How to search venuless checkins using Foursqure API - foursquare

I'm looking for the most convinient way for serching venuless check-ins just like one can search venues. But now I want to find all the venueless check-ins in the area with a particular text comment. Is it possible to do?


Foursquare API - Disable Suggested Locations

We are trying to pull all bars and restaurants from the foursquare API for a specific area. However we are noticing only locations that foursquare recommends are showing up. We are not interested in that, we are interested in every bar in the area. Is there a way to disable the suggested bars so that all bars show up at once?
You should be using the venues/search API for this - it sounds like you're using the venues/explore API.
Note that with any API call, you can only retrieve 50 venues at a time. There isn't a straightforward way to get every bar within a search area.

Filter Search and Free text search using Foursquare api

We are currently developing a food/restaurant search on our website using Foursquare API.
We have hit an issue which is the free text search. If I would like to search for a specific restaurant/food venue eg. "Lucilda Pizzeria" will it allow me to do so?
Can we use the Food Category in the Category tree to allow people to filter the venues? Eg. "Minnesota" - "Bagel Shop"
Hope anyone can please clear up these questions for me.
Thanks to anyone who will get back to me with an answer.
Take a look at the getting started guide to search:, then read about the search and explore endpoints. In your use case, I would recommend making an explore API request with the intent=food parameter passed in.

How to get the file excerpts for search using box api?
This api returns only the files/folders related to the search query. How do I show the search excerpts?
Should I integrate solr/lucene for search?
I mean excerpt from the content of the files/documents. The search snippets that you see like in google.
The description in this case.
The Box API currently does not provide this in the search response, but we're looking at adding it sometime in the future.

Get Google Discussion search results

I would like go get the results retrieved by Google Discussion Search, like this. Notice the Discussion tab on the bottom left side.
I prefer to use Python, and the Google Custom Search API, but I am not sure if they support the Discussion search, so any option is welcome.
Does not appear to be any way the API results can be tailored to fetch 'discussion' results but the API can filter by filetype, so why not try a q query looking for the RSS feeds produced by forums? your key &cx= your_id &q=diablo 3 forum RSS&fileType=rss&alt=json
Many tend to have a latest/ last post feed and monitoring these for changes should produce a good stream of data.

Does SharePoint Search support range tags?

I am working on a project to digitize approximately 1 million images for which metadata will be added to facilitate search.
Each image is, for example, a page in a dictionary. But not text. Just a static scanned image. OCR is not an option :(
My objective is to emulate the current search procedure which consists of looking up the alphabetical entries till the correct page is found. In absence of machine readable text, I am looking at tagging each page with Dictionary range tag. For Example (Apple-Canada). So if someone searches for "Banana", it should hit the (Apple-Canada) range Tag.
Is this supported in SharePoint out of the box? If not, is there an addon product which provides this functionality or am I looking at building a customized extension?
Any help will be appreciated :)
Installing the IFilter for TIF files is done with a couple of clicks and gives you free OCR along the way. Very good for scanned pages.
On your question though: No, SharePoint does not have any kind of "range" tags or fields. The only vaguely similar thing to what you are requesting is the Thesaurus of the search. There you could define acronyms and synonyms for words and it would actually search for something else. So you could enter Banana but it would actually search for Apple. Some examples here: How to: Customize the Thesaurus in SharePoint Search and Search Server.
Other than that I can only think of a custom implemented search provider giving you the flexibility you need.
