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What would be the typical game skeleton for a Haskell game, let's say a simple shoot them up for instance?
I am particularly interested on the data structure, and how to manage the update of all the elements in the world, in regards of immutability issue.
Just saying that
is a little bit simplistic. For instance, how to deal with multiple interaction that can occurs between element of the world (collisions, reaction to player, etc....) especially when you have a lot of 'independent' elements impacted.
The main concern is about immutability of the world, which makes very difficult to update a "small" part of the world based on another subset of the world.
I love gloss (gloss 2D library. it's very closed to your needs (I think)
A very simple example
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
-- Your app data
data App = App { mouseX :: Float
, mouseY :: Float
-- Draw world using your app data
-- Here thing about *draw* your world (e.g. if radius > MAX then red else blue)
drawWorld (App mousex mousey) = color white $ circle mousex
-- Handle input events and update your app data
-- Here thing about user interaction (e.g. when press button start jump!)
(EventMotion (x, y)) -- current viewport mouse coordinates
(App _ _) = App x y
handleEvent e w = w
-- Without input events you can update your world by time
-- Here thing about time (e.g. if jumping use `t` to compute new position)
handleTime t w = w
runApp =
( InWindow "Test" (300, 300) (0, 0) ) -- full screen or in window
black -- background color
20 -- frames per second
( App 0 0 ) -- your initial world
drawWorld -- how to draw the world?
handleEvent -- how app data is updated when IO events?
handleTime -- how app data is updated along the time?
-- enjoy!
main = runApp
One simple example modifying some data structure (a list of circle radius) along the three event handlers (draw, input and time)
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import System.IO.Unsafe
data App = App { mouseX :: Float
, mouseY :: Float
, circleList :: [Float]
, lastTime :: Float
, currTime :: Float
drawWorld app =
color white $ pictures $ map circle $ circleList app
(EventMotion (x, y)) -- current viewport mouse coordinates
app = app { mouseX = x, mouseY = y,
-- drop circles with radius > mouse **MOVED** position
circleList = filter (<(abs x)) $ circleList app }
handleEvent e app = app
handleTime t app =
app { currTime = currTime', lastTime = lastTime', circleList = circleList' }
where currTime' = currTime app + t
-- create new circle each 1 second
createNew = currTime' - lastTime app > 1
lastTime' = if createNew then currTime' else lastTime app
-- each step, increase all circle radius
circleList' = (if createNew then [0] else []) ++ map (+0.5) (circleList app)
runApp =
( InWindow "Test" (300, 300) (0, 0) )
( App 0 0 [] 0 0 )
main = runApp
with result
I want to move an object in Haskell Gloss every frame a key is pressed, not just the one frame that the key is started being pressed. (Example: While 'w' key is pressed, accelerate object every frame)
Edit: I tried using the second parameter of EventKey but to no avail.
My code:
--TODO - Holding keys doesn't work yet
handleKeys :: Event -> AsteroidsGame -> AsteroidsGame
handleKeys (EventKey (Char char) _ _ _) game
| char == 'w' = move 0 1
| char == 'a' = move (-1) 0
| char == 's' = move 0 (-1)
| char == 'd' = move 1 0
where move x y = game {player = accelerateObject (player game) x y}
handleKeys _ game = game
accelerateObject :: Object -> Float -> Float -> Object
accelerateObject obj hor ver = obj {vel = (vx + hor, vy + ver)}
where (vx, vy) = vel obj
As OP correctly deduced, gloss gives you input events ("key was just pressed", "mouse was just moved"), rather than input state ("key is currently pressed", "mouse is at x,y"). There doesn't seem to be a built-in way to see input state on each frame, so we'll have to make our own workaround. Thankfully, this isn't too difficult!
For a simple working example, we'll make an incredibly fun "game" where you can watch a counter count upwards while the space bar is pressed. Riveting. This approach generalises to handling any key presses, so it'll be easy to extend to your case.
The first thing we need is our game state:
import qualified Data.Set as S
data World = World
{ keys :: S.Set Key
, counter :: Int }
We keep track of our specific game state (in this case just a counter), as well as state for our workaround (a set of pressed keys).
Handling input events just involves either adding a key to our set of currently pressed keys or removing it:
handleInput :: Event -> World -> World
handleInput (EventKey k Down _ _) world = world { keys = S.insert k (keys world)}
handleInput (EventKey k Up _ _) world = world { keys = S.delete k (keys world)}
handleInput _ world = world -- Ignore non-keypresses for simplicity
This can easily be extended to handle eg. mouse movement, by changing our World type to keep track of the last known coordinates of the cursor, and setting it in this function whenever we see an EventMotion event.
