Use test database with grunt and mocha - node.js

I am building a web app in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB using Mongoose. I want to have a dedicated database for when i run my Mocha tests with Grunt so that I do not mess up the database I am using for development. How would I do this?
I currently have my development database configuration information in a file at /config/db.js, which is loaded and connecting to my development database in my app.js file at startup. How would I make my Mocha tests, that are run in a Grunt task, use a test database dynamically when I run Grunt? I have tried to disconnect from development database in my test files in the before() hook in my Mocha test files, and then connect to test database. However, it keeps using development database. An example is the following:
before(function(done) {
if(mongoose.connection.db) mongoose.connection.close();
mongoose.connect(<test_db_uri>, done);

Your question is near of the following question Test environment in Node.js / Express application.
Basicly what you should do is use an env variable ('NODE_ENV' for exemple) access it with process.env.NODE_ENV and base on its value call the right configuration file. You should take a look to grunt-express-server which helps you a lot with the environement setup.
I hop this will help!


Vercel build never ends

I'm having a problem with Vercel platform, probably because I'm not using it right.
Locally I can deploy the server without problems on port 3000.
But when I want to deploy in Vercel, Build gets stuck at the express function app.listen().
Image Vercel error:
My index.js is like any other and ends with the function:
// listening the server
app.listen(app.get('port'), () => {
console.log('Server on port ', app.get('port'));
I've tried everything I don't know what to do anymore, surely I have a conceptual error.
Vercel is for front-end (and serverless)
Sites deployed on Vercel are mainly front-end. (React, Vue, and everything else that becomes HTML/CSS/JS).
By the looks of it you're trying to run a back-end application (Node.js) on Vercel, which it isn't designed for. (Instead, consider using a VPS or a managed environment/app platform)
Vercel also supports serverless functions, which you could use to run your back-end with. These are essentially one-off functions that are run on a new server instance every time a request comes in.
All that considered, if you're indeed trying to build and deploy a front-end app...
A wild guess
Your build script is calling your node application. You might have something like the following in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc && node src"
This would run tsc first, then start the application by running the built files.
However, you don't want to start your application as part of the build process -- instead, make the build command only build your app, nothing more.
Then, on Vercel, go to your project's settings page and make sure that command is used to Build your app.
My app doesn't need to be built (I've already got plain HTML/CSS/JS files)
If your app doesn't need to be built at all, go to your project's settings page and remove the "Build Command" entirely.

process Environment for testing - DB -Nodejs

could someone tell me how to stop storing data into mongoDB in Test environment in nodejs via process environment variable. just want to run the node app like follow
ex: test dbConnection = false node index.js
many thanks for any help

Console.log in a production app using node.js, express and PM2

I'm using console.log for debugging some information in my web app using node.js, expressjs and PM2. All is working fine :)
I want to know if my web app can have performance problems in production if I use console.log this:
var myVariable = "Enter in this section of code";
I have read about console.log is synchronous and can affect to my performance... if this is real in this moment (I'm using Express 4), how can I remove these console.log in different environments like production?
I'm using PM2 (pm2 logs command) to watch the logs and pm2 flush to clean the logs.
You could use winston for logging , you could configure transport depending on your env , for example you could use Console and File tranports in development and just File in production. PD: pm2 takes data from std log(console)

Adding a default before() function for all the test cases (Mocha)

I'm writing functions for my node.js server using TDD(Mocha). For connecting to the database I'm doing
and I'm running the test cases using make test and have configured my makefile to run all the js files in that particular folder using mocha *.js
But for each js file I'll have to make a separate connection to the database, otherwise my test cases fail since they do not share common scope with other test files.
So the question is, Is there anything like beforeAll() that would just simply connect once to the database and then run all the test cases? Any help/suggestion appreciated.
You can setup your db connection as a module that each of the Mocha test modules imports.
var db = require('./db');
A good database interface will queue commands you send to it before it has finished connecting. You can use that to your advantage here.
In your before call, simply do something that amounts to a no op. In SQL that would be something simple like a raw query of SELECT 1. You don't care about the result. The return of the query just signifies that the database is ready.
Since each Mocha module uses the same database module, it'll only connect once.
Use this in each of your test modules:
before(function(done) {
Then define db.no_op to be a function that performs the no op and takes a callback function.

How do I unit test keystonejs models?

Is there any way to run tests for keystonejs that also hit a test or real mongodb instance?
It would be nice if similar to the way Django does it.
There aren't any official examples of implementing unit testing for KeystoneJS sites yet, but there wouldn't be anything stopping you from writing tests with a framework like mocha, the way you would in any other node.js app.
You'd want to initialise Keystone, register your models, then connect to the database and execute tests without starting the web server. Something like this:
var keystone = require('keystone');
'name': 'Your Project'
keystone.mongoose.connect('localhost', 'your-database');
keystone.mongoose.connection.on('open', function() {
// Run tests here
// Use keystone.list('Key') to access Lists and execute queries
// as you would in your main application
then run tests.js, or make it an npm / grunt / etc. script.
Keep an eye on issue #216 for an integrated testing framework.
