Set Accelerator for programmatically added button - excel

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I added a button to an Excel Sheet programmatically. I am trying to assign an accelerator key, but it does not get assigned. The relevant code is:
Sub addPrint(sht, Optional fromLeft, Optional fromTop)
If IsMissing(fromLeft) Then fromLeft = 180
If IsMissing(fromTop) Then fromTop = 10
Set printbut = sht.Buttons.Add(fromLeft, fromTop, 50, 20)
printbut.Name = "PrintButton"
printbut.OnAction = "Sheet4.printButton"
printbut.Characters.Text = "Print/PDF"
printbut.Accelerator = "P"
End Sub
The 'P' does not get underlined and Alt-P does nothing.

This is the way to add an ActiveX-Button:
Sub addActiveXCommandButton(sht As Worksheet, Optional left As Single = 100, Optional top As Single = 100)
Dim btn As OLEObject
'create Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, left:=left, top:=top, _
Width:=105.75, Height:=36)
Debug.Print TypeName(btn) ' this returns OLEObject as a wrapper of the CommandButton
Debug.Print TypeName(btn.Object) ' this returns CommandButton - the activeX-Object
' access the CommandButton-Object and set the Accelerator value
btn.Object.Accelerator = "B"
End Sub
However, I am not certain, that the Accelerator Button may be accessed. On testing, the Accelerator Button could bot be accessed using the Alt-key.
I use a solution with a button and an application.onKey-definition that both access the same procedure.


