How to calculate the target string in a UITextFieldDelegate method? - string

In UITextFieldDelegate's textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString we are given the original text in tf.text, the replacement string, and the range.
This is sufficient information to calculate the target string (what the TextField would contain if we didn't intercept), but I'm having trouble getting this code to compile:
func textField(
tf: UITextField,
shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange,
replacementString str: String
) -> Bool
var tgt = String( tf.text )
tgt.replaceRange( range.toRange(), with: str ) // PROBLEM HERE
NSLog( "realtime: %#", tgt )
return true
The problem I seem to be having is, String's replaceRange:with: takes a character, not a String.
Perhaps there is a better or easier approach to calculate tgt?

You can do this if you use NSStrings methods. Change the first line of your method to declare an NSMutableString instead of a String:
func textField(tf: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange,
replacementString str: String) -> Bool {
var tgt = NSMutableString()
tgt.appendString( tf.text )
tgt.replaceCharactersInRange( range, withString: str )
NSLog( "realtime: %#", tgt )
return true
(The problem stems from NSRange and built-in Swift Range instances not being compatible for strings.)


Swift remove ONLY trailing spaces from string

many examples in SO are fixing both sides, the leading and trailing. My request is only about the trailing.
My input text is: " keep my left side "
Desired output: " keep my left side"
Of course this command will remove both ends:
let cleansed = messageText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
Which won't work for me.
How can I do it?
A quite simple solution is regular expression, the pattern is one or more(+) whitespace characters(\s) at the end of the string($)
let string = " keep my left side "
let cleansed = string.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\s+$",
with: "",
options: .regularExpression)
You can use the rangeOfCharacter function on string with a characterSet. This extension then uses recursion of there are multiple spaces to trim. This will be efficient if you only usually have a small number of spaces.
extension String {
func trailingTrim(_ characterSet : CharacterSet) -> String {
if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: [.anchored, .backwards]) {
return self.substring(to: range.lowerBound).trailingTrim(characterSet)
return self
"1234 ".trailingTrim(.whitespaces)
Building on vadian's answer I found for Swift 3 at the time of writing that I had to include a range parameter. So:
func trailingTrim(with string : String) -> String {
let start = string.startIndex
let end = string.endIndex
let range: Range<String.Index> = Range<String.Index>(start: start, end: end)
let cleansed:String = string.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\\s+$",
withString: "",
options: .RegularExpressionSearch,
range: range)
return cleansed
Simple. No regular expressions needed.
extension String {
func trimRight() -> String {
let c = reversed().drop(while: { $0.isWhitespace }).reversed()
return String(c)

