Getting the last non-empty cell across non-contiguous columns - excel

How can I elegantly get the value of the last non-empty cell (i.e. having the highest column value) across a set of columns?
For example, if my set of non-contiguous columns is A, C, F, and my row has the following values:
9 8 7 6 5 4
then the result would be 7 since C is the highest of A, C, F which isn't empty.
I can do this with a bunch of nested emptiness tests for a single cell at a time, but am looking for an elegant solution that can scale well as the number of such columns rises.

Add a helper row and mark the columns to be watched with the value 1 in that row. With the helper row in row 1 and the data in columns A to M, this is the formula used in the screenshot
You can hide row 1. To adjust the columns to be "watched", just enter/remove a 1 into the helper row.

if you get the MOREFUNC addon you can do:
Morefunc Addon is a free library of 66 new worksheet functions.
HERE is some information (by original author)
here is the last working download link I found
here is a good installation walk-through video


Excel mapping and create a new column

Excel file columns:
2 two 3
5 five 8
3 three 10
8 eight 11
12 one 15
I want to create a new column Din same file like below:
2 two 3 three
5 five 8 eight
3 three 10
8 eight 11
12 one 15
I want to map C and A and if there's a match D takes values of B.
Example: Value 3 in C is present in A, so D will take corresponding B value three.
So building on BigBen's additional suggestion of using an IFERROR, I believe you want something akin to this in Column D:
... and then drag down the formula throughout Column D
Now, there are some assumptions being made here:
Your data does not have any header row, ala the data starts in Row 1, not Row 2
You want empty/blank values where there is no exact match (this is BigBen's IFERROR suggestion). Your current question layout seems to suggest this. Otherwise, you'll get #N/A in all those blank cells in Column D.
EDIT: To confirm, I used your data (though I started in Row 2), and here's how it looked after -
If one has DA-functionality you could use:
1) - Excluding empty cells using FILTER:
Formula in D1:
2) - Including empty cells using XLOOKUP:
Formula in D1:
If one does not have access to DA-functionality you could use:
1) - Excluding empty cells using INDEX, MATCH and SMALL:
Note 1 - This needs to be array entered through CtrlShiftEnter
Note 2 - Alternatively, one could use a non-array entered approach including AGGREGATE as per #basic: =IFERROR(INDEX(B$1:B$5,AGGREGATE(15,6,MATCH(C$1:C$5,A$1:A$5,0),ROW(A1))),"")
2) - Including empty cells using VLOOKUP:
Please refer to the other answer given by #Gravity here.
Basically the difference between both approaches could be vizualised like:

How to use SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT function **with a multiplier column** for summing values if criteria range exists in a range?

This question refers to this Stack Overflow question.
This is the original question:
a 3 d
b 1 a
c 8 e
d 5
I want to use SUMIFS function, sum range is B1:B4, if the corresponding value in column A exists in column C, sum the values in column B, in this case the sum will be 3 + 5 = 8.
The answer turned out to be:
I would like to create the same result, but with a multiplier on one of the ranges.
Here's my question:
a 3 d 3
b 1 a 1
c 8 e 1
d 5 d 3
The only thing I would like to do differently is add a range D1:D3 that acts as a multiplier. In this case, the sum I want would be (3x3)+(5x3)= 24.
One challenge is that the ranges are different sizes in the "Test Data" google sheet linked below. The "Test Data" sheet is an example of how I would like to total daily calories based on the number of servings of items that I eat as dictated by the "multiplier column."
I would like the numbers in C2:C27 to be a multiplier and factored into the total in D36.
For example, if I ate 2 servings of Beef, then 2 servings worth of Beef's ​calories would be displayed in the daily totals below the data. Currently, using the formula =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(Meal_Items!$A$2:$A$100,$D$2:$D$28,Meal_Items!$B$2:$B$100)), only 1 serving of beef is weighted.
Test Data
See linked Test Data set above
The original question could also be solved with this formula
using that version it's a simple matter to add one or more multiplier columns
Given discussion in comments this formula should do what you want in either Excel or google sheets
If you have actually put A, B, C, etc into the header row (row 1) then this will not work until you either rename your header column labels appropriately or use data range references in place of the full column references I've provided.
=B2*INDEX(B:B, MATCH(A2, A:A, 0))+B2*INDEX(B:B, MATCH(C2, A:A, 0))
In E1 enter:
and copy down. Then in another cell:
Data is in column BWeights are in column DCriteria are in column E