Excel VBA Problem when adding an ImageCombo-ActiveX to a worksheet

I'm trying to add an ImageCombo-ActiveX control to an Excel worksheet by using the VBA-function .OLEObjects.Add(classtype:="MSComctlLib.ImageComboCtl.2", Top:=TopPos, Left:=LeftPos, Height:=0, Width:=0).
When doing so, the ImageCombo control is displayed on the worksheet in a preloaded state:
ImageCombo Preloaded State
When doing a check with Winspector Spy, it turned out then the ActiveX-Window is loaded as a child-window of an invisible window within Excel named as 'CtlFrameworkParking':
ActiveX control window
instead of being diplayed as an ImageCombo-control. To force this, I first have to make the worksheet window invisble and then redisplay it:
Status after Re-displaying the worksheet window
Finally, after manually scrolling down a line, the ImageCombo-control is diplayed at the desired location with the desired size.
Status after worksheet scroll
Reinspecting with Winspector Spy the ActiveX-Window now is located within the worksheet window:
final correct status
Is there any way to programatically force the ActiveX-Window to show in final state on the worksheet window, probably with some api calls?
I Solved the problem doing it the dirty way by adding the following lines:
Function ShowLanguageDropDown(TargetSheetName As String, Optional TopPos As Single = 0#, Optional LeftPos As Single = 0#, Optional SetVisible As Boolean = False) As MSComctlLib.ImageCombo
' Procedure : ShowLanguageDropDown
' Author : Bernd Birkicht
' Date : 05.11.2022
' Purpose : inserts an image dropdown on the target sheet, requires prelodad OLE-objects on a SourceSheet
' containing the ImageDropdown and the to be associated pre-set ImageList-activeX control
Set TargetSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSheetName)
With TargetSheet
.Visible = xlSheetHidden
.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End With
Set TargetSheet = Nothing
CurrentScrollRow = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = CurrentScrollRow
End function
These commands now do programmatically what I did manually before resulting in now correctly displaying the ImageDropdown control at the desired location on the worksheet.
I would welcome a more elegant solution.
I finally decided to to drop the approach of using an ImageCombo-ActiveX control directly on an Excel worksheet due to i encounterd a big bunch of problems with the ImageCombo-control further on.
When stopping the screen update, the Drop-down arrow within the control occasionally disappears and the control repaints not always fully. I was not able to fix this.
At the end of the day, I used the ImageCombo-ActiveX control within a modeless userform which is not affected at all from application screen updating or events processed by the application while the userform is displayed.
To prevent the userform from floating on the windows screen, I now attached the userform to the Excel-application window and cropped the userform frame around the ImageCombo-control.
Please find below the code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Procedure : UserForm_Initialize
' Author : Bernd Birkicht
' Date : 10.11.2022
' Purpose : fills the image-Dropdownbox valid lnaguage entries
Static BasicInit As Boolean
On Error GoTo UserForm_Initialize_Error
If BasicInit Then Exit Sub 'already initialised?
'adapt userform window to Dropbox size
Me.Height = Me!LanguageDropBox.Height
Me.Width = Me!LanguageDropBox.Width
With Me.LanguageDropBox
Set .ImageList = Nothing 'delete image list and import again
If .ImageList Is Nothing Then Set .ImageList = Me.LanguageSmallIconImageList
mlngptrCtlHwnd = .hwnd
.Locked = True
End With
PopulateComboItems Translate:=bTranslate
BasicInit = MakeChild(Me)
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
'MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in Prozedur UserForm_Initialize aus Formular LanguageDropBoxForm"
'LogError Err.Number, Err.Description, "in Prozedur UserForm_Initialize aus Formular LanguageDropBoxForm"
ErrEx.CallGlobalErrorHandler ' Call the global error handler to deal with unhandled errors
Resume UserForm_Initialize_Exit:
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Crop_UF_Frame()
' Procedure : Crop_UF_Frame
' Author : Nepumuk
' Date : 21.11.2015
' Purpose : crop the userform frame
' geändert : 11.11.2022 Bernd Birkicht
' ergänzt: Region eingrenzen auf einzelnes Control in der Userform
Dim udtRect As RECT, udtPoint As POINTAPI
Dim lngptrStyle As LongPtr, lngptrRegion As LongPtr, lngParenthWnd As LongPtr
Static BasicInit As Boolean
On Error GoTo Crop_UF_Frame_Error
mlngptrHwnd = FindWindowA(GC_CLASSNAMEMSFORM, Caption)
lngptrStyle = GetWindowLongA(mlngptrHwnd, GWL_STYLE)
Call SetWindowLongA(mlngptrHwnd, GWL_STYLE, lngptrStyle And Not WS_CAPTION)
Call DrawMenuBar(mlngptrHwnd)
Call GetWindowRect(mlngptrHwnd, udtRect)
udtPoint.x = udtRect.right
udtPoint.y = udtRect.bottom
Call ScreenToClient(mlngptrHwnd, udtPoint)
'11.11.2022 set region
If mlngptrCtlHwnd = 0 Then 'Control in Userform gewählt?
'remove userform frame
With udtRect
.bottom = udtPoint.y
.left = 4
.right = udtPoint.x
.top = 4
End With
'set region to WindowRect of the selected control
Call GetWindowRect(mlngptrCtlHwnd, udtRect)
End If
lngptrRegion = CreateRectRgnIndirect(udtRect)
Call SetWindowRgn(mlngptrHwnd, lngptrRegion, 1&)
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
ErrEx.CallGlobalErrorHandler ' Call the global error handler to deal with unhandled errors
Resume Crop_UF_Frame_Exit:
End Select
End Sub
Private Function MakeChild(ByVal UF As UserForm) As Boolean
Dim DeskHWnd As LongPtr
Dim WindowHWnd As LongPtr
Dim UFhWnd As LongPtr
MakeChild = False
' get the window handle of the Excel desktop
DeskHWnd = FindWindowEx(Application.hwnd, 0&, "XLDESK", vbNullString)
If DeskHWnd > 0 Then
' get the window handle of the ActiveWindow
WindowHWnd = FindWindowEx(DeskHWnd, 0&, "EXCEL7", ActiveWindow.Caption)
If WindowHWnd > 0 Then
' ok
MsgBox "Unable to get the window handle of the ActiveWindow."
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "Unable to get the window handle of the Excel Desktop."
Exit Function
End If
' get the window handle of the userform
Call IUnknown_GetWindow(UF, VarPtr(UFhWnd))
mlngptrOldParenthWnd = GetParent(UFhWnd)
If mlngptrOldParenthWnd = WindowHWnd Then Exit Function 'Assignment to Excel window already done
'make the userform a child window of the MDIForm
If (UFhWnd > 0) And (WindowHWnd > 0) Then
' make the userform a child window of the ActiveWindow
If SetParent(UFhWnd, WindowHWnd) = 0 Then
' an error occurred.
MsgBox "The call to SetParent failed."
Exit Function
End If
End If
MakeChild = True
End Function
If Wb.ActiveSheet.Name = Translate_To_OriginalText(InitSheetName) And LanguageDropBoxUForm Is Nothing Then
LanguageDropBoxForm.Hide 'Lädt das Window ohne es anzuzeigen
If UserForms.count > 0 Then Set LanguageDropBoxUForm = UserForms(UserForms.count - 1)
LanguageDropBoxForm.Move 660#, 85#
LanguageDropBoxForm.Show vbModeless 'show Language-Select-Window modeless

