Possible to change a job's priority after creation in kue? - node.js

The requirement is simple, after creating a job in kue with a given priority, is it possible to change its priority (like renice in POSIX) before it's scheduled to run?

I had the same need.
It seems that job.priority(level).update(fn) works. Job#save(fn) could also be used as it calls Job#update(fn) if the job has already been saved.


How would I make an Use Case Diagram without user interaction? [duplicate]

Should a batch scheduled process (for example, a nightly process) be modeled as a Use Case? it is something the system should do, but there is not an Actor "using" the feature, because it is scheduled.
Any suggestions?
We've defined a 'Scheduler' actor to model that scenario. The Scheduler usually has its own set of use cases which are batch jobs, or executables that need to run regularly, etc. For example, the Use Case can be written like "The Use Case begins when the current time is on the hour" for a job that runs 24 times a day. We try not to include too many of these cases because it is too easy to get bogged down into implementation details. We wait until really important activities have to be timed, like monthly close procedures for the accounting department. They don't mention any software specifics (like the name of the scheduling software), just that the Use Case is triggered by the Scheduler actor on a given day and/or time.
First attempt:
Time can be actor in your use case.
But as you said it is strange as an primary actor.
You can think a human alternative.
So ask yourself:
System automatically do a batch scheduled process but: when? how? ...
So WHO will tell the system when? how ? to do you scheduled process? Is there a role which configure a batch scheduled process? If so..
Second Attempt:
There is a good article at IBM site Dear Dr. Use Case: Is the Clock an Actor?
And you can check similiar question at Is TIME an actor in a use case?
The system (O.S.) its the "actor":
In U.M.L, an "Actor" is not just a person, can be a process or the O.S., you just add an stereotype, indicating its "system".

Why in kubernetes cron job two jobs might be created, or no job might be created?

In k8s Cron Job Limitations mentioned that there is no guarantee that a job will executed exactly once:
A cron job creates a job object about once per execution time of its
schedule. We say “about” because there are certain circumstances where
two jobs might be created, or no job might be created. We attempt to
make these rare, but do not completely prevent them. Therefore, jobs
should be idempotent
Could anyone explain:
why this could happen?
what are the probabilities/statistic this could happen?
will it be fixed in some reasonable future in k8s?
are there any workarounds to prevent such a behavior (if the running job can't be implemented as idempotent)?
do other cron related services suffer with the same issue? Maybe it is a core cron problem?
The controller:
starts with a comment that lays the groundwork for an explanation:
I did not use watch or expectations. Those add a lot of corner cases, and we aren't expecting a large volume of jobs or scheduledJobs. (We are favoring correctness over scalability.)
If we find a single controller thread is too slow because there are a lot of Jobs or CronJobs, we we can parallelize by Namespace. If we find the load on the API server is too high, we can use a watch and UndeltaStore.)
Just periodically list jobs and SJs, and then reconcile them.
Periodically means every 10 seconds:
The documentation following the quoted limitations also has some useful color on some of the circumstances under which 2 jobs or no jobs may be launched on a particular schedule:
If startingDeadlineSeconds is set to a large value or left unset (the default) and if concurrentPolicy is set to AllowConcurrent, the jobs will always run at least once.
Jobs may fail to run if the CronJob controller is not running or broken for a span of time from before the start time of the CronJob to start time plus startingDeadlineSeconds, or if the span covers multiple start times and concurrencyPolicy does not allow concurrency. For example, suppose a cron job is set to start at exactly 08:30:00 and its startingDeadlineSeconds is set to 10, if the CronJob controller happens to be down from 08:29:00 to 08:42:00, the job will not start. Set a longer startingDeadlineSeconds if starting later is better than not starting at all.
Higher level, solving for only-once in a distributed system is hard:
Clocks and time synchronization in a distributed system is also hard:
To the questions:
why this could happen?
For instance- the node hosting the CronJobController fails at the time a job is supposed to run.
what are the probabilities/statistic this could happen?
Very unlikely for any given run. For a large enough number of runs, very unlikely to escape having to face this issue.
will it be fixed in some reasonable future in k8s?
There are no idemopotency-related issues under the area/batch label in the k8s repo, so one would guess not.
are there any workarounds to prevent such a behavior (if the running job can't be implemented as idempotent)?
Think more about the specific definition of idempotent, and the particular points in the job where there are commits. For instance, jobs can be made to support more-than-once execution if they save state to staging areas, and then there is an election process to determine whose work wins.
do other cron related services suffer with the same issue? Maybe it is a core cron problem?
Yes, it's a core distributed systems problem.
For most users, the k8s documentation gives perhaps a more precise and nuanced answer than is necessary. If your scheduled job is controlling some critical medical procedure, it's really important to plan for failure cases. If it's just doing some system cleanup, missing a scheduled run doesn't much matter. By definition, nearly all users of k8s CronJobs fall into the latter category.

