What is progress and bounded waiting in 'critical section algorithm'? - multithreading

Consider the following code
//proces i: //proces j:
flag[i] = true; flag[j] = true;
turn = j; turn = i;
while(flag[j] == true && turn==j); while(flag[i] == true && turn == i);
<critical section> <critical section>
flag[i] = false; flag[j] = false;
<remainder section <remainder section>
I am certain that the above code will satisfies the mutual exclusion property but what I am uncertain about the following
What exactly does progress mean ? and does the above code satisfy it, The above code requires the the critical section being executed in strict alternation. Is that considered as progress ?
From what I see the above code does not maintain any information on the number of times a process has entered the critical section, would that mean that the above code does not satisfy bounded waiting ?

Progress means that the process will eventually do some work - an example of where this may not be the case is when a low-priority thread might be pre-empted and rolled back by high-priority threads. Once your processes reach their critical section they won't be pre-empted, so they'll make progress.
Bounded waiting means that the process will eventually gain control of the processor - an example of where this may not be the case is when another process has a non-terminating loop in a critical section with no possibility of the thread being interrupted. Your code has bounded waiting IF the critical sections terminate AND the remainder section will not re-invoke the process's critical section (otherwise a process might keep running its critical section without the other process ever gaining control of the processor).

Progress of the processes mean that the processes don't enter in a deadlock situation and hence,their execution continues independently! Actually, at any moment of time,only one of the process i or process j will be executing its critical section code and hence,the consistency will be maintained! SO, Progress of both processes are being talked and met successfully in the given code.
Next, this particular code is for processes which are intended to run only for once and hence, they won't be reaching their critical section code again. It is for single execution of process.
Bounded waiting says that a bound must exist on the number of times
that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections
after a process has made a request to enter its critical section and
before that request is granted.
This particular piece of code has nothing to do with bounded waiting and is for trivial cases where processes execute for once only!


Goroutines are cooperatively scheduled. Does that mean that goroutines that don't yield execution will cause goroutines to run one by one?

