Setting up cron job with Bolt on Plesk 11.5.30 - cron

I'm trying to setup a cron job with via the Plesk 11.5.30 admin console.
Bolt task scheduler documentation:
Scheduled Tasks
I have setup crontab for the apache user as follows:
Min H DM M DW Command
0 */1 * * * /var/www/vhosts/ cron
0 */1 * * * httpdocs/app/nut cron
The reason for two different commands here is that I've read in another thread troubleshooting Plesk that the command path should be relative from the domain. I assume if the first one fails, the second will still run. I also assume the above will run cron every hour.
Bolt Config
In my config file the cron_hour is set to 3am. However as the listener is set for an hourly event CRON_HOURLY I assume the setting is bypassed/ignored. Either way this setup has been running for over 48 hours and no effect has yet been witnessed.
Bolt Setup
As a test I have added the following into my Bolt extension so that it should simply send me an email when it is run (the following has been cut down to keep it short).
use \Bolt\CronEvents;
class Extension extends \Bolt\BaseExtension
function initialize() {
$this->app['dispatcher']->addListener(CronEvents::CRON_HOURLY, array($this, 'cronNotifier'));
function cronNotifier() {
// send email script...
I've tested my email script individual so I know it works. With the cron job setup and assumed to be running this function is never hit. What's more is that in the database the bolt_cron table remains to be empty.
If anyone could help suggest some things I could try to get this running it would be greatly appreciated.
In order to fix this issue I altered my schedule to execute every 5 minutes (quicker debug loop). I then made the following discoveries:
I had to set execute permissions on public for the nut file (so apache user could execute it)
for the server I'm using only the full path version works
Thanks #Gawain for prompting me in the right direction.

Scheduled Tasks
Yes, that looks correct. The handling of directory locations was enhanced recently, but you used to need to call nut from in the Bolt directory.
Bolt Config
cron_hour only applies to daily, and longer periods. There was a bug I fixed recently that was blocking out midnight to 3 am hourly tasks.
OK, there should be traces logged in the Bolt log about running cron events.
If you run this, do you see the hourly job trigger and your email sent?
./app/nut cron --run=cron.Hourly
If that works, then the problem is with the system cron/crontab, if editing directly were you using crontab -e?
Also if you're on an older checkout of master, you can try to prefix the crontab command section with
cd /var/www/vhosts/ &&
...before each invocation of ./app/nut


Cron job scheduled not running automatically in Node.js BOT

I am working on a Bot, using BotFramework-node.js hosted on Azure.
I am using four cronjobs in my bot to run different functions at different points of a day. The only issue is that the jobs are not running automatically. They will run normally if i compile/run the code, but wont if i don't compile/run it within 12 hours i.e, if i run the code manually today morning, the jobs will execute fine for today but tomorrow it won't unless i run it again.
Tried changing the modules. I have tried using node-schedule, node-cron. Now using cron
var Name = new CronJob({
cronTime:'0 15 11 * * 0-6',
onTick: function(){
//function call / another js file call

How to create custom scheduler in sugarcrm?

I am trying to create custom scheduler in sugarcrm using its documentation in
I have created job label in path ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/Language/en_us.final_test.php
with code
$mod_strings['LBL_FINAL_TEST'] = 'Final Test Of Scheduler';
and created job function in path
with code
array_push($job_strings, 'final_test');
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('my fatal message inside function');//this works
function final_test(){
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('my fatal message inside function');//this don't
return true;
Here if i put
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('my fatal message outside function');
outside the function then it runs I get message in log file. But
when i put
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('my fatal message inside function');
inside the function then this doesn't work and i don't get any log.
Which part am I doing wrong? where can I get proper tutorial to develop custom scheduler for sugarcrm?
NOTE: I have set the scheduler to run at every minute
I'd guess that your Schedulers are not running at all.
(Your "outside" message probably only makes it into the log whenever the file is loaded in general)
Make sure your cron jobs are configured correctly, as they are required to call Sugar's Scheduler Engine every minute:
If you don't feel like setting them up, you could also manually trigger Schedulers with php -f cron.php (on web service account e.g. sudo -u www-data php -f cron.php if on Debian linux) in your Sugar directory.
If your function's output still doesn't appear in the logs:
Check if your current function is in custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php. If not, run a Quick Repair & Rebuild.
Check file permissions on the log file
Check your PHP log/output for errors. E.g. in case you defined a function called "final_test" somewhere else already, PHP would terminate with a fatal error due to a function name collision.

