I am trying to provision a splunk alert for a cluster of Kafkas. I have this code, and the hiera data "kafka_hosts" is a map with hostnames as keys.
$kafka_hosts = keys(hiera('kafka_hosts'))
$splunk_host_expresssions = prefix($kafka_hosts,'host=')
$splunk_hosts_expression = join($splunk_host_expresssions,' OR ')
$splunk_hosts_expression comes out as just host names separated by OR.
the prefix host= does not turn up.
The result I want is:
host=a.example.org OR host=b.example.org OR host=c.example.org
Puppet version is 2.7
I'm using Napalm to change the hostname of many network devices. Since the config will be different for each device, I need the script to assign the proper config to each device based on it's IP address. This seems like a dictionary would work best.
devicelist = {'': 'device1.cfg', '': 'device2.cfg'}
I need help calling the key value in the script below for each IP address. I have highlighted the line of code where this is required.
from napalm import get_network_driver
devicelist = ['',
for ip_address in devicelist:
print ("Connecting to " + str(ip_address))
driver = get_network_driver('ios')
iosv = driver(ip_address, 'admin', 'password')
diffs = iosv.compare_config()
if len(diffs) > 0:
print('No changes required.')
You are asking for a simple access by key on your dictionary, combined with a for loop over the dictionary which is automatically a for loop over the keys. Minimal example:
devicelist = {'': 'device1.cfg', '': 'device2.cfg'}
for ipAdress in devicelist:
print("This IP : {} maps to this name: {}".format(ipAdress, devicelist[ipAdress]))
This IP : maps to this name: device1.cfg
This IP : maps to this name: device2.cfg
I have written a Terraform script to create a few Azure Virtual Machines.
The number of VMs created is based upon a variable called type in my .tfvars file:
type = [ "Master-1", "Master-2", "Master-3", "Slave-1", "Slave-2", "Slave-3" ]
My variables.tf file contains the following local:
count_of_types = "${length(var.type)}"
And my resources.tf file contains the code required to actual create the relevant number of VMs from this information:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm" {
count = "${local.count_of_types}"
name = "${replace(local.prefix_specific,"##TYPE##",var.type[count.index])}-VM"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.main.location}"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.main.name}"
network_interface_ids = ["${azurerm_network_interface.main.*.id[count.index]}"]
vm_size = "Standard_B2ms"
tags = "${local.tags}"
Finally, in my output.tf file, I output the IP address of each server:
output "public_ip_address" {
value = ["${azurerm_public_ip.main.*.ip_address}"]
I am creating a Kubernetes cluster with 1x Master and 1x Slave VM. For this purpose, the script works fine - the first IP output is the Master and the second IP output is the Slave.
However, when I move to 8+ VMs in total, I'd like to know which IP refers to which VM.
Is there a way of amending my output to include the type local, or just the server's hostname alongside the Public IP?
E.g. // Master-1.
Take a look at formatlist (which is one of the functions for string manipulations) and can be used to iterate over the instance attributes and list tags and other attributes of interest.
output "ip-address-hostname" {
value = "${
Note this is just a draft pseudo code. You may have to tweak this and create additional data sources in your TF file for effective enums
More reading available - https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/functions/formatlist.html
Raunak Jhawar's answer pointed me in the right direction, and therefore got the green tick.
For reference, here's the exact code I used in the end:
output "public_ip_address" {
value = "${formatlist("%s: %s", azurerm_virtual_machine.vm.*.name, azurerm_public_ip.main.*.ip_address)}"
This resulted in the following output:
Terraform v0.10.7
AWS provider version = "~> 1.54.0"
Are there any examples how to translate a string or list into a map in Terraform?
We are setting up Consul key/value store like this:
consul kv put common/rules/alb/service1 name=service1,port=80,hcproto=http,hcport=80
I can access keys and values properly, and now I am trying to use values as a map in Terraform:
data "consul_key_prefix" "common" {
path_prefix = "common/rules"
output "common"{
value = "${jsonencode(lookup(var.CommonRules,element(keys(var.CommonRules),1))) }"
$ terraform output
common = "{name=service1,port=80,hcproto=http,hcport=80}"
But when I try to access it as a map, it doesn't work:
output "common"{
value = "${lookup(jsonencode(lookup(var.CommonRules,element(keys(var.CommonRules),1))),"name") }"
$ terraform output
(no response)
I tried few things here - e.g. splitting these values and joining them again into a list, and then running "map" function but it doesn't work either:
$ terraform output
common = [
and then trying to create map of that list:
output "common2" {
value = "${map(split(",",join(",",split("=",lookup(var.CommonRules,element(keys(var.CommonRules),1))))))}"
but it doesn't work either.
So my question would be - does anyone has working example where he did translated string (or list) into a map?
Thanks in advance.
jsondecode function in upcoming Terraform v0.12 would be the tool to solve this problem.
jsondecode function github issue
I use Splunk Enterprise and try to optimize my query so I write
*index = "main" AND host = "prod" source = "/sys/logs/myApplication.log" AND httpStatus = 201
index = "main" AND host = "com.myorganization.london.prod" source = "/sys/logs/myApplication.log" AND httpStatus = 201
We have only one prod instance on which there is myApplication.log so source-host conjunction gives one result but have over
100 prod hosts. Which is better approach (1) or (2). And why?
More specific searches are better than less specific ones. See for yourself by running both and comparing the info in the Job Inspector.
Can you think of a way to solve this problem in Puppet?
I have a custom fact with generates a string of IP addresses depending on the domain it is run on, it can resolve to have 1 to n addresses.
I want to add these to the host file with a generated server names of servernameX for example; myservername1 myservername2 myservername3
So how can you do this as puppet doesn't have an array iterator like "for each"?
Sadly, even if you go about and use a custom "define" to iterate over an array upon splitting your custom fact on a comma, the result will be rather not what you expect and not even close to a "for each" loop -- aside of causing you a headache, probably.
Said that, I am not sure if this is what you want to achieve, but have a look at this approach:
$fact = ',,'
$servers = split($::fact, ',')
$count = size($servers)
$names = bracket_expansion("host[01-${count}].address")
file { '/tmp/test.txt':
content => inline_template('<%= #servers.each_with_index.map {|v,i| "#{v}\t\t#{#names[i]}\n" } %>'),
ensure => present
What we have there are two custom functions: size() and bracket_expansion(); which we then use values that they provide inside a hack that leverages the inline_template() function to render content of the file utilising parallel access to two arrays -- one with IP addresses from your fact and one with host names that should follow.
The result is a follows:
matti#acrux ~ $ cat | puppet apply
$fact = ',,'
$servers = split($::fact, ',')
$count = size($servers)
$names = bracket_expansion("host[01-${count}].address")
file { '/tmp/test.txt':
content => inline_template('<%= #servers.each_with_index.map {|v,i| "#{v}\t\t#{#names[i]}\n" } %>'),
ensure => present
notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/test.txt]/ensure: created
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
matti#acrux ~ $ cat /tmp/test.txt host01.address host02.address host03.address
matti#acrux ~ $
Both size() and bracket_expansion() functions can be found here:
I hope this helps a little :-)