Change text of an attributed string and retain attributes in Swift

For output in a database program, I have certain text that I've inserted marks to indicate bold or italics, as well as some text that is substituted for images. For instance:
"%Important% ^All employees to the breakroom^" should have final output as:
Important All employees to the breakroom
I have code written to find the text with "%" signs around it and "^" signs, but the trouble I have now is the text outputs like:
%Important% ^All employees to the breakroom^
I'd like to remove these % and ^'s while retaining the string's formatting.
This is the code I'm using up until it breaks:
func processText(inString string: String) -> NSAttributedString {
let pattern = ["(?<=\\^).*?(?=\\^)","(?<=\\%).*?(?=\\%)","\\^", "\\%"]
let italicsRegex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern[0], options: .allZeros, error: nil)
let range = NSMakeRange(0, count(string))
let italicsMatches = italicsRegex?.matchesInString(string, options: .allZeros, range: range) as? [NSTextCheckingResult]
var attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
for match in italicsMatches! {
attributedText.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Oblique", size: 14.0)!, range: match.range)
let boldRegex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern[1], options: .allZeros, error: nil)
let boldMatches = boldRegex?.matchesInString(string, options: .allZeros, range: range) as? [NSTextCheckingResult]
for match in boldMatches! {
attributedText.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Bold", size: 14.0)!, range: match.range)
let removeItalicsMarksRegex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern[2], options: .allZeros, error: nil)
let removeItalicsMarksMatches = removeItalicsMarksRegex?.matchesInString(string, options: .allZeros, range: range) as? [NSTextCheckingResult]
var numberOfLoops = 0
for match in removeItalicsMarksMatches! {
attributedText.replaceCharactersInRange(match.range, withString: "")
return attributedText.copy() as! NSAttributedString
This works for the % match (but only the first character) and causes a crash on the ^ character immediately.
Any help or advice with resolving this would be appreciated. Thanks.
I ended up using something very similar, but I decided to change the regular expression to include the ^ marks. In doing so, I was able to then clip the first and last characters of the included attributed substring with the "replaceCharactersInRange" method. This works a little better for my purposes so far because it's working from the attributed string so it doesn't screw up or remove any of its attributes.
I've attached the regex and the portion of the code that deals with italics for anyone's future reference (and thanks, again!):
func processText(inString string: String) -> NSAttributedString {
let pattern = ["\\^.*?\\^"] //Presented as an array here because in the full code there are a lot of patterns that are run.
let italicsRegex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern[0], options: .allZeros, error: nil)
//In addition to building the match for this first regular expression, I also gather build the regular expressions and gather matches for all other matching patterns on the initial string ("string") before I start doing any processing.
let range = NSMakeRange(0, count(string.utf16))
let italicsMatches = italicsRegex?.matchesInString(string, options: .allZeros, range: range) as? [NSTextCheckingResult]
var attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
var charactersRemovedFromString = 0
for match in italicsMatches! {
let newRange = NSMakeRange(match.range.location - charactersRemovedFromString, match.range.length) // Take the updated range for when this loop iterates, otherwise this crashes.
attributedText.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Oblique", size: 12.0)!, range: newRange)
let rangeOfFirstCharacter = NSMakeRange(match.range.location - charactersRemovedFromString, 1)
attributedText.replaceCharactersInRange(rangeOfFirstCharacter, withString: "")
charactersRemovedFromString += 2
let rangeOfLastCharacter = NSMakeRange(match.range.location + match.range.length - charactersRemovedFromString, 1)
attributedText.replaceCharactersInRange(rangeOfLastCharacter, withString: "")
return attributedText
Here is a possible solution, essentially a translation of
how to catch multiple instances special indicated **characters** in an NSString and bold them in between?
from Objective-C to Swift.
The idea is to add the attributes and remove the delimiters in one loop. The shift
variable is needed to adjust the matching ranges after the first delimiters have been removed.
For the sake of simplicity, only the "^...^" processing is shown.
func processText(inString string: String) -> NSAttributedString {
let pattern = "(\\^)(.*?)(\\^)"
let regex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: nil, error: nil)!
var shift = 0 // number of characters removed so far
let attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
regex.enumerateMatchesInString(string, options: nil, range: NSMakeRange(0, count(string.utf16))) {
(result, _, _) -> Void in
var r1 = result.rangeAtIndex(1) // Location of the leading delimiter
var r2 = result.rangeAtIndex(2) // Location of the string between the delimiters
var r3 = result.rangeAtIndex(3) // Location of the trailing delimiter
// Adjust locations according to the string modifications:
r1.location -= shift
r2.location -= shift
r3.location -= shift
// Set attribute for string between delimiters:
attributedText.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Oblique", size: 14.0)!, range: r2)
// Remove leading and trailing delimiters:
// Update offset:
shift += r1.length + r3.length
return attributedText.copy() as! NSAttributedString
Note that enumerateMatchesInString() takes an NSRange, therefore you have to compute
the number of UTF-16 characters and not the number of Swift characters.
let text = "πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ˜€aaa ^πŸ‡­πŸ‡°πŸ˜bbb^ πŸ‡³πŸ‡±πŸ˜†eee"
let attrText = processText(inString: text)
πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ˜€aaa {
NSFont = " font-family: \"Helvetica-Oblique\"; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; font-size: 14.00pt";
} πŸ‡³πŸ‡±πŸ˜†eee{
That worked for me!
extension UILabel {
func updateAttributedText(_ text: String) {
if let attributedText = attributedText {
let mutableAttributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
self.attributedText = mutableAttributedText

