Unable to sign in to Game Center sandbox - GKErrorDomain Code=15 - game-center

I can't sign in to sandbox game-center on iOS 8. Just keep on getting error, and no view controller in the response to authenticateHandler. Error is GKErrorDomain, and code is 15.

Just reporting #jonny's comment, you have explicity enable sandbox for GameCenter in iOS8 - Settings app, Game Center, scroll to bottom.


Error with Forge onDocumentLoadFailure() - errorCode:9

ForgeViewer.js:39 onDocumentLoadFailure() - errorCode:9
errorMessage:No viewable content
This is the error I get when I try to load or preview a design on my application. The app opens for a few designs but it doesn't load. Please what is the cause, and how can I fix it.

Show apps on top of the lock screen

I'm building an app using Electron. And I really want to recreate what UWP apps can do. UWP apps can get shown on top of the lock screen. How can I achieve that using Electron/NodeJS?
I tried to do this, but it didn't work:
const mainWindow = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow();
//return an error
And if you're wondering about the fact that UWP apps can get rendered on top of the lock screen, yes they indeed can get rendered on top of the lock screen. You can try to take an exam on exam.net on a windows 10 device, and choose the restricted mode. This will result in chrome opening a pop-up window that asks you to run a UWP app that will lock the device and get rendered on top of the lock screen.
https://www.electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/windows-store-guide - This won't help, as the app doesn't gain access to UWP APIs/features.
EDIT: https://github.com/felixrieseberg/electron-uwp-background - Never mind, it is possible to access those features. But I can't figure out how to do it. Any idea?

history.go(-1) cannot work in IOS14 Beta2 App

My web app is working in a WebView of an IOS native application. There is a button on the top-left side of the page, and it will go back to the previous page after the button is clicked. So far so good, but recently many customers have upgraded their IOS to 14 Beta2 and now the back button doesn't work as expected.
I use the history.go(-1) to go back, but if the session history length is 2, it will execute the history.go(-1), but the page will not go back. The url also doesn't change. If the user continue to open new page, then it works again.
Does anyone have ideas of whats going on with it?
I meet the same problem. You can use setTimeout delay for a while when you use history.push,like this
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);

display sharepoint app in outlook 2013 and owa

I have created an SharePoint- hosted app and using office API’s within the start page. The app is added in exchange and enter image description hereapp web links are referred in appmanifest.xml.
1) On click of link, page renders as expected in OWA every time except for 1st time, following error occurs .
"App Error Something went wrong and we couldn't start this app. Please
try again later or contact your system administrator." console log
shows:“Uncaught Sys.ArgumentNullException: Sys.ArgumentNullException:
Value cannot be null.Parameter name: conversationId “ in
It works as expected in subsequent calls.
2) The app doesn’t load in outlook client. Following error occurs in Microsoft Office Alerts :
App Error This app could not be started. Close this dialog to ignore
the problem or click "Restart" to try again. P1: Apps for Office P2:
15.0.4719.1001 P3: 0x80010105 P4: following is displayed in fiddler: X-MSDAVEXT_Error: 917656; HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized ........ ..
All suggestions are highly appreciated.
This issue appears when we debug outlook apps in debug mode and the app exceeded the allotted time to load required office 365 js files into your app.
One thing i am doing to avoid this issue, in the browser you are using to authenticate using o365 account, check the box to login automatically to save time and load client js files faster post authentication step.

Launch Settings from app?

Anyone know if it's now feasible to launch the 'Settings' app from your app? Google Maps does it when you don't have Location Services enabled and you try to locate yourself.
I've seen lots of folks post about it and most answers point to adding a bug in Radar.
In the wild, I know of two apps that show this dialog with ""Turn on Location Services to Allow [app] to Determine Your Location" along side Cancel and Settings buttons where the 'Settings' button will take you to the General Settings.
1) Facebook app version 3.3.2 that runs on iOS 3.1.3 shows this alert on start. I looked at the three20 source code in git-hub but that project is not really a full source of the app but more of a library with the app's components.
2) GroupMe also shows the same alert when adding current location to a new message.
You mean the settings of the app like you see in settings?
First create a settings.bundle in xcode>newfile>settings.bundle.
This will create some prop lists that you can edit from out of the Settings.app or your app self. For the exact code Google can help you a lot further that I can. If you have any specific questions; don't hesitate to ask.
In iOS 5.0 you can open settings using the "prefs://" URL scheme. But in iOS 5.1 it doesn't work. But there is a trick I used for login twitter account using settings inside my app. the code is
TWTweetComposeViewController *tweetViewController = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc] init];
// Create the completion handler block.
[tweetViewController setCompletionHandler:^(TWTweetComposeViewControllerResult result)
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
// Present the tweet composition view controller modally.
[self presentModalViewController:tweetViewController animated:YES];
tweetViewController.view.hidden = YES;
for (UIView *view in tweetViewController.view.subviews){
[view removeFromSuperview];
Using this code you can switch to settings from your app directly if you are not already logged in twitter account.