How to set the maximum priority to a Slurm job?

as administrator I need to give the maximum priority to a given job.
I have found that submission options like: --priority=<value> or --nice[=adjustment] could be useful, but I do not know which values I should assign them in order to provide the job with the highest priority.
Another approach could be to set a low priority by default to all the jobs and to the special ones increase it.
Any idea of how I could carry it out?
EDIT: I am using sched/backfill policy and the default job priority policy (FIFO).
Thank you.
I found a solution that works without the need of using PriorityType=priority/multifactor (as suggested by Bub Espinja):
$ scontrol update job=<job-id> Priority=<any-integer>
The above command will update the priority of the job and update the queue accordingly.
The minimum priority needed to become the next one in line can be found by checking the priority of the next pending job and adding one to it. You can find the priority of a job using the following:
$ scontrol show job=<job-id>
(scontrol update can be used to change many aspects of a job, such as time limit and others.)
I just learned one can do
$ scontrol top <job-id>
to put a job at the top of their queue.
What I have done is to use the priority plug-in multifactor, with the default configuration, adding this line to slurm.conf:
Then, as all the jobs will have the priority 0, I must update the target job priority, in my case using the API:
job_desc_msg_t job_update;
job_update.job_id = target_job_id;
job_update.priority = 4294967295;
From the Slurm FAQ:
The job's priority is an integer that ranges between 0 and 4294967295. The larger the number, the higher the job will be positioned in the queue, and the sooner the job will be scheduled.

How to handle overtime crons

Suppose if i have cron tasks running every minute. And if each time, that task takes more than one minute to run, what will happen. Will the next cron wait for the first cron or will it run without any checks.
I want to run a cron task every minute and I don't over lapping cron tasks like that in case of a long running task/situation.
please help.
It depends on what you run. If it's your own script, you can implement a locking/lock checking mechanism to avoid running duplicates.
But that's not cron's job.
Yes, cron will go ahead and start your 1+ minute-running process every minute until something crashes.
You'll want to put a lock of some sort into your job if you can to basically do this at start-up:
if not get_lock()
print "Another process is running"
This, of course, assumes that you own the code running. If you're running a command that you didn't code, then I'd recommend building a shell wrapper that implements the above pseudocoded logic where get_lock() will see if another process like this one is running.
As others have mentioned, CRON will run your script every minute regardless of whether another instance of your script is still running.
If you want to avoid this and don't fancy implementing your own locking mechanism then you could try using a CRON alternative called The Fat Controller which is a daemon that will continually re-run scripts. You can optionally specify an interval between runs and also optionally specify a maximum execution time so if a script goes AWOL then it can be killed.
There's some use cases and more information on the website:

How to define frequency of a job in application by users?

I have an application that has to launch jobs repeatingly. But (yes, that would have been to easy without a but...) I would like users to define their backup frequency in application.
In worst case, they would have to choose between :
every 12 hours,
every 6 hours,
In best case, they should be able to use crontab expressions (see documentation for example)
How to do this? Do I launch a job every minutes that check for last execution time, frequency and then launches another job if needed? Do I create a sort of queue that will be executed by a masterjob?
Any clues, ideas, opinions, best pratices, experiences are welcome!
EDIT : Solved this problem using Akka scheduler. Ok, this is a technical solution not a design answer but still everything works great.
Each user defined repetition is an actor that send messages every period to a new actor to execute the actual job.
There may be two ways to do this depending on your requirements/architecture:
If you can only use Play:
The user creates the job and the frequency it will run (crontab, whatever).
On saving the job, you calculate the first time it will have to be run. You then add an entry to a table JOBS with the execution time, job id, and any other information required. This is required as Play is stateless and information must be stored in the DB for later retrieval.
You have a job that queries the table for entries whose execution date is less than now. Retrieves the first, runs it, removes it from the table and adds a new entry for next execution. You should keep some execution counter so if a task fails (which means the entry is not removed from DB) it won't block execution of the other tasks by the job trying again and again.
The frequency of this job is set to run every second. That way while there is information in the table, you should execute the request around as often as they are required. As Play won't spawn a new job while the current one is working if you have enough tasks this one job will serve all. If not, it will be killed at some point and restored when required.
Of course, the crons of the users will not be too precise, as you have to account for you own cron delays plus execution delays on all the tasks in queue, which will be run sequentially. Not the best approach, unless you somehow disallow crons which run every second or more often than every minute (to be safe). Doing a check on execution time of the crons to kill them if they are over a certain amount of time would be a good idea.
If you can use more than Play:
The better alternative I believe is to use Quartz (see this) to create a future execution when the user creates the job, and reproram it once the execution is over.
There was a discussion on google-groups about it. As far as I remember you must define a job which start every 6 hours and check which backups must be done. So you must remember when the last backup job was finished and make the control yourself. I'm unsure if Quartz can handle such a requirement.
I looked in the source-code (always a good source ;-)) and found a method every, where I think this should be do what you want. How ever I'm unsure if this is a clever design, because if you have 1000 user you will have then 1000 Jobs. I'm unsure if Play was build to handle such a large number of jobs.
[Update] For cron-expressions you should have a look into JobPlugin.scheduleForCRON()
There are several ways to solve this.
If you don't have a really huge load of jobs, I'd just persist them to a table using the required flexibility. Then check all of them every hour (or the lowest interval you support) and run those eligible. Simple.
Or, if you prefer to use cron syntax anyway, just write (export) jobs to a user crontab using a wrapper which calls back to your running app, or starts the job in a standalone process if that's possible.