Convert String.Index to Int or Range<String.Index> to NSRange

So I've found issues relating to the case of converting NSRange to Range<String.Index>, but I've actually run into the opposite problem.
Quite simply, I have a String and a Range<String.Index> and need to convert the latter into an NSRange for use with an older function.
So far my only workaround has been to grab a substring instead like so:
func foo(theString: String, inRange: Range<String.Index>?) -> Bool {
let theSubString = (nil == inRange) ? theString : theString.substringWithRange(inRange!)
return olderFunction(theSubString, NSMakeRange(0, countElements(theSubString)))
This works of course, but it isn't very pretty, I'd much rather avoid having to grab a sub-string and just use the range itself somehow, is this possible?
If you look into the definition of String.Index you find:
struct Index : BidirectionalIndexType, Comparable, Reflectable {
/// Returns the next consecutive value after `self`.
/// Requires: the next value is representable.
func successor() -> String.Index
/// Returns the previous consecutive value before `self`.
/// Requires: the previous value is representable.
func predecessor() -> String.Index
/// Returns a mirror that reflects `self`.
func getMirror() -> MirrorType
So actually there is no way to convert it to Int and that for good reason. Depending on the encoding of the string the single characters occupy a different number of bytes. The only way would be to count how many successor operations are needed to reach the desired String.Index.
Edit The definition of String has changed over the various Swift versions but it's basically the same answer. To see the very current definition just CMD-click on a String definition in XCode to get to the root (works for other types as well).
The distanceTo is an extension which goes to a variety of protocols. Just look for it in the String source after the CMD-click.
let index: Int = string.startIndex.distanceTo(range.startIndex)
I don't know which version introduced it, but in Swift 4.2 you can easily convert between the two.
To convert Range<String.Index> to NSRange:
let range = s[s.startIndex..<s.endIndex]
let nsRange = NSRange(range, in: s)
To convert NSRange to Range<String.Index>:
let nsRange = NSMakeRange(0, 4)
let range = Range(nsRange, in: s)
Keep in mind that NSRange is UTF-16 based, while Range<String.Index> is Character based.
Hence you can't just use counts and positions to convert between the two!
In Swift 4, distanceTo() is deprecated. You may have to convert String to NSString to take advantage of its -[NSString rangeOfString:] method, which returns an NSRange.
Swift 4 Complete Solution:
OffsetIndexableCollection (String using Int Index)
let a = "01234"
print(a[0]) // 0
print(a[0...4]) // 01234
print(a[...]) // 01234
print(a[..<2]) // 01
print(a[...2]) // 012
print(a[2...]) // 234
print(a[2...3]) // 23
print(a[2...2]) // 2
if let number = a.index(of: "1") {
print(number) // 1
print(a[number...]) // 1234
if let number = a.index(where: { $0 > "1" }) {
print(number) // 2
You can use this function and call it when ever you need convertion
extension String
func CnvIdxTooIntFnc(IdxPsgVal: Index) -> Int
return startIndex.distanceTo(IdxPsgVal)

