How can you set the swagger path in servicestack? - servicestack

By default the documentation generated by swagger sits at /swagger-ui is there a simple mechanism to change this path to something more user defined such as /documentation?

The /swagger-ui/ and /swagger-ui-bootstrap/ paths are hard-coded to match the \swagger-ui and \swagger-ui-bootstrap folders and cannot be changed.
You could create a new Service or filter and redirect to them.

You can change the actual folder path from /swagger-ui/ to /documentation/. (make sure to search for the old swagger-ui string in the rest of the project and update the references where it makes sense, i think just in the index.html file)
Optionally, when registering your metadata plugins(if enabled) - you may want to update the Swagger link on the metadata page, which can be done by adding a link to the metadata swagger plugin
via appHost.GetPlugin()
.AddPluginLink("documentation/", "Swagger UI");


How Do I Update the Swagger UI Documentation in JHipster?

In my JHipster app, I have manually updated the OpenAPI spec file (api.yml), following official instructions for API-first development.
However, the documentation (generated via Springfox) does not update, and still lists the endpoints described in the original (default) content of the api.yml.
As per Springfox's documentation,
All content is served from a webjar convention, relative url taking the following form: webjars/springfox-swagger-ui/2.9.2/swagger-ui.html
But there's no word about how to update that. Any ideas/clues welcome.

Add Servicestack Reference with swiftref

I need to generate dtos with swiftref but my API doesn´t has the path /types/swift like to I added the swift server configuration in my AppHost but the path not work, Any idea?
Every ServiceStack AppHost supports exposing the Add ServiceStack Reference routes by default which is available from {baseUrl}/types/swift. You don't need to add any Swift Server configuration as it's enabled by default.
Make sure you're using the right baseUrl, which is also where the /metadata page is located. If you're using the right baseUrl check your ?debug=requestinfo for any Startup Errors, you will need to have DebugMode=true enabled.

NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription missing, but present

After successful upload I get:
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
This is in the .plist:
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription 'MyApp' would
like to use Bluetooth
What is here wrong? In other App's it was working.
The problem was, that there were two .plist files in the project directory.
The used .plist file is defined here: "TARGETS", "Build settings", "Packaging", "INFOPLIST_FILE".
find the info.plist file of your project and add the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key the value it is string whatever you like. this feature is request on iOS 10.enter image description here

Localization file path error when using tap-i18n with meteor

I am running meteor inside a folder, like this
ROOT_URL="http://localhost:3000/registration" meteor
Also, i am using tap:i18n package for internationalisation support. The problem is that tap_i18n doesn't update the url for the localisation files and still makes request to http://localhost:3000/tap-i18n/en-US.json which is not a valid address, and hence throws 404 error. It should make request to http://localhost:3000/registration/tap-i18n/en-US.json. Notice the registration folder that was passed via ROOT_URL while starting meteor.
How can i tell tap_i18n package to honor ROOT_URL?
I've setup a small demo project with some explanations on how to achieve your configuration. Please let me know if you could solve your issue.
How to configure tap:i18n with custom ROOT_URL
Check the configuration, you can set the i18n_files_route parameter
Configuring tap-i18n
To configure tap-i18n add to it a file named project-tap.i18n.
This JSON can have the following properties. All of them are optional.
The values bellow are the defaults.
----------------------------- {
"helper_name": "_",
"supported_languages": null,
"i18n_files_route": "/tap-i18n",
"cdn_path": null
Source link for configuration

TYPO3: extension with both backend module and frontend plugin

I am trying to create an extension ('XML Uploader') with a backend module and a frontend plugin also.
The backend module will be used for managing xml files (upload, validate against a DTD), and the frontend plugin should be used for displaying the uploaded xmls.
The problem is with the frontend part:
I followed
the basic extension tutorial - added a new page, created a content element of type 'Insert plugin' - but when trying to add a new record, the type 'XML Uploader' does not appear in the list of new record types. Moreover, the changes made to class.tx_xmluploader_pi1.php have no effect.
So how should I work with the frontend plugin? Or would it be better to create a separate extension instead?
Any help would be very much appreciated.. Thank you.
When creating your table with the extension kickstarter you must check the "Allowed on pages:" checkbox to allow records from this table to be created on regular pages.
If your changes have no effect, it could be that the page is cached by typo3. In that case you can clear or disable the cache with the admin panel or in the page configuration menu.
You have to include the static template of your extension (I presume you used the kickstarter or extension_builder):
go to the your template, in the object browser you should see something like:
plugin.tx_xmluploader_pi1 = USER
if you can't find it, edit your template (edit/modify => edit whole template record) and add your extension template in the tab 'Includes'
Additionally, check your ext_localconf.php for the line
t3lib_extMgm::addPItoST43($_EXTKEY, 'pi1/class.tx_xmluploader_pi1.php', '_pi1', 'list_type', 0);
This is where your FE plugin is being registered.