Our frame-to-frame world update function then uses the input state to update the specific game state:
update :: Float -> World -> World
update _ world
| S.member (SpecialKey KeySpace) (keys world) = world { counter = 1 + counter world }
| otherwise = world { counter = 0 }
If the spacebar is currently pressed (S.member (SpecialKey KeySpace) (keys world)), increment the counter - otherwise, reset it to 0. We don't care about how much time as elapsed between frames so we ignore the float argument.
Finally we can render our game and play it:
render :: World -> Picture
render = color white . text . show . counter
main :: IO ()
main = play display black 30 initWorld render handleInput update
display = InWindow "test" (800, 600) (0, 0)
initWorld = World S.empty 0
I'm working with Corona and Lua script.
basically I want to scale and rotate a 'larger than screen' image with dual-touch
Please help :)
Try this
-- one more thing
-- turn on multitouch
-- which environment are we running on?
local isDevice = (system.getInfo("environment") == "device")
-- returns the distance between points a and b
function lengthOf( a, b )
local width, height = b.x-a.x, b.y-a.y
return (width*width + height*height)^0.5
-- returns the degrees between (0,0) and pt
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleOfPoint( pt )
local x, y = pt.x, pt.y
local radian = math.atan2(y,x)
local angle = radian*180/math.pi
if angle < 0 then angle = 360 + angle end
return angle
-- returns the degrees between two points
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleBetweenPoints( a, b )
local x, y = b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y
return angleOfPoint( { x=x, y=y } )
-- returns the smallest angle between the two angles
-- ie: the difference between the two angles via the shortest distance
function smallestAngleDiff( target, source )
local a = target - source
if (a > 180) then
a = a - 360
elseif (a < -180) then
a = a + 360
return a
-- rotates a point around the (0,0) point by degrees
-- returns new point object
function rotatePoint( point, degrees )
local x, y = point.x, point.y
local theta = math.rad( degrees )
local pt = {
x = x * math.cos(theta) - y * math.sin(theta),
y = x * math.sin(theta) + y * math.cos(theta)
return pt
-- rotates point around the centre by degrees
-- rounds the returned coordinates using math.round() if round == true
-- returns new coordinates object
function rotateAboutPoint( point, centre, degrees, round )
local pt = { x=point.x - centre.x, y=point.y - centre.y }
pt = rotatePoint( pt, degrees )
pt.x, pt.y = pt.x + centre.x, pt.y + centre.y
if (round) then
pt.x = math.round(pt.x)
pt.y = math.round(pt.y)
return pt
-- calculates the average centre of a list of points
local function calcAvgCentre( points )
local x, y = 0, 0
for i=1, #points do
local pt = points[i]
x = x + pt.x
y = y + pt.y
return { x = x / #points, y = y / #points }
-- calculate each tracking dot's distance and angle from the midpoint
local function updateTracking( centre, points )
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
point.prevAngle = point.angle
point.prevDistance = point.distance
point.angle = angleBetweenPoints( centre, point )
point.distance = lengthOf( centre, point )
-- calculates rotation amount based on the average change in tracking point rotation
local function calcAverageRotation( points )
local total = 0
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
total = total + smallestAngleDiff( point.angle, point.prevAngle )
return total / #points
-- calculates scaling amount based on the average change in tracking point distances
local function calcAverageScaling( points )
local total = 0
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
total = total + point.distance / point.prevDistance
return total / #points
-- creates an object to be moved
function newTrackDot(e)
-- create a user interface object
local circle = display.newCircle( e.x, e.y, 50 )
-- make it less imposing
circle.alpha = .5
-- keep reference to the rectangle
local rect =
-- standard multi-touch event listener
function circle:touch(e)
-- get the object which received the touch event
local target = circle
-- store the parent object in the event
e.parent = rect
-- handle each phase of the touch event life cycle...