Azure WebJob has status "Never finished" in WebJobs Dashboard

I have long running web job in AppService (around 1h).
AppService has "Always on" turned on.
It is initialized with:
var host = new JobHost(config);
Actual methods SyncUsers wrapped with attributes:
[Timeout("00:59:00", ThrowOnTimeout = true)]
Schedule is set with settings file settings.job:
"is_singleton": true,
"schedule": "0 0 */4 * * *"
Main issue is that in WebJobs Dashboard I see status "Never finished" in 90% of cases (or failed with exception - OK situation). Running time for such jobs is different: from 5 min to 30 mins. Logs just stopped at some moment without any exception or detailed message.
Another thing is that I can see that multiple jobs are running in the same time. So looks like singleton and schedule don't work (since job should run every 4h).
Also some jobs that have this status, displayed without running time, like this: "1 hour ago ( running time)" and I am not able to see logs or download them.
Anybody had such experience?
Thank you
Looks like you're trying to run an executable that never ends as a triggered WebJob, which has no chance of working. You need to either:
Use a continuous WebJob and rely on the WebJobs SDK for your timer
Use a plain console app deployed as a Scheduled WebJob. No need to use the SDK here. Just do what you need to do from your Main() and let it end.
I'd suggest #2 unless you have a specific need to use the WebJobs SDK.

Azure subscription and webjob questions

So i'm trying to get a small project of mine going that I want to host on azure, it's a web app which works fine and I've recently found webjobs which I now want to use to have a task run which does data gathering and updating, which I have a Console App for.
My problem is that I can't set a schedule, since it is published to the web app which dosen't support scheduling, so I tried using the Azure Webjobs SDK and using a timer but it wont run without a AzureWebJobsStorage connection string which I cannot get since my Azure account is a Dreamspark account and I cannot make a Azure Storage Account with it.
So I was wondering if there is some way to get this webjob to run on a time somehow (every hour or so). Otherwise if I just upgraded my account to "Pay-As-You-Go"? would I still retain my free features? namely SQL Server.
Im not sure if this is the right palce to ask but I tried googling for it without success.
Update: Decided to just make the console app run oin a infinate loop and ill just monitor it through the portal, the code below is what I am using to made that loop.
class Program
static void Main()
var time = 1000 * 60 * 30;
Timer myTimer = new Timer(time);
myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(myTimer_Elapsed);
public static void myTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
The simplest way to get your Web Job on a schedule is detailed in Amit Apple's blog titled "How to add a schedule to a triggered WebJob".
It's as simple as adding a JSON file called settings.job to your console application and in it describing the schedule you want as a cron expression like so:
{"schedule": "the schedule as a cron expression"}
For example, to run your job every 30 minutes you'd have this in your settings.job file:
{"schedule": "0 0,30 * * * *"}
Amit's blog also goes into details on how to write a cron expression.
Caveat: The scheduling mechanism used in this method is hosted on the instance where your web application is running. If your web application is not configured as Always On and is not in constant use it might be unloaded and the scheduler will then stop running.
To prevent this you will either need to set your web application to Always On or choose an alternative scheduling option - based on the Azure Scheduler service, as described in a blog post titled "Hooking up a scheduler job to a WebJob" written by David Ebbo.

Help getting first web2py Cron Task working

I'm running web2py locally with Windows 7 and live on a Linux Ubuntu
server and I haven't been able to get my cron job to run in either.
My crontab looks like this:
*/1 * * * * root *autoemail/send_autoemails
and my function works fine when called manually. It also ends with
Other than that I don't know what else to do get it working although I
really didn't understand all of the web2py book section on Cron,
specifically when it came to soft/hard/external cron and all of that.
I saw a web2py thread that perhaps cron was going to be replaced?
Perhaps that has something to do with this? Is there something else I need to do to configure cron before it will work?
Any ideas about how I can troubleshoot this are greatly appreciated.
On this moment web2py is changing from Cron to Scheduler, with newer web2py versions Cron is disabled by default.
You can use your function with the Scheduler, putting it into a model file and passing it to the scheduler creator class, in order to enable a new Scheduler instance with it:
# New File applications/yourapp/models/
def send_autoemails():
...#Your code here
from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
After that you can add a new job simply from the web2py db admin interface,
under db.task_scheduled you must click on insert new task_scheduled and set
period to run, repeats, timeouts, enable, disable, etc....
Here are some info about it:
