iOS8 Keyboard Orientation - keyboard

In our application we always force the orientation of the screen. Before iOS8 the orientation of the keyboard was tied to the orientation of the status bar but that doesn't seem to be the case now in iOS8.
Now the situation we're seeing is that our screen (and the status bar) will be correctly oriented in landscape but the keyboard will still be in portrait. To correct we have to physically move the device from landscape to portrait to landscape before the keyboard will show in landscape.
If the keyboard orientation is no longer tied to the status bar is there a way to also force the orientation of the keyboard?
This code works under iOS6 and 7.It's used to change the orientation of the status bar (which used to also change the orientation of the keyboard) and transform the screen.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
if( isIpad() )
{ = CGPointMake( 374.0, 512.0 );
self.navigationController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( GlobalInfo::degreesToRadians( 90 ) ) ;
self.navigationController.view.bounds = CGRectMake( 0, 0, 1024, 748 );
{ = CGPointMake( 150.0, 240.0 );
self.navigationController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( GlobalInfo::degreesToRadians( 90 ) ) ;
self.navigationController.view.bounds = CGRectMake( 0, 0, 480, 300 );

Pre-iOS8 they keyboard orientation was tied to the orientation of the status bar but in iOS8 it's tied to the orientation of the device. You can force the orientation of the device with the following code.
// Note that UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft is equal to UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight (and vice versa).
// This is because rotating the device to the left requires rotating the content to the right.
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft] forKey:#"orientation"];


Calculating the correct width to resize image to display in a CListCtrl

At the moment I am having to fudge my code like this:
CRect rcList;
rcList.DeflateRect(25, 25);
// Use monitor 1 to work out the thumbnail sizes
CRect rcMonitor =;
m_iThumbnailWidth = rcList.Width();
double dHt = ((double)rcMonitor.Height() / (double)rcMonitor.Width()) * (double)m_iThumbnailWidth;
m_iThumbnailHeight = (int)dHt;
I fudge it by deflating the rectangle by 25. m_ListThumbnail is a CListCtrl and I am trying to render my thumbnails so that I do not need a horizontal scroll bar.
When I render the thumbnails of the monitors, I attempt to massage these thumbnail values (incomplete):
nWidth = m_iThumbnailWidth;
double dHt = ((double)rcCapture.Height() / (double)rcCapture.Width()) * (double)m_iThumbnailWidth;
nHeight = (int)dHt;
if (nHeight > m_iThumbnailHeight)
AfxMessageBox(L"Need to investigate!");
Where rcCapture is the size of the monitor.
If I remove the DeflateRect line, my window displays like this:
As you can see, it is note as I expected. There is a horizontal scroll bar and I have to resize quite a bit to see the thumbnail:
All I want to compute is a set of thumbnail dimensions so that the scaled down monitor image is going to fit in the CListCtrl. I don't really want the user to have to resize the window.
With my adjusted code which now uses the primary monitor aspect ratio to work out the thumbnail sizes (as added above) renders the app with better whitespace:
That was the reason of the extra space at the bottom because the monitors were 16:9 and I was squishing into 4:3. So that is fixed.
But as you can see, using the CListCtrl client width is not sufficient.
This is the rendering code:
// Set the mode first!
SetStretchBltMode(dcImage, COLORONCOLOR);
int iTop = (m_iThumbnailHeight - nHeight) / 2;
// Copy (and resize)
bRet = ::StretchBlt(dcImage, 0, iTop,
rcCapture.Height(), SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT);
The control renders the icon with a margin. When I used GetItemPosition function it indicated that the x value was 21. This is why my DeflateRect(25, 25) worked. But I don;t know how the CListCtrl computed that margin value.
Eventually I found out how to do this without deflating, by using the SetIconSpacing function. Like this:
CSize(m_iThumbnailWidth, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL)));
Once the above has been done the window looks like this:
Things might be a little different when there are 3 or 4 monitor thumbnails, thus causing a vertical scroll bar. But I only have two monitors to test with.

