How To Change Flot Legend Structure - flot

I need the legend table to have multiple columns instead of one. And I want to add headers to it.
What is the best way to do that?
(I know it's not common, But in this case, each data series has it's own record of information.)

See the documentation:
The legend property of the options has a number of columns property (noColumns). In addition you can specify your own container and/or a labelFormatter function to customize the legend (for example use an empty <table> as container and generate <tr>/<td> elements in the formatter function).
If that is not enough you could let flot build the default legend and then rearrange and customize it afterwards.


fusioncharts how to hide several data series by clicking one legend item?

i am using fusioncharts (3.16) to draw several group lines in a chart (msspline). i set main/primary lines visible in legend and secondary lines are set invisible in legend. now i want to hide all primary and secondary lines of a specific group by clicking the corresponding legend item.
i know there is a "legenditemclick" by which i can get all group members via jquery, but cannot set visiblity attribute to them.
also in fusioncharts forum there is a very old post with same requirement but i cannot apply it to the new js version!
can anyone help me please?

How to show different colour in the same data in tableau?

In tableau, I want the colours of my fields to be shown separately, but Tableau automatically creates a custom colour for both of the fields, which i do not want. Is there any way to show the fields in different colours? TIA
Also, if it is not possible, is there any way to do this in Python?
This is the way it looks right now
This is the colour setting

Using react-sortable-hoc with react-virtualized Grid

I want to use react-sortable-hoc with react-virtualized's Grid where the rows are sortable. I cannot use the List as I have multiple columns and I cannot use it with the Table because I have too many columns and therefore need horizontal scrolling.
The issue that I am facing is that the Grid does not have a rowRenderer callback as the Table or List has (it only has cellRenderer and cellRenderer), thus I don't know what to wrap the SortableElement around.
I would appreciate any ideas or examples of this usage?
I ended up implementing this as a cellRangeRenderer - see my comment on this GitHub issue:

Disable sorting on one or more grid columns in Kendo UI for Angular

I'm playing around a bit with Kendo UI for Angular and can't seem to find an easy way to disable sorting on specific columns of a grid.
There's an allowUnsort in sort-settings.d.ts, but I'm uncertain on how to use this (and this appears to relate to removing sorting afterwards, not from the start).
Or perhaps I'm simply using the grid wrong, that's also possible..
My situation is as follows:
I'm trying to use a grid to display some rows, and depending on the type of data, it should render a different icon in the first column. Also, I'm not using a 'real' header in that column, but replaced it with a button to create a new row.
To get my button in the header, I use a <template kendoGridHeaderTemplate ...>...</template>. This always seems to add a link around the header cell if sortable is enabled, which is what I'm trying to avoid (in some cases).
Is there a way around this?
Setting [sortable]="true" for the Grid component will enable sorting globally. Then you can fine-tune which column has sorting by disabling it per column, i.e [sortable]="false"
Here is a quick example:

Prevent Resizing in Dojo Data Grid in Xpages

I am creating a dojo data grid following Brad Balassaitis' excellent blog series. I want to prevent the user from resizing any columns.
I know that each column needs the attribute noresize=true, but I don't know where to put that in xpages. I have defined the width of each column using percentages, and that is working. I just don't want the users messing with the widths I have set. I am hoping to not have to programmtically define the grid if I can help it. Is there an easy way to add this attribute?