VBA Button position not updating

i have this code to create a button and assign a macro to it
Private Sub createButton_line(ByVal name As String, ByVal position, ByVal line As Integer)
Dim btn As Button
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveSheet.Range(position)
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(R.Left, R.Top, R.Width, R.Height)
With btn
.Caption = name
.Placement = xlMove
.name = name
.OnAction = "'test """ & btn.TopLeftCell.Address & """'"
End With
End Sub
Public Sub test(ByVal p As Variant)
Range("A22").value = p
End Sub
But if i insert a row with another function or manually the test function always show (write in a cell) me the same Address i tried btn.TopLeftCell.Row or btn.TopLeftCell.Adress but it's always showing me the same address which is the range that was used to create the button.
I did try many solutions found on the forum and on stack overflow post but it still not working I expect that I get the actual position of my button when I insert a row ahead.
OnAction is static - so when you pass the Address as parameter it won't change.
Therefore you need to retrieve the button itself in your test-sub - and check the position there. For that: pass the name of the button to 'OnAction' instead - and retrieve the address when called by test
Public Sub createButton_line(ByVal name As String, ByVal position, ByVal line As Integer)
Dim btn As Button
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveSheet.Range(position)
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(R.Left, R.Top, R.Width, R.Height)
With btn
.Caption = name
.Placement = xlMove
.name = name
.OnAction = "'test """ & name & """'"
End With
End Sub
Public Sub test(ByVal NameOfButton As Variant)
Dim btn As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons(NameOfButton)
Range("A22").Value = btn.TopLeftCell.Address
End Sub

How to assign custom action to dynamically created Active-X button?

I'm setting up an Excel worksheet where I need to dynamically generate Active-X buttons and set up a different action for each one.
I get
run time error 459 "Object or class does not support the class of events"
when I launch it.
I've seen similar questions but the solutions have been given for userforms.
My current solution.
I have a custom class module WoExp_FSelect_Btn:
Public WithEvents btn As OLEObject
Public id As Integer
Dim iCount As Long
' Action to handle button click
Private Sub btn_Click()
'*** just for debug: show msgbox with id
MsgBox ("ID: " & id) 'Debug
End Sub
A collection is created with global scope to fit this kind of objects:
Public WoExp_DFileSel_Buttons As New Collection
Then I dynamically create the buttons running the following function inside a loop, i being the loop iteration:
Private Sub WoExp_AddFileSel_Btn(i As Integer)
Dim cmdbtn As OLEObject
Dim FselBtnWithEvents As WoExp_FSelect_Btn
Set cmdbtn = Worksheets("Word Report Gen").OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=50, Top:=80, Width:=75, _
cmdbtn.Left = Worksheets("Word Report Gen").Cells(13 + i, 3).Left
cmdbtn.Top = Worksheets("Word Report Gen").Cells(13 + i, 3).Top
cmdbtn.Name = "WoExpDFileSel_Btn_" + CStr(i)
Set FselBtnWithEvents = New WoExp_FSelect_Btn
Set FselBtnWithEvents.btn = cmdbtn = i
WoExp_DFileSel_Buttons.Add FselBtnWithEvents
End Sub
All buttons are properly shown if I comment the Set FselBtnWithEvents.btn = cmdbtn line, so I think that the problem is that OLEobject class and WithEvents don't go along.
As the error states, the OLEObject object does not support the Click event. If you go to your class module, select btn from the Object dropdown menu, and then click on the Procedure dropdown menu, you'll see that it only supports GotFocus and LostFocus.
However, when I replaced the Click event with either GotFocus or LostFocus, the same error occurred. So maybe there's some sort of bug.

