SAP Solution Manager Connect to Microsoft Sharepoint - sharepoint

Do any of you know if its possible to make a document sharing between SAP and Microsoft Sharepoint?
What I would like is to use SAP - Solution Manager as document storeage and connect this storage to Sharepoint. Updating and using the documents on Sharepoint but having the documents located in Solution Manager.
I know that its possible to have the document located on Sharepoint and link to Solution Manager but cant find any information about the other way around.
I would like to avoid Duet Enterprice Software and other programmes like this - Since we are having a low budget.


GET data from SharePoint on-premise and POST data to SharePoint Online

I need to GET data from SharePoint Server 2019 (On-premise) list and then I need to add that data to the SharePoint Online list using CSOM.
I have found the below link to get data from SharePoint Server (On-premise) list.
I have found below link to add data to SharePoint Online list.
Is that correct way or do I need prefer another way?
If you just need list data without any version history or created/modified user and time stamps - you can export the SharePoint on-premise list to excel and use this excel file to create/import a new list in SharePoint Online.
Other options are to
Use Microsoft's "SharePoint Migration Tool" to migrate content - this is a free tool provided by Microsoft -
use CSOM code in a VS application as per the links you have - note that you don't need to create 2 separate applications for it, just create one app and create separate instances of the ClientContext for SP on-prem and SP online
use PnP PowerShell to get all list items and then loop over each item and create each item in target SPO site OR use SharePoint Powershell module to do the same. Here is an example of a script that migrates documents but with some minor modification you can get it to work with list data -

Sharepoint online archive Options

I want to know the out of the box Sharepoint online archive Options.
If we want to move Sharepoint on-premises sites to Sharepoint online archive what and all options are there ?
Is there any 3-rd party tool ?
Possible to move Azure blob ?
Can you provide me the available options in Sharepoint online.
There are solutions available like one drive achieving etc.
migrating from on-Prem to SharePoint online, you can use share gate but it is expensive.
do you want to migrate only documents or sites including lists etc? If yes then what will be the retrieval frequency?

Creating subsites in Sharepoint Online on a Site generated by a Teams team

I want to create a Subsite in Sharepoint Online within a site that was automatically generated via a MS Teams team but the option to do so doesnt exist.
The option to create Subsite seems to ONLY exist if a Site was created from within Sharepoint Online.
I can understand that a workaround would be to create it as another Site within Sharepoint Online and then link the relevant Sites together under a HUB.
Am I missing something or this feature does not exist in Sharepoint Online unless I create the Subsites as Sites and then link them up via a Hub?
Thank you in advance for the help.
There is a setting in the SharePoint Online Admin Center to Hide or Show the create subsites option.
Microsoft is discouraging the use of subsites, and the creation of subsites is likely to continue to be phased out as more features and capabilities are added to Hubs. While there are still exceptions to the rule, since there are still aspects that Hubs cannot accomplish (like connecting Hubs together to a parent Hub), you should seriously consider building your solution to use separate site collections.
Depending on how the rest of your SharePoint environment is architected, a better approach would be to setup that team site as a hubsite, then create the additional site collections you need, and link it to the new hubsite. This way you kind of mimic the subsite structure ( but not all its features ) while preserving every site independent.
For more information on best practices on SharePoint site Architecture, see

migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore

There are many paid tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint to Sitecore like Kapow, Siteport etc. Are there any open source tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore?
There is an integration services marketplace module that does data transformation, but not specific to Sharepoint. I haven't tried to use it to query for data from Sharepoint, but it is shared source so you can probably make it do what you need.

Why would I want to install SharePoint with TFS

I'm looking at upgrading my current TFS instance and planning to copy and restore databases as per Microsofts Advanced Upgrade which means I am pretty much installing the new product from scratch and restoring the databases then running a migration tool.
I see in the installation notes that you can integrate SharePoint with it as an optional extra. Why would I do this? Is the idea to store project documentation in a SharePoint Document library per project and be able to link to that content rather than as an attachment to the Backlog Items and Bugs in TFS?
I'm having trouble finding any documentation of team workflows with SharePoint and TFS and I suspect that its because no one really does it.
More importantly would SharePoint integration impede future product upgrades or moving to Visual Studio Online?
In my eyes, SharePoint as a TFS portal has become much less desirable due to the improvements in Team Web Access (eg Charting) but it still has some uses.
With the integration enabled, you will see a Documents tab in Team Explorer which will take you to the dedicated SharePoint Portal (created when you create the TFS Team Project) where all your documentation can be stored. Of course without SharePoint integration you can still happily link Work Items to documents in SharePoint, you just don't have a dedicated portal created for you.
If you are using one of the MSF process templates then some useful documents are created for you on SharePoint when you create the Team Project (xlsx reports etc). However, if you are using the much better VS Scrum template then no documents are created even if you have SharePoint integration enabled.
If you are using the Enterprise edition of SharePoint then you get some good dashboards (bugs, code quality etc.) and you can also publish your custom excel reports easily. This functionality requires Excel Services and so is not available in the standard edition (there are some dashboards created but they aren't that useful).
Share information using the project portal
Your team can use the SharePoint portal to share information in the following ways:
Share data contained in reports or dashboards
Share team progress using predefined or customized dashboards.
Share documents, files, images.
Share team knowledge and processes using the SharePoint wiki.
Reference process guidance for select team project artifacts.
If you want to add a portal to an existing project:
Configure or add a project portal