From: http://blog.nindalf.com/how-goroutines-work/
As the goroutines are scheduled cooperatively, a goroutine that loops continuously can starve other goroutines on the same thread.
Goroutines are cheap and do not cause the thread on which they are multiplexed to block if they are blocked on
network input
channel operations or
blocking on primitives in the sync package.
So given the above, say that you have some code like this that does nothing but loop a random number of times and print the sum:
func sum(x int) {
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < x; i++ {
sum += i
if you use goroutines like
go sum(100)
go sum(200)
go sum(300)
go sum(400)
will the goroutines run one by one if you only have one thread?
A compilation and tidying of all of creker's comments.
Preemptive means that kernel (runtime) allows threads to run for a specific amount of time and then yields execution to other threads without them doing or knowing anything. In OS kernels that's usually implemented using hardware interrupts. Process can't block entire OS. In cooperative multitasking thread have to explicitly yield execution to others. If it doesn't it could block whole process or even whole machine. That's how Go does it. It has some very specific points where goroutine can yield execution. But if goroutine just executes for {} then it will lock entire process.
However, the quote doesn't mention recent changes in the runtime. fmt.Println(sum) could cause other goroutines to be scheduled as newer runtimes will call scheduler on function calls.
If you don't have any function calls, just some math, then yes, goroutine will lock the thread until it exits or hits something that could yield execution to others. That's why for {} doesn't work in Go. Even worse, it will still lead to process hanging even if GOMAXPROCS > 1 because of how GC works, but in any case you shouldn't depend on that. It's good to understand that stuff but don't count on it. There is even a proposal to insert scheduler calls in loops like yours
The main thing that Go's runtime does is it gives its best to allow everyone to execute and don't starve anyone. How it does that is not specified in the language specification and might change in the future. If the proposal about loops will be implemented then even without function calls switching could occur. At the moment the only thing you should remember is that in some circumstances function calls could cause goroutine to yield execution.
To explain the switching in Akavall's answer, when fmt.Printf is called, the first thing it does is checks whether it needs to grow the stack and calls the scheduler. It MIGHT switch to another goroutine. Whether it will switch depends on the state of other goroutines and exact implementation of the scheduler. Like any scheduler, it probably checks whether there're starving goroutines that should be executed instead. With many iterations function call has greater chance to make a switch because others are starving longer. With few iterations goroutine finishes before starvation happens.
For what its worth it. I can produce a simple example where it is clear that the goroutines are not ran one by one:
package main
import (
func sum_up(name string, count_to int, print_every int, done chan bool) {
my_sum := 0
for i := 0; i < count_to; i++ {
if i % print_every == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s working on: %d\n", name, i)
my_sum += 1
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", name, my_sum)
done <- true
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
const COUNT_TO = 10000000
const PRINT_EVERY = 1000000
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
<- done
<- done
Amy working on: 7000000
Brian working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 9000000
Brian working on: 9000000
Brian: 10000000
Amy: 10000000
Also if I add a function that just does a forever loop, that will block the entire process.
func dumb() {
for {
This blocks at some random point:
go dumb()
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
Well, let's say runtime.GOMAXPROCS is 1. The goroutines run concurrently one at a time. Go's scheduler just gives the upper hand to one of the spawned goroutines for a certain time, then to another, etc until all are finished.
So, you never know which goroutine is running at a given time, that's why you need to synchronize your variables. From your example, it's unlikely that sum(100) will run fully, then sum(200) will run fully, etc
The most probable is that one goroutine will do some iterations, then another will do some, then another again etc.
So, the overall is that they are not sequential, even if there is only one goroutine active at a time (GOMAXPROCS=1).
So, what's the advantage of using goroutines ? Plenty. It means that you can just do an operation in a goroutine because it is not crucial and continue the main program. Imagine an HTTP webserver. Treating each request in a goroutine is convenient because you do not have to care about queueing them and run them sequentially: you let Go's scheduler do the job.
Plus, sometimes goroutines are inactive, because you called time.Sleep, or they are waiting for an event, like receiving something for a channel. Go can see this and just executes other goroutines while some are in those idle states.
I know there are a handful of advantages I didn't present, but I don't know concurrency that much to tell you about them.
Related to your example code, if you add each iteration at the end of a channel, run that on one processor and print the content of the channel, you'll see that there is no context switching between goroutines: Each one runs sequentially after another one is done.
However, it is not a general rule and is not specified in the language. So, you should not rely on these results for drawing general conclusions.
#Akavall Try adding sleep after creating dumb goroutine, goruntime never executes sum_up goroutines.
From that it looks like go runtime spawns next go routines immediately, it might execute sum_up goroutine until go runtime schedules dumb() goroutine to run. Once dumb() is scheduled to run then go runtime won't schedule sum_up goroutines to run, as dumb runs for{}

how does peterson's solution solve bounded waiting?

The dinosaur book says that a solution to critical section problem must satisfy Mutual exclusion, Progress and Bounded Wait
This is the structure of a process as described under Peterson's solution in the book:
do {
while (flag[j] && turn==j);
// critical section
// remainder section
} while (True);
I dont understand how this is solving bounded waiting problem. The bounded waiting says that there is a limit to how many times a process can be stopped from getting into its critical section so that no process gets starved. But here there is no counter for that and processes share just these two variables among themselves in this solution:
int turn;
boolean flag[2];
Bounded waiting says that a bound must exist on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has made a request to enter its critical section and before that request is granted.
Here, the Peterson's solution is considers strict alternation so, alternatively process[0] and process[1] will get access to critical section.Here bounded waiting won't be satisfied in case e.g. some process gets C.S. repeatedly starving other processes but this situation is not possible because of strict alternation.
By using 'turn' variable bounded waiting is ensured.
First of all it is needed to know that the Peterson's solution is a 2 process solution.
Now the answer...
Here you can see that when the process enters the loop
while(flag[j] && turn==j);
it lets the process j to enters its critical section. Here the process i will only enter its critical section when either the turn != j or flag[j] == false;
Lets say that flag[j] = true. In this case process i has to wait and can't enter its critical section(process i is waiting). Now we know that as soon as the process j is done with its critical section it executes the line
flag[j] = false;
which helps process i to get out of the loop and even if now process j again tries to enter its critical section, it will get stuck in the same loop and process i will be able to execute its critical section without waiting any longer(here the bound on waiting is 1).
Here we can see that even if process j is fast and tries to enter its critical section as many times it wants, process i wont get starved once it is ready to execute its critical section. Thus bounded waiting i.e. there is a bound on the amount of process(which in here is 1) that can execute its critical section before the process requested for, is granted
permission to execute its critical section.