VBA Combobox / automatically generate code

I've got a question concerning combobox in Excel.
I've got an excel sheet that by default contains two comboboxes and their number is described by a variable x (x=2 by default). Each combobox is scripted to behave in a particular way in subs, for example I've got: private sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick().
Nonetheless, sometimes I need to increase the number of these boxes by changing the value of X. I may need up to 10 comboboxes in total. Now the question is whether there's any way in which I can set the behaviour of an infinite number of comboboxes (for example in the event of DropButtonClick). What I did was to write a code for each of those comboboxes, so I've got a sub for ComboBox1_DropButtonClick(), ComboBox2_DropButtonClick(), ComboBox3_DropButtonClick(), etc.. The code varies a bit, but it's repeatable. So it all looks rather dumb and I'm searching for some more ingenious solution. Maybe all those comboboxes can be scripted in one go? If there's any way to do it, please share it with me.
Thanks, Wojciech.
[edit] Location of my code (marked in grey):
Screenshot from VBA editor in VBA
Here is some code to dynamically add controls to an Excel Userform, and add the code behind. The code added will make it display a MessageBox when the ComboBox receives a KeyDown.
The code is somewhat commented, but let me know if you have questions :)
Option Explicit
Sub CreateFormComboBoxes(NumberOfComboBoxes As Long)
Dim frm As Object
Dim ComboBox As Object
Dim Code As String
Dim i As Long
'Make a blank form called 'UserForm1', or any name you want
'make sure it has no controls or any code in it
Set frm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("UserForm1")
With frm
For i = 1 To NumberOfComboBoxes
Set ComboBox = .designer.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
'Set the properties of the new controls
With ComboBox
.Width = 100
.Height = 20
.Top = 20 + ((i - 1) * 40) 'Move the control down
.Left = 20
.Visible = True
.ZOrder (1)
.Name = "ComboBox" & i
End With
'Add your code for each module, you can add different code, by adding a if statement here
'And write the code depending on the name, index, or something else
Code = Code & vbNewLine & "Private Sub " & "ComboBox" & i & "_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)" & _
vbNewLine & " MsgBox(""hi"")" & vbNewLine & "End Sub"
'Add the code
.CodeModule.InsertLines 2, Code
End With
End Sub
'Run this
Sub Example()
CreateFormComboBoxes 5
End Sub
I figured I might as well add the other approach for adding controls dynamically to an Excel sheet. I'd recommend sticking to UserForms, but, here's a method that should help out when controls are needed in a Sheet.
Sub addCombosToExcelSheet(MySheet As Worksheet, NumberOfComboBoxes As Long, StringRangeForDropDown As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim combo As Shape
Dim yPosition As Long
Dim Module As Object
yPosition = 20
For i = 1 To NumberOfComboBoxes
yPosition = (i - 1) * 50
'Create the shape
Set combo = MySheet.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, 20, yPosition, 100, 20)
' Range where the values are stored for the dropDown
combo.ControlFormat.ListFillRange = StringRangeForDropDown
combo.Name = "Combo" & i
Code = "Sub Combo" & i & "_Change()" & vbNewLine & _
" MsgBox(""hi"")" & vbNewLine & _
"End Sub"
'Add the code
With ThisWorkbook
'Make sure Module2 Exits and there is no other code present in it
Set Module = .VBProject.VBComponents("Module2").CodeModule
Module.AddFromString (Code)
End With
'Associate the control with the action, don't include the () at the end!
combo.OnAction = "'" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "'!Combo" & i & "_Change"
End Sub
Sub Example()
Dim sht As Worksheet: Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
addCombosToExcelSheet sht, 10, "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$10"
End Sub