Count with criteria for changing column in excel

I have a data looks like this:
a b c
1 3 4
2 3 3
4 1 2
2 4 2
In another worksheet, I want to do the following calculation:
whenever A1 returns a (header of data worksheet), count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "a". (result will be 2)
if A1 returns b, count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "b". (result will be 1).
A1 has already been preset with formula such that it will show a or b or c as conditions changed.
I need the formula to be lean... I actually have 6 headers, so if I keep on using if functions, I will probably have to set 6 if functions in one cell...that can be overwhelming. index match cannot provide a range to work on...Any suggestion? thanks
I don't know vba. If you could provide a workable vba code, i don't mind. but i don't know how to read it...>.< please provide user manual for that. lol, thank you~
If your data is found on Sheet1 and the a is found on column a, b is found on column b etc. enter this formula on then next sheet on b1 when a1 is the column value:
The Indirect is for adding text to your reference.
If your data sheet is Sheet1, you could try the array formula:-
Must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
(actually there are 3 items less than or equal to 2 in column A)
Or you can use the SUMPRODUCT version if you prefer not to use an array formula:-
Or you can use this INDEX/MATCH method which is probably more efficient:-

Excel - Formula or Macro to fill a cell based on another cell that links to yet another cell

In Excel, I am trying to make a cell based of the values contained in two other cells.
I need Cells X and Y to have data based on Cells L and #, like so....
X Y L 1 2 3 4 5 6
A 6 1 1 6;1 6;1 7;1 7;2 7;2 8;1
B 7 2 4 6;1 6;1 7;1 7;2 7;2 8;1
So row A, has columns X and Y filled based of the values in the number columns. The specific number needed is what is filled in in column L.
I am not sure the best way to phrase this question. If my example doesn't make sense, I can try to clarify or provide more examples.
I have no idea if this can be done with fancy formulas or with a VBA macro or two. I am an excel noob.
If I've understood your question correctly you can do this with a combination of Left/Right, Index and search.
In my example images, the user inputs their value in column D, and then columns B and C use the formulea
Here, the Index function returns the correct column to look at (i.e. the value chosen by the user, the Search function finds the position of the semi-colon, and the left/right functions return the values either side of the semi-colon.

How to return a value to the left of a table array with VLOOKUP?

I need help searching Column E for value=1 and return the value of column A for the same row. VLOOKUP isn't working because there are many columns being searched and there are several 1's in the lookup, and I couldn't seem to search just 1 column using VLOOKUP. Here's how my spreadsheet looks...
1 Name Weight WeightRank Height HeightRank
2 Mike 170 3 6.3 2
3 Richard 200 1 6.0 3
4 Charles 185 2 7.0 1
So I want to search column E for value=1 and return the corresponding value in column A, which in this example would search "HeightRank" for "value=1" and return "Charles"
I tried using =VLOOKUP(1,E:E,1) but that returns an error.
I tried using =VLOOKUP(1,A1:E3,1) but that returns an error.
VLOOKUP doesn't work here -- it always searches in the first column of your table and returns a value of a column a given number of columns to the right.
The INDEX/MATCH combination is more flexible, letting you just choose the two columns you want. It's also easier to read (you don't have to count columns to see what it does) and it doesn't break if you insert or delete columns in between the ones you're using, which VLOOKUP does. If you use the trace-formula features, VLOOKUP also falsely implies that all the columns in between are precedents of your resulting formula. (Can you tell that I don't much like VLOOKUP? I just always use INDEX/MATCH and my life is easier for it.)
The OFFSET solution works but it's volatile, so you'll really bog down your worksheet if many cells depend on the result of your formula.
MATCH(x,E2:E4,0) returns the relative position of x in the range E2:E4. For example, MATCH(1,E2:E4,0) returns 3, because 1 is the value of the third cell in the range E2:E4.
OFFSET(A2,r,c) returns the cell r rows and c columns away from A2.
Thus you can say =OFFSET(A2,MATCH(1,E2:E4,0)-1,0) to return the value from column A corresponding to the cell in column E that contains 1.