How does Wait/Signal (semaphore) implementation pseudo-code "work"?

Wait(semaphore sem) {
if (sem.val < 0){
add thread to sem.L
Signal(semaphore sem){
if (sem.val <= 0) {
th = remove next
thread from sem.L
If block(thread) stops a thread from executing, how, where, and when does it return?
Which thread enables interrupts following the Wait()?
the thread that called block() shouldn’t return until another thread has called wakeup(thread)!
but how does that other thread get to run?
where exactly does the thread switch occur?
block(thread) works that way:
Enables interrupts
Uses some kind of waiting mechanism (provided by the operating system or the busy waiting in the simplest case) to wait until the wakeup(thread) on this thread is called. This means that in this point thread yields its time to the scheduler.
Disables interrupts and returns.
Yes, UP and DOWN are mostly useful when called from different threads, but it is not impossible that you call these with one thread - if you start semaphore with a value > 0, then the same thread can entry the critical section and execute both DOWN (before) and UP (after). Value which initializes the semaphore tells how many threads can enter the critical section at once, which might be 1 (mutex) or any other positive number.
How are the threads created? That is not shown on the lecture slide, because that is only a principle how semaphore works using a pseudocode. But it is a completely different story how you use those semaphores in your application.

Reusable Barrier Algorithm

I'm looking into the Reusable Barrier algorithm from the book "The Little Book Of Semaphores" (archived here).
The puzzle is on page 31 (Basic Synchronization Patterns/Reusable Barrier), and I have come up with a 'solution' (or not) which differs from the solution from the book (a two-phase barrier).
This is my 'code' for each thread:
# n = 4; threads running
# semaphore = n max., initialized to 0
# mutex, unowned.
counter = counter + 1
if counter = n:
semaphore.signal(4) # add 4 at once
counter = 0
# critical section
goto start
This does seem to work, I've even inserted different sleep timers into different sections of the threads, and they still wait for all the threads to come before continuing each and every loop. Am I missing something? Is there a condition that this will fail?
I've implemented this using the Windows library Semaphore and Mutex functions.
Thank you to starblue for the answer. Turns out that if for whatever reason a thread is slow between mutex.release() and semaphore.wait() any of the threads that arrive to semaphore.wait() after a full loop will be able to go through again, since there will be one of the N unused signals left.
And having put a Sleep command for thread number 3, I got this result where one can see that thread 3 missed a turn the first time, with thread 1 having done 2 turns, and then catching up on the second turn (which was in fact its 1st turn).
Thanks again to everyone for the input.
One thread could run several times through the barrier while some other thread doesn't run at all.

