one-way client capable of deferring messages.

How can services written in JAVA communicate with zeromq broker written in C

I have written a request-reply broker using zeromq and the C programming language. The broker routes client requests to the appropriate services, and then routes the reply back to the client. The services are written in JAVA.
Can someone please explain how to have the services communicate with the broker. I am sure that this must be a common scenario, but I don't have much experience, so can someone please help me with making my code inter-operable.
Please assume that the services will not be zeromq aware. Is node.js to be used in such a scenario? Will I have to write an http front end?
Here's one way you can do it using async PUSH/PULL sockets. I'm psuedo-coding this, so fill in the blanks yourself:
Assuming the Java services are POJO's residing in their own process, let's say we have a simple service with no zmq dependencies:
public class MyJavaService{
public Object invokeService(String params){
Now we build a Java delegate layer that pulls in messages from the broker, delegating requests to the Java service methods, and returning the response on a separate socket:
//receive on this
Socket pull = ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.PULL)
//respond on this
Socket push = ctx.createSocket( ZMQ.PUSH)
while( true){
ZMsg msg = pull.recvMsg( pull)
//assume the msg has 2 frames,
//one for service to invoke,
//the other with arguments
String svcToInvoke = msg.popString()
String svcArgs = msg.popString()
if( "MyJavaService".equals(svcToInvoke)){
ZMsg respMsg = new ZMsg()
respMsg.push( (new MyJavaService()).invokeService( svcArgs))
respMsg.send( push)
On the broker side, just create the PUSH/PULL sockets to communicate with the Java services layer (I'm not a C++ programmer, so forgive me)
int main () {
zmq::context_t context(1);
zmq::socket_t push(context, ZMQ_PUSH);
push.bind( "tcp://localhost:5555");
// First allow 0MQ to set the identity
zmq::socket_t pull(context, ZMQ_PULL);
pull.bind( "tcp://localhost:5556");
//code here to handle request/response,
//to clients
Using PUSH/PULL works for this approach, but the ideal approach is to use ROUTER on the server, and DEALER on the client, for full asynchronous communication, example here.
Hope it helps!