if (e.phase == "began") then
-- tell corona that following touches come to this display object
-- remember that this object has the focus
target.hasFocus = true
-- indicate the event was handled
return true
elseif (target.hasFocus) then
-- this object is handling touches
if (e.phase == "moved") then
-- move the display object with the touch (or whatever)
target.x, target.y = e.x, e.y
else -- "ended" and "cancelled" phases
-- stop being responsible for touches
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(target, nil)
-- remember this object no longer has the focus
target.hasFocus = false
-- send the event parameter to the rect object
-- indicate that we handled the touch and not to propagate it
return true
-- if the target is not responsible for this touch event return false
return false
-- listen for touches starting on the touch layer
-- listen for a tap when running in the simulator
function circle:tap(e)
if (e.numTaps == 2) then
-- set the parent
e.parent = rect
-- call touch to remove the tracking dot
return true
-- only attach tap listener in the simulator
if (not isDevice) then
-- pass the began phase to the tracking dot
-- return the object for use
return circle
-- spawning tracking dots
-- create display group to listen for new touches
local group = display.newGroup()
-- populate display group with objects
local rect = display.newRect( group, 200, 200, 200, 100 )
rect = display.newRect( group, 300, 300, 200, 100 )
rect = display.newRect( group, 100, 400, 200, 100 )
-- keep a list of the tracking dots
group.dots = {}
-- advanced multi-touch event listener
function touch(self, e)
-- get the object which received the touch event
local target =
-- get reference to self object
local rect = self
-- handle began phase of the touch event life cycle...
if (e.phase == "began") then
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- create a tracking dot
local dot = newTrackDot(e)
-- add the new dot to the list
rect.dots[ #rect.dots+1 ] = dot
-- pre-store the average centre position of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- pre-store the tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
-- we handled the began phase
return true
elseif (e.parent == rect) then
if (e.phase == "moved") then
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- declare working variables
local centre, scale, rotate = {}, 1, 0
-- calculate the average centre position of all touch points
centre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- refresh tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
-- if there is more than one tracking dot, calculate the rotation and scaling
if (#rect.dots > 1) then
-- calculate the average rotation of the tracking dots
rotate = calcAverageRotation( rect.dots )
-- calculate the average scaling of the tracking dots
scale = calcAverageScaling( rect.dots )
-- apply rotation to rect
rect.rotation = rect.rotation + rotate
-- apply scaling to rect
rect.xScale, rect.yScale = rect.xScale * scale, rect.yScale * scale
-- declare working point for the rect location
local pt = {}
-- translation relative to centre point move
pt.x = rect.x + (centre.x - rect.prevCentre.x)
pt.y = rect.y + (centre.y - rect.prevCentre.y)
-- scale around the average centre of the pinch
-- (centre of the tracking dots, not the rect centre)
pt.x = centre.x + ((pt.x - centre.x) * scale)
pt.y = centre.y + ((pt.y - centre.y) * scale)
-- rotate the rect centre around the pinch centre
-- (same rotation as the rect is rotated!)
pt = rotateAboutPoint( pt, centre, rotate, false )
-- apply pinch translation, scaling and rotation to the rect centre
rect.x, rect.y = pt.x, pt.y
-- store the centre of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = centre
else -- "ended" and "cancelled" phases
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- remove the tracking dot from the list
if (isDevice or e.numTaps == 2) then
-- get index of dot to be removed
local index = table.indexOf( rect.dots, )
-- remove dot from list
table.remove( rect.dots, index )
-- remove tracking dot from the screen
-- store the new centre of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- refresh tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
return true
-- if the target is not responsible for this touch event return false
return false
-- attach pinch zoom touch listener
group.touch = touch
-- listen for touches starting on the touch object
Google search for "corona sdk zoom": implementing pinch zoom rotate
I tweaked library to make it work from my purpose and that is working fine. Is there anyway I can build a menu like as in tumblr app or is it possible by tweaking the ArcMenu project or ? I have doubts on the mathematical functions to be applied to create the style.
I am looking for a animation similar to tumblr app's animation.
try to use , Arc Menu
implement RayMenu and modify RayLayout
and modify the private static AnimationcreateExpandAnimation()` method with your specific coordinate.
There are many ways I do this in iOS. In iOS we have Views similar to that of Android and we can specify coordinates (frame of view) to place them in their superview.
Assumptions :
1)Assume you have a locus i.e circle with equation x^2 + y^2 = c
( Hint : All views are on this locus i.e center of all views coincide with this circle)
2) You need select a value of C depending on the curve you need and initial point which is
(0,HEIGHT_OF_SCREEN) as stating point for placing views.