Simple POSIX threads question

I have this POSIX thread:
void subthread(void)
while(!quit_thread) {
// do something
// don't waste cpu cycles
if(!quit_thread) usleep(500);
// free resources
// tell main thread we're done
quit_thread = FALSE;
Now I want to terminate subthread() from my main thread. I've tried the following:
quit_thread = TRUE;
// wait until subthread() has cleaned its resources
But it does not work! The while() clause does never exit although my subthread clearly sets quit_thread to FALSE after having freed its resources!
If I modify my shutdown code like this:
quit_thread = TRUE;
// wait until subthread() has cleaned its resources
while(quit_thread) usleep(10);
Then everything is working fine! Could someone explain to me why the first solution does not work and why the version with usleep(10) suddenly works? I know that this is not a pretty solution. I could use semaphores/signals for this but I'd like to learn something about multithreading, so I'd like to know why my first solution doesn't work.
Without a memory fence, there is no guarantee that values written in one thread will appear in another. Most of the pthread primitives introduce a barrier, as do several system calls such as usleep. Using a mutex around both the read and write introduces a barrier, and more generally prevents multi-byte values being visible in partially written state.
You also need to separate the idea of asking a thread to stop executing, and reporting that it has stopped, and appear to be using the same variable for both.
What's most likely to be happening is that your compiler is not aware that quit_thread can be changed by another thread (because C doesn't know about threads, at least at the time this question was asked). Because of that, it's optimising the while loop to an infinite loop.
In other words, it looks at this code:
quit_thread = TRUE;
and thinks to itself, "Hah, nothing in that loop can ever change quit_thread to FALSE, so the coder obviously just meant to write while (TRUE);".
When you add the call to usleep, the compiler has another think about it and assumes that the function call may change the global, so it plays it safe and doesn't optimise it.
Normally you would mark the variable as volatile to stop the compiler from optimising it but, in this case, you should use the facilities provided by pthreads and join to the thread after setting the flag to true (and don't have the sub-thread reset it, do that in the main thread after the join if it's necessary). The reason for that is that a join is likely to be more efficient than a continuous loop waiting for a variable change since the thread doing the join will most likely not be executed until the join needs to be done.
In your spinning solution, the joining thread will most likely continue to run and suck up CPU grunt.
In other words, do something like:
Main thread Child thread
------------------- -------------------
fStop = false
start Child Initialise
Do some other stuff while not fStop:
fStop = true Do what you have to do
Finish up and exit
join to Child
Do yet more stuff
And, as an aside, you should technically protect shared variables with mutexes but this is one of the few cases where it's okay, one-way communication where half-changed values of a variable don't matter (false/not-false).
The reason you normally mutex-protect a variable is to stop one thread seeing it in a half-changed state. Let's say you have a two-byte integer for a count of some objects, and it's set to 0x00ff (255).
Let's further say that thread A tries to increment that count but it's not an atomic operation. It changes the top byte to 0x01 but, before it gets a chance to change the bottom byte to 0x00, thread B swoops in and reads it as 0x01ff.
Now that's not going to be very good if thread B want to do something with the last element counted by that value. It should be looking at 0x0100 but will instead try to look at 0x01ff, the effect of which will be wrong, if not catastrophic.
If the count variable were protected by a mutex, thread B wouldn't be looking at it until thread A had finished updating it, hence no problem would occur.
The reason that doesn't matter with one-way booleans is because any half state will also be considered as true or false so, if thread A was halfway between turning 0x0000 into 0x0001 (just the top byte), thread B would still see that as 0x0000 (false) and keep going (until thread A finishes its update next time around).
And if thread A was turning the boolean into 0xffff, the half state of 0xff00 would still be considered true by thread B so it would do its thing before thread A had finished updating the boolean.
Neither of those two possibilities is bad simply because, in both, thread A is in the process of changing the boolean and it will finish eventually. Whether thread B detects it a tiny bit earlier or a tiny bit later doesn't really matter.
The while(quite_thread); is using the value quit_thread was set to on the line before it. Calling a function (usleep) induces the compiler to reload the value on each test.
In any case, this is the wrong way to wait for a thread to complete. Use pthread_join instead.
You're "learning" multhithreading the wrong way. The right way is to learn to use mutexes and condition variables; any other solution will fail under some circumstances.