SWT Canvas fails to redraw on Windows but works on Linux

this.canvas = new Canvas(shell, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND);
I'm using a PaintListener:
this.canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
// Draw images
synchronized (imageMarks) {
for (ImageMark mark : Whiteboard.this.imageMarks)
Image image = Whiteboard.this.getImage(;
Point position = ScaledPoint.toSWTPoint(Whiteboard.this.getCanvasSize(), mark.getPosition());
Point bounds = mark.getUnscaledBoundaries(Whiteboard.this.getCanvasSize());
e.gc.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.getBounds().width, image.getBounds().height, position.x, position.y,
bounds.x, bounds.y);
// Draw pencil marks
synchronized (pencilMarks) {
for (double[] line : Whiteboard.this.pencilMarks)
Point lastPosPoint = ScaledPoint.toSWTPoint(Whiteboard.this.getCanvasSize(), new ScaledPoint(line[0], line[2]));
Point newPosPoint = ScaledPoint.toSWTPoint(Whiteboard.this.getCanvasSize(), new ScaledPoint(line[1], line[3]));
e.gc.drawLine(lastPosPoint.x, lastPosPoint.y, newPosPoint.x, newPosPoint.y);
// Draw pointer, assuming it's there
if (pointerMark != null)
synchronized (pointerMark) {
Point pos = ScaledPoint.toSWTPoint(Whiteboard.this.getCanvasSize(), pointerMark.getPosition());
if (pointerMark.isFlipped())
e.gc.drawImage(Whiteboard.pointerImageFlipped, pos.x, pos.y);
e.gc.drawImage(Whiteboard.pointerImage, pos.x, pos.y);
and redrawing the canvas via a canvas.redraw() call. On 64-bit Linux, this seems to be working without any issues, but strangely enough, on 64-bit Windows, nothing ever ends up being erased or redrawn. For example, if the screen is resized, the pencil markings do not resize as well, they just end up being cut out of the screen. When new marks are added (in other words, when the paint listener is called again), the repositioned markings are redrawn on top of the old ones which didn't scale with the window. In other words, I believe the canvas is not being cleared upon canvas.redraw(). Is there a workaround for this?
You are specifying SWT.NO_BACKGROUND which stops the Canvas being cleared before each paint.
If you use SWT.NO_BACKGROUND it is your paint method's responsibility to draw every pixel of the Canvas.
By default, before a widget paints, the client area is filled with the
current background. When this style is specified, the background is
not filled, and the application is responsible for filling every pixel
of the client area. This style might be used as an alternative to
"double-buffering" in order to reduce flicker. This style does not
mean "transparent" - widgets that are obscured will not draw through.

three.js get double clicked 3d object

Ciao, I am trying to accomplish this: I would be able to know wich 3d object is double clicked in my scene, and animate camera position to bring the object in the center of the screen.
I tried without success to adapt the interactive cubes example that uses raycaster and projector...
As you can see you can navigate in space and change camera position with right and left mouse button. I would be able to come back to initial camera position (earth in the center of the screen) with a double click on the planet.
Why didn't you had success by adapting the example? What errors are occuring? Did you mean this example?
Because raycaster and projector is the way you are looking for.
First of all you need an eventListener for the ondblclick Event on your container. In the event function you can copy&paste from the linked example:
1) Saving mouse coordinates
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
2) Project coordinates to world system via the camera and create a ray
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( mouse.x, mouse.y, 1 );
projector.unprojectVector( vector, camera );
raycaster.set( camera.position, vector.sub( camera.position ).normalize() );
3) Check if the double clicked element is your planet
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( "your_planet" );
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
reset your camera
Hope this helps!

UIWebView keeps Portrait dimensions when viewed in Landscape

I have been unable to find a solution to this problem anywhere.
I am using Xcode 4.5 to write an iOS 6 app using storyboards. It uses a Navigation Controller to jump between several View Controllers with Navigation Bars, including a few that use a UIWebView to display a website. I have added code to the AppDelegate and various ViewController files to restrict the view to Portrait for most scenes in the app (since they really won't look good otherwise), but to allow Landscape view for the websites. And the Info.plist is configured allow all 4 orientations.
Everything works fine in the UIWebView scene; including rotation, scrolling and zooming - except for one thing: when I rotate from Portrait to Landscape, the horizontal dimension of the website stays locked at the horizontal dimension for the Portrait view - resulting in a large white space to the right of the website in the scene (see images below). I fixed a small (1/4") white space at the top of the UIWebView by selecting Layout: Wants Full Screen under View Controller in the Attributes Inspector. But I can't fix this.
I can supply relevant code or Storyboard settings if necessary. Can anyone help? Thank you.
I solved adding this code, when application loads on viewDidLoad method:
[[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver:self selector:#selector(orientationChanged:)
object:[UIDevice currentDevice]];
Then add this to your view controller:
- (void) orientationChanged:(NSNotification *)note
UIDevice * device = note.object;
case UIDeviceOrientationPortrait:
_displayWeb.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 768, 1024);
case UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown:
_displayWeb.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 768, 1024);
case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
_displayWeb.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 1024, 768);
case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight:
_displayWeb.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 1024, 768);
_displayWeb is your IBOutlet UIWebView, by the way this is using Xcode 4.6.1

How to clear all the previously drawn graphics in vc++ paint?

I have drawn rectangles in picture box using paint event. When i click clear button. i want the graphics to vanish. i call paint event everytime the mouse moves. What should i do?
Code in paint event:
Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
float PenWidth = 2;
if(msdwnflag!=-1 && count%2==1)
g->DrawRectangle( gcnew Pen( Color::Blue,PenWidth ), RcDraw);
RcDraw.Width = finalMousePos.X- RcDraw.X;
RcDraw.Height = finalMousePos.Y- RcDraw.Y;
g->DrawRectangle( gcnew Pen( Color::Red,PenWidth ), RcDraw);
If pb is your PictureBox then clear its image to clear all the graphics. Also, You can use a variable (buttonpressed) to check whether it is true (button clear pressed) or false (otherwise)
pb->Image = nullptr;
In your paint method include all the graphics if Not buttonpressed:
if (buttonpressed != 1){
// all your graphics code
When you want the graphics to appear back when you press a button change the buttonpressed value:
Draw a graphics of the transparent colour. thats wat i finally did. not a gud design but works :)