Algorithm :
int angularDisplacementBetweenEachView = 10; // distance between two views in radians
// coordinates of X button in your screen
int startPositionOfViewX = 0;
int startPositionOfViewY = HEIGHT_OF_SCREEN;
// constant to decide curve
int C = 125;
-(void) main (){ // this is generally done in view controller
for(int i = 1; i< menu_items.count; i++){
Rect position = getCoordinatesForView(menu_item.get(i),menu_item.get(i-1).rect.x,menu_item.get(i-1).rect.y);
// method returns the coordinates (x,y) at which the view is required to be
-(Rect)getCoordinatesForView(View currentView, int prevViewX, int prevViewY){
// convert to polar cordinates
// refer diagram
// this is also the radius of the virtual circle
float r = sqrt(pow(x,2),pow(y,2));
float theta = atan(y,x);
//r & theta are polar coordinates of previous menu item
float theta2 = (angularDisplacementBetweenEachView + r*theta)/r;
// convert back to cartesian coordinates
int x2 = r * cos (theta);
int y2 = r * sin (theta);
return new rect(x2,y2);
try this for Arc menu. u can use this sattelite menu
Well i have some trouble removing an object from the game, the thing is that i have a player class (made out of a metatable), inside it i have a variable called sprite that holds the address for the image sprite i will draw onScreen, so when i create the object i don't draw the sprite right away, for that i made a function draw (this is just to explain what i have). in the game.lua i draw the player by calling that function, and afterwards i want to delete my instance of player (so that way the image onscreen dissapears also)... thats all, i tried player:removeSelf(), display.remove(player) and one of them threw me an error (attemp to call field 'removeSelf' (a nil value)) and the other one runs fine but it doesn't change the fact that the player is still there (i can acces it's functions and the sprite is still shown onscreen... well here is my code:
local _W, _H = display.contentWidth * 0.5, display.contentHeight * 0.5
local background, player, land
local spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY = 60,70
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local BG = display.newGroup()
local stage = display.newGroup()
local foreground = display.newGroup()
-- CREATE display objects and add them to 'group' here.
-- Example use-case: Restore 'group' from previously saved state.
background = display.newImage("assets/backgrounds/oliveBackground.png", true)
background.x, background.y = _W, _H
BG:insert( background )
player =
terrain = {}
local m,j = 0,0
for i = 1, 16 do
local l = 1
for k = 3, 10 do
land ={posx = i, posy = k})
table.insert(terrain, land)
m = m +1
terrain[m]:draw( spriteSizeX/4 + ((spriteSizeX/2) * j), spriteSizeY/4 + ((spriteSizeY/2) * l) + 5, stage)
l = l + 1
j = j+1
-- remove an asset doesn't work
-- terrain[1] = nil
-- player class
local player = {}
local player_mt = { __index = player }
-- attributes
local sprite, coins, speed
function -- constructor
local newPlayer = {
sprite = "assets/char/miner.png",
coins = 1000,
speed = 1
return setmetatable( newPlayer, player_mt )
-- local function, works only when called from inside this class
local function getName()
-- print("")
function player:draw(x,y,group)
sprite = display.newImage(self.sprite)
sprite.x, sprite.y = x, y
sprite.xScale, sprite.yScale = 0.5, 0.5
function player:movePlayer(posx,posy), { x = posx, y = posy, time=500, delay=0, alpha=1.0 })
function player:destroy()
-- none of them work
-- self.sprite = nil
-- self.sprite.removeSelf()
return player
After creating your sprite using display.newImage, you did not store it in the instance.
self.sprite just has the string value "assets/char/miner.png"
in your draw function add
self.spriteObject = sprite
and in your destroy function ,
You can use one of these functions for your related object:
The imageviewer example shows how to display an image in a ScrolledWindow.
What if I want to display the image in the available space, scaling the bitmap as needed?
My google-fu failed me on this one.
edit: I thought I had something with scrolledWindowSetScale, but it looks like it's not going to help here.
Some people pointed me to functions in wxCore, so I could find a solution that works.
The function that does the drawing in the original example is:
onPaint vbitmap dc viewArea
= do mbBitmap <- get vbitmap value
case mbBitmap of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bm -> drawBitmap dc bm pointZero False []
using dcSetUserScale from wxCore, I was able to modify it to scale that way:
( sw is the scrolledWindow )
onPaint sw img dc viewArea = do
mimg <- get img value
case mimg of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bm -> do
bsize <- get bm size
vsize <- get sw size
let scale = calcScale bsize vsize
dcSetUserScale dc scale scale
drawBitmap dc bm pointZero False []
calcScale :: Size -> Size -> Double
calcScale (Size bw bh) (Size vw vh) = min scalew scaleh
where scalew = fromIntegral vw / fromIntegral bw
scaleh = fromIntegral vh / fromIntegral bh