Swift - Finding a substring between two locations in a string

I have a string that is formatted like this: "XbfdASF;FBACasc|Piida;bfedsSA|XbbnSF;vsdfAs|"
Basiclly its an ID;ID| and then it repeats.
I have the first ID and I need to find it's partner Example: I have 'Piida' and I need to find the String that follows it after the ';' which is 'bfedsSA'
How do I do this?
The problem I am having is that the length of the IDs is dynamic so I need to get the index of '|' after the ID I have which is 'Piida' and then get the string that is between these indexes which in this case should be 'bfedsSA'.
There are many ways to do this, but the easiest is to split the string into an array using a separator.
If you know JavaScript, it's the equivalent of the .split() string method; Swift does have this functionality, but as you see there, it can get a little messy. You can extend String like this to make it a bit simpler. For completeness, I'll include it here:
import Foundation
extension String {
public func split(separator: String) -> [String] {
if separator.isEmpty {
return map(self) { String($0) }
if var pre = self.rangeOfString(separator) {
var parts = [self.substringToIndex(pre.startIndex)]
while let rng = self.rangeOfString(separator, range: pre.endIndex..<endIndex) {
pre = rng
return parts
} else {
return [self]
Now, you can call .split() on strings like this:
"test".split("e") // ["t", "st"]
So, what you should do first is split up your ID string into segments by your separator, which will be |, because that's how your IDs are separated:
let ids: [String] = "XbfdASF;FBACasc|Piida;bfedsSA|XbbnSF;vsdfAs|".split("|")
Now, you have a String array of your IDs that would look like this:
["XbfdASF;FBACasc", "Piida;bfedsSA", "XbbnSF;vsdfAs"]
Your IDs are in the format ID;VALUE, so you can split them again like this:
let pair: [String] = ids[anyIndex].split(";") // ["ID", "VALUE"]
You can access the ID at index 0 of that array and the value at index 1.
let id: String = ids[1].split(";")[0]
let code: String = ids[1].split(";")[1]
println("\(id): \(code)") // Piida: bfedsSA

String interpolation in Swift

A function in swift takes any numeric type in Swift (Int, Double, Float, UInt, etc).
the function converts the number to a string
the function signature is as follows :
func swiftNumbers <T : NumericType> (number : T) -> String {
NumericType is a custom protocol that has been added to numeric types in Swift.
inside the body of the function, the number should be converted to a string:
I use the following
var stringFromNumber = "\(number)"
which is not so elegant, PLUS : if the absolute value of the number is strictly inferior to 0.0001 it gives this:
"\(0.000099)" //"9.9e-05"
or if the number is a big number :
"\(999999999999999999.9999)" //"1e+18"
is there a way to work around this string interpolation limitation? (without using Objective-C)
P.S :
NumberFormater doesn't work either
import Foundation
let number : NSNumber = 9_999_999_999_999_997
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 20
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 20
formatter.minimumSignificantDigits = 40
formatter.string(from: number) // "9999999999999996.000000000000000000000000"
let stringFromNumber = String(format: "%20.20f", number) // "0.00000000000000000000"
Swift String Interpolation
1) Adding different types to a string
2) Means the string is created from a mix of constants, variables, literals or expressions.
let length:Float = 3.14
var breadth = 10
var myString = "Area of a rectangle is length*breadth"
myString = "\(myString) i.e. = \(length)*\(breadth)"
Area of a rectangle is length*breadth
Area of a rectangle is length*breadth i.e. = 3.14*10
Use the Swift String initializer: String(format: <#String#>, arguments: <#[CVarArgType]#>)
For example:
let stringFromNumber = String(format: "%.2f", number)
String and Characters conforms to StringInterpolationProtocol protocol which provide more power to the strings.
StringInterpolationProtocol - "Represents the contents of a string literal with interpolations while it’s being built up."
String interpolation has been around since the earliest days of Swift, but in Swift 5.0 it’s getting a massive overhaul to make it faster and more powerful.
let name = "Ashwinee Dhakde"
print("Hello, I'm \(name)")
Using the new string interpolation system in Swift 5.0 we can extend String.StringInterpolation to add our own custom interpolations, like this:
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(_ value: Date) {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .full
let dateString = formatter.string(from: value)
Usage: print("Today's date is \(Date()).")
We can even provide user-defined names to use String-Interpolation, let's understand with an example.
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(JSON JSONData: Data) {
let JSONObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: JSONData, options: []),
let jsonData = try? JSONObject, options: .prettyPrinted) else {
appendInterpolation("Invalid JSON data")
appendInterpolation("\n\(String(decoding: jsonData, as: UTF8.self))")
print("The JSON is \(JSON: jsonData)")
Whenever we want to provide "JSON" in the string interpolation statement, it will print the .prettyPrinted
Isn't it cool!!
