UITextView iOS8 - scroll top - uitextview

When entering new text into my UITextView, it's scroll to the top automatically - don't know what they changed in new iOS system.

I was facing the same problem, I solved this by writing following line in textViewDidChange:
[textView scrollRangeToVisible:[textView selectedRange]];
This may help you too.


Android Studio emulator screen collapse

I'm using the emulator with Android Studio, and I'm experiencing the phenomenon shown in the image below.
The problem occurs only when the screen is turned sideways.
It does not happen in the default screen.
I don't know how to solve this problem, and I was wondering if you could tell me something that would help me.
Thank you very much!
You can solve this in three ways:
disable screen rotation - add this to the manifest XML under the relevant activity
If you want to go the long and better route it seems to me that you are using a layout that is not constraint layout, the latter supports rotation better, and when constraint correctly what is shown here should not happen.
If all else fails you can use special layout when the screen is in landscape mode, you can read more here:
Android Studio: Creating landscape layouts

iOS8--After changing Orientation Keyboard Disappeared

I'm running iOS8, iPhone-6 simulator, Xcode-6.0.1, ViewDeck version-2.2.11.
I have a textField on "RightViewController", It works great in portrait mode,
but as I change the orientation to Landscape and go back to portrait mode after
clicking in textfield the Keyboard is disappeared and also its layout is disturbed.
This problem is also explained in more detail on GitHub,
It seems that you try to build old project in new xCode6.
So the problem can be in the incorrect migration of old projects to new xCode.
Check if you have Launch screen interface file base name key in Info.plist file.
If it is the case please find the full answer here.

Android studio - preview when editing text has disappered

When I first started using AS I really liked the edit layout feature. I like the way it shows you a preview on the right of the screen when you are editing the XML.
This seems to have disappeared - how do I turn it back on? It's not a show stopper, but it was a nice feature.
The previewer is way better than the clunky Eclipse one.
There should be a tab called "Preview" on the right side of the screen.
If you can't see this then click the little square on the bottom left of the screen and it will appear.

xamarin.ios (monotouch) How to have a help UIImageView appear ABOVE the current view

I am hoping someone can help with this issue that I am having using xamarin.ios. I am trying to present a UIImageView on top of the current view once a button is touched. To illustrate what I mean, see the two screenshots from an app that does exactly what I want. The first shows the 'i' button next to Printers label on the navigationbar, that when touched the second screen as shown in the second screenshot appears.
Any help much appreciated.
I think what you want is a "popover".
Xamarin has a recipe for popovers on: http://docs.xamarin.com/recipes/ios/standard_controls/popovers/display_a_loading_message

How to scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent (LWUIT 1.5)?

How can I scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent? I am using LWUIT 1.5.
Moreover if the link spans over multiple lines, it stops on the first line, so the whole link is not visible.
HTML file for testing: http://bit.ly/uJ8RbN
UPDATE: The issue is here http://java.net/jira/browse/LWUIT-487.
Any workaround tips before the issue gets resolved?
Scrolling past the last link works properly in our test cases although its always possible there is a bug in the HTMLComponent implementation. If you found such a case please file an issue in the lwuit issue tracker in the LWUIT website and include the HTML that triggered the problem. The same probably applies to the long links issue.
A simple solution is to add an empty button to the end of the form, format the button to look like the background, without borders etc. This way after the HtmlComponent there is still a button that doesnt have focus but allows you scroll to the bottom.
