I want to :make and display output from it only if it fails.
I map to
and only when it fails I want to see the results. Notice the
sequence, which closes the output because usually it's success and nothing to read. And it's much faster.
You want to use :silent to stop the output and use :cwindow to open the quickfix window when there is something to see.
:wa|silent make|cwindow<cr>
Note: you will want to use <bar> instead of | if this is inside a mapping. Example of a mapping below:
nnoremap <f9> :wa<bar>silent make<bar>cwindow<cr>
See the following for more information:
:h :silent
:h :cw
I'm using GVim 8.1 on Windows 10 with no external plugins.
I have the following set up in my .gvimrc file:
let g:build_file_abs_path = fnamemodify(findfile("windows-build.bat", ";."), ":p:h")
" This build script is a basic wrapper for 'clang.exe file.c -o file.exe' style invocation
let &makeprg=g:build_file_abs_path . "\\windows-build.bat"
nnoremap <silent> <C-B> :cd <C-R>=g:build_file_abs_path<CR> <bar> make! <bar> copen <bar> redraw <bar> cd -<CR>
Now, this automatically opens a quickfix window with the correct compiler output. However, when I press ENTER over the error, the cursor jumps to the buffer for the affected file, yet it is completely blank with a single line. Furthermore, this occurs as I use :cn and :cp commands inside the quickfix window. e.g:
Images showing these two states:
Please note that:
:verbose nmap <CR> returns no mappings, so there is not conflict there.
I would appreciate it if someone could provide some insight as to how to avoid the buffer becoming empty and actually jump to the error in the appropriate file. Many thanks.
Thanks to Christian Brabandt's comment, I was able to solve the issue. I was misunderstanding the distinction between the working directories of vim and the build script. I made the following changes:
let &makeprg="cd " . g:build_file_abs_path . " && windows-build.bat"
nnoremap <silent> <C-B> :make! <bar> copen <bar> redraw <CR>
Rather than having vim print the output of the :make command, I want to read the output in a file (which gets updated automatically in vim); so that my compiled file can run right away without having to see the output of the :make command.
I'm using the following makefile
all: compile run
compile: file.cc
g++ -o file file.cc
run: file
How does one redirect the output of the :make command in a way that it isn't also printed to the screen by vim?
First of all we have https://vi.stackexchange.com/ , you can get better answers about Vim in there.
Second, I'll argue that a Makefile is no place to run a program, the idea behind make is to catch compilation errors. But assuming you have your reasons (e.g. ./file opens a graphical display) there are a couple of ways to perform this in Vim:
For a start you can set makeprg to perform the redirection:
:set makeprg=make\ >/dev/null\ 2>&1
(You can change /dev/null to an actual file)
But that still leaves the line:
Press ENTER or type command to continue
And asks for confirmation, which may be annoying when you know that there is no output.
To get rid of the confirmation line you can use silent as follows:
set makeprg=make\ >/dev/null\ 2>&1
function! MyMake()
silent make
command Mm call MyMake()
And now you can do:
To perform the make and go back to straight to Vim. (the redraw! is needed only in some terminals)
You can execute this command:
:silent exec "!make >Output" | :redraw!
The file Output contains the last output of the executed make command.
Use :silent to remove the output and "press enter" prompt. I suggest a nice mapping or command:
command! -nargs=* Smake silent make <args>
nnoremap <f5> :silent make<cr>
:make will populate the quickfix list with the results from :make. Use :copen to open the quickfix window.
For more help see:
:h :command
:h silent
:h :make
:h 'makeprg'
:h quickfix
I've been trying to experiment with using :make recently but I don't like that vim has to switch to showing the shell output first and require one enter keypress, then it shows me what I think is a list of the collected errors based on 'errorformat' which I also need to confirm by pressing enter. I would prefer to just have a short "OK" message that does not require confirmation by a keypress, or that vim would open the :cwindow if there were any errors.
I'm using next line just for exact purpose you wrote:
nnoremap <leader>m :silent make\|redraw!\|cc<CR>
cc in the end shows first error or No errors message if this is the case.
You can map for example F9 to use gcc for small C snippets that don't require libraries, linking, etc:
map <F9> :!gcc -o %< % <enter><CR><C-w>
This will produce for the file foo.c the binary foo. I know that's not exactly what you want, but this doesn't show any shell and is useful for small c snippet.
:silent make
To automatically open the quickfix window after you run make, you can put this into your .vimrc:
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * :copen
I am searching through a large codebase and find vimgrep unusably slow, so I'm using :grep from within vim, which displays a list of files, then says Press ENTER or type command to continue.
After I press Enter I can then type :copen to get to the list of results. But I'm wondering if I could automate this process? Adding the -q flag to grep seems to have the effect of causing grep to do nothing and then copen to be blank, which, unless I'm doing something wrong here, isn't really desirable.
I am using vim 7.4
You could define such a command :
command! -bar -nargs=1 Grep silent grep <q-args> | redraw! | cw
This will allow you to call it like Grep pattern, and :cw which opens the quickfix list only if it isn't empty.
Use an autocommand. Here is the one suggested by Tim Pope for :Ggrep. It will work for your case as well:
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *grep* cwindow
For more information see:
:h :au
:h QuickFixCmdPost
:h :cwindow
I realize that I can :nmap <leader>rc :!cat %<CR> to provide an easy set of triggers, but I would like to do this instead.
nmap <leader>rc :up :!cat %<CR> but it complains about needing only one filename. How do I get vim to recognize both commands, in series?
You are missing a <CR> after :up. <CR> tells vim you want a carriage return here.
nmap <leader>rc :up<CR> :!cat %<CR>
The reason up is complaining about multiple file names is that it sees :!cat and %<CR> as two arguments to up.
So the new macro executes
:!cat %
instead of
:up :!cat %
(Side Note: you should probably use nnoremap instead of nmap)
ZyX recommends using the following mapping instead.
nnoremap ,rc :up\|execute "!cat" shellescape(#%, 1)<CR>
This uses | to separate commands and escapes the %. Escaping the % leads to a more robust mapping just incase the filename contains special characters.
Help for :h execute and :h shellescape