How to restore "view item" web part for Sharepoint List - sharepoint

I'm using Sharepoint 2010 foundation. We have a list available on the site that we use to manage work items. Normally, the options to view detailed list content are "View Item" and "Edit Item". It looks like someone accidentally deleted the list view for the "view item" page, so that when anyone opens an item, all they see is the list item title and a big blank box in the middle. Does anyone know how to restore the list view for a single list item so that we can view the item contents?

Alright; if your form was a non modified-form without further extensions or modifications you have only a few clicks ahead of you, otherwise: you better have a backup.
Disclaimer: I am using the german version of SPD, but the controls are at the same positions as in the English version. See screenshots for clarifications
Open up SharePoint Designer 2010
Open your SP Site
Open the list in question
Click on "new" (see Screenshot below)
Fill out the form (Enter name, check form to view, and default form)
Boom - you're good to go again. Save it.
You can download SPD here:


Sharepoint search query to only show Site Pages (or a new Wiki library)

I've got a new SharePoint Teams site that I'll be building out as a knowledge repository. We'll be creating articles in the "Site Pages" area, though happy to use a new Wiki Page Library if that makes it easier.
I'm trying to amend the Search Query used in the "All" vertical, so that it shows only results from the Site Pages. To test this, I've created a word document in the documents section and named it "Apples WORD.docx" and a Wiki page called "Apples WIKI". When I search for "Apples", I should only see "Apples WIKI" in my results.
I can't seem to figure out the query required to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
So I've got this working now.
First I renamed an existing managed property by doing the following.
Go to the Site Settings, then Under the 'Site Collection Administration' go to "Search Schema".
Find an available RefinableStringXX managed property; edit it and give it an Alias. Add a mapping to "ContentTypeID".
Back out to the Site Settings then under 'Web Designer Galleries' click on "Site content types".
Find "Wiki Pages" and click on it to find the Content Type ID (which was 0x010108).
Back out to the Site Settings then under 'Microsoft Search', click on "Configure Search Settings".
Click on Verticals, then double click on the vertical that you want to edit. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.
Click on 'Query' and enter the text "ContentTypeID:0x010108*"
Save the vertical.
By editing the "All" vertical, the default 'current site' search from the site's homepage now only shows Wiki Page articles.
Maybe you could try adding the search vertical to the search navigation web part to set up a search page for displaying Site Pages.
Reference:Change settings for the Search Navigation Web Part

List Search Box getting hidden in SharePoint 2013 List View WebPart

I am trying to add a list view webpart to my page in sharepoint 2013. I edited the webpart and checked 'Display Search Box' option in the miscellaneous section. But Once I finish editing and save the page, page refreshes and loads. But the search box is not coming at all.
I had a similar problem which occurred since I modified the styles inside the list view.
A few questions...
Have you modified the styles inside the view that webpart is using.
Is the list a new one or migrated?
Is this a Publishing site site or other?
You are using enterprise version or other?
Ensure you are using the Default style , any other style the search box does not appear

Sharepoint 2010 and DispForm.aspx and adding custom

I am looking to add either a button to the ribbon or adding a form action button control to a list item display form.
I would like to user to have the ability to email the detail of the list item currently being view.
So far....
I created a new DispForm.aspx ...and then added the form action button control. I set the action to a custom action....then SP2010 created a new Site workflow.
I can edit this workflow..but I do not get fields for the "Current Item". I think this has something to do with the fact that its a site workflow and not a list workflow.
I also tried to edit the code in the DispForm.aspx to change the GUID of the workflow in an attempt to start a list workflow with the button.
What I did to get this setup is first create a list workflow.
All work below is done in SharePoint Designer. And I did not edit any pages just created a custom action that showed up in the ribbon.
You can do this by selecting list and libraries from navigation then selecting the list you want to add the workflow to. Once you select that there should be a "block" for workflows just click add a new workflow. With that you can design your workflow and you will have access to current item.
Once you are done with the workflow find the Custom Actions block on the List page (It is below the workflows block for me). Click some where in the block and on the top ribbon you should see Custom Action. When you open up that menu it gives you the option to select the type of action (Ribbon, DetailView, ...). Now just link it to your workflow you just created. (You may have to refresh the list to get the workflow to show up. If it still doesn't show up make sure you published it).

How to reset SharePoint 2010 List forms from InfoPath to the default forms?

I've converted a Custom List forms to use InfoPath forms using SharePoint Designer, now I want to revert this back and return to the normal New, Edit and Details forms.
How can I achieve this?
Edit: Here is what I did
In SharePoint Designer 2010 I Clicked on Lists and Libraries
Click on the List I modified
In the Ribbon I select Design Forms in InfoPath in Actions Group
I started to design the form like I want
I published the modifications to the List
Now I want to undo what I did and return to the normal New, Edit and Details forms
List -> List Settings -> there is some InfoPath forms server settings link that leads to the page where you can remove customization.
Changing default Edit/New pages will not help - you need to modify pages for default content type of this list if you want to go this route.
You should be able to do this in SharePoint without needing SP Designer.
Navigate to the list in SharePoint.
On the List ribbon bar, click List Settings.
Under General Settings, click Form Settings link (bottom of first column).
Select the Use the default SharePoint Form option.
You can also opt to delete the custom form by checking Delete the InfoPath Form from the server.
If you created new forms, in sharepoint designer, set the orginal dispform.aspx, editform.aspx and upload.aspx as default.
if you changed the original files, from the navigation pane, go to "All files" --> "/lists/your list" or "your library" --> forms.
Right click the changed files (a blue icon should be present) and then click on "Reset to site definition"
Please note that if you go into the List Settings and click on Form Settings you should see "Infopath" or "Sharepoint" as an option. If you do not see that the form hasn't been checked back in. Open the form back up in Infopath, Publish the form, then go back to your sharepoint list settings and select "Form Settings" from there you should now see the sharepoint option. Select that and you should be good.
If you are looking to hide some of the questions but still see them in Data View (alot of the reason why some of us are doing our forms in infopath) you can actually hide some of them by going to "Advanced Settings" and turning on "Allow Management of Content Types" then going into content type by selecting your list, and from there you can make all the changes by clicking on the column item. This is a great way to hide columns you don't need everyone seeing that you may need to make updates to (lookup columns etc)

View Page (DispForm.aspx) not associated properly for SharePoint list views

I've customized NewForm, EditForm and DispForm to allow users to create new, edit (with certain permission) and display service requests.
The forms work fine except in my views (e.g. Createbyme.aspx which shows all requests owned by me). Instead of pointing to my custom DispForm /[site]/Lists/[list_name]/DispForm_custom.aspx?ID=[request#], it links to /[site]/?ID=[request#].
Is there any suggestion for a fix?
I just answered this question in another post...
Restore NewForm.aspx file
To summarize,
Open the page and select the form control. Oen the propertis for that control and select the radio button "NEW ITEM FORM". After you save the page you can then select the page as a supporting file for the list and the setting will stick. Do not select the page as a supporting file first as the setting will not stick... ergo the order of your steps is important.