Excel VBA - GotFocus/LostFocus event handler for dynamically added ActiveX Object

I have created a tool using Excel to gather inputs from a user and use it to do some processing of data. I have created a UI on a worksheet with a bunch of ActiveX controls (TextBox, ListBox, ComboBox).
Part of the ActiveX controls are dynamic - they are added at run time based on "metadata" that the tool admin creates on a second worksheet. Metadata contains the field name, type of ActiveX control, position of the control, ListRange to populate values, Multi-Text/Multi-Select flag, etc.
I am able to successfully add the ActiveX controls to the UI worksheet. However, now I want to add functionality for ActiveX TextBox controls to show a default text, when the control gets focus - default text gets removed, when the control loses focus - if user has entered any data it remains otherwise the default text shows up again.
Public Sub df_segment_GotFocus()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set form_sheet = Worksheets(Sheet1.Name)
If form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment") Is Nothing Then
'When user begins to type, remove the help text and remove Italics
Dim seg_val As String
seg_val = form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value
If seg_val = "e.g. Desktop-Mac,Desktop-Win,Mobile-OSX" Then
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Font.Italic = False
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value = ""
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value = seg_val
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub df_segment_LostFocus()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set form_sheet = Worksheets(Sheet1.Name)
If form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment") Is Nothing Then
'Incase user doesn't enter any values, show the help text again
Dim seg_val As String
seg_val = form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value
If seg_val = "" Then
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Font.Italic = True
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value = "e.g. Desktop-Mac,Desktop-Win,Mobile-OSX"
form_sheet.OLEObjects("df_segment").Object.Value = seg_val
End If
End If
End Sub
In the sample code above, you can see that I am using the exact name of the control to setup the GotFocus and LostFocus event handlers. However, since my UI is metadata driven, the controls will be added/removed dynamically and I wouldn't know the name of the controls to explicitly add the event handlers.
I looked up the forums and implemented this:
a.) Implemented a Class Module
Public WithEvents df_TextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Public df_TextBox_Name As String
Private Sub df_TextBox_Change()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set form_sheet = Worksheets(Sheet1.Name)
Set metadata_sheet = Worksheets(Sheet2.Name)
Dim obj_name As String
obj_name = df_TextBox_Name
obj_val = form_sheet.OLEObjects(obj_name).Object.Value
MsgBox "Change in TextBox" & obj_val
End Sub
b.) Created objects for the Class where I instantiate the control objects
ElseIf d_Type = "TextBox" Then
df_obj.Object.Value = d_def_val
df_obj.Object.Font.Italic = True
If d_Multi = 1 Then
df_obj.Object.MultiLine = True
End If
'part where we add the custom events for GotFocus and LostFocus
ReDim Preserve TextBox_Event_Array(1 To i)
Set TextBox_Event_Array(i).df_TextBox = df_obj.Object
TextBox_Event_Array(i).df_TextBox_Name = df_obj.Name
Problem Statements
1.) When I create the class module, I don't see the GotFocus and LostFocus events available. Only Change, KeyDown/Press/Up, MouseDown/Move/Up
2.) I created a Change event handler just to test the Class Module but I do not see it getting triggered.
Any suggestions on how can I fix the problem or any alternate solutions?
