JavaScript support via SocketMobile SDK - barcode-scanner

I developed an MVC 4.0/C# in house application with extensive use of JavaScript. I Purchased the SocketScan 10 SKD/API's from the Socket Mobile store for my CHS 7Pi scanner and would like to know if it supports the use of JavaScript functions to manipulate scanner functionality?

Option 1: Use HID mode
In HID mode, the scanner behaves like a keyboard and "types" the barcode wherever the cursor is located.
Option 2: Custom Webview
If you are deploying your web app on mobile devices, you may be able to write a javascript interface which exposes the ScanAPI sdk for your platform to the webview where your web app is hosted.
disclaimer: I am a consultant to Socket Mobile


How to work with Camera of mobile device in Acumatica mobile framework

In Acumatica framework for mobile applications is it possible to work with Mobile camera and bar code scanning? Or at least with camera? Is it possible to add some C# code, which will be running inside of Acumatica mobile application?
Some ideas can be found in I400 and the Help docs - Configuring attachments in Mobile and Enhancements taken from Camera:
For the C# code, I am wondering if adding a View on Note or UploadFile/UploadFileDoc for given FileID/NoteID:
public PXSelect<UploadFile, Where<UploadFile.noteId,
Equal<Current<YourDAC.noteId>>>> Attachments;
and subscribing to UploadFile_RowPersisting or other event.

How can I use cortana voice commands in electron?

Is it possible to use cortana voice commands in electron? I'm talking about the actual UWP API not cortana skills. I don't need a bot I want to be able to use my voice commands offline and the type of actions that my app provides doesn't need any third-party API. (something like "hey cortana ask [MY APP] how many movies do I have?")
I have seen cortana voice command sample with winJS and it is possible to use winJS in electron. but how am I actually going to use a VCD file in Electron with winJS? the sample code is for visual studio and winJS only
so I'm hoping for some clarification or a guideline on how to use VCD in electron-
Electron enables developers to build Desktop apps using JavaScript and Node modules. Then, if you want to know whether the UWP APIs callable from a classic desktop app, you could check this document:
After you know if the specific UWP API is callable from desktop app, then, next step is how to call this API in Electron. There’s an open-source project named as NodeRT.
NodeRT automatically exposes Microsoft’s UWP/WinRT APIs to the Node.js environment by generating Node modules. This enables Node.js developers to write code that consumes native Windows capabilities. The generated modules' APIs are (almost) the same as the UWP/WinRT APIs listed in MSDN.
So, you could use it to call the specific UWP APIs in Electron.

Use blutetooth API in Firefox OS?

I'm creating an app that needs to connect the firefox os to another dispositive using the bluetooth API, but this API is just allowed to Certified Apps, has somehow to allow an Sandbox mode and allow the installation only in my cellphone?
As Jason said, you can create a certified application, but you won't be able to publish it to the Firefox OS Marketplace: it's good for internal deployment with the App Manager. If you want to use Bluetooth API, and make your application publicly available, it's not possible right now.
You can make use of web activities as well but that will open the Gaia's bluetooth app for file transfer.
I heard before from someone that we will be able to use Bluetooth API in v1.3 but I guess it's still not accessible. Let's wait for v1.4.
What I know is 2.2 will expose Bluetooth API, so you could use it at the end of 2015 when FxOS 2.2 device hit the market...

I want to capture audio for all VoIP applications such as Skype, G-Talk, Msn, etc

I need some links to record both microphone and audio in all the applications. I'm developing a audio recorder feature for an application.
I tried intercepting some APIs like IDirectSound and Wave API but I'm missing something since some applications are recorder and some others aren't.
Can someone send me a clue around this?
Best Regards.
In my compary we've developed an Audio Recorder SDK because it's very difficult to make all the hooks you need to intercept all the applications. You should hook MCI Wave API calls, IDirectSound interface and the new IAudioClient interface, part of the Windows Vista / Windows 7 Core Audio engine.
Our SDK supports Skype 4.x and 5.x, G-Talk and Msn. We've tested with other applications and it's working but we don't support them.
Additionally, we bring some UI features such as handling button clicks and get windows text using the SDK.
I hope this information can help you.

Video plugin in chat.

I'm developing a social networking application for browsers using PHP and I want to have a chat application feature that supports video chat features like in Gmail (Google provides a browser plugin for this). Where can I find such an application or is there something available for a starting point for me to develop one on my own?
You could try using a service like ToxBox. They provide an API;
