Azure Data Sync Frequency Change - azure

I have sign up in Azure Free Trail set up 2 Azure Database in 2 Different Region and Sync them using azure Data Sync Portal it's works pretty well, but my question is that how to reduce SYNC FREQUENCY.
because azure gives minimum time is 5 minute for automated Sync. but i want this time around 30 sec to 1 minute because my website is of online selling product ( Shopping ) so that i want fast sync
So is there anyway to workaround this situation ?

5 mins is the lowest interval you can set it to. likewise, the service is never meant for a near-realtime replication.


Azure Application Insights Continuous Export Process

I am using the Application Insights APIs to get my customEvents data, If i enable the continuous export, the old data like 1 year ago can still accessed by the Application Insights APIs, or the APIs will show me only 90 days ?
As per the official doc
After Continuous Export copies your data to storage (where it can stay
for as long as you like), it's still available in Application Insights
for the usual retention period.
Which means you can only get the usual retention period of 90 days and not the old data like 1 year ago in the application insights. However, you can still get the data from your Azure storage, download it and write whatever code you need to process it.

Microsoft Azure Backups not reducing available recovery points or destination usage after retention period has been reduced

Microsoft Azure Backups not reducing available recovery points or destination usage after retention period has been reduced.
I had the retention period set to 30 day with around 6.8TB of backups.Over a week ago I changed the retention period down to 7 days, and it took a couple of days for the total recovery points to go down to 7. The destination usage was still going up.
I have come in today (monday) and the total backups is now 10 and the destination usage is now 7.57TB.
I only have the one server backing up to Azure Backups Services.
My questions are;
1. how long does it take for azure to delete backups from outside the retention period*
2. why are there move recovery points that the retention period?
3. Is there a way to purge just the backups outside the retention period?
*It does say the backup agent, "space allocation data is updated on a daily basis".
It would be a great help if anyone had some information on this as the storage costs are getting very high.
Thanks for the help in advance
After wasting a couple of weeks looking online and talking to the azure support team, the process I ended up to fixing this problem was to create another vault on azure and set ABA to backup to the new vault.
Now with this new vault and the using the lasted version of ABA the longest retention is 8 days even thought it is set to 7 days retention.
Hope this help anyone else having the problem save a lot of time and money.

Is there any way to see estimated Azure costs before actually using the services?

Right now I have a small web app hosted on Azure services. Its 5 pages, 1 sql DB, and 2 scheduled jobs. Just through testing, I used 2 dollars of the 220 dollars credit they give you for signing up.
The problem I'm having is that there is no clear pricing guide for the pay-as-you-go service they offer. My live testing was very very lightweight (10 page hits, maybe 50db transactions, and 10 job runs) and its already cost 2 dollars. The breakdown available makes it clear where that money has gone (the scheduled jobs), but doesnt make it clear how much additional usage may cost me going forward.
Is there any area in azure, or any service anywhere, that can estimate the total cost under various loads? I am very hesitant to open this service up to the public until I know exactly what the costs will be, as right now the site brings in 0 revenue, so it wouldnt be worth paying a ton of money just for hosting until I get a revenue model set up.
Sure - use the Azure pricing calculator -

3 Months Windows Azure Trial Disabled in 3 Weeks

My 3 months trial account Windows Azure has already been disabled in 3 weeks. How's that possible? I had nothing on my project, just a simple Asp.Net web page.
I don't think anybody knew my page and made constant requests.
I can't find a statistics section on Management Portal to check what was my traffic...etc.
Does anybody know where I can check my Hosted Service's statistics?
The trial provides 750 compute hours monthly. Once you deploy your app, the meter is ticking. That is, as long as something is deployed, it's a metered resource. Whether consuming 0% or 100% cpu/network/memory, you pay hourly.
Now: If you deployed a single Small instance for your site, you shouldn't have consumed 750 hours in 3 weeks. Is it possible you deployed with Medium instances? Or deployed with 2 Small instances? Do you have more than one Role in your deployment (since each would have at least one instance)?
One bit of advice I give, when doing dev work: at the end of the day, when you're not actively working on a project, delete the deployment (you can always re-deploy to the same place later). This helps save tremendously on consumed hours.
You aren't charged based on access to a hosted service (i.e. compute instance). As long as you have something deployed there, you are charged. No one can ever go to it and it still costs you money.
At the portal, you have to delete whatever hosted services you have there in order to preserve credits. For example if you had up both a Production and a Staging instance, they would charge you compute hours for both. You have to actually delete the instances in order to conserve compute hours on your bill.
As for stats, the only way you can get access stats that I know of is by using the azure diagnostics features. They used to have a lot more detail on their bills (in / out transfers, etc) but the bills are a lot shorter now.

What about expenses on unused resources in Windows Azure?

The main question is: do I have to pay for unused resources? For instance, Azure pricing calculator says approximately $30/month for XS box. This includes about 750 hours. What if I don't use them all? This is normal for early stage, while development is in progress.
This is just to make it clear if its cheaper to have a virtual hosting for development and beta-testing purposes.
Not exactly a programming question.
That said: Windows Azure Compute instances are metered by the hour, and metering happens when you have deployed instances (whether running or stopped). If you're doing dev work, deploy for an hour or two (or how long it takes you to test), then delete the deployment. Very easy to delete, very easy to redeploy. Just don't delete the actual hosted service definition (, associated certificates, affinity group, etc.). Following this pattern, it's easy to test with 5-10 concurrent instances in a deployment throughout the month - just remember to delete the deployment after each test cycle.
#Bart is partially right about SQL Azure being billed for the month. It's actually amortized daily. This also means: If you set up a 5GB db and only have 99MB on a given day (or days), you're billed at the $4.999 monthly rate / # of days in month). That's about 17 cents daily if you stay under 100MB. And if you delete the db, you're no longer billed.
Same goes for Cache - the cost is amortized daily.
I'd look at the full pricing page here.
You do not have to pay for unused resources in SOME of the services.
In your example, if you deploy a website for 10 hours you will be billed for the 10 hours of usage. PLUS any transactions/bandwidth associated with it.
However, some the services do have a flat fee. For example, if you deploy a 5 gig DB to SQL Azure and u do not use it...u will be billed the monthly rate even if it just sits there.
Also your definition of "use it" needs to be clear. Azure will bill you, if you have ANYTHING deployed. Even if the VM is stopped, you are getting billed. Therefore, the best solution is to:
- monitor your usage (its updated multiple times per day)
- use a free trial, MSDN account or promotion to see what the charges will be
- call MIcrosoft...Azure is the hot thing now and they WILL give you a break on charges if they are within reason.
