DNS ERROR resolving MX - dns

I'm installing Zimbra Collaboration Server on my local machine to test them mail server. During installation I got error:
DNS ERROR resolving MX for my.local.domain
It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
I don't have experience with zimbra or mail serwer. In Internet I found incomplete solutions like:
Add this record to config:
server1 IN MX 10 server1.tm.local.
but I don't know where exactly should I add this or how to proper config mail server.
My question is, how to proper config dns to work with zimbra?

You can install zimbra without MX record but A record of the hostname must be resolved on installation
you have to set a hostname with :
#hostname server1.yourdomain.com
edit /etc/hostname and enter "server1"
edit /etc/hosts by adding :
ip-address server1.yourdomaine.com server1
test it by pinging server1.yourdomaine.com
restart the install when zimbra tell you if want to change mx record answer by NO


RPZ (response policy zone) in Windows Server 2019?

BIND9 have very good function RPZ.
You can create DNS zone (like malware) and add malicious domains in it.
DNS server in response is giving my defined IP address aka DNS Firewall
[zone file]
$ORIGIN com.malware.
$TTL 5 ; 5 seconds
example A
$ dig example.com +short
(example.com): rpz QNAME Local-Data rewrite example.com/A/IN via example.com.malware
I wondering, if Windows Server 2019 DNS have the same native functionality?
I read all documentation regarding DNS Policy without any luck

CNAME record pointing wrong host

I'm using pythonanywhere.com to host a website, and I bought a domain "aquienvoto.uy", in my dns provider I created the following CNAME record:
And I get the following error at pythonanywhere.com...
If I run dig command this is what I get...
www.aquienvoto.uy. 3600 IN CNAME webapp-543799.pythonanywhere.com.aquienvoto.uy.
What I'm doing wrong?
I got an answer from nic.com.uy, the domain provider. I was missing a '.' at the end, correct configuration is webapp-543799.pythonanywhere.com.

How can I connect domain to aws whm

I have a domain bought from GoDaddy. I have set the custom name servers this
and set hostname
ns1 52.70.xxx.xxx(aws ip)
ns2 52.70.xxx.xxx (aws ip)
As I have installed WHM in my amazon aws instance. so In WHM, I have created an account and then went to Edit DNS Zone and added A records. These are my settings there
But I don't see my domain working and I am not able to see Cpanel of the domain as well.
what am I missing?
Please follow these steps to integrate your domain into whm and create a cpanel.
Create an account in WHM by going into Account Functions->Create Account: enter your domain here
Go to DNS Functions->Edit Dns Zone and click your domain and add A records
Then Go to Godaddy or any Company where you have purchased your domain and edit the name servers. For example if the nameservers you set in whm dns were ns1 and ns2 then same add here(e.g godaddy). In your case it would be
Click Manage hostname in Godaddy and add
ns1 52.70.xxx.xxx(aws ip)
ns2 52.70.xxx.xxx (aws ip)
Your domain should be working here. But If still It didn't work then
Check if ports(2087,2083,53,2095) are open. Check it from the terminal
nmap -Pn -sT 172.31.iphere --reason -p 2087,2083,2095,53
If any port is closed. Open it from the aws by going into Security Firewall.
Please note, 2083 and 2095 will always show as closed from external port scans as these ports are only opened publicly based on valid sessions established from within the cPanel server.
Verify again if your DNS port is opened
nmap -Pn -sT 172.31.iphere --reason -sU -p 53
After opening all the ports rebuilt your DNS configuration on the server by typing these commands on the terminal
cpanel root#9449099 /var/named]cPs# cd /etc
cpanel root#9449099 /etc]cPs# mkdir /root/cptechs
cpanel root#9449099 /etc]cPs# mv named.conf /root/cptechs
cpanel root#9449099 /etc]cPs# mv rndc.* /root/cptechs
cpanel root#9449099 /etc]cPs# /scripts/rebuilddnsconfig
Hope it helps
Are you using Nameservers for domain.com that are ns1/2.domain.com?
If this is the case the domain will not be able to resolve without adding the ns1/2. as "Child Nameservers".
You can create that for your domain through GoDaddy https://uk.godaddy.com/help/add-my-own-host-names-as-nameservers-12320
Alternatively - you can post your domain so we can troubleshoot it if it's a DNS issue.

cPanel Server Incorrect URL Resolve

My cPanel server is resolving a URL wrong. The website example.com is hosted on my cPanel server at ip In a script I am attempting a cURL command to cp.example.com which is hosted on another server at My server is resolving cp.example.com to the IP of Any help will be greatly appreciated!
It seems like your dns settings for cp.example.com are not visible on the host where you are running your script. You should check the dns settings for cp.example.com. You may also want to contact the Cpanel support
When you make a cURL request from a source hosted on your cPanel server the IP for the domain is first resolved locally, if it's not found in your Server's DNS zones it will be resolved from your configuration at /etc/resolv.conf
You can test to see which IP your server is resolving this by logging via SSH and pinging it
Executed from your cPanel Server
ping cp.example.com
I can think of two workarounds for this issue:
If example.com's DNS zone is hosted in your cPanel account
Go to cPanel -> Zone Editor
Open the DNS zone for example.com
Find the A record for cp.example.com
Change it to
If you have root - edit your WHM / cPanel Server's /etc/hosts file
root#server #: vim /etc/hosts
// cp.example.com

host doing unnecessary dns lookup for localhost

I have a centOS system(embedded and has very binaries) with the following /etc/hosts.
$cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost
Also the host is assigned a DNS server which returns some invalid IP for the domain name lookup of localhost. But I cannot avoid a connection to this DNS due to some network restrictions.
My question is, when I already have a valid /etc/hosts file why is the system querying the DNS for localhost? And how can I stop that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check that you have files listed before dns for the hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
[me#home]$ grep "^hosts" /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: files dns
If dns comes first, then your system will always query DNS to resolve hostnames before falling back to /etc/hosts